Saturday, July 13, 2024

Best Probiotic For Women On Antibiotics

Hum Nutrition Skin Squad Pre+probiotic Clear Skin Supplement

The BEST Probiotics For Women

The combination of pre and probiotics in HUMs cult supplements are designed to balance the gut microbiome and encourage the growth of good bacterial for healthy digestion and a clear complexion. The formula is made up of naturally derived ingredients – including prebiotic konjac root – with a clinically proven quality. They are also vegan, free from artificial flavours, colourings and gluten.

Why You Should Take Probiotics With Antibiotics

Antibiotics play a critical role in killing bad bacteria. But as they destroy infections, they can also cause collateral damage to the good bacteria in your gut, which could result in diarrhea for a couple of daysor even weeksafter you stop taking the medicine.

So how can you get the benefits of antibiotics without the nasty stomach side effects? The answer might be found in probioticspills or even powders with live microorganisms that offer health benefits.

Your intestines contain around 1,000 different species of bacteria, with 100 trillion bacteria in total, says Dr. Lawrence Hoberman, president and chief executive of Medical Care Innovations Inc. If 80% of that bacteria is the good, healthy kind, the harmful bacteria stay at bay. But antibiotics change the balance in the microbiome, which may result in an increase in the harmful bacteria, he explained.

The immune system recognizes the bad guys and will try to destroy them. But in the process, it breaks down the intestinal lining and causes inflammation, and thats how we get antibiotic-associated diarrhea, Dr. Hoberman explains.

One study found that antibiotic-associated diarrhea affects between 5% and 39% of patients, depending on which antibiotic they take. But research shows that probiotics can curb digestion problems. A meta-analysis of 34 other studies found that probiotics reduce instances of antibiotic-associated diarrhea by 52%.

Ranking The Best Probiotic Supplements Of 2021

Probiotic supplements provide a boost to the naturally-occurring beneficial bacteria that live inside your bodys digestive tract.

Taking a probiotic supplement every day is a fantastic way to improve your digestion, boost your gut health, improve your immune system, and reduce inflammation.

Want to find the best probiotics on the market? Our research team put together these rankings to find the cleanest and most effective probiotic supplements:


For those whore serious about taking the most potent probiotic, 1MD Complete Probiotics is the best you can get.

No other probiotic supplement can compete with the 51 billion cultures and 11 unique strains with each serving.

Dr. David Kahana, a renowned gastrointestinal doctor, says, When my patients ask me what probiotic is best, I recommend 1MDs Complete Probiotics Platinum. Complete Probiotics Platinum has 11 different strains and guarantees 50 billion live cultures per capsule. It also contains an effective dosage of Nutraflora prebiotic fiber that will ensure these cultures get the fuel they need to really make a difference in your gut.

Why is this important?

Because several probiotic products only have 2-3 different strains, and consuming probiotics with a diverse collective of good bacteria strains offers a better bacterial balance for your gut.

All natural, no artificial sweeteners, no artificial coloring, no artificial preservatives and 100% GMO-free.

Made in the USA and in an FDA-approved facility.

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Best Probiotic To Take After Antibiotics

Taking antibiotics can be a complicated health issue. On one hand, antibiotics are very powerful and can heal and save lives. On the other hand, many people suffer with fairly substantial digestive problems because of antibiotics.

Even in the rare case that someone does not notice any gastric distress from taking antibiotics, they are almost certainly dealing with the loss of healthy bacteria that is essential for gut health.

The good news is that multiple studies have shown that probiotics may be able to lower your chances of getting diarrhea, which so often comes with taking antibiotics.

However, you will want to be careful when you take probiotics after antibiotics. Choosing the right healthy bacteria, and taking the probiotics at the right time, are paramount to having success with them.

Looking for the best probiotic to take after antibiotics? Read on to learn more!

Which Probiotic Strains Are Best For Womens Health

Amazing 4U2 Probiotics 50 Billion 13 Strains. Best ...

Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria are two species that are associated with multiple health benefits, including immune function, vaginal health, and digestion. Having said that: its not enough to look at the species.

