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Is Probiotics Good For Pregnancy

Maintain A Healthy Gut Microbiota

Should you take probiotics when pregnant?

Taking probiotics is highly beneficial at any stage in life. Most commonly, probiotic supplementation is recommended to improve digestion and regulate bowel movements, as well as to manage symptoms of inflammatory bowel diseases like irritable bowel syndrome.

Furthermore, the gut with its billions of good gut bacteria assists in many functions in the body, including digestion, but also immune function , skin health, detoxification and cognitive function.

Many people dont have healthy gut flora, because external factors, such as stress and medications diminish the amount and diversity of probiotics.

A probiotic supplement helps to restore and maintain a healthy gut, and with that promotes overall wellbeing.

You can think of probiotics as the ultimate supplement to take to support a healthy and vital life. You might think thats a bold statement, but if your intestinal system isnt functioning properly, then your body isnt able to absorb all the vital nutrients youre taking in via food, drinks and other supplements.

The Researchers Drew A Number Of Important Conclusions From This Review Of The Data:

  • taking probiotic supplements can cut eczema risk in children by up to 22% children given a probiotic supplement or born of mothers who had taken supplements during pregnancy or when breast-feeding were 22% less likely to have eczema according to 19 trials considered by the meta-analysis
  • taking fish oil supplements during pregnancy and when breast-feeding can reduce by 31% the risk of allergy to eggs and peanuts, however, the degree of confidence for this finding was lower. Consequently, children born to women who took fish oil supplements during pregnancy and/or when breast-feeding were 30% less likely to have an egg sensitivity at 1 year old, according to 6 trials. These children also had a 38% lower risk of peanut allergy, according to two trials
  • some probiotics may also reduce the risk of allergy to cows milk, however, the degree of confidence for this finding was lower.

This data enables women to be better informed about the food they eat during pregnancy and when breast-feeding, and even about the food they should give their children after introducing solids.

Moreover, fish oil and omega-3 supplements are considered to be safe during pregnancy and there are no contraindications regarding their use.

This analysis, considered alongside a large number of other studies, confirms the known links between the type of food or supplements taken during pregnancy and breast-feeding and allergy risks for the child.

Safety Of Probiotics In Pregnancy*

June 28, 2016 by IPA Admin

Pregnant women expect big changes.

No more alcohol, tobacco or other harmful substances healthy meals and exercise are a given. When it comes to supplements however, recommendations and usage are not so clear cut. Sure, most women will choke down the horse tablet called a prenatal vitamin but with probiotics, most decline, for reasons that most likely amount more to confusion than fear.

For instance, only 341 out of 2491 mothers reported use of probiotics during pregnancy in a recent study from the Netherlands. Researchers mined data from a large ongoing prospective birth cohort study called Wheezing Illnesses Study Leidsche Rijn study. Nicole Rutten and colleagues published their results entitled Maternal use of probiotics during pregnancy and effects on their offsprings health in an unselected population in the European Journal of Pediatrics online in August of 2015.

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There are also several factors to consider – for example, some studies only note positive results for probiotic supplements that are taken during pregnancy and also given to babies after birth. There is also a range of mixed research into baby probiotics.

Experts are still working to understand the different strains of probiotics. It’s likely that specific strains may be more effective than others at protecting your baby’s health during and after pregnancy.

Can You Take Probiotics While Pregnant What You Need To Know


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Yes, you can take probiotics while pregnant or breastfeeding. Taking probiotics while pregnant makes the gut barrier stronger, protecting mothers from bacteria that can cause pregnancy complications. Other benefits include strengthening the immune system and reducing the risk of eczema in babies.

Youre pregnant and feeling overwhelmed with emotions. Excitement and love for your growing baby, and an increasing sense of responsibility as well as uncertainty. You might be asking yourself: Am I doing this right? And how can I best support myself and my baby during this time?

Chances are high that if youre reading this post youre dedicated to living as healthy as possible during your pregnancy. A huge part of that is being mindful of what youre putting into your body.

If youre wondering if probiotics are safe to take during pregnancy, the answer is YES. Probiotics are absolutely safe and healthy for women to take throughout the four trimesters of pregnancy.

In fact, there are powerful health benefits of taking probiotics when trying to conceive, during pregnancy, as well as post-partum and while breastfeeding. In this blog post, we will discuss what probiotics are exactly, how they affect your and your babys health during pregnancy, and additional things to be aware of.

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Probiotics During Pregnancy Final Thoughts

As you can see, the research on probiotics and pregnancy is extensive. There are numerous advantages with very minimal risk levels.

This is an excellent method to boost the health of both you and your baby. But keep in mind that different probiotic strains help with different functions in the body, and this is especially true during pregnancy.

