Saturday, March 23, 2024

Are Probiotics Good For Males

Supports Healthy Immune System Function

Should You Take a Probiotic to Improve Menâs Health Concerns?

Its now known that gut health is closely connected to overall immune system function. In fact, did you know that up to 80 percent of the immune system is housed in the gut?

Many strains of probiotics have been shown to help support a healthy immune system and support healthy immune system function. Some types of probiotic formulas can also support a healthy inflammation response, another key aspect of immune health, and aid in oral health, too, by balancing microbes in the mouth.

Probiotics For Heart Health

Heart disease may be one of the most common mens health concerns. Throughout life, men are about twice as likely as women to have a heart attack . This is the conclusion from a very large study of nearly 34,000 people in Norway. This higher risk for men persisted even after accounting for other risk factors such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, body mass index, and physical activity.

The gut hypothesis of cardiac disease suggests that inflammation and other gut-related changes may be the culprit behind many heart conditions. Recent research reviews support this hypothesis and found that :

  • Changes in the composition and diversity of the gut microbiome have been observed in patients with heart failure.
  • Compounds produced by gut bacteria can lead to increased susceptibility to heart disease.
  • Leaky gut is likely the cause for the low-grade inflammation found in heart disease patients.

Research into the potential benefits of probiotic supplements for heart health is still in its infancy, with only one small human clinical trial to date. In this study, subjects attending a heart failure outpatient clinic were given the probiotic S. boullardii or a placebo for three months. At the end of the study, the S. boulardii patient group showed :

Additional research into probiotics and markers of metabolic health mostly show modest improvements for weight loss and improving cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels .

Probiotics For Weight Loss

Obesity and metabolic conditions are common in men. Probiotics and weight loss research is in its infancy with inconsistent findings however, probiotics are becoming more associated with metabolic health and there are promising results using probiotics in those with type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

There is some preliminary evidence that Bifodobacterium lactis HN019 is able to reduce BMI, cholesterol and inflammatory markers in those with metabolic syndrome25. L. acidophilus NCFM® was shown in a pilot study to preserve insulin sensitivity in those with normal and impaired insulin sensitivity26. Both these results are promising, but it must be noted these trials were small and more trials are needed to confirm their efficacy.

Healthcare professionals can read more on this topic: Can probiotics help with weight loss? and visit the Probiotics Database for further research on B. lactis HN019.

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Sponsored: Looking For The Best Probiotics For Men

| 20 Best Probiotics For Men in 2022.

Looking for the best probiotics for men? Youve come to the right place! In this blog post, we will discuss the 20 best probiotics for men in 2022. Well go over the benefits of probiotics and why they are so important for mens health. Keep reading to learn more!

  • MegaFood MegaFlora 7 Day Intensive Probiotic

  • Silver Fern Probiotic

  • Ancient Nutrition SBO Probiotics for Men

  • Culturelle Daily Probiotic

  • Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Probiotics for Men

  • Jarro-Dophilus Gut Calm

  • Renew Life Ultimate Flora Mens Care Probiotic

  • What Are The Best Probiotics For Men

    Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Probiotics for Men, Once Daily Mens ...

    There are many different types of probiotics, and the best one for you may depend on your individual needs. However, some probiotics are better studied than others and have more evidence to support their benefits.

    These are some of the probiotics that youll find in the 20 best probiotics for men in 2022 list further down in this article:

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    Make The Most Of Your Probiotics For Men

    Probiotics are clearly incredibly supportive, but they can’t do their work alone. To make sure that you’re getting the most out of your microbes, it’s important that you give them the support they need to work. You’ve got lots of options for supporting your gut health, from dietary changes to probiotic supplementation, but make sure you’re at least covering the following bases.

    Stay active. Exercise can increase the amount of beneficial bacteria in your system by up to 40%, so make sure you’re hitting the gym, joining in on pick up games with friends, running, or finding some way to move as often as possible.

    Get outside as much as you can. Spending time in nature is one of the best ways to support your microbiome, since it exposes you to all kinds of new bacteria and increases your microbial diversity. Try going camping, playing with the kids in the yard, or just taking a walk a little more often.

    Avoid things that deplete your microbiome. You don’t want to undermine the efforts of your good guys by doing things that destroy them or support the not-so-good guys, so avoid overusing antibiotics, don’t overdo it on the sanitizing, and try switching out your normal cookout fare for organic meat and produce .

    Get enough fiber. Just like you, your microbes have to eatand their favorite food is prebiotic fiber. Try upping your fiber intake by adding some prebiotic powder into a protein shake or even mixing it into your coffee on your way out the door.


    Know Your Probiotic Strain

    It is important to know which strain of probiotics will be suitable for your unique health needs before you choose a probiotic supplement. This extensive table gives different probiotic species and strains to help you get the essential information you may need to make an informed choice.

