Monday, September 30, 2024

Best Women’s Probiotic To Prevent Yeast Infections

What Causes Candida Infections

Best Probiotics for Women: Product Reviews- Garden of Life, Renew Life and Nature’s Way

Normally this happens when there is a drop in Lactobacillus, a type of good bacteria, in the vagina. Lactobacillus imbalances can be caused by low estrogen levels or by a drop in vaginal pH, and when this bacteria declines, Candida can proliferate in the vagina. Other factors like diet, medications, hormonal changes, douching, scented pads, and even tight or irritating clothing have also been linked to yeast infections. Many of these factors cause imbalances in the healthy microflora of the vagina, and that imbalance can allow unhealthy organisms, like the fungus Candida that causes yeast infections, to proliferate. These harmful microorganisms will often continue to proliferate until a healthy balance of bacteria is restored.

Is There A Recommended Probiotic Supplement Protocol For Candidiasis

The following probiotic support has been recommended for those suffering with Candidiasis:

  • Saccharomyces Boulardii:

Start with 1 capsule twice a day for the first week.

Increase to 2 capsules twice daily for the second week.

1-2 capsules daily with breakfast

The required dosage for Saccharomyces Boulardii may vary from person to person, dependent on tolerance, and the level of Candida overgrowth in the gut. The best thing to do is to start off with a low dose and gradually increase. This helps to reduce the possibility of a ‘die-off’ reaction .

You may find that sufferers don’t need to reach the maximum dose of 6 capsules a day, and that 3-4 work fine to reduce symptoms. It is advised that patients stay on this dose for a number of weeks/ months until they feel the Candida has sufficiently left the system, or until the appropriate tests have confirmed this. Just to note it is recommended that S. Boulardii is taken away from other anti-fungals .

NB: Please recommend that clients should check with their doctor before using this supplement during pregnancy or whilst breastfeeding.

Health professionals can read more about the research which supports this strain in its entry on the Probiotics Database: Saccharomyces boulardii

What Is A Yeast Infection

A yeast infection, or candidiasis, is a fungal infection that occurs when too much yeast grows in a specific area of your body.

Yeast normally lives in many places within the body. One type of yeast that lives in the digestive tract, mouth, and vagina is candida albicans. When its in balance with the other natural flora in your body, candida does not cause any problems. But when candida overgrows, it can cause an infection.

A vaginal yeast infection, vaginal candidiasis, and vulvovaginal candidiasis are all the same thing: an overgrowth of yeast in the vagina. Vaginal yeast infections are a type of vaginitis, a condition that refers to an inflammation of the vagina. Yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis are among the most common types of vaginitis.

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How About Probiotic Suppositories

Probiotic suppositories can be very effective when it comes to vaginal yeast infection treatment. They provide probiotics directly to where they are needed: your vagina.

You can use them together with an antifungal suppository during your treatment, or as a preventative measure, once a week for as long as you need. My favorite probiotic suppositories are:

Other Options For Yeast Infection Treatment

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Especially if its your first time experiencing symptoms, speak to a gynecologist or healthcare provider to determine whether you have a yeast infection before you try any type of treatment. Many of the symptoms of a yeast infection can also occur with other types of vaginitis, and you want to be sure you use the best treatment for your condition.

Effective treatments for a yeast infection include:

  • Prescription antifungal medication: These creams, ointments, pills, and suppositories come in one-day, three-day, and seven-day strengths. Note that pregnant women should not take single doses of oral medication such as fluconazole .
  • OTC treatments: Over-the-counter vaginal creams and suppositories, such as miconazole , also come in one-day, three-day, and seven-day strengths. These products often have the same ingredients as prescription medications but in less concentrated amounts.

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Probiotics And Yeast Infections

The bodys potential of hydrogen balance is maintained by various elements. The beneficial bacteria in the body have a role to play in maintaining the right PH balance in the body.

However, due to varying challenges, there are situations that can lead to a change in the balance of the good bacteria that are present and active in the body.

The balance, when tilted may lead to harmful bacteria taking advantage of the situation and leading to an infection. The good bacteria can be reduced due to a number of reasons.

For instance, there are toxins that can lead to the death of most of the beneficial bacteria. When this happens, the body is rendered vulnerable to various infections.

Due to the critical role that is played by probiotics in the retention of the right balance in the body, when it is altered, the body is exposed to infections. This can be as a result of taking drugs, specifically antibiotics that kill the good bacteria. When the numbers are not replenished, the body is attacked.

Yeast, according to Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D, is composed of a fungus, Candida albicans which lives in the intestines. It is associated with various other symptoms such as loss of libido, numbness, tingling among others.

