Saturday, July 13, 2024

Can Probiotics Help With Urinary Tract Infection

Urinate Before And After Sex

How do probiotics help with urinary tract infections?

Sexual activity increases the chances of getting a UTI, especially if youre a woman. Thats because bacteria can easily get into the urethra during sex.

To reduce your risk, pee immediately before and after sex. The idea is to flush out bacteria that may cause UTIs.

Its also a good idea to gently wash your genital area before sex. This can help keep the area clean and reduce the chance of bacteria spreading to your urethra.

Are Some People At A Higher Risk Of Getting A Uti

Women get more UTIs than men. This is because women have a shorter urethra the tube that brings urine out of the bladder. This allows bacteria to enter the urethra and bladder more easily.

Also, a womans urethral opening is closer to the anus, where most UTI-causing E.coli bacteria are found.

Other factors that can further increase the risk of UTI include:

  • frequent sexual activity

UTIs cant always be avoided, but its possible to reduce your risk of getting one. Here are nine prevention methods that may help you sidestep a UTI.

Can Vaginal Estrogen Products Prevent Utis

For women near menopause or who have gone through menopause and get 3 or more UTIs per year, vaginal estrogen may be helpful, according to the American Urological Association . Vaginal estrogen comes as a ring , an insert , or a cream . It is both safe and effective for women in this population who are looking to prevent recurrent UTIs.

That said, in a head-to-head trial of vaginal estrogen inserts compared to a daily preventive antibiotic, vaginal estrogen was not as effective as daily antibiotics. More on this below.

Estrogen works by making the vagina more acidic and increasing the number of healthy bacteria in the vagina. This makes it hard for E. coli to live and hide in there, which prevents them from showing up in the urinary tract later.

Some of the more commonly reported side effects of vaginal estrogen include breast tenderness, vaginal bleeding, and vaginal discomfort like itching, burning, and irritation.

If you are being treated for breast cancer or have had breast cancer, vaginal estrogen is considered safe, but you should speak with your oncologist before starting any estrogen-based products.

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Overall Completeness And Applicability Of Evidence

This review suggests that there is a lack of evidence that intravesical instillation with nonpathogenic bacteria in adults with neuropathic bladder is effective in preventing symptomatic UTI.

Due to multiple exclusion criteria in these small studies, especially in relation to immunosuppression, presence of other infections, and other urogenital tract intervention/abnormalities, the limited evidence is only applicable to a selective group of the adult population with neuropathic bladder. In addition, there is heterogeneity between bladder management types as well as male predominance between the studies.

From the evidence presented and due to variable success rates, the need for strict adherence to instillation protocols together with high attrition rates in these studies, intravesical instillation with nonpathogenic bacteria is unlikely to be a widely accepted intervention. However, with innovative therapy and with additional support for participants undergoing this procedure, it may be worthy of further study.

Description Of The Condition

Mua Womens Probiotic 60ct, 6 Billion CFU with Cranberry, D ...

Neuropathic or neurogenic bladder describes a process of dysfunctional voiding as the result of neurological injury . The International Continence Society states that neuropathic bladder can only be diagnosed in the presence of neurological pathology . Neurologic control of bladder function is at multiple levels throughout the central nervous system and subject to multiple pathophysiologic processes . Neurological diseases that affect bladder function can be classified according to the location of the lesion: suprapontine, supra sacral or sacral. Examples of neurological disorders leading to voiding dysfunction include cerebral palsy, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, spinal cord injury , multiple sclerosis, transverse myelitis, poliomyelitis, and radical pelvic surgery . Tumours affecting the central nervous system can also cause voiding dysfunction.

An effective way to prevent UTI in people with neuropathic bladder, especially people with SCI has been sought for many years. In 1998, 73% of patients in an Australian SCI unit were attempting nonantibiotic based UTI prevention . A recent randomised controlled trial of 305 subjects with SCI conclusively demonstrated that the current common methods of nonantibiotic UTI prevention were ineffective . UTI prevention, particularly the more difficult to treat MROUTI, is a clinical imperative for people with SCI and neuropathic bladder.

