Saturday, July 13, 2024

Probiotic That Helps With Sleep

Prebiotic & Probiotic Supplements

IdeaLean Nighttime Probiotic: Better Gut Health and Improved Sleep

If lack of sleep and stress are having a negative impact on your day-to-day activities and functioning, consider revamping your diet. For those of us needing a little extra support, try adding a prebiotic supplement into your day:

  • As a high-fibre prebiotic that feeds good bacteria in the gut, Inulin Powder is ideal for adding to shakes, bakes and smoothies.

To boost gut health even further, Id recommend a supplement packed with live cultures:

  • Myvitamins Gut Gummies are a delicious berry-flavoured probiotic supplement packed with 1 billion live cultures per gummy. These live cultures can promote digestion and a healthy gut microbiome by increasing the good bacteria within the gut.
  • Myvitamins Bio Bites are a high-fibre, chocolate-orange flavoured probiotic snack containing 1 billion live cultures to boost gut health. These tasty bites also contain chloride to further support digestion. 7

Why Should I Buy A

You can tell if you need or want a probiotics for sleep by looking at your existing inventory. You probably dont need it and should reconsider buying it. If you cant get go of the old one, you could sell it and use the proceeds to buy the new one.This is a fun and easy approach to finish your task.

Final Thoughts

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How To Improve Sleep Through Gut Health

As both experts have shown, whats happening in your gut is very likely related to how well you sleep at night. But the big underlying question comes down to how to use this helpful intel to get better rest. Since theres a strong connection between good bacteria and good sleep , Dr. Breus recommends eating foods known to boost the good guys. Your diet has a significant influence over the health of your microbiome, he says. Diets heavy on sugars, fatty- and highly-processed foods can alter the make-up of your gut microbiome, reducing the abundance of beneficial microorganisms. Limiting these foods, and replacing them with whole, unprocessed nutrient-rich foods like vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, can help restore and protect the beneficial bacteria in your gut.

Dr. Breus also recommends eating a wide variety of plants, which can help feed and support the growth of a wider range of beneficial gut bacteria. A diet rich in whole fruits and vegetables is the foundation of healthy living, and healthy sleep, he says. To give your body a true diversity of beneficial bacteria, pay attention to getting as broad a variety of plant-based foods as you can. Its the same advice gastroenterologist Will Bulsiewicz, MD,previously told Well+Good, saying itâs scientifically proven that the single greatest predictor of a healthy gut is a diversity of plants .

Watch the video below for more tips on how to eat with gut health in mind:

You May Like: Renew Life Ultimate Flora Probiotic 50 Billion 90 Capsules

The Benefits Of Probiotic Supplements

Probiotic supplements do more than help to control yeast infections and regulate digestive health. They also help to reduce bloating by balancing the bacteria in your gut.

There are over 400 types of probiotics, and each performs a different function. For example, acidophilus supplements help to control yeast infections by fighting off bad bacteria in the digestive tract. Another strain, known as Bifidobacterium breve, reduces the effects of diarrhea and constipation by controlling bowel movements.

These benefits can help you to fight bloating, which is often a common side effect of weight gain during menopause. With less bloating comes the lighter feeling that you may experience after taking probiotics for weight loss.

Can Probiotics Cause Insomnia

Probiotics 60 Billion CFU + Sleep Aid with Valerian Root, Patented ...

In general, probiotics will likely improve mental and physical health, if anything.

With that being said, research doesnt show much benefit from an already healthy person taking probiotics. While theyre generally safe, there can be unexpected bacteria-host interactions that actually cause health problems, potentially something like insomnia .

There are some cases where patients are treated successfully with antibiotics instead of adding more through probiotics. One study with subjects who had chronic fatigue syndrome found :

When patients were treated with antibiotics to relieve the imbalance in the intestinal microbiota, actigraphy records revealed that sleep efficiency, sleep time, and mood were improved

Finally, there may be negative consequences of having too many probiotics.

SummaryHowever, this isnt a topic thats been studied very much from what Ive found, and theres nothing directly linking probiotics to insomnia. So while I wouldnt say its impossible, its not the most likely issue to run into.

Also Check: Best Baby Probiotics After Antibiotics

What Is A Prebiotic

Before we dig into how prebiotics may help with sleep, lets get a quick refresher on what we mean by prebiotic.

Prebiotics are essential food for the beneficial micro-organisms that live within the microbiome. These are the micro-organisms that determine the health of our gut and virtually our whole body.

Prebiotics are compounds within food and supplements that cant be digested by the body. But they feed the beneficial organisms living in your gut. This gives them the fuel essential for the good bacteria to perform all their health-promoting activities in the body.