When yeast, or candida by products start domination in the body, the individual may start experiencing more symptoms such as insomnia, sore throat, shortness of breath among others.

From the study it can be noted that probiotics can aid in handling yeast by

Are Probiotics Beneficial To Vaginal Health

Some researchers believe that consuming probiotics can help restore a healthier bacterial balance in the vaginal area. In theory and some lab studies, this works.

However, what works in the laboratory may not always function in the real body. It might not be as straightforward as taking a pill or suppository containing beneficial microorganisms.

There is currently no evidence that these substances benefit vaginal health. This could change as scientists gain more knowledge. However, antibiotics and antifungal medications are currently the only treatments for vaginal bacterial and yeast infections that have been proven to be effective.

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How Do These Probiotics Help

Probiotics are packed full of healthy bacteria that not only help your GI tract, but also your vagina. Studies have shown that when taken, probiotics will improve symptoms for those who already have a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis.

Probiotics are also able to prevent a potential infection. These bacteria work to balance out the pH level of the vagina, which makes for a healthy and hospitable environment.

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Suzy Cohen on Antibiotics, Yeast Infections and Buggy Yogurt

The bacterial strain L. plantarum 299v, found in GoodBelly, appears to be helpful in providing relief from gas and bloating in people with IBS, says Christy Brissette, RD, president of 80 Twenty Nutrition in Chicago. Between 14 and 24 percent of women have IBS, according to the University of North Carolina Center for Functional GI & Motility Disorders. This strain may also help promote the diversity of your gut microbiota while preventing the overgrowth of bacteria that could make you sick, such as E. coli. And great news for vegetarians and vegans: It helps promote non-heme iron absorption, the type of iron found in plant-based foods. Taking probiotics is one way to ease your IBShere are 7 more ways to relieve IBS symptoms naturally.

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A Guide To Women’s Health: Fifty And Forward

Midlife can be a womans halftime celebration. Not only can it be an opportunity to reflect on and rejoice in the life youve lived, but it is also a good time to plan your strategy for the future. A Guide to Women’s Health: Fifty and forward will help you determine the conditions for which you are at greatest risk and do your best to avoid them. It will also help you to better manage chronic conditions that may erode your quality of life, and to deal with physical changes that are more bothersome than serious. It is designed to give you the information to make the choices today that will ensure you the best health possible tomorrow.

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What Are The Benefits Of Probiotic Yogurt For Yeast Infections

What benefits can you get from using the best probiotic yogurt brands? If you are wondering what the fuss is all about eating yogurt for your yeast infection, here are a few known benefits that are associated with it.

It reduces obesity One benefit to eating the best probiotic yogurt brands is that they can help you with your obesity issues. Studies have shown that those who are prone to obesity have different gut environment compared to others which only shows that gut flora plays a role in a persons weight.

It improves womens health The digestive tract is not the only one that is benefited from eating probiotic yogurt as a womans overall health can be improved too. The vagina requires both the bad and good bacteria to keep it healthy, but once the scales have tipped in favor of bad bacteria, yeast infections are highly likely to occur. Taking probiotic yogurt has found to reduce a womans risk of yeast infection significantly.

It boosts urinary health Another benefit to taking the best probiotic yogurt brands is that they can treat urinary tract infections. Eating yogurt has also been found to prevent UTI from occurring which is a huge relief for both men and women.

It enhances digestion Good digestion plays a huge role in our overall health from keeping infections at bay to making our body absorb more nutrients compared to before. Eating probiotic yogurt has been found to enhance digestion significantly.

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Causes Of A Yeast Infection

Several things can cause yeast to multiply, creating an imbalance in the vaginal microbiome. Some of the most common causes are:

  • Antibiotic medications: These antimicrobials are excellent at killing harmful bacteria that cause infections. Unfortunately, antibiotics also kill beneficial bacteria, which can throw off the balance of the microbiome. When this happens in the vagina , it can result in a yeast infection.
  • Hormonal changes: Pregnancy, menstruation, and the use of hormonal contraceptives or hormone or estrogen therapy cause hormone levels and the balance of yeast in the vagina to shift.
  • Diabetes: Elevated levels of sugar in your urine and vagina can encourage the growth of yeast in this area.
  • Weakened immune system: Living with a chronic disease or using medication that suppresses your immune system can cause vaginal yeast to grow.

The Types Of Bacterial Strains That Are Available In The Probiotic Supplement

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There are millions of bacterial strains that are usually available in probiotic supplements, some of which may actually not be helping your course. The type of bacterial strain that you should look out for is usually determined by the reason why you want the probiotic.

Here are some of the bacterial strains that you should look out for in fighting candida albicans.