Here are other articles to look at for various situations to see what kind of effect probiotics can have:

Things To Look In A Probiotic Supplement During Pregnancy

  • Pregnant women should always consult their doctor or obstetrician and determine the safety of a probiotic supplement before they start taking it. Women suffering from immune deficiency conditions or having any known allergies should avoid probiotic supplements.
  • The probiotic strain Saccharomyces has not been studies for its safety during pregnancy, so it is best to avoid a probiotic supplement that includes this strain.
  • It is best to choose a probiotic supplement from a reputed brand and purchase it from reliable sources to ensure its quality, purity and originality.
  • It is best to opt for a supplement that is hypoallergenic formula, GMO free and doesnt contain any synthetic fillers and additives. Vegetarians can opt for non-gelatin probiotics.
  • Opting for a time-release probiotic formula ensures that the microorganisms survive the stomach acids and make it alive to the intestine.
  • Majority of pregnant women suffer from morning sickness so, it is best to choose an easy-to-swallow supplement that doesnt have any strong smell or taste.
  • A shelf-stable probiotic cuts out the hassles of storing the supplement in the refrigerator after every use. Shelf-stable formulas also work better and have higher level of efficiency.

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How To Choose The Best Probiotic For Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an incredibly exciting time, but it can also be a bit overwhelming. With all the changes taking place in your body, its important to make sure that youre doing everything you can to support your health and the health of your baby .

Probiotics are one of the best ways to do just that. Probiotics are live microorganisms that can offer a range of health benefits, including supporting digestive health, boosting immunity, and reducing inflammation.

When it comes to choosing a probiotic, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, seek a product that contains multiple strains of bacteria.

Second, be sure to pick a product that is specifically designed for pregnancy. And finally, make sure to take the probiotic at the right time of day, with food.

Study Location Demographics And Design: 100 Studies Under Initial Review

Taking probiotics while pregnant

The articles under review included data from 25 countries . Fifty-four percent of studies were from Europe , 28% from Asia , 13% from Oceania , and the remaining 5% from North America, South America, and Africa . Finland had the highest representation in the studies under review .

For the 100 studies under initial review, 95 were RCTs, 3 were cohort studies, 1 was a case-control study, and 1 was a controlled clinical trial. Other study types were not represented at the data extraction level as they were excluded based on predefined eligibility criteria. Of the 100 studies, 49% , including all three of the observational cohort studies, did not include any information related to safety or adverse events/effects, 23% deemed their intervention to be safe , 28% reported adverse events, and of these 28 studies, 39% reported adverse effects. Eighty percent of the 100 studies used a single factor intervention , and 20% used a multi-factorial intervention . All 11 studies included in the GOfER diagram that reported on adverse effects were randomized controlled trials. Of the 11 studies, 6 included single factor interventions , and 5 included multi-factorial interventions .

Alluvial diagrams of the general intervention type and primary outcome group and specific intervention and adverse effect type .

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Reduces The Risk Of Preeclampsia

Preeclampsia is a serious health condition that occurs during pregnancy and leads to high blood pressure, fluid retention and protein in urine.

Research and studies show that taking a probiotic supplement reduces the risk of developing preeclampsia and lowers inflammation in the intestines which also help to lower blood pressure .

May Reduce The Risk Of Eczema In Infants

If youre pregnant, taking probiotics may help reduce the risk of eczema a condition characterized by red and itchy skin in you and your baby.

For example, a 2020 review associated probiotic supplements with a significantly reduced risk of eczema during pregnancy .

Plus, a 2019 review of 28 studies associated the use of probiotics during and after pregnancy with a significantly reduced risk of eczema in infants and children .

In line with this, the World Allergy Organization recommends probiotic use in those who are pregnant and infants with a family history of allergic disease .

Combined, this suggests that taking probiotic supplements may help prevent eczema in people who are pregnant and babies. That being said, the available evidence is considered low quality, and more research is needed to confirm these potential benefits.

Also Check: How To Know Which Probiotic Is Right For You

How Beneficial Can Be Prebiotics And Probiotics

Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are thought to be beneficial in preventing several health conditions. They are usually consumed as supplements or yogurts and are also referred to as good bacteria.

Probiotics are said to restore the balance of bacteria in the gut when it has become disrupted through long-term antibiotic use or gastrointestinal disease, for example. However, there is little solid evidence to support this claim.

Probiotics Decrease The Risk Of Preeclampsia

Life Space Probiotic For Pregnancy &  Breastfeeding 60 caps

Preeclampsia is a scary condition and should be avoided if possible. But what is it?

According to the March of Dimes, the signs and symptoms of preeclampsia include:

  • High blood pressure

In fact, daily intake of these probiotics will decrease the likelihood of preeclampsia by 20%.

  • Consume it weekly and the risk for severe preeclampsia goes down by 25%.
  • Consume it daily and the risk for severe preeclampsia goes down by 39%.

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Culturelle Prenatal Wellness Probiotic

Why its great: This 12 billion CFUs supplement consists of 5 proven probiotic strains that target feminine health, from yeast infections to bacterial vaginosis. On top of the vaginal health benefits, this probiotic also aids with digestion and promotes overall gut health.

It can be taken before, during, and after pregnancy, which is especially important if you are breastfeeding. If swallowing pills is posing as impossible during pregnancy, these may be a good choice for you because they are a mixed fruit-flavored chewable.

