Wednesday, September 11, 2024

C Section Babies And Probiotics

In The First Few Months Of Life The Bacteria Found In Our Gut Is Ideally Dominated By Bifidobacteria Probiotics May Help

Our Microbiome, Probiotics, Faecal Transplants and C section Births

In a high-quality, human study, newborn babies were given either baby formula that had been supplemented with bifidobacterium called Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis, BB-12® , standard baby formula, or were breastfed. At 1-month of age, the babies who were given the BB-12® baby formula had a similar amount of bifidobacteria in their gut as that of breastfed babies, which was a significantly higher amount than in the babies receiving the standard formula.8 Further, in a 28-day study that included babies who cried excessively and fussed, babies who were given BB-12® probiotics had a significantly lower incidence of crying and fussing than the babies who were given a placebo treatment.9

Probiotics C Section Babies

The Child Biome How Probiotics Assist Your Childs Immunity

Are you anticipating a brand new arrival within the household? Or have you ever just lately given start and need to give your child the perfect begin in life? Top-of-the-line issues you are able to do is to take care of the 4.4 trillion of micro organism that stay of their intestine! Lets learn the way probiotics can assist your childs immune system, digestion and improvement from start and thru childhood.

Cesarean Section & Food Allergy: A Role For Probiotics

October 29, 2021 by Clare Fleishman MS RDN

A peanut butter sandwich may seem innocuous, but for a growing number of children, it may be harmful or even life-threatening. Food allergies to peanuts, tree nuts and shellfish cause the most severe reactions but eggs, milk, wheat and soy are also on the list of potential antigens.

Food allergies in children are becoming more common. So too are deliveries of babies by cesarean sections across the globe, rising alarmingly above the World Health Organization proposed ideal rates between 10-15%.

These trends may be related, linked by altered gut microbiota.

Because they are not exposed to maternal vaginal microbiota, babies delivered by CS host a different colonization pattern of the gut microbiota. These CS-induced alterations are associated with an altered immune development that may manifest as food allergies.

Food allergies are one among many immune-mediated diseases in young children in which altered gut microbiota at critical stages of early life have been suggested to influence later risks of allergic diseases. Moreover, several epidemiological studies have shown that the composition of gut microbiota differs between allergic and healthy children.

However, little is known about just how CS-induced changes in the gut microbiota can lead to food allergies.

A 2021 study looked at the impact of CS on experimental food allergy in rats and if probiotic treatments could reverse such effects. First, heres an update on CS.

The Pros Of Probiotics

Sometimes, C-sections and antibiotics cant be avoided and parents consider probiotics or prebiotics. The infant microbiome is not set in stone at the time of birth, says Karin B. Michels, epidemiologist at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. You still have time to try to optimize it.

Probiotics vary widely in proven efficacy, and some are essentially a modern form of snake oil, says George Weinstock, director of microbial genomics at The Jackson Laboratory. That said, in a study involving infants at high risk for type 1 diabetes, those given over-the-counter probiotics in the first 27 days of life had a lower rate of developing the disease than those who didnt take a probiotic, he says. If you seed the microbiome right at the beginning with something potentially beneficial, you can reduce autoimmune disease, Weinstock says.

While its not yet common medical practice, two separate papers showed that providing breastfeeding infants with specific probiotics had beneficial impacts on their gut health. In a double-blind 2018 Pediatrics study involving breastfeeding infants with colic, babies who received the probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri were nearly twice less likely to fuss and cry than the babies who took a placebo but there were no significant differences in crying and fussing between formula-fed babies who received the probiotic versus the placebo.

This story has been updated to include additional information from Dominguez-Bello.

How Does This Difference In Colonizing Bacteria Affect An Infants Health And Risk Of Disease


A major study from Denmark examined the development of chronic immune diseases over a 30-year span in over two million children born either by cesarean section or by vaginal delivery, using the National Registry database. There was a striking difference in the development of allergy, juvenile arthritis, and immune deficiencies over the first five years of life in children born via cesarean section versus vaginal delivery.

This study confirms meta-analyses of smaller studies in the United States that suggest that cesarean section deliveries are risk factors for development of allergy and autoimmune disease. Elective cesarean section deliveries have increased from 5% in 1970 to 25% in 2010 in the US, while at the same time the incidence of autoimmune diseases has increased in Western society over the last several decades, and there may be a correlation.

Caesarean Babies Have Lower Level Of ‘good’ Gut Bacteria Study Shows

Research suggests surgical delivery may make babies more prone to respiratory infections

Babies delivered by caesarean section are slower to acquire certain types of good bacteria in their gut and have higher levels of potentially problematic bacteria than those born vaginally, researchers say.

A study of more than 100 babies showed that those born vaginally had a very different make-up of their gut microbiome , potentially making caesarean babies more prone to respiratory infections. The differences were found to reduce as the babies grew older.

Previous studies have suggested that the mode of delivery affects the newborns microbiome, but some said this might be because many mothers who have had caesarean sections require antibiotics.

The new research, which will be presented at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases in Amsterdam, backs up claims that it is specifically the mode of delivery that drives the differences.

