Friday, September 13, 2024

Using Probiotics To Lose Weight

Health Benefits Of Imd

Probiotics: Are They Really Necessary? | Talking Point | Diet

1MD Complete Probiotics Platinum provides 51 billion CFU per dose, making it the most potent option we have mentioned so far. However, the CFU consists of strains from 11 different probiotic species, most of which offer no support to people who want to lose weight.

Nevertheless, it does provide a couple of probiotics that do offer this type of help.

How Does Gut Bacteria Affect Body Weight

You may have heard the phrase gut feeling used to describe an instinctive reaction to something. And, while this may seem like an odd location to encounter emotion at first, a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food has established strong links between your digestive system and your brain.

This relationship has been labeled the gut-brain axis, with gut bacteria able to send messages to the brain via the vagus nerve, influencing memory, mood and cognition. Research published in Nutrients has also shown gut bacterias impacts on several other organ systems, including cardiovascular, neural, immune and metabolic.

So, its clear they hold plenty of power, but how does gut bacteria affect body weight?

One study published in Nature found that, in a sample of 123 non-obese people and 169 obese individuals, those with low fecal bacteria diversity were characterized by higher fat levels, cholesterol and insulin resistance. Obese individuals among those studied with low bacterial richness were also found to gain more weight over time.

Does Using Probiotics To Lose Weight Cause Side Effects

Probiotics are unlikely to cause side effects in healthy individuals. However, some people who begin using this type of supplement for the first time may suffer minor intestinal issues, such as bloating or gas.

Reactions like these generally dissipate within a few days. It’s just a case of giving your body time to adjust to the changes in the gut microbiome.

Also Check: Probiotics With Green Tea Extract

Combine Probiotics With Other Weight Loss Strategies

Probiotics still need a little assistance in order to have them function the best for weight loss. A 2020 review states that combining probiotics with prebiotics, diet, and physical activity can intensify weight loss.

Although probiotics and prebiotics sound similar, they actually serve different functions. While probiotics are the live bacteria found in food, prebiotics are actually food for the bacteria. They come from carbs, mainly fiber-rich options, that are indigestible. As they make their way through the gastrointestinal tract, the beneficial bacteria in our gut eats it.

Mayo Clinic Q And A: Probiotics Gut Bacteria And Weight Whats The Connection


DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My friend insists that taking a probiotic supplement has helped her lose 50 pounds by keeping her gut bacteria in check. Will taking a probiotic in conjunction with a balanced diet and exercise help me lose weight?

ANSWER: It is true that the gut bacterial population in people who are obese differs from the population in people who are lean. Whether this difference contributes to obesity or is a consequence of obesity is unknown.

So far, research hasn’t yielded clear answers. Although taking a probiotic is unlikely to cause harm, it may not help fight obesity.

First and foremost, it is important to understand that weight gain is essentially a function of energy imbalance. You gain weight when you take in more calories than your body burns. And there is some evidence that bacteria in the gut play a role in how efficiently the body extracts energy from the food that reaches the small intestine.

Your digestive tract, also called the gut, contains trillions of bacteria. Many of those bacteria play useful roles in the body, including metabolizing nutrients from food. While much of the bacteria in the gut are valuable, some are not. Studies have been performed about how an imbalance between good and bad gut bacteria could contribute to certain medical disorders.

Recommended Reading: Organic Protein Superfoods And Probiotics

How To Choose The Best Probiotic For Weight Loss

When choosing a probiotic supplement, it’s important to look for one that contains live and active cultures. You should also look for a supplement that contains multiple strains of bacteria. This ensures that you’re getting a broad range of benefits. Finally, make sure to choose a probiotic that’s specifically designed for weight loss.

There are many products on the market that claim to be probiotics, but they don’t all contain the right strains or concentrations to be effective.

