Wednesday, July 10, 2024

What Does Taking Probiotics Do

Do Probiotics Cause Stinky Gas

Understanding Probiotics

Yes we have to address it, okay? Maybe this is TMI but you deserve to know: If youre taking a yeast-based probiotic, you may find the gas is a little smelly. Why? Well, because its gas but also because yeast is a live active agent, with very busy and sometimes volatile bacteria. Its why we put it into bread, as it rapidly expands and has quicker chemical reactions. Fortunately, none of Jetsons probiotics are yeast-based, so you can check your concern at the door.

Many people are conscious of the fact that taking probiotics cause bloating and gas, but theyre also worried it might not be wise to take them before work .

This is an easy fix: take probiotics that are not solely yeast-based. Although Saccharomyces boulardii is a common probiotic bacteria that is known to cause gas build-up, taking a probiotic blend of yeast and spore based probiotics can help to eliminate these uncomfortable side effects.

Keep in mind that limiting complex carbs and moderating the fiber in your diet will also help limit gas, especially when youre adjusting to probiotics.

What about eating probiotic foods like whole grains? Well, not only can they cause gas, but they also dont normally change the gut flora in your intestines . Whole grains do, however, play a role in moderating your blood sugar levels, so everything in moderation.

If You Take A Probiotic You Need To Eat Prebiotics

The bacteria in your gutboth visitors and residentsneed to eat too. Enter prebiotics, nondigestible carbs that feed friendly bacteria and help them multiply. They may even be helpful on their own, at recalibrating microbiota that have been thrown out of whack by stress a recent study found mice who ate prebiotics slept better after a stressful experience. Hutkins advises taking them daily in the form of food, not pills, because it’s difficult to get the needed amount from a supplement. Prebiotics are found in wholegrain oatmeal, bananas, onions, garlic, and asparagus.

Pick Your Probiotics Carefully

One problem with probiotics is a lack of consistency. Consumers can’t always be sure of what they’re getting. Probiotics are considered food supplements, not drugs, by the FDA. Therefore, we don’t have a lot of regulation over how they’re made or whether they even contain what they say they contain.

In the United States, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are the probiotic strains most commonly used to treat GI issues, but there are many probiotic products on the market that contain different types of bacteria and in different amounts. A lack of regulation means that one batch might be different from another.

Don’t Miss: Custom Probiotics Acidophilus And Bifidus

The Benefits Of Probiotics

In every healthy digestive system, there is a balance. Probiotics help to keep the digestive system in balance. There are many reasons a digestive system becomes unbalanced. These include illness, taking antibiotics, a poor diet, or an overgrowth of bad bacteria. Gastrointestinal problems can result from such an imbalance.

More research on probiotics is needed. However, there is evidence that:

  • Probiotics can help prevent or treat diarrhea caused by infections or antibiotics.
  • Probiotics can improve systems of irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Probiotics can boost the immune system.
  • Probiotics can reduce inflammation and allergies.
  • Probiotic Foods Or Probiotic Supplements: Which Is The Best Way To Get Probiotics

    Do you REALLY know about PROBIOTICS? in 2020

    Probiotics can be consumed through fermented food, such as yogurt kefir aged cheeses, like Parmesan or aged cheddar kimchi sauerkraut miso tempeh, and non-dairy yogurts that indicate they are cultured.

    While there is no recommended daily amount for probiotics, if these arent foods you typically eat, it may be a good idea to consider a dietary supplement. Omni-Biotic offers a range of probiotic supplements for different conditions, and you can take our Probiotic Fit Quiz to find the best product for you.

    Probiotic supplements contain different strains of live organisms which are often used for different conditions, so its important to research what combination of strains may be best for your needs and maybe talk to your doctor or dietitian first.

    Also Check: Over The Counter Probiotic Pills

    Benefits Of Taking Probiotics

    Not all probiotics are the same. Different strains of the bacteria have different effects. For example, one strain may fight against cavity-causing organisms in our mouths and don’t need to survive a trip through our guts.