Prebiotics are present in foods that are high in fibre, such as grains, flaxseed, bananas, leeks and onions. They are also found in resistant starches. They are the compounds that arent broken down by digestion. Gut Performance® has been scientifically proven to be an excellent prebiotic source.

Study Finds Probiotic Alleviates Depression And Improves Sleep

Related tags:, Sleep, , Probiotic

A substantial body of work indicates that the human gut microbiome is implicated in mental health via bidirectional interactions within the gut-brain axis, which involves the immune, neural, endocrine, and metabolic pathways between the gut and the brain. Thus, the oral intake of probiotics may have therapeutic effects on psychiatric symptoms by promoting a healthy and balanced gut microbiome.

In recent years, accumulating literature suggests that probiotics composed of specific strains of genera Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium may have the potential to prevent and treat various psychiatric conditions such as depression and anxiety. However, the researchers behind the current study believe only a few RCTs have investigated the effects of probiotics containing Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains on mental health in healthy individuals, and studies that are out there have used small sample sizes and did not conduct gut microbiome analyses to confirm the restoration of homeostasis of the gut microbiome – one of the most reliable markers of probiotic effects.

The probiotic NVP-1704 is a mixture of Lactobacillus reuteri NK33 and Bifidobacterium adolescentis NK98. Several preclinical trials have showed that NVP-1704 can alleviate anxiety and depression in mice by modulating gut immune responses and gut microbiota composition.

The participants were asked to submit faecal samples at the final visit for bacterial sequencing.

Recommended Reading: What Is A Good Probiotic For Weight Loss

Probiotic For Sleep Duo

Related tags:Sleep, Probiotics,

Writing in Nutrients, the RCT was conducted by researchers from Seoul National University, Kyung Hee University, Eulji University and Navipharm the company which supplied the probiotic mixture.

Navipharm has also developed the probiotic mixture known as NVP-1703. The probiotic mixture was shown to be a potential treatment for allergic rhinitis and has been commercialised for use as a Health Functional Food .

In the current RCT, 156 healthy adults aged 19 to 65 with subclinical symptoms of depression, anxiety, and insomnia were randomised to receive either the probiotic mixture or a placebo.

The name of the probiotic mixture used is NVP-1704.

Each 500 mg capsule of NVP-1704 contained 2bn CFU of Lactobacillus reuteri NK 33 and 500m CFU of Bifidobacterium adolescentis NK98.

The subjects had to take two capsules of the probiotic mixture or placebo once per day for eight weeks.

The purpose of the trial was to find out the probiotics effects in improving stress, depression, anxiety, and sleep disturbances, along with the measurement of key blood biomarkers.

To measure the changes, all participants had to complete self-report questionnaires regarding their symptoms of stress, depression, and anxiety pre-trial, during week four and eight of the trial.

Blood biomarkers and gut microbiome analysis on faecal samples was also carried out.

Sleep improved from baseline

Findings on depressive, anxiety symptoms

Gut microbiome change

Source: Nutrients

Take Probiotics Before Bedtime

Why does Kefir help you sleep well?

Taking probiotics immediately before bedtime on an empty stomach may help to reduce gas and bloating. Your gut is relatively inactive at night, but probiotics can produce gas when combined with certain foods. Taking food on an empty stomach ensures that the probiotics dont have any obstacles in the way, which also allows more of the live bacteria to reach your large intestines.14

Dont Miss: The Best Probiotics For Womens Health

Read Also: Should Probiotics Be Taken On An Empty Stomach

Is It Time To Get A New Probiotics For Sleep

Youre looking for a new probiotics for sleep. What do you think? Its difficult to predict future price changes. If there are no signs of production slowing, it can be worth buying now to enjoy your investment sooner. But if output is declining and prices are predicted to rise, you might want to wait until the buzz has died down before making a choice.

The Relationship Between The Microbiome And Sleep

Sleep affects the microbiome and the microbiome affects sleep. They have a cyclical relationship, and if one isnt functioning properly, the other will be impacted too. Likewise, improving the health of the gut microbiome can have a direct impact on your sleep, and getting adequate rest can promote a healthy gut.

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How Probiotics Can Help

While I highly recommend you obtain most of your nutrients from real food, probiotic supplements can be helpful, especially if you are unable to eat fermented foods. That said, for probiotics to do their job, you need to optimize the conditions where these good bacteria will flourish.