Culturelle Digestive Daily Probiotic

  • No specific clinical trials using this supplement
  • Does not offer bulk discounts or subscription option

Culturelle Digestive Daily Probiotic is our top pick because it contains L. rhamnosus, a probiotic strain linked to weight loss.¹ Specifically, Culturelle includes the L. rhamnosus GG strain, shown in a clinical trial to reduce weight in mice fed a high-fat diet. Each capsule contains 10 billion CFU and 200mg of prebiotic inulin derived from chicory root extract. Inulin has also been shown in clinical testing to help with weight loss and blood pressure.

In addition to potentially helping with weight loss, Culturelle also has other health benefits, including

  • Reducing gas, bloating, and diarrhea
  • Supporting digestive health
  • Boosting immunity

For best results, take one capsule per day. But, if youre experiencing digestive issues, you can take two capsules daily, one in the morning and one at night. The capsules are vegetarian and do not contain dairy, wheat, eggs, tree nuts, peanuts, or GMOs.

Culturelle states that their product is appropriate for people 12 years old and up, but we recommend consulting your doctor before giving a probiotic supplement to children. The company also cautions against using the product if you are immunocompromised.

Don’t Miss: Just Food For Dogs Probiotic

Other Possible Side Effects Of Probiotics

Too much of anything is dangerous, and this includes probiotics. Even though they promise weight loss and other health benefits, probiotics need to be taken in moderation. You will not lose weight faster by drinking several bottles of yogurt at a go. What you will get is a bloated stomach.

Do you know what will happen to your body and your digestive system if you take too many probiotics?

Below is a list of the possible side effects of taking too much probiotics.

Also Check: Best Probiotic For Inflammatory Bowel Disease

How Long Do You Need To Take Probiotics To Start Losing Weight

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With all of the great benefits you can achieve from taking probiotics you might be wondering how long it will take for you to start seeing results.

As with most things related to improving your health or losing weight, this isnt an overnight magic fix!

However, this study found that people began seeing results from their probiotics in just 4 weeks.

That means that in just one month you could start seeing a flatter stomach, less bloating, and improved IBS symptoms!

In that study, the participants took the probiotic twice a day in order to achieve those results. So if you feel like youre getting slow results by taking your probiotic just once a day you may want to consider increasing your intake to twice per day.

Now, while this study shows that you can start seeing weight loss and reduced bloating as soon as 4 weeks after you start taking your probiotic supplement its important to note that 4 weeks isnt when you will see maximum results.

This study found that the longer the participants took the probiotic, the more weight they lost!

The study was designed for 24 weeks. The initial 12 weeks were supposed to be the weight loss period when the researchers thought the participants would lose the most weight from taking the probiotic.

Then there was supposed to be a subsequent 12-week maintenance period when the participants would simply maintain their new lower weight.

This study shows that the longer you take probiotics, the more weight you will lose!

Recommended Reading: Best Time To Take Probiotics Dr Axe

Good Gut Bugs Identified By Zoe:

Freddy : associated with higher insulin sensitivity and lower levels of insulin.

Hannah : associated with higher insulin sensitivity and lower levels of insulin.

Oscar : associated with higher insulin sensitivity and lower levels of insulin.

Finn : associated with higher insulin sensitivity and decreased cardiovascular disease risk.

Rosie : associated with higher polyunsaturated fat levels and lower levels of insulin.

Claude : associated with higher insulin sensitivity and lower levels of insulin.

Otis : associated with higher polyunsaturated fat levels and lower levels of insulin.

Ellie : associated with higher polyunsaturated fat levels and lower levels of insulin.

Patrick : associated with higher insulin sensitivity and lower levels of insulin.

Veronica : associated with higher insulin sensitivity and lower inflammation levels.

Felicia : associated with higher polyunsaturated fat levels and lower levels of insulin.

Valentina : associated with higher polyunsaturated fat levels and lower inflammation levels.

Billy : associated with higher insulin sensitivity and lower levels of insulin.