    Research has been promising for these friendly critters. Potential benefits of probiotics have been seen in the treatment or prevention of

    • H. pylori
    • vaginal infections
    • infection of the digestive tract caused by
    • pouchitis
    • eczema in children.

    Things You Should Know Before Taking Probiotics

    These days, you’ll find probiotics in more places than yogurt and the supplements aisle. “Good bacteria” are turning up in everything from toothpaste and chocolate, to juices and cereals.

    “The oddest place I saw probiotics was in a straw,” said Dr. Patricia Hibberd, a professor of pediatrics and chief of global health at MassGeneral Hospital for Children in Boston, who has studied probiotics in young children and older adults. “It seemed difficult to imagine how a straw could deliver probiotics in a meaningful way,” she said.

    Hibberd said she also wasn’t a fan of probiotics in bread, because toasting a slice could potentially kill the live organisms. “What also shocks me is the cost of some of these products,” she said.

    Putting probiotics into foods that don’t naturally have the beneficial bacteriamight not make these products healthier, higher quality or worthwhile additions to the diet, she said.

    “At some level, there’s more hype about probiotics than there should be,” Hibberd told LiveScience. “The enthusiasm has gotten ahead of the science.”

    These facts don’t seem to have dampened consumer interest: The Nutrition Business Journal anticipated that U.S. sales of probiotic supplements in 2013 would top $1 billion.

    To separate the reality from the hype, here are eight tips to keep in mind before buying probiotics in foods or taking them as supplements.

    1. Probiotics are not regulated like drugs.

    2. Mild side effects are possible.

    5. Pay attention to expiration dates.

    Recommended Reading: Can I Take Omeprazole And Probiotics Together

    Reduce The Severity Of Certain Allergies And Eczema

    The gut houses the majority of the immune system, which is directly related to allergies. Keeping the digestive tract healthy has been of interest in helping relieve allergies and skin conditions like eczema.

    In many studies that used the probiotic strains of Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium among adults, positive effects have been shown, including reductions in symptoms and in the prevalence of eczema.

    Related Resources:

    Probiotics Can Be Dangerous For Some People

    What are Probiotics? Acidophilus, Lactobacillus and Your Health

    People at higher risk for adverse effects, like infection, of taking too many probiotics are those with serious illnesses or weakened immune systems, according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.

    If you fall into either of those categories, it’s important to consult your doctor before taking probiotics.

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    How Long Does It Take Probiotics To Work

    It takes probiotics 30-60 minutes to work. If youre using a high quality, potentprobiotic supplement with billions of microorganisms and a high colony forming unit , which is proven to survive the harsh acidic conditions of the stomach. In fact, its possible to feel the therapeutic effects as soon as an hour after taking them. The two most common strains of probiotic bacteria, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, both have very short generation times, which means that they can start working almost immediately.However, it can take 4-8 weeks of regular doses for you to get the maximum benefitfrom your probiotic.

    Increased Risk Of Infection

    review from 2017 suggest that children and adults with severe illnesses or compromised immune systems should avoid using probiotics. Some people with these conditions have experienced bacterial or fungal infections as a result of probiotic use.

    If a person has a condition that affects their immune system, they should speak with their doctor before taking probiotics.

    Also, anyone using antifungal medication should wait until the infection has cleared up before taking probiotics.

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    How Many Times In A Day Is It Recommended To Take A Probiotic

    As mentioned, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to probiotics, so it is crucial to figure out what works for you. Luckily, there is a lot of research that you can draw upon to help make a more educated decision when taking probiotics. The efficacy of your probiotics depends heavily on the dosage of your probiotics.

    For example, a study in the American Family Physician August 2017 issue indicated that a dosage of a minimum of five billion colony-forming units per day was more effective when compared with lower dosages . Research from Harvard Health Publishing encourages people to take this in one dose per day, rather than taking several smaller doses.