To truly understand the function of a probiotic bacterium, you need to look at the strain level or the substrain level . Different strains perform different functions in the body, so choosing a company that invests in this level of strain-specific research, understands the significance of each strain, and then mindfully combines these strains with specific health outcomes in mind ensures the highest quality product. Unfortunately, some probiotics companies want to be flexible in which specific bacteria they procure or which vendor they use, therefore they do not disclose the substrain level. This bears the risk of being exposed to regular changes in the products formulation.

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Garden Of Life Raw Probiotics Women 50 & Wiser

Garden of Lifes M.O. is providing supplements that derive their ingredients from natural ingredients, and their RAW Probiotics supplement for women age 50 and older is an excellent example of the strengths of this approach.

It includes an eye-popping 85 billion CFUs, and 33 different strains of probiotic bacteria. These come from fermented natural products such as kefir and yogurt as a result, the bacterial biodiversity is large, and the supplement also provides a tremendous amount of additional vitamins and minerals.

Garden Of Life Primal Defense Ultra

Garden of Life always has an interesting take on supplements, and their Primal Defence Ultra probiotic is no exception. The thirteen strains of probiotic bacteria are supported by a matrix of organic oat grass processed with an enzymatic procedure to help bacteria growth, as well as a small amount of iron, which is known to massively boost bacteria growth inside the body.

They also include ionic plant based minerals, presumably to boost growth further. Garden of Life generally has a love it or hate it approach if you want all the extras, its a great choice, but if you just want plain old bacteria in a pill, there are better options.

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Renew Life Ultimate Flora Womens Vaginal Probiotic

This Renew Life probiotic aims to maintain healthy vaginal bacteria and yeast levels. It contains a mix of Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli. It is delivered in a delayed-release capsule for improved survival through the acidic environment of the stomach.

Renew Life states that this probiotic comes in a smaller capsule size than most other probiotic capsules, which can benefit those who have difficulty swallowing capsules. Like Culturelle probiotics, this brand also contains the widely studied strain L. rhamnosus GG, but it does not seem that this product was studied in its entire formulation for efficacy.

Type: CapsuleDose/day: 1 capsule per dayDietary considerations: Formula free of gluten, dairy, and soyClinical studies using the final formulation: No, specific strains have been studied in isolation, but not the final formulation.Multispecies/ multistrain: Yes

Best Probiotics For Women’s Vaginal Health

Top 5 Best Probiotics for women Reviews

We are often asked: are probiotics good for vaginal health? What is the best womens probiotic for BV and/or thrush? Lets explore these questions by looking at some of the evidence which explains how probiotics might help the following vaginal issues:

Clinical trials show that Lactobacillus strains are particularly effective in supporting female intimate health. Certain strains such as Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1® and Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14® have been shown to reach the vagina alive, and this is where they exert their beneficial effects.

We’re often asked “Can you put probiotics into your vagina?” The simple answer to this is “Yes”, it’s not unsafe to do so however, with an oral supplement containing strains proven to reach the vagina alive, you don’t need to. According to the scientists who conducted one study, “L. rhamnosus GR-1® and L. reuteri RC-14® can translocate to the vaginal environment even if they are taken orally” and “Their administration results in significant changes in the vaginal flora in terms of increased Lactobacilli presence”4.

This means that there is no need to put these probiotics directly into the vagina.

L. rhamnosus GR-1® and L. reuteri RC-14® can be found in Optibac For Women.

Healthcare professionals can learn more about the research behind Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1® and Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14® on the Probiotics Database.

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Side Effects Of Antibiotics

Unfortunately, antibiotics are associated with a few side effects. These include:

  • Digestive problems

The most common side effects of antibiotics are digestive problems. These include:

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Abdominal pain or cramping
  • Diarrhea

Luckily, many of the digestive problems that are caused by antibiotics can be helped by probiotic supplementation. Well go over that in just a minute, but hold tight there are a few other common side effects of antibiotics that well cover first.

Probiotic Supplements Are Promoted For General Good Health As Well As Treating Various Ailments Should You Take One

Don’t be fooled by bacteria’s bad-boy image. While often associated with super-bugs and sickness, bacteria have a much friendlier face that’s essential for good health.

