Saturday, March 23, 2024

How To Give Breastfed Baby Probiotics

Does Your Baby Like To Pick Up Anything And Everything And Put It Into Their Mouth

Should You Give Your Newborn Probiotics?

This may actually be a way to keep them healthy!

Breastfeeding and bacteria. It may not be a combination you may think of as being important for a new baby. But it actually may be very important.

The gut microbiome in our body is far more complex than our genetic makeup. The gut microbiome is the collection of healthy microorganisms that live in the gut.More research is showing how our gut microbiome may play an important role in many aspects of our physical and emotional wellbeing. It seems that our gut microbiome may be able to influence many cells of our body and in doing so influence our overall health. An unhealthy and less diverse gut microbiome has been observed in conditions such as obesity, diabetes and allergy.

Our environment can influence our gut microbiome. So can events that happen and dont happen, especially in our early years. Exclusive breastfeeding helps a baby to develop a healthy and diverse gut microbiome.Bacteria from the mother get passed on to the baby during breastfeeding – from the mothers skin and her breastmilk. Significant differences exist in the gut microbiota of babies who are exclusively breastfed compared to those given formula. Breastmilk contains about 200 different types of oligosaccharides , which provide food for the good bacteria in the gut. Our genes carry memories from past generations . So, who we are today is a result of who our past generations were up to three generations back at least!

Probiotics And Baby Eczema

We’ve previously published a guide on probiotics for baby eczema, including an overview of relevant clinical studies.

Like with other conditions, more research is needed on using probiotics for baby eczema. Still, existing research looks promising.

Dha Supplements For Babies

DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid important for infant brain and eye development, shows up in your breast milk in proportion to the amount of DHA and essential fatty acids in your diet. Many formula brands are fortified with DHA.

Learn more about omega-3s and omega-3 supplements and how to get this important fatty acid in your diet.

Breastfeeding moms who don’t consume a dietary source of DHA vegetarians and vegans, in particular may want to ask their healthcare providers about taking a DHA supplement. Vegetarians and vegans and their babies have been found to have lower levels of DHA than those who eat meat.

Don’t Miss: What Does Cfu Stand For In Probiotics

Do Babies Need Probiotics

Amniotic fluid is not sterileits your babys first introduction to bacteria. And the kind of bacteria in the amniotic fluid is influenced by moms gut and oral flora.

In a perfect world, moms would have great flora to pass onto their babies. But over the last century, we have been subjected to antibiotics, GMOs, sugary/starchy diets, and lots of processed foodsall of which can degrade the gut flora passed onto our babies.

Baby probiotics are a babys first line of defense, since they help to improve the balance of good bacteria in their body.

Crying Isnt Always Colic

Breastfeeding Probiotics

If your baby is not eating and growing normally, they are not experiencing colic. More likely, there is a medical issue that is impeding feeding.

Notify your pediatrician of this, or if your baby cries for extended periods of time , which could indicate an issue such as an ear infection, dehydration, or an illness.

If a baby under 2 months old has a fever of 100.4 degrees F or above, thats a potential emergency, so seek immediate medical attention.

Recommended Reading: Can Probiotics Make You Tired

Is It Safe To Take Probiotics While Breastfeeding

It is generally considered safe to take probiotic supplements while pregnant or nursing. In fact, there are possible health benefits associated with probiotic use while breastfeeding.

Rebecca Agi MS, IBCLC, a private lactation consultant in Los Angeles and member of the Verywell Family Review Board, explains, “Studies have shown that maternal consumption of certain Lactobacillus strains can actually help treat mastitis and may even reduce crying time in babies with colic.”

Of course, it is important to first seek advice from your healthcare provider. “It’s always recommended to consult with a physician before starting any supplements,” Agi says.

Dont Forget To Eat Cultured Vegetables Yourself For The Health Of Your Immune System Too

If you give cultured vegetable juice to your baby about 10 to 20 minutes before her feeding, you can help her digest mothers milk. Fermented drinks, like Young Coconut Kefir diluted with filtered water, are also great to give to your baby in tiny teaspoon amounts.