    Are Probiotics A Scam

    6 ways how Probiotics can contribute to your health â VPharma

    With probiotics, details matter. Its silly to walk into a drugstore, grab a probiotic off the shelf and think its going to do you any good.

    Be wary, too, of recommendations made by people who havent consulted the scientific literature. Dont blindly trust a pharmacist, doctor, health-food shop attendant or dietary book, as sadly, most are ill informed, Dr. Reid said.

    But if a doctor you trust recommends a particular strain that has been shown in clinical studies to help your condition, or if you have identified a strain that is backed up by solid clinical research and really want to give it a try, then sure, go ahead after double-checking with your doctor first. Dont expect miracles, however.

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    Certain Probiotic Strains Can Help Keep Your Heart Healthy

    Probiotics may help keep your heart healthy by lowering LDL cholesterol and blood pressure.

    Certain lactic acid-producing bacteria may reduce cholesterol by breaking down bile in the gut .

    Bile, a naturally occurring fluid mostly made of cholesterol, helps digestion.

    A review of 5 studies found that eating a probiotic yogurt for 28 weeks reduced total cholesterol by 4% and LDL cholesterol by 5% .

    Another study conducted over 6 months found no changes in total or LDL cholesterol. However, the researchers did find a small increase in HDL cholesterol .

    Consuming probiotics may also lower blood pressure. A review of 9 studies found that probiotic supplements reduce blood pressure, but only modestly .

    In order to experience any benefits related to blood pressure, supplementation had to exceed 8 weeks and 10 million colony-forming units daily .

    Bottom Line:

    Probiotics may help protect the heart by reducing bad LDL cholesterol levels and modestly lowering blood pressure.

    Probiotics Can Raise Testosterone Levels

    Testosterone levels in men decrease with age, leading to reduced spermatogenesis, libido and sexual function, increased body fat, decreased muscle and bone mass, low energy levels, fatigue, poor physical performance, depressed mood, and impaired cognitive dysfunction.

    A study with aging mice that were given the probiotic Lactobacillusreuteri in their drinking water resulted in larger testicles, increased serum testosterone levels and spermatogenesis, compared to their regular diet counterparts.

    Even more notably, a recent clinical study found a significant improvement in testosterone levels and sperm count in infertile men undergoing a probiotic/prebiotic therapy. Nonetheless, additional research, and especially clinical studies in humans is required in this area.

    Thats just one benefit of taking probiotics taking probiotics as you age. Theres an increasing body of evidence that probiotics are helpful as you get older.

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    Where To Buy Inulin And Oligofructose

    It seems pretty clear that consuming FOS and inulin together provides clear health benefits. Prebiotins patented inulin and fructooligosaccharides blend is the only formula on the market that gives your entire colon the fiber it needs to nourish the healthy bacteria already living there. Our formula is the most independently tested prebiotic on the market.

    It is also proven to grow the healthy bacteria your body needs. You could certainly purchase natural fructooligosaccharide food sources, but you may not want to eat the amount necessary to reap the benefits you seek. Our inulin and fructooligosaccharide source can help you comfortably make up the fiber deficit in your diet.

    The Prebiotin formula has significant amounts of both oligofructose and of inulin. The health benefits of inulin and oligofructose include positive bacterial action throughout the colon. It is why we call this product a full-spectrum prebiotic formula. It is why medical researchers have overwhelmingly chosen this formula for their research. Products with just oligofructose or just inulin only give your colon half of what it really needs.

    Probiotics are believed to help with all sorts of digestive issues, including:

    That said, we do know that the gastrointestinal tract is colonized by about 10 trillion microbes of varying species. For this reason, supporting a healthy balance of gut flora could help reduce a persons risk of stomach problems.