Rumi : associated with higher polyunsaturated fat levels and lower inflammation levels.

Violet : associated with higher insulin sensitivity and lower insulin levels after you eat.

Microbes compete with each other in the gut for resources. So, if you boost your good bugs, you will likely reduce the number of bad bugs in your gut.

Can Probiotics Cause Weight Gain Yes And Here Are 5 Reasons Why

While shopping for your groceries, you have probably come across probiotic yogurts. What do you know about probiotics? No, they are not yogurt flavorings, and neither are they preservatives. Probiotics are live organisms found in food and supplement forms. They have immense benefits to the body, including improving your gut and immune health. Did you know that probiotics can also help you lose weight and get rid of that stubborn belly fat? To illustrate, certain bacteria turn indigestible carbohydrates into fatty acids which are then absorbed by us and used as energy , consequently impacting the amount of calories your body absorbs . Additionally, some prebiotic fibers stimulate your body to release the satiety hormone, making you feel fuller faster .

Don’t Miss: Vh Essentials Probiotics With Prebiotics & Cranberry

Will Taking Probiotics Help Me Lose Weight

Can probiotics really help with weight loss are the claims justified and backed by clinical data? This article presents the facts on the subject.

It explains what probiotics are in relation to weight loss, looks at some of the claims made for them, and points out what the latest research data suggests.

As you are probably aware, the term probiotics is used for foods and supplements that provide a very special type of live bacteria.

Today, we refer to it as probiotic bacteria but it used to be pretty common practice to call it flora.

Its and also known as gut microbiota.

People often refer to it as good bacteria too because thats exactly what it is.

Instead of causing harm, probiotics benefit the health and some studies show they may help with weight-loss as well.

Although research is still in the preliminary stages, some evidence suggests poor gut health may actually cause obesity.

If this is so, the fact that probiotics help with weight-loss should not come as a surprise.

Recommended Article: Which probiotic supplement is regarded as the most effective by customers who regularly buy gut health products.

Can You Really Expect To Shed The Pounds With Probiotics

Pin on weight loss

First, do not expect to acquire six-pack abs from a probiotics weight loss supplement alone. With that being said, though, recent research does hint at a correlation between probiotics and weight loss.

One study shows that when taken in conjunction with a weight loss program women using probiotics not only lost more weight but also reported better mood, fewer food cravings, healthier eating behaviors and increased self-body image.

In another study, subjects administered a probiotic weight loss supplement saw an increase in fat metabolism, improved insulin sensitivity and reduced chronic inflammation.

Researchers also concluded probiotics for weight loss is safe due to the lack of reported side effects. It should also be noted that the subjects were specifically administered the probiotic strains Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. All the probiotic strains included in our own Floracil50 supplement consists of strains from these two categories.

Recommended Reading: 20 Billion Live Probiotic Cultures

Best Probiotic For Weight Loss And Belly Fat Top Probiotic Supplements For Losing Weight

This article provides information about the three probiotic supplements that work best for weight loss. We selected each option based on the abilities of the good bacteria it provides, not the manufacturer’s claims.

Probiotics are associated with many benefits including healthier bowel activity and better immune function. Research suggests probiotics can also support weight loss when used alongside a well-balanced and healthy diet.

However, the ability to help with weight loss appears to be limited to certain probiotic species. Supplements that fail to provide one or more of these species won’t offer much help with bulging waistlines.

So, although there are plenty of high-quality probiotics available to buy over the counter, if you are specifically looking for a probiotic weight management supplement that helps with weight loss and also supports gut health, it can be difficult to find the best options.

But don’t worry. We have already done all the hard work so you don’t have to. After reviewing and evaluating dozens of the most popular probiotic dietary supplements on the market, we have found the three options that work best for weight loss.

All three options are reasonably priced, offer fantastic value for money, and have money-back guarantees.

Whats The Best Time To Take Probiotics To Lose Weight

While research is ongoing, some research has found the best time to take a probiotic is with or right before breakfast or dinner.