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Probiotics Are Safe To Use

Probiotics can be regarded as safe according to a report of the Central Public Health Laboratory, London . Epidemiological studies confirm no increase in bacteriaemia due to probiotic medication after nationwide introduction in Finland. Especially, Lactobacilli have GRAS status . As it seems somewhat counterintuitive to use one sort of bacteria to fight another sort of bacteria and bacteria are generally seen as pathogenic, it is no surprise that the safety of probiotics have been carefully monitored and investigated. Rarely, cases like a liver abscess caused by Lactobacillus rhamnosus have been reported. Recently, case reports on infections from clinical use of probiotics have extensively been reviewed. As a result, the authors agree that probiotics are generally safe but should be used cautiously in immunocompromised patients. In this review of case reports, it is also sensibly pointed out that safety must be established for each individual strain used in probiotic preparations. Trautner et al. write in their report on E. coli HU2117 coated urinary catheters that the potential pitfall of bacterial interference is that no living organism is truly avirulent in an immunocompromised host. Despite having no side effects in their 12 patients studied and despite cautious views from others probiotics have been successfully trialled in immunocompromised patients.

Can Cranberries Stop Utis

Cranberry supplements are in the top 10 remedies sold by herbalists in the United States . Cranberry does not have a direct antimicrobial effect. Despite this, it inhibits the adhesion of E. coli bacteria to the bladder lining, thus impairing colonization and subsequent infection.

Results of a Cochrane Database meta-analysis of cranberry efficacy in the prevention of UTIs were published in 2004. All randomized or quasirandomized controlled trials of cranberry products in the prevention of UTIs in men, women and children were eligible for review.

In two good-quality randomized controlled trials, cranberry products significantly reduced the incidence of UTIs at 12 months compared with women in the control group who took a placebo. There was no significant difference in the incidence of UTIs between juice and capsule formulations.

We often recommend the tablets of cranberry to our chronic UTI patients because pure cranberry juice tastes horrible.

University of Colorado Urogynecology is a specialty womens health practice focused on female pelvic health and surgery. Our physicians are also professors & researchers for the CU School of Medicine, one of the top-ranked medical schools in the nation.

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How Much Should I Spend On A Probiotics For Yeast Infection

Ideally, a probiotics for yeast infection is going to live with you for years. Paying more for your product will reward you every time you fast open the lid with increased your speed, better quality accuracy and a sweet view. Again, the average cost of a new probiotics for yeast infection is between $$ and $$$. Sure, you get out on some luxury features.

Prevention Of Utis In Women

Docs turn to probiotics to prevent UTIs

A meta-analysis on the application of Lactobacillus was published. A total of 294 patients from 5 published studies were evaluated and as a result vaginally administered Lactobacillus probiotic chain was shown to be safe and effective in preventing recurrent UTIs in adult women . In the analysis, it was stated that the ovules containing combinations of L.crispatus CTV-05 or L. rhamnosus GR-1 and L.fermentum B-54 were the most effective methods and that higher number of randomized clinical trials were needed for the evaluation of oral probiotic treatments.

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Increase Vitamin C Intake

Some evidence shows that increasing your intake of vitamin C could protect against urinary tract infections.

Vitamin C is thought to work by increasing the acidity of the urine, thereby killing off the bacteria that cause infection .

An older 2007 study of UTIs in pregnant women looked at the effects of taking 100 mg of vitamin C every day .

The study found that vitamin C had a protective effect, cutting the risk of UTIs by more than half in those taking vitamin C, compared with the control group .

Fruits and vegetables are especially high in vitamin C and are a good way to increase your intake.

Red peppers, oranges, grapefruit, and kiwifruit all contain the full recommended amount of vitamin C in just one serving .