    Maintain And Restore Bone Health

    7 Signs You Should Be Taking Probiotics For Healthy Gut Flora

    Our beneficial bacteria restore and maintain our intestinal health. This allows our gut with its billions of probiotics to properly sort through what we ingest and absorb all the nutrients we need and excrete any waste. Probiotics assist our body in getting the vitamins and minerals it needs to maintain bone health, also in old age.

    Also Check: How Many Live Cultures Should My Probiotic Have

    They Don’t Hang Out In Your Gut For Very Long

    When you nosh or swallow a probiotic, it doesn’t take up permanent residence in your intestinal ecosystem with the bacteria that’s there already, says Hutkins. It might help crowd out a microorganism that’s making you sick , but it eventually just passes through the gut. That’s why it’s impossible to take too many you’ll just poop them out. This in-and-out nature also means that if you’re aiming for a health benefit, you need to ingest them almost daily.

    What You Can Do

    Don’t start taking probiotics without talking to your doctor or pharmacist about whether probiotics might help you. People who have immune deficiency or are being treated for cancer should not use probiotics without a doctor’s okay.

    The most common species of bacteria used in probiotics are species of Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium. The bacteria are usually freeze-dried when you take the supplement, they warm up in your digestive system and become fully active. You can find probiotic supplements in most drugstores and supermarkets. They come as capsules or tablets to swallow and as loose powder to sprinkle on food. You’ll want a product that explicitly states a “sell-by” date. Dosages vary by product, so no general dosing recommendation can be made. However, common dosages for adults range from five billion to 10 billion colony-forming units per day. Take just one dose of probiotics per day.

    Some people may experience loose stools in the first few days of taking probiotics, but this goes away. Taking probiotics at the end of a meal may help to reduce the symptoms.


    Recommended Reading: Probiotics And Ulcerative Colitis Vsl3

    What Should We Look For When Choosing A Probiotic Supplement

    There are two key issues when choosing a probiotic: the first is to ensure that the product contains enough bacteria to have an effect the second is to ensure that it survives the acidic environment of the stomach in order to reach the large intestine. Examples of probiotics that meet this criteria include Alforex, Yakult, Symprove and VSL #3. Each of these is designed to treat different symptoms, so if you are thinking about taking a probiotic, seek advice from a specialist dietitian or GP to ensure you take the correct one.

    Unless stated differently by manufactures, probiotics should be taken for a minimum of four weeks before effects may be seen. If no improvement is noted, it is recommended that you try another brand or stop completely.

    Are There Any Risks Related To Probiotics

    Clearing up the Confusion around Probiotics

    Probiotics are generally considered safe. However, there are some risks linked to the supplements. These risks are increased if you have a medical condition that weakens your immune system, have recently had surgery or have other serious medical conditions.

    Unlikely, but possible, risks can include:

    • Developing an infection.
    • Developing a resistance to antibiotics.
    • Developing harmful byproducts from the probiotic supplement.

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    Is It Safe To Take A Break From Probiotics If You Are Consuming It Everyday

    Yes, it is safe to take a small break here and there. We always recommend checking in with your body. After all, you know your body better than anyone else does. Once you have been on probiotics for a while, consider how youre feeling. Some people give themselves a few days off probiotics every month to evaluate the way they feel their body changing. It is all a learning experience learning about your body and what works for you.

    So there you have it: a little bit of insight into probiotics and answering how often should you take probiotics. Sure, probiotics can feel like a choose your own adventure ride, but its important to remember that consistency is key hopefully now you understand the benefits of taking probiotics daily.

    Probiotic Foods And Drinks Vs Supplements

    You can introduce probiotics to your daily regimen by opting for probiotic rich foods and drinks, as well as by taking a probiotic supplement.

    There are benefits to adding probiotic foods and drinks to your diet, but more so there are potential issues to consider.

    If youre looking for a truly effective digestive and gut health, its best to reach for a multispecies and multistrain, specifically combined probiotic supplement that is tailored to your needs and manufactured in a way that can prevail through the harsh GI tract.

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