Once your baby is old enough for a little more variety in her diet, you can prepare her puréed fermented vegetables by using our Body Ecology Culture Starter. Just purée organic vegetables first, and then ferment them.

As you can see, The Body Ecology System of Health and Healing isnt just for adults. Just ask Deborah Wieder, a member of our Body Ecology community who, at 41, was the first-time mother of a happy baby. She attributes her easy pregnancy to the Body Ecology consultations she had early in her pregnancy and continues to give CocoBiotic to her beautiful daughter, Maayan, every day.

Every child needs to have a strong inner ecosystem to help them become a healthier, more vibrant human being with strong immunity. Giving them probiotics gives them the advantage that so many children today are sadly lacking.

If you know someone else who has a baby or is hoping to have one, please pass along this important information. Healthier parents create healthier, happier babies and a brighter future for all of us.


  • 1. Bacterial Vaginosis During Pregnancy. American Pregnancy Association, 2020.
  • Also Check: Best Probiotics For Women Skin

    Both The Ingredients And The Label Should Match

    A study published in the Journal of Pediatric Research shows that out of 16 Bifidobacteria probiotic products, only one delivers its promise on the label.

    The remaining 15 products had had probiotic strains not listed on the label. That means neither you nor the manufacturer knows what youre putting in your body or how it will impact you

    Its important that you do your due diligence when buying your probiotic as you may not be getting what you have paid for.

    It Should Survive and Thrive in the Gut

    The human digestive system is designed full of hazards to help kill harmful microbes and break down foods.

    Fortunately, high-quality probiotics can survive and pass through digestive enzymes and stomach acids. Once they reach your gut, they start whirling into action to keep your gut microbiota healthy.

    Heres the sad news, though: The majority of commercial probiotics dont survive and thrive in the gut.

    This is the exact reason why you should only buy from a trusted probiotic brand that can guarantee strain survivability.

    Probiotic Strains Should Be Clinically Studied

    When choosing your probiotic, quality matters.

    However, most commercial brands do not have clinical studies that validate their effectiveness.

    This means you could be wasting time and money on products that dont work.

    Before choosing a probiotic, always check to see if the company can verify the effectiveness of their probiotics. Only select brands with ingredients that have been clinically studied.

    How Do I Give My Baby Probiotics

    Issues With Breastfeeding | Infant Probiotics

    Probiotic supplements come in many forms, including liquid drops and powder that can be mixed into breast milk, water, or formula. However, keep in mind that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration doesn’t regulate supplements, so it’s often difficult to know exactly what you’re getting.

    You can also put probiotic drops directly into your baby’s mouth. If you’re breastfeeding, you can even put the drops on your breast right before you nurse him. Or you can add them to a bottle of formula or breast milk. Just don’t heat the bottle over 100 degrees F or you’ll risk destroying the microorganisms.

    You can also buy formula containing probiotics. Unlike the supplements described above, these products are regulated by the FDA and have been approved as safe. But that doesn’t mean there is evidence in support of any health claims. And as with the drops mentioned above, you’ll destroy the probiotics if you heat the formula too much.

    Also Check: Bigelow Green Tea With Ginger Plus Probiotics Reviews

    Does My Child Need A Probiotic

    Disclaimer: All probiotic recommendations made in this post are not prescriptive nor individualized to your specific situation and needs. Always seek out the advice of your doctor and dietitian before proceeding with anything.


    You hear of them and see them advertised everywhere your mom is taking one daily to treat her bloating, your doctor may have recommended one for your colicky baby, and the yogurt aisle in the grocery store is screaming about all the probiotics it contains. Whats all the hype? Is it worth giving your baby or toddler one? Lets dive in!

    What is a probiotic?

    Probiotics are defined as live micro-organisms that survive in the digestive tract and promote gut health. We have trillions of bacteria living in our guts that are naturally existing some good and some bad. The good bacteria keep the bad ones at bay, and strengthen the guts mucosal barrier so that foreign materials and germs cannot bind to it. They can also work by lowering the pH of the intestine so that it would be an unattainable environment for unfavourable materials and germs to live. In other words having lots of good bacteria keeps us healthy! And even though the gut is constantly hosting new probiotics, it is important to ensure that the balance between the good and bad bacteria is not offset. In other words, we always want the ratio of good to bad to be very high.