Despite these studies, there is still more research needed to prove the effectiveness of vitamin C for reducing UTIs. .


Increasing vitamin C intake may decrease the risk of UTIs by making the urine more acidic, thus killing off infection-causing bacteria.

Drinking unsweetened cranberry juice is one of the most well-known natural remedies for urinary tract infections.

Cranberries work by preventing bacteria from adhering to the urinary tract, thus preventing infection .

In a 2016 study, women with recent histories of UTIs drank an 8-ounce serving of cranberry juice every day for 24 weeks. Those who drank cranberry juice had fewer UTI episodes than the control group .

Probiotics That Help With Urinary Tract Infections

A number of beneficial bacteria have been shown to help with UTIs . This is fabulous news because the incidence of UTIs in both women and men, and especially the former, is high and can be life-altering. Thats why we thought it would be useful for you to know about the probiotics that may provide relief from symptoms of UTIs.

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Quality Of The Evidence

Overall, the studies were of poor quality. All three studies investigated patients with neuropathic bladder had adequate performance and detection bias, but had high attrition and reporting bias. The main weakness in all three studies was exclusion from analysis of patients who failed inoculation or analysing them in the placebo arm post randomisation . Failure of an intentiontotreat analysis undermines the randomisation process and weakened the results of the studies. There was also a high gender bias in two studies. .

Could Probiotics Help With Cystitis

Her Secret

As a healthcare professional you are probably aware that cystitis is inflammation of the bladder typically caused by a bladder infection, making urination extremely painful. It mostly occurs in sexually active women for some it is rare and for others it can happen several times a year. Symptoms include a frequent sensation of needing to pass urine even when little or no urine is present, blood in the urine, backache, lower abdominal pain, and nausea.

You may want to let patients know that they can help prevent cystitis by drinking plenty of water, taking cranberry supplements or sugar-free juice, wiping correctly after going to the toilet, and always urinating as soon as possible after sexual intercourse. Some women find that using condoms can help avoid infection. Keeping your middle warm, especially in cold weather, can also offer some protection – Some women also find that keeping their tummy warm can help – with extra layers or perhaps a Japanese haramaki tummy wrap. Short-term antibiotics are often prescribed for serious bouts of cystitis.

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Should I Take A Daily Antibiotic To Prevent Utis

For women who get recurrent UTIs that are not related to sex, the American Urological Association states that a low-dose daily antibiotic may help prevent UTIs from coming back. Antibiotics often prescribed for daily use include:

  • Trimethoprim

  • Nitrofurantoin monohydrate/macrocrystals

  • Cephalexin

Low-dose antibiotics can be taken for up to 6 to 12 months. Once you stop taking the antibiotics, however, the UTIs tend to come back. Taking a daily antibiotic is not without risk: It increases the risk of antibiotic resistance which could make it harder to treat future infections.

Long-term antibiotic use can also increase the risk for side effects like upset stomach and fungal infections in the mouth or vagina. There are also reports of rare but more serious side effects, like skin rash, severe nausea, and liver damage.

The Problem With Advil

A study out of Norway found evidence that ibuprofen can cause a whole host of complications, and could even cause the infection to last longer than normal.

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Almost 400 women with UTIs were given either antibiotics or ibuprofen as treatment. After monitoring their progress, scientists found that women on ibuprofen took an average of three days longer to get well than those using antibiotics, with only 39 percent of ibuprofen-users recovering by the fourth day. Of the antibiotic group, 74 percent had recovered by that same time.

Also, 12 of those on ibuprofen developed a febrile urinary tract infection on top of their pre-existing UTI. Plus, a small percent also developed an infection in the kidneys. Neither of these occurred in the group on antibiotics.

Researchers stated that it was no longer possible to recommend ibuprofen as a means of UTI treatment due to the risk of serious complications, including upper urinary tract infections.

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So, what is the best option for people suffering from UTIs? If ibuprofen comes with a whole set of risks, and antibiotics are being discouraged, where can you turn for relief?