Keep in mind: These have a lower CFU count than others on the list, but many mommas still find them effective.

Good for: Mommas who cant swallow pills and prefer chewables.

Best Probiotics To Take During Pregnancy

The best probiotic to take during pregnancy is one that has been extensively researched in pregnant women, and therefore comes with an excellent safety profile for this group. The strains of bacteria used should ideally support both the health of the expectant mum, and also the health of her growing baby.

Pregnancy can be safely recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers who are looking for a probiotic supplement during this time. This three strain product supports both mum and baby, and has shown in human clinical trials to support mums mental wellbeing, gut health and vaginal health. Additionally, clinical trial results show that these three strains also support babies immune health through both the umbilical blood circulation, and later through the breast milk.

Once little one arrives in the world, new mums often want to continue to support their development with a specific baby probiotic. If mum is breast feeding Pregnancy remains a good option, as baby will get the probiotic benefits of what mum is taking through her breast milk.

For mums that are not breast-feeding, or if the child is a little bit older, the following two products are given directly to the infant:

Babies & Children comes in a handy sachet format, to be mixed with a babies bottle, or added to their food. This product is again suitable from birth, and is proven to support immune health.

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Study Location Demographics And Design: 70 Studies Under Initial Review

The articles under review included data from 23 countries . Forty-seven percent of studies were from Europe , 36% from Asia , 11% from Oceania , and the remaining 6% from North America, South America and Africa . Finland and Iran had the highest representation in studies under review .

World heatmap illustrating geographical location of each study included in the review. Data are shown for 70 studies from 23 countries. Increasing study counts are represented by darker colours. Fourty-seven percent of studies were from Europe , 36% from Asia , 11% from Oceania , and the remaining 6% from North America, South America and Africa . Finland and Iran had the highest representation in studies under review, representing 23% each .

For the 70 studies under initial review, 36% did not include any information related to safety or adverse events/effects, 26% deemed their intervention to be safe , 39% reported on adverse events, and of these 27 studies, 16% reported on adverse effects. Seventy one percent of the 70 studies used a single factor intervention , and 29% used a multi-factorial intervention . All 11 studies included in the GOfER diagram that reported on adverse effects were randomized controlled trials. Of the 11 studies, 6 included single factor interventions , and 5 included multi-factorial interventions .

Why You Should Consider Taking A Probiotic While Pregnant

Three benefits of probiotics during pregnancy

There are many things you have to consider and prepare for when pregnant, and your gut should be one of them. A strong and healthy gut is vital for both mom and baby. If you have a poor diet, drink soda, take antibiotics, or have high-stress levels while pregnant, it can take a toll on your gut and your babys immunity. If you are taking a probiotic while pregnant, it could be essential to the health of you and your baby.

Probiotics have several health benefits for pregnant and nursing women. Studies have shown that what a woman consumes during pregnancy can have numerous effects on her and her baby, ranging from gestational diabetes and hypertension to asthma and depression.

Keep reading to learn about the benefits of taking probiotics during pregnancy.

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Intimate Health In Pregnancy

Why is this important? Vaginal infections can result in unwanted pregnancy complications. Therefore, pregnant women need to take care of their vaginal health, even before conception. Common over-the-counter medications can be useful to gain relief from an infection. However, they often only treat the symptoms rather than the root cause. Probiotics that are known to reach the vaginal tract can promote a healthy vaginal microbiome, which in turn may lower the risk of vaginal infections.

Strain focus:

Combination of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1® and Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14®: These two strains are the most researched strains for vaginal health. Theyve been researched in pregnant women and shown to reach the vaginal tract, even when taken orally. They have been shown to reduce the number of urinary tract infections and improve symptoms associated with bacterial vaginosis and thrush14,15,16.

Combination of Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 and Lactobacillus acidophilus La-14®: These two strains have been researched in women with bacterial vaginosis and thrush. Together, they have improved symptoms and reduced the risk of recurrent infections17,18,19.

Protect Against Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

High blood sugar is never good, and its especially harmful during pregnancy. When glucose intolerance appears for the first time in pregnancy, it is called gestational diabetes mellitus.

During pregnancy, an imbalance in gut flora resembles metabolic dysfunction with increased inflammation and decreased insulin sensitivity.

A 2019 Meta-analysis using ten studies with a combined total of 1,139 participants, found that probiotics supplementation was effective at reducing GDM it reduced the fasting blood glucose serum insulin levels and insulin resistance. It also shows that multi-strain probiotics are more effective than single-strain probiotics.

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Is It Safe To Take Probiotics While Im Pregnant

Probably. When you consume probiotics, theyre rarely absorbed into the blood. This makes it unlikely that probiotics will cause any serious side effects or harm to your developing baby.

Studies show that probiotic use during pregnancy doesnt cause significant side effects. And, there hasnt been an association with miscarriages or birth defects either.

But its difficult to say that any supplement is completely safe during pregnancy. Research on probiotics in pregnancy is limited. And, its not clear how effective they are . Always talk to your healthcare provider before starting any supplement during pregnancy.

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