The last few years have seen an explosion in the number of probiotic supplements on pharmacy and supermarket shelves, with more than 200 currently available. In addition, there are many foods especially yoghurt products spruiking their probiotic benefits, and enthusiastic home fermenters are brewing up their own probiotic-rich foods such as kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut and kimchi.

In this article we look at the sorts of benefits probiotics have been shown to provide in clinical situations, and the evidence behind some of the claims on consumer probiotic products including claims related to COVID-19.

Recommended Reading: Is Culturelle Probiotic Good For Constipation

What To Know About Prebiotics

What are alternatives to both probiotic and fecal transplants to get the gut back to health? Meyer, of the IFIC Foundation, wrote that if you are planning on taking probiotics, you should make sure to incorporate prebiotics in your regimen.

Prebiotics are defined as a substrate that is selectively utilized by host microorganisms conferring a health benefit, which means these foods cant be broken down by the human digestive system, she added. Simply stated, prebiotics are food for probiotics. Fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, cereals are all prebiotics. Specifically, artichokes, asparagus, bananas, berries, chicory, garlic, green vegetables, legumes, onions, tomatoes, as well as grains like barley, oat, and wheat prebiotics. In addition, other fibers like inulin are also prebiotics that are added to foods like granola bars, cereal, and yogurt.

She said the jury is out on what the ideal amount is for daily prebiotic or probiotic intake.

Id recommend incorporating prebiotics and probiotics predominately from food. Think yogurt topped with fruit and an oat-based cereal or an Asian-inspired veggie stir-fry with kimchi, she wrote.

Mayer said that even though there is no scientific evidence for support, consuming a variety of naturally fermented food products could be helpful for your gut.

Again, without scientific evidence, I would suggest not to increase fiber intake drastically, as it may result in gas and bloating type symptoms, he added.

What Are The Best Probiotics To Take After Antibiotics

Best Daily Probiotics for Women and Weight Loss and Men ...

Even if you have taken a probiotic designed to be taken alongside your antibiotic medication, it is always a good idea to take a good daily probiotic after antibiotics for at least a month or so to replenish the gut microflora. Scientists are not really sure exactly how long it will take to rebuild the gut flora after antibiotics it will depend on several different factors such as the individual gut microbiome, the length of the course, the strength of medication, diet and lifestyle etc. So, what are the best probiotics after antibiotics? Well, studies show taking a probiotic supplement that contains the strains Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM and Bifidobacterium lactis Bi-07® after antibiotics may help to stabilise Lactobacillus populations in the gut13. The Lactobacillus genus of friendly bacteria helps to crowd out the bad guys and keep our gut environment healthy.

Also Check: Ultimate Flora Probiotic Side Effects

Why We Take Antibiotics

Antibiotics are a powerful form of medicine that can fight bacteria. While there are downsides to antibiotics, they are considered one of the most important medical inventions of the early 20th century.

Antibiotics, like penicillin, have saved countless lives, and continue to heal thousands today. However, it is critical to understand the appropriate use of antibiotics, which is to fight bacteria only. Many people misunderstand what antibiotics are for.

Best Probiotic For Immune Health: Align Daily Immune Support

Bifidobacterium is a type of probiotic well known for its antibacterial abilities and vaginal health help, says Kristin Gustashaw, RDN, an instructor of clinical nutrition at Rush University in Chicago. Like Lactobacillus, it helps boost your immune system. It also improves the absorption of iron, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. Align is a good supplement that contains Bifidobacterium. As an added bonus, it may even enhance your mood: Bifidobacterium makes the list of the best supplements for depression.

Also Check: Azo Complete Feminine Balance Daily Probiotic Reviews

Best Probiotic For Digestive Health: Culturelle Daily Probiotic

Each capsule has 10 billion active cultures of L. GG, a probiotic that helps curb gas, bloating, and upset stomach, says Niket Sonpal, MD, a gastroenterologist and adjunct professor of clinical medicine at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine, in New York City. The supplement also works to boost your immune system. Each capsule has the probiotic equivalent of 10 cups of yogurt and is dairy free.