Obviously, you should always follow the advice of your doctor over something you read on the internet. However, many doctors have begun prescribing natural alternatives that may surprise you.

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Composition Of The Vaginal Microflora

Since the vaginal microflora appears to be so critical to health and disease, what is its composition? In cases of recurrent UTI the dominant organisms are the uropathogens, generally Escherichia coli in recurrent bacterial vaginosis these are anaerobic Gram negative rods, generally Gardnerella vaginalis in recurrent yeast vaginitis these are mostly Candida albicans. It was long presumed that Lactobacillus acidophilus was the dominant member of a healthy vaginal microflora, but this is not the case. Studies using culture followed by molecular typing show Lactobacillus crispatus to be the most commonly isolated organism, however the culture step has since been found to have limitations as not all organisms are easy to culture. Using only polymerase chain reaction and DNA analysis it has recently been shown that Lactobacillus iners is the most common organism, at least in one mainly white population .

Figure 3

The most commonly isolated lactobacilli recovered from vaginal samples and determined directly by PCR and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis.

Don’t Be Surprised If Your Doctor Doesn’t Rush You Into Treatment

Treating Urinary Tract Infections Naturally – Dr. Mark Ellerkmann – Mercy

Urinary tract infections can be tricky in older age. They’re not always as easy to spot or treat as in youth. And the decades-long approach to treatment is changing. “We’ve been hasty in using antibiotics, and we’re learning there are significant consequences that can range from side effects of medication to infections with antibiotic-resistant bacteria,” says Dr. Helen Chen, a geriatrician at Harvard-affiliated Hebrew Rehabilitation Center.

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Practice These Healthy Habits

Preventing urinary tract infections starts with practicing a few good bathroom and hygiene habits.

First, its important not to hold urine for too long. This can lead to a buildup of bacteria, resulting in infection .

Peeing after sexual intercourse can also reduce the risk of UTIs by preventing the spread of bacteria .

Additionally, those who are prone to UTIs should avoid using spermicide, as it has been linked to an increase in UTIs .

Finally, when you use the toilet, make sure you wipe front to back. Wiping from back to front can cause bacteria to spread to the urinary tract and is associated with an increased risk of UTIs .


Urinating frequently and after sexual intercourse can reduce the risk of UTI. Spermicide use and wiping from back to front may increase the risk of UTI.

Several natural supplements may decrease the risk of developing a UTI.

Here are a few supplements that have been studied:

  • D-Mannose. D-Mannose is a type of sugar that is found in cranberries. Research suggests its effective in treating UTIs and preventing recurrence (

Data Collection And Analysis

All RCTs and quasiRCTs looking at comparing probiotics to no therapy, placebo, or other prophylactic interventions were included. Summary estimates of effect were obtained using a randomeffects model, and results were expressed as risk ratios and their 95% confidence intervals for dichotomous outcomes.

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What Is The Urinary Microbiome

Scientists believed for many years that the urinary tract was sterile, until very recently. Thanks to advanced technologies in metagenomics, research has shown that certain microbes do exist in the urinary tract, albeit at low numbers. The most common genera present are Lactobacillus , Gardnerella, Cornyebacterium, Streptococcus, Actinomyces and Staphylococcus8-10. This differs to the microbiomes found in the gut, mouth and skin, and, like most of these human microbiomes, the urinary microbiome is unique to each individual.

Despite this, there are some similarities between the urinary and vaginal microbiome. Both regions are dominant in lactobacilli and some of the genera present are similar. However, it is not clear how these microbiomes interact with one another.

Generally, no definitive healthy urinary microbiome has been defined, however some suggestions have been posited. A study in 2013 looked at how the urinary microbiome can differ between individuals of different age and genders11. The researchers proposed that actually a core microbiome can be observed, but may differ slightly depending on age. A core profile was seen across all women, but additional types of bacteria were seen within the different age groups , especially in the eldest age group.

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