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The Number Of Colony Forming Units The Probiotic Has

It is very essential that you consider the number of colony forming units available in a given probiotic supplement. Put differently, you should look at the number of live bacteria that are present in a given probiotic supplement.

This is important because after all, what you are looking for in the probiotic supplement are those live and useful bacteria that will help to bring balance to your gut. Therefore, the higher the colony forming units count, the more priority you should accord it.

Why should the colony forming units count be high? As we have already noted, there is a probability that not all the live bacteria present in the supplement are likely to reach the intestines. Some of the bacteria may be destroyed by the stomach acids.

Therefore, although some may be destroyed, more will survive and will eventually reach your gut. We recommend that you look for a probiotic supplement that contains at least 10 billion colony forming units. Should you come across a probiotic that does not reveal the colony forming units count it has, you should place it aside and proceed to consider other available options.

When To See A Doctor For A Yeast Infection

If youve never had a yeast infection before, its best to make an appointment with your doctor to confirm you dont have something else. The symptoms of a yeast infection are similar to those of other conditions, including many sexually transmitted diseases and bacterial vaginosis. Both of these can eventually cause fertility problems or pregnancy complications, so its important to rule these out first. Once youd had a few yeast infections, youll get better at recognizing their symptoms.

You should also contact your doctor if you dont notice any improvement in your symptoms within 7 to 14 days. You may have a different type of infection or need a prescription antifungal medication, such as fluconazole.

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How To Try Probiotics

Probiotics come in several forms that you can use in different ways. You can find them in the form of capsules or suppositories, which you insert into your vagina. When choosing a capsule or suppository, look for one that includes a list of the bacteria it contains. Most products will list them based on how many are in each dose. Try to find one that lists Lactobacillus near the top, such as these capsules or this suppository, both available on Amazon.

For a more cost-effective option, you can also use yogurt. Just make sure you choose one with a label that mentions live cultures and Lactobacillus. Avoid yogurts with added sugar or flavoring. Yeast feeds on sugars, so plain yogurt is best for a yeast infection.

To use the yogurt, remove a cotton tampon from its applicator and refill the applicator with yogurt. Lay down while inserting the applicator and releasing all of the yogurt into your vagina. Wait a few minutes before standing up to give it time to settle in.

As with other creams for yeast infections, the yogurt will eventually start leaking out of your vagina. You may want to consider apply it right before bed or when you wont be standing for long periods of time. If you need to apply it during the day or before being active, you may want to use a pantyliner or a pad to protect your clothing and provide extra comfort.

You can also apply yogurt to your vulva, which is the outer part of your vagina, to relieve itching and burning.

Probiotics For Yeast Infections: What Works What Doesn’t

Best Probiotics for Women 2020 and 2021

Written by Dr. Vibhuti Rana, PhD andDan Jackowiak Nc, HHP

Probiotics for yeast are very necessary for yeast infection treatment and the restoration of immune and digestive system health. It is the destruction of good bacteria within the digestive tract and other mucous linings that allowed the yeast to get out of control in the first place. So replacing these bacteria is very necessary for the healing, long-term prevention of a relapse, and for immune system health.

The average healthy adult human, has about 70 to 100 trillion good bacteria, 3 to 5 pounds, present in the digestive system that live in a colony of many different species. These bacteria help one another to survive and they all do different jobs in this environment. Some clean up protein waste, others carbohydrate waste, others dairy, others raise or lower ph levels so others can survive, some kill yeast, and others help us digest our food so we can get the nutritional benefits from it, etc.

Some bacteria’s only job is to help other bacteria perform their job whatever that may be. They are a colony, they live together much like people live together in a city, each performing a separate task or job so that community can survive and flourish.

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Islands Miracle Ultra 30 Womens Probiotic

Islands Miracle is one of those brands who concentrate on womens health. Among their products, Ultra-30s women has grabbed last but not least place in our list because of its efficacy and potent blend.

This supplement contains 18 beneficial probiotic strains and each capsule has 30 billion colony forming units. Apart from that it also contains an herbal blend Cranberry extract, Golden Rod and Bearberry which fight off bacteria to support urinary and vaginal health. It also contains digestive enzymes which break down the yeast cell membranes to kill them.

This unique combination of probiotics and herbal blend is self-sufficient in treating yeast infection. Additionally, this supplement contains pre-biotics which encourage the good bacteria grown in the colon.

These capsules are free of gluten, dairy, soy, wheat, eggs, fish, shellfish and ingredients that are derived from GMO. Each batch undergoes vigorous testing before dispatching to ensure quality. This supplement is third party tested for viability and potency.


  • Also contains unique herbal blend and digestive enzymes.


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