The bacterias chance of survival is greater at these times, which means the probiotic is able to better survive the acidic environment in the stomach.

The food can act as a type of buffer between the probiotics and stomach acid.

After all, if the probiotics dont survive in the acidic nature of the human digestive tract, theyre not going to have much of a benefit to you.

However, its always best to refer to the label on your probiotic and the recommended use listed.

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Read Also: Are Refrigerated Probiotics Better Than Non Refrigerated

Where Do You Find Probiotics

Did you know that you can find probiotics in many forms, from pills to pickles to kombucha? It appears that probiotics from food provide more benefit to your gut health than probiotic supplements. This is because probiotics that are in food are still very active and living, and these foods also tend to contain fiber which acts as a prebiotic.

Prebiotics are types of fiber that probiotics feed off of, thus keeping a healthy population of good, multiplying bacteria in the gut for longer. So, what types of foods contain probiotics? These would be what we call fermented foods and include the following:

While I dont recommend a specific probiotic supplement given the current literature, there is absolutely no harm in including probiotic-rich foods in your diet. I actually highly recommend it! These foods can help improve the diversity and composition of your gut microbiota.

Discover Which Probiotics Work Best For Weight Loss By Balancing Your Gut Bacteria And Speeding Up Metabolism

Lose Weight | Lose Belly Fat | How To Lose Belly Fat

You may have heard of probiotics for gut health and digestive problems, but it turns out they are also helpful for various other issues, including weight loss. Although more research needs to be done, specific probiotic strains have shown promise for weight control in clinical studies. But can all probiotics help you lose weight?

Weve reviewed the research and figured out which probiotic supplements on the market might be the most effective to help you shed pounds. Read on to learn more about how probiotics help with weight management and decide if one of these supplements is right for you.

If youre pressed for time, take a quick look at our recommendations below.

Also Check: Where Can I Buy Dr Ohhira’s Probiotics

Risks Of Probiotics For Weight Loss

While probiotics are generally safe, there can be some risks associated with taking them.

Quality. As a food product or supplement, probiotics donât go through the same rigorous testing as medicines, which means you canât be sure of the quality of the product youâre buying.â

Because there are fewer regulations with probiotics, it’s hard to tell exactly what you’re getting and if the product even has enough bacteria to have any impact on your body. There have also been reports of products that have different strains than what are listed on the label.â

Bacteria are also living organisms. If the product isnât made or stored correctly, or is close to its expiration date, the bacteria might not survive long enough to have any beneficial effect on your gut.

Different strains. Probiotic supplements often have different bacteria strains. As mentioned earlier, researchers are still unclear as to which strains may have the most effect on weight loss. This is important to keep in mind if you’re taking a probiotic specifically to help you lose weight.

Immune system problems. People who have compromised immune systems or severe diseases can get sick from taking probiotics. You should avoid consuming probiotics if youâre taking medications that suppress your immune system. It’s best to talk to your doctor first before taking any probiotic supplement.

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How Do Probiotics Help With Weight Loss

Because of the links between the microbiome and weight that scientists have identified, changing the balance of the microbes in the gut to favor good bugs may help with weight loss.

However, it is not clear how or whether this actually works at this point. There are other theories about how probiotics might affect weight, including that they reduce fat absorption, but more research is needed.

There is currently no good quality evidence to show that taking a probiotic supplement will help with weight loss.

A recent analysis of studies that looked into probiotic supplements concluded that they dont work for weight loss. But the authors note that more rigorous research is needed.

Most of the studies they looked at did not qualify as well-conducted clinical trials, which means the author did not include them in their analysis.

ZOEs PREDICT1 study is a large clinical trial of over 1,000 people. Using the most advanced microbiome analysis tools, ZOE researchers have identified 15 good gut bugs that are linked to indicators of better health, along with specific foods that encourage them to thrive.

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