How Can Probiotics Help Women

Best Probiotics for Women: Product Reviews- Garden of Life, Renew Life and Nature’s Way

Probiotics are bacteria which exert benefits on the host. You may already know that some probiotics are helpful for gut-related issues, but they can be beneficial for other areas of health too, including vaginal health and skin health .

We all have a microbiome in our gut, mouth, skin and lungs, but the beneficial bacteria and microbes which inhabit the urinary tract and vagina are of particular importance to those who have them1. In the vagina and urinary tract, these helpful microbes are thought to exert many of the same beneficial effects as they would in the gut, helping to maintain a healthy balance. Their presence limits the likelihood of bad bacteria and yeasts being able to overgrow, causing conditions such as thrush, urinary tract infections and bacterial vaginosis .

Typically, healthy vaginal and urinary microbiomes are populated largely by Lactobacilli bacteria which discourage the growth of harmful bacteria and yeasts1,2. However, due to the proximity of the vagina to the anus, it is much easier for bad bacteria and yeasts to translocate from the gut in those with vaginas than in those with penises3. It is believed that most infections like thrush, cystitis or UTIs stem from bad microbes in the gut, which can travel through the digestive tract to the anus, across the perineum and over to the urogenital tract.

Learn more about how to take care of your vaginal microbiome by reading our article: All About the Vaginal Flora.

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Bio Schwartz Advanced Strength Probiotic

Though Bio Schwartz includes a huge amount of bacteria the choices of which ones to include are a little odd.

The staple bacteria lactobacillus acidophilus is there, but the other three are less common and less well-researched bacteria. The supplement also includes fructooligosaccharides to support the growth of the bacteria, but it doesnt document how much it actually includes in the supplement.

Buying Guide For Best Probiotics

The human body houses trillions of bacteria that work to keep it functioning at an optimal level. Probiotics are wellness supplements that introduce additional good bacteria to your system. These supplements are claimed to provide a multitude of health benefits, from clearing your skin to losing weight to improving brain function.

Most good bacteria live in the intestines. In fact, this is where the bulk of your immune system is housed. At times, the good bacteria in your digestive tract can become depleted, opening the door for bad bacteria to come in and take over. By introducing a probiotic supplement, you can help replenish the good bacteria to keep your body functioning the way it should.

Different strains of probiotics do different things, but none of them will do you any good unless the bacteria cultures are live and unexpired. Potency is another issue you should pay attention to.

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Best Probiotic For Vaginal Health: Rephresh Pro

There are numbers of papers that do show that certain strains of probiotics, particularly the L. rhamnosus strain contained in Pro-B, can help in prevention and treatment of vaginal bacterial and yeast infections, says , MD, a clinical professor of ob-gyn at Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut. And of course, many women have to take antibiotics intermittently, which can incidentally disturb their normal vaginal flora. This probiotic can be helpful for women to maintain healthy vaginal flora. Taking antibiotics isnt the only way to knock vaginal flora out of whackread up on these 15 everyday situations that can mess with your vagina.

How Do You Know That You Are Having A Yeast Infection

Amazing 4U2 Probiotics 50 Billion 13 Strains. Best ...

Most people may actually not know that they are having a yeast infection. This is the reason why most people get alarmed and run to hospitals, hoping that it is not something so serious.

However, if you know the symptoms of a yeast infection, you may first give priority to natural remedies before proceeding to seek further medical care. We have therefore dedicated this part of the article to the signs and symptoms of a yeast infection.

Some of the common symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection include severe itching in the vaginal area. Further, you may experience some form of irritation which includes some swelling and redness in the vaginal area.

Vaginal discharge is usually a normal occurrence in females, but some form of discharge may actually be an alarm of a vaginal yeast infection. This will be is you have a discharge that is thick or watery but odorless.

This may prove to be not only uncomfortable but also annoying. Some other factors that may be a pointer to a yeast infection include having a painful and burning sensation while urinating or during sexual intercourse.

However, there are some signs that require immediate medical attention and you should not wait around to first test the probiotic supplements. The main sign is having soreness, redness or itching that lasts for a very long time.

The itching may cause sores in the skin that are very painful. In such cases, you should seek medical advice at the earliest time possible.

Also Check: Best Probiotic With Prebiotic Supplement

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