    What type of probiotics are good?

    How do we obtain good bacteria?

    After a round of antibiotics

    Best Probiotics For Infants: Bottom Line

    Breastfeeding is the best way to give baby probiotics , but I realize its not always possible. Luckily, giving baby probiotics in other ways can help repopulate the gut and reduce health issues associated with bad gut health.

    Have you dealt with gut health issues? How did you introduce more probiotics?

  • Guaraldi, F., & Salvatori, G. . Effect of Breast and Formula Feeding on Gut Microbiota Shaping in Newborns. Retrieved March 08, 2018, from
  • Umesaki, Y. . Use of gnotobiotic mice to identify and characterize key microbes responsible for the development of the intestinal immune system. Retrieved March 08, 2018, from
  • Brandt, L. J. . Fecal Transplantation for the Treatment of Clostridium difficile Infection. Retrieved from
  • Intahphuak, S., Khonsung, P., & Panthong, A. . Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic activities of virgin coconut oil. Retrieved March 08, 2018, from
  • Fasano, A. . Zonulin, regulation of tight junctions, and autoimmune diseases.
  • Suez, J., Korem, T., Zilberman-Schapira, G., Segal, E., & Elinav, E. . Non-caloric artificial sweeteners and the microbiome: findings and challenges. Retrieved March 08, 2018, from
  • Recommended Reading: Gerber Soothe Probiotic Colic Drops

    Benefits Of Probiotics While Breastfeeding

    Breast milk contains an array of healthy nutrients for babies, including proteins, fats, vitamins, and carbohydrates. Research has also shown that probiotics are naturally present in breast milk, which offer benefits to both the caregiver and baby.

    As Dr. Weiner explains, “Probiotics do not directly transfer into breast milk but they work by improving the mother’s health, which in turn changes the composition of the breast milk to make it healthier for baby.”

    While more research is needed to definitively confirm the benefits of probiotics while nursing, as mentioned previously there are some studies that suggest they may help treat mastitis in those who breastfeed and prevent eczema in breastfed babies.

    Smidge Infant Probiotic Powder

    Breastfeeding Probiotic  Mother Nutrient

    This is an infant probiotic powder for babies 0-12 months old. It is made with patented, human-based Bifantis® culture that has been clinically studied and shown to be safe and effective in infants as young as 2 days old up to 12 months of age.

    While I have not personally used Smidge, I am impressed by the company as a whole. They seem very dedicated to providing very high-quality products. It is $75, but it includes A LOT of servings.


    Newborns to 12 months


    Can be kept at room storage for up to two weeks but should be refrigerated for long-term storage.

    What We Think You Should Know:

    • They omitted certain strains that are linked to histamine intolerance, d-lactic acidosis and other adverse reactions.
    • Free of additives and all common allergens
    • Does not contain prebiotics
    • Comes with a handy dosage spoon so you can measure out exactly how much your little nugget needs each day.
    • High-quality product from a company that seems dedicated to quality

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    Why Are Probiotics Important

    Lets back up for a second to talk about why youd want to take probiotics.

    Our bodies are full of bacteria. And although that may sound like a bad thing, less than one percent of bacteria makes us sick. Other bacteria in our systems are considered good bacteria, since they are vital for our bodies to function and play a key role in keeping us healthy.

    Probiotics ensure that our systems have enough good bacteria to function the way they are intended to.

    How To Give Baby Powdered Probiotics

    • For powdered probiotics, following the dosage suggestions on your product packaging. Most mamas add baby probiotic powder to breast milk or formula.
    • Alternatively, you can put the powdered probiotics directly on your breasts before feeding. To do so, apply my DIY nipple cream, then sprinkle the probiotic powder directly on top.
    • When baby is eating solids, mix their baby probiotics into babys water cup or food.