The research involved the team collecting faeces at 10 points in the year from 46 babies born by caesarean section and 74 babies born vaginally, starting from their first faeces, and analysing its microbial makeup.

Crucially, the team says that antibiotics, if needed, were only given to mothers once the baby was delivered meaning babies were not directly exposed to the antibiotics.

Thinking Of Having A C

Researchers at the University of Valencia took a look at the first bowel movement of infants. They discovered that these bowel movements were predictive of the future health of an individual. In studying the samples, they found that babies who passed through the birth canal were more likely to have a larger variety of bacteria in their stools than those who were born via cesarean section.

The researchers then looked at the health of these babies at one year and four years, and they discovered that there were several health conditions that babies born naturally were less susceptible to than those who were born naturally.

Promoting Healthy Gut Bacteria In Babies Born By Caesarean Section: The Promesa Study

  • Professor Rachel Tribe, Paul Seed, Dr Helena Watson, Jiadai Mi, Sarah Kheirallah, Dr Deena Gibbons, Dr Petter Brodin

    Start date: 2017

  • Ongoing projects


HomeOur researchOur research projectsHealth and wellbeing research Promoting healthy gut bacteria in babies born by caesarean section: The PROMESA study

Can Probiotics Help Cure Thrush In Babies

C-section births are on the rise

Probably. A study found that when combined with prebiotics, probiotics can provide relief from oral thrush in babies and also reduce its rate of recurrence . You can also try using only probiotics if the baby has thrush. The probiotic should be used topically, meaning it has to be applied at the site of thrush infection. You can feed probiotic in the case of oral thrush, but it could be difficult to administer probiotic in case of diaper thrush.

Transcription Of Our Microbiome Probiotics Faecal Transplants And C

Next, Im going to talk briefly about C-Diff, which is one of the bad stomach infections that we can get. Its one of the microbes, the bacterium that can colonize the gut and cause diarrhea and there are also deaths from it. Again, probiotics will not help that but they have found in several studies that the best solution for it, and get ready for this, is a fecal transplant. The studies theyve done have shown that with antibiotics less than 30% of infected people are cured whereas those who get a fecal transplant 94% are sorted with the fecal transplant, and thats incredible. Unfortunately, so far that doesnt move across into other conditions like IBD or IBS. There have been pretty patchy results with that, but they might get there eventually. The Microbiome consists of about 4,000 different species. Its an extremely complex system. There are trillions of microbes in there and its going to take a long time before we really have our answers for this.

And the last thing I want to say is about the mothers breast milk. The mothers breast milk contains some sugars that are not digested by the baby but are actually food for the microbes in the gut, which is really important for those gut microbes and for the building of a very healthy gut. In cows milk and other milk, they dont seem to exist or certainly not in the same numbers and therefore dont have the same effect on the babys gut. So, breastfeeding is the best start for your baby if youre able to.

References Probiotics C Section Babies

There are roughly 39 trillion microbial organisms residing in an grownup human physique,1 and theyre collectively known as our microbiome. Having such a big neighborhood of different organisms residing inside us would possibly sound considerably scary, however now we have advanced collectively and depend upon every other2. These micro organism, additionally known as probiotics, stay, eat and reproduce in our intestine and their exercise helps our personal well being in a number of methods.

What The Experts Say

“Probiotics are essential to the development of healthy gut microbiota – and that starts at birth. Supplemental probiotics are not necessary for breastfed babies as breastmilk contains both pre and probiotics. However, if you are looking to increase your baby’s probiotic intake and provide the 400 IU supplemental vitamin D recommended for breastfed babies, try Culturelle Baby Grow + Thrive Probiotics and Vitamin D drops.

If your baby is not breastfed, check your formula to see if it contains probiotics – if not, it may be beneficial to add one like Enfamil Infant Probiotics Dual Probiotics. As with any supplement, consult your pediatrician before adding a probiotic to your baby’s diet.” Anne Cook Carroll, MS, RDN

The Diversity And Colonization Rates Of Neonatal Gut Microbiota During 181 Days To 1 Year Of Life

Newborn Makes an Epic Face in a Birth Photo that Went ...

Colonization rate of gut microbiota in CS-born infants was lower than that of VD-born infants during their 7th month to 1 year of life and their means were 11.2 and 13.3, respectively. The diversity and colonization rates of neonatal gut microbiota from 181 days to 1 year of age were investigated in one study. In addition, the highest rates of colonization of the VD and CS groups were related to Bacteroides and their colonization means were 50.2 and 42.2, respectively. Also, the lowest rate of colonization of the VD-born infants was related to Clostridium , and the lowest rate of the colonization of CS-born infants was related to Clostridium . There have been no reports of the colonization rates of Lactobacillus, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and Enterococcus in the included study. No statistically significant differences were observed between two groups with respect to the mean colonization rates of Clostridium and Enterobacter , but statistically significant differences were observed between two groups in terms of the mean colonization rates of Bacteroides and Bifidobacterium . Additionally, the colonization rates of Bacteroides and Bifidobacterium in the VD group were higher than those in the CS group.