    Nutrients for Probiotic Supplements.Shutterstock Images

    The ones that are most common for men include lactobacilli, Bifidobacterium, and streptococci strains. These are discussed in more detail below:

    These bacteria strains are important for men because of the different health problems that men encounter, which these probiotics can help alleviate. The Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are known for their power to keep a healthy gut by suppressing the growth of bad bacteria.

    In general, men are less healthy than women and this may be influenced by a number of factors ranging from the fact that men endure more stress, they put their health in more risky situations, they do not care much about diet and they do not exercise a lot. Described below are some of the benefits of probiotics to certain mens health problems.

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    Replenish The Good Bacteria In Your Gut

    One of the primary purposes of probiotics is replenishing good bacteria in the gut. This bacterial environment is also the gut microbiota. This space is full of bacteria, and that is actually a good thing. What we dont want is pathogenic or disease-causing bacteria around. They trigger a variety of diseases and symptoms.

    The most common is diarrhea, but research shows that harmful bacteria link with a chronic and degenerative disease, too. Pathogenic bacteria can trigger many gastrointestinal symptoms, especially in cases of inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract.

    Garden Of Life Doctor Formulated Probiotics For Men

    3 Best Probiotics for Men + Benefits of Probiotics

    Garden of Life Doctor Formulated Probiotics for Men are your gut’s perfect companion in good health. With probiotic strains specifically tailored to the needs of guys, they help strengthen digestion and boost nutrient absorption while promoting an optimal immune system. Plus, these powerful little capsules contain additional vitamins, minerals, and prebiotics that work together to give you a complete digestive support packageso no more embarrassing moments because of occasional bloating or gas! Take control over your gut well-being with Garden Of lifes special blend designed just for men like you

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    In Conclusion: Should You Use A Probiotic For Men

    Are probiotics good for men?

    Yes, absolutely! Men will generally benefit enormously from taking a great probiotic supplement for a few weeks. Most men in the developed world have diets low in fiber and high in saturated fat, alcohol and other substances which kill good gut bacteria. So a probiotic will help reduce the side effects of this, such as diarrhea, constipation, bloating and gas.

    But probiotics are a temporary cure. The best probiotic for men will only ever work for as long as youre taking the supplement.

    Prebiotics, on the other hand, help fix the fundamental problem by feeding your existing healthy gut bacteria and prompting them to thrive.

    What Exactly Are Probiotics

    Probiotics are live microorganisms that play a key role in maintaining a healthy digestive system, as well as promoting overall well being. In addition to that, probiotics have also been shown to reduce inflammation and boost immunity.

    They work by preventing the growth of harmful bacteria in the gut and help restore balance within the gut microbiomethe collection of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tractwhich is essential for proper digestion and absorption of nutrients.

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    Probiotics Can Boost Your Immune System

    80% of the immune system lives in the intestines! Probiotics keep the gut healthy and with that promote a strong immune system.

    Furthermore, intense, strenuous exercise without enough time to rest and recover creates oxidative stress in the body. This can manifest in inflammation in the gut and lead to leaky gut. Maintaining a strong gut flora via probiotics protects your gut, so that you can spend more time exercising and promoting your fitness.

    Are Probiotics Good For Males

    Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Probiotics for Men, Once Daily Mens ...

    Men can experience a number of benefits from regularly taking probiotic supplements. In addition to the general benefits that people experience regardless of sex, probiotics can help support mens prostate health, raise testosterone levels, and increase sperm counts.

    What kind of probiotic should a man take?

    Look for bacterial diversity. Instead of opting for a probiotic that contains one or two types of bacteria, find one that contains multiple strains, including strains from well-studied genera like Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Streptococcus, and Saccharomyces.

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    Inexpensive: $15 To $20

    This is typically where youll find your basic one month supply of probiotics. These will include the basic ingredients and CFU levels you need to get started. If you want take the first step in improving gut health, begin with these and then your way up to a more potent formula if you need to. Just be mindful of storage, as these may not have the longest shelf life.

    Cognitive Function Mental Health And Mood

    One area that we know mens probiotics can have a huge impact is cognition. The gut and the mind are intimately connected and in constant communication. There is actually a concentrationn of nerve cells so great ion the gut that it is its own nervous system: the enteric nervous system. This second brain controls the movement of food through the digestive system, contracting and relaxing muscles, monitoring temperature, pH, inflammation, microorganisms everything!

    What is interesting is that the gut is constantly sending signals to the brain via the Vagus Nerve to provide feedback on digestion. Even more interesting though is that this communication channel works two ways, and that it may relate to much more than digestion. A huge proportion of the bodys neurotransmitters are found in the gut . For example, over 80% of the bodys total serotonin is in the gut. The synthesis of these neurotransmitters is modulated and in part carried out by gut bacteria. With the Vagus Nerve connecting the gut and the brain, and with the gut harboring so many neurotransmitters, its clear that the gut can directly affect brain function.

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    Reasons Men Over 40 Should Take Probiotics

    Hippocrates said, all disease begins in the gutand he wasnt wrong! Today Im here to tell you how you can regulate your overall health by consuming tiny, living organisms: probiotics.