    Recommended Reading: Probiotics For 14 Year Olds

    Benefits Of Probiotics For Infants

    Probiotics have been found to be helpful in treating conditions like diarrhea and eczema in infants. They may also help in managing allergies, preventing urinary tract infections, and relieving symptoms of colic in infants.

    Other conditions that probiotics may help manage include:

    • Acute infectious diarrhea
    • Chronic inflammatory bowel disease

    Atopic diseases. Infants who are at risk of getting atopic conditions may benefit from probiotic supplements. This is especially helpful for formula-fed infants. Some studies also suggest that probiotics might also be beneficial when taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    Necrotizing enterocolitis. Preterm infants are at a high risk of contracting necrotizing enterocolitis. This is because of antibiotic administration after birth and the limited development of normal digestive microorganisms. Probiotic supplements may help preterm or low-birth-weight infants develop these vital microorganisms.

    Diarrhea. Probiotics help prevent diarrhea in some instances. These supplements have been found to delay the symptoms of acute infectious diarrhea in children and otherwise healthy infants.

    Chronic inflammatory bowel disease. Probiotics may be helpful in the management of chronic inflammatory bowel disease together with or as a replacement for medications prescribed for this condition. However, there is no conclusive research demonstrating whether it actually works as a treatment of this condition in infants.

    Avoid Foods That Harm The Gut

    Can probiotics help with baby colic ?

    In addition to adding in nutrient-dense foods like the ones above, its important to avoid consuming foods that undermine gut health:

    • GlutenThis one is controversial, but gluten can cause the gut cells to release zonulin, a protein that can break apart the tight junctions holding your intestines together .
    • Grains Even gluten-free ones. Most grains contain anti-nutrients that are difficult to digest. Soaking and sprouting grains can help make them easier to digest, but grains are also high in sugars/starches which can feed bad bacteria. Its best to avoid them for babys sensitive gut, at least at first.
    • Refined sugar and artificial sweetenersSugar can feed bad bacteria and cause more inflammation. Artificial sweeteners have also been connected to depleted beneficial bacteria. Instead of refined and artificial sweeteners I choose to use natural sweeteners in moderation, or even stevia.
    • Vegetable oils These oils contain a high percentage of omega-6 fatty acids and are highly inflammatory. My family never eats these and only sticks with healthy fats like coconut oil, lard, butter, and tallow.

    A probiotic supplement for Mom can be helpful too especially when the gut bacteria are seriously depleted.

    Don’t Miss: What Probiotics Are Good For Diarrhea

    Probiotics For Breastfeeding Mothers

    Probiotics are microorganisms that help maintain digestive balance in your intestines by promoting healthy bacteria and inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria.

    The good bacteria also help to crowd out yeast and bad bacteria, so they do not thrive and cause infections such as thrush and urinary tract infections .

    For many, probiotics can help to get rid of issues such as constipation and diarrhea, promote strong bones and teeth, improve mental health , help allergies by reducing inflammation in your body, boost fertility , and promote skin health.

    When you take probiotics, the good bacteria spreads through your body, including to your milk ducts. This means that you pass these on to your baby through breast milk along with any side effects such as improved immunity which can help protect them against infection.

    Do Breastfed Babies Need Probiotics

    Breast milk is already a natural, good source of probiotics for babies, along with providing many other important nutrients. However, adding more probiotics to your child’s diet may have added benefits. Much of the research into baby probiotics has looked at the potential health outcomes for breastfed babies.

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    What Are Probiotics And What Do They Do

    You have probably heard from multiple marketing campaigns about how probiotics are good or friendly bacteria. Probiotics are in fact live bacteria and yeast that naturally occur in our guts. Its believed that ingesting them counters the bad, inflammatory bacteria in our systems leading to multiple health benefits.

    A baby is actually born with a sterile gut which gradually collects bacteria from their mothers breast milk or formula and eventually food when they start eating solids. By adulthood, our stomach and intestines are home to more than 400 species of bacteria, good and bad. These bacteria help us digest food and extract nutrients. They also play an important role in our immune system. Periods of sickness, poor diet or taking antibiotics are all things that affect the balance of bacteria in our guts.

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