Supplementation Prevented Caesarean Birth

After establishing a strong overall effect of the treatment, we tested if the supplement ameliorated some of the caesarean-induced changes in microbiota composition. In the control group, the microbiota of the caesarean-delivered infants was clearly different from the vaginally born infants , most notably due to a lower abundance of the most abundant genera, Bifidobacterium and Bacteroides . Overall, 6% of the inter-individual variation in microbiota composition was statistically attributable to birth mode in the control group according to permutational multivariate ANOVA. Remarkably, in the supplemented group, birth mode did not have a significant impact on microbiota composition . The relative increases in Enterococcaceae, Clostridiaceae and Veillonellaceae that were observed in the section-born infants of the control group were not present in the supplemented group . Furthermore, the decline in Bifidobacteriaceae was prevented, and the declines in Coriobacteriaceae, Porphyromonadaceae and Bacteroidaceae were reduced in magnitude by the supplement .

Fig. 3

Effects of supplement and birth mode on the microbiota. Overall average composition of the microbiota at class level in the different groups, based on the 16S rRNA amplicon data . Significant family-level group differences compared to the vaginally born control group . Effect of supplement treatment and birth mode on the metaproteome and metagenome in principal coordinates analysis

The Diversity And Colonization Rates Of Neonatal Gut Microbiota During 8 Days To 1 Month Of Life

According to the assessed articles and the mean of gut microbiota rate in both studies that mentioned the rate of gut microbiota during 8 days to 1 month, no significant difference was found between CS and VD groups with respect to colonization rates of gut microbiota during their second week of life to 1 month of life and its mean was 25.8. The colonization rate of neonatal gut microbiota during 8 days to 1 month of life was investigated in two studies. The highest rate of colonization of the VD group was related to Bifidobacterium , and also the highest rate of the colonization of the CS group was related to Enterococcus . Moreover, the lowest rates of colonization of VD and CS groups were related to Staphylococcus and their colonization means were 4.0 and 0.0, respectively. There have been no reports of the colonization rates of Enterobacter and Streptococcus in the included studies. No statistically significant difference was observed between the two groups in terms of the mean colonization rate of Lactobacillus . However, there were significant differences between the two groups with respect to the mean colonization rates of Clostridium , Bacteroides , Bifidobacterium , Staphylococcus , and Enterococcus . The colonization rates of Bifidobacterium, Bacteroides, and Staphylococcus were higher in the VD group, while the colonization rates of Clostridium and Enterococcus were higher in the CS group.

Cesarean Sections Prevalence And Risks

While this delivery mode saves lives when medically indicated, overuse is rife in developed countries: CS use is almost five times more frequent in births in the richest versus the poorest quintiles in low-income and middle-income countries.

CS may lead to adverse short- and long-term health effects. Notably, CS is a surgical procedure with higher risk of maternal and child death than vaginal birth. Babies born by CS have different hormonal, physical, and bacterial exposures, which can increase risk of immune-mediated diseases, including allergies, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, eczema, atopic dermatitis, respiratory infections and obesity.

Restoring The Microbiota Of Babies Born By C

Microbes from Mom: Vaginal Birth vs. C-Section

The microbiota of the infants swabbed with vaginal fluids was close to that of vaginally born babies, the researchers found. This effect was most prominent in the gut and skin microbiota. Babies born by C-section had a greater microbial variability than vaginally born infants, whereas the variability of seeded infants was intermediate. This suggests that vaginal seeding could help to stabilize the development of the microbiota in babies delivered by C-section.

Bacteria such as Bacteroides, Streptococcus, and Clostridium were commonly found in the guts of seeded infants. In the mouth of these infants, the researchers found mostly species from Gemellaceae, Haemophilus, and Streptococcus on their skin, the most common bacteria included species from Streptococcus, Neisseria, and Thermus.

The team also found that the mothers vaginal microbiotas on the day of birth were similar to other areas of their bodies including the gut, mouth, and skin. These results point to the importance of maternal sources of microbes on the developing infant microbial consortium, the researchers say.

Synbiotic Baby Formula Supports Healthy Gut Development In C

A new study published in BMC Microbiology demonstrates that a synbiotic formula containing both pre- and probiotics can restore a compromised microbiome in babies that were delivered via C-section. Results indicate that this formula helps to prevent the development of a compromised gut microbiome associated with C-section birth.

At birth mothers pass on a rich flora of tiny microbes onto a baby. These microbes form a babys microbiome that lays the foundation for a newborns life-long health and is further nurtured when a mom breastfeeds a new-born. The oligosaccharides or sugars in breastmilk help to nourish the good bacteria in a babys gut, supporting healthy development of the gut and immune system.

It is becoming better understood that C-section born babies have a disturbed gut microbiome because they miss out on the good bacteria passed on through the birth canal. This can lead to an unbalanced microbiome when there are more of the potentially harmful bacterial species and fewer of the good bacteria. A baby with a compromised gut microbiome in early life has a greater risk for childhood infections and non-communicable diseases later in life.

The researchers hypothesize this is due to the acidic environment and oxygen levels in the gut. A healthy gut could be associated with an acidic gut environment, free of oxygen which is a favorable environment for good bacteria and less appealing for potentially harmful bacteria.

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