    Youve hit age 40, 50, or 60 and are noticing that your health isnt what it used to be. Your belly is growing, you have new aches and pains, and you get sick easier than you used to. You take over-the-counter meds, prescription meds, supplements, this and that and still nothing seems to be helping your health.

    Thats because those medications simply mask your specific symptoms without getting to root of the problem.

    For example, you may notice that after age 40 youve started getting sick more often. You take cold medication and amoxicillin when it strikes, and you might even take Airborne or vitamin C to help prevent it. But still, your immune system is down. Without a major system overload, you will continue to get sick time and time again because your immune system isnt functioning properly.

    So how do you know what the real problem is? And how do you fix it?

    It may not be as complicated as we think.Recent research shows that overall well-being is linked to the gut. That means that oftentimes those inexplicable ailments in your body relate back to your intestinal system .

    In fact, many scientists and researchers even call the gut the bodys second brain. The gut sends signals and nutrients to the rest of your body, telling your brain, organs, and even blood how to work.

    Side Effects Of Probiotics For Men

    Probiotics Benefits + Myths | Improve Gut Health | Doctor Mike

    While probiotics are generally safe and well-tolerated, there are some potential side effects that men should be aware of. These include nausea, bloating, gas, and digestive discomfort. In rare cases, probiotics may also cause an allergic reaction. If you experience any side effects, its important to stop taking the probiotic and speak to your doctor.

    Its also important to be aware that some probiotics may interact with certain medications. If youre taking any medications, its important to speak to your doctor before taking probiotics to ensure that there wont be any negative interactions.

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    Other Ingredients In The Probiotics For Men Formula

    1MD Complete Probiotics Platinum provides NutraFlora. It’s a branded form of FOS. As far as we are concerned, FOS is FOS, but this form does appear to get a lot of respect. We are guessing this is probably more due to marketing than anything else but, either way, it’s a good addition to the formulation.

    How We Identified The Best Probiotic Supplements For Men

    The first thing we did was visit respected research sources, such as the National Library of Medicine, and search their databases for studies involving probiotics. Needless to say, we were specifically interested in the families of probiotic bacteria that offer value in areas that are particularly beneficial for men.

    Next, we compiled a list of all of the best probiotic supplements and checked each product to see if it contained any of the guy-friendly bacteria we had already identified.

    Although we found several supplements that initially appeared to meet the criteria for inclusion in our list of best probiotics for men, we had to reject some of them due to low potency.

    Probiotic potency is judged according to colony-forming units . To offer the maximum level of benefit, good probiotics need to be 20 billion CFU or higher. We rejected all the products with lower CFUs.

    In addition to providing the right species of bacteria in sufficient amounts, we also required each product to be reasonably priced and have a money-back guarantee.

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    Are Probiotic Supplements Actually Effective

    There are claims that probiotics may be a safe and effective way to improve mens health. But these reported benefits vary, based on the specific strain, the dosage, and the person.

    Although a daily supplement may be convenient, those currently available arent a magic solution.

    Dietary supplements arent subject to the same United States Food and Drug Administration testing and regulations as drugs and medicines.

    Even if manufacturers make safe products responsibly, this doesnt mean that the bacteria in the supplement will benefit your health.

    Beyond this, some evidence suggests that the probiotics in foods may be more beneficial for your overall health than those in a pill.

    Minimizes Diarrhea Side Effects

    Probiotics Once Daily Men

    Unfortunately, a lowered immune system also leads to other diseases and problems that call for medications. A 2012 study found that probiotics may improve symptoms of diarrhea associated with chemotherapy and antibiotic usage.

    In addition, the British Journal of Cancer found that those participants who were treated with two strains of probiotics experienced less severe diarrhea and shorter hospital stays than those patients not taking probiotics. This was especially true for participants who were undergoing chemo for colorectal cancer, likely because probiotics can have other positive effects on the large intestine.

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    Vitamin Bounty Pro 50 Probiotics With 13 Probiotic Strains Prebiotic Fermented Greens And Delayed Release Capsules Probiotics For Women And Men Digestive Health And Gut Health 60 Capsules

    Features :

    • 50 Billion Organisms: Vitamin Bounty’s Pro-50 probiotics for digestive health offers a potent 50 Billion organisms per serving, making it one of the most effective probiotics with prebiotics on the market.
    • 13 Probiotic Strains: Unlike other probiotics that only contain 1 or 2 probiotic strains, Pro-50 has 13 probiotic strains, ensuring you will get the support you need for your overall digestive health.
    • Delayed Release Capsule: Pro-50 probiotics use a patented capsule, that protects the live organisms in the capsule from stomach acid, delivering more cultures and ensuring maximum efficacy to help support gut health.
    • Potency & Purity Guaranteed: The capsule itself is a delayed-release vegetable capsule, with prebiotic greens. Developed in an NSF-certified facility.
    • Strains Include: Saccharomyces boulardii, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium brevis, Bifidobacterium longum

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