The first step is to nourish your microbiome with real food. If you continue to eat a highly processed diet and foods containing added sugars, youll only be feeding the potentially pathogenic bacteria in your gut. Pathogenic disease-causing microbes simply love sugar!

On the other hand, these microbes will not thrive in the presence of fiber-rich foods or those containing complex carbohydrates, healthy fats and proteins. When you focus on eating whole, natural foods, youre supporting the growth of your beneficial gut bacteria. Research suggests the benefits of probiotics arent limited to your gut, but also affect your brain.

This is the case because your gut is connected to your brain via whats called the gut-brain axis, which means whatever affects your gastrointestinal tract affects your brain, and vice versa.

As such, when your gut microbiome is unbalanced, it can affect your immune system, mental health, mood and even your brain function. Probiotics have even been shown to help reduce the symptoms of depression. Factors to look for when trying to identify a high-quality probiotic supplement include:

How Probiotics Affect Sleep And Insomnia

Skinny Sleep And Probiotics Advanced Support Combo Pack

A lot of modern research is exploring how gut health can affect our health in other ways.

While its still early, there seems to be a link between gut health and mental disorders, obesity, heart health, and even insomnia .

For many people, probiotics are a convenient way to populate their gut with bacteria that they may be lacking.

This is a complex topic, but Ive done my best to simplify and summarize current research here.

  • Summary: Do Probiotics Improve or Worsen Sleep Quality?
  • Read Also: Will Taking Probiotics Help With Constipation

    How Sleep Influences The Microbiome

    You may be familiar with the circadian rhythms role in regulating your sleep-wake cycles. Many other functions in your body run on an internal clock too, including the microbiome. The microbiomes circadian rhythm is affected by what you eat, when you eat, and how you sleep.

    According to research, even just mild sleep deprivation can have a negative impact on gut health. A 2016 study looked at healthy young adults who had regular sleeping and eating patterns and looked at what happened to their microbiome after two nights of only 4.24 hours of sleep. The staggering results showed:

    • A decrease in insulin sensitivity
    • A decrease in healthy types of bacteria in the gut
    • Microbiome changes that are linked to type 2 diabetes

    Growing evidence shows that sleep disorders, like circadian rhythm disorders, insomnia, and others, can upset the balance of healthy bacteria in the gut, and this damage is linked to a range of health problems, including metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes, and inflammatory disease.

    Lately, a lot of attention has been focused on the role of sleep in the development of Alzheimers disease later in life. Some new research suggests that the bacteria in the microbiome may be behind these cognitive changes. A 2017 study of healthy older adults found that better sleep quality was linked to better cognitive functioning and a healthier microbiome.

    Can Probiotics Improve Insomnia Symptoms

    Insomnia often comes with other health problems.

    There are many causes of it, and a strong link between insomnia and conditions like depression, anxiety disorders, and even irritable bowel syndrome .

    Ive chosen to summarize the main ways that insomnia could be affected by probiotics and gut health.

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    Gut Health Prebiotics & Probiotics

    If insomnia or stress are preventing you from getting a good nights sleep, the answer may lie in your gut. The gut, sometimes referred to as the second brain, has strong associations with mood, brain function, and physical health. Boosting the health of your gut has been found to improve markers of mental and physical health conditions, such as depression, autoimmune conditions and cardiovascular disease. This can be achieved by reducing the bad bacteria, and increasing the good bacteria in the gut. This leads to a balanced, healthy gut microbiome.

    The overarching recommendation for improving your gut health involves eating a varied diet that is high in plant-based foods, while reducing highly processed and sugary foods. Furthermore, you can provide your gut with prebiotics and probiotics.

    Probiotics are the good live bacteria and organisms that live in the gut. Prebiotics, on the other hand, are types of non-digestible fibre, such as inulin, within food that feed these good bacteria. Research suggests that supplementation with a dietary prebiotic can increase sleep quality. 4,5

    You Deserve A Restful Sleep

    Food for Thought: Should you take probiotic supplements?

    While many factors contribute to a sound night’s sleep, adding probiotics for sleep to your routine may help you achieve deep rest. The best probiotic for optimizing your circadian rhythm is one that increases melatonin and serotonin production, supports your immune system, and benefits your overall health.

    If youre looking for a probiotic to support sound sleep, be sure to check out our new Simple Slumberformula. It will only be available for a limited time!

    With gratitude,

    Also Check: Do Probiotics Make You Wetter

    Eat Healthier And Get Probiotics For Insomnia

    Your diet has a significant impact on your sleep habits, so watching what you eat and drink and when would help you a lot when managing your sleep. Caffeine in coffee and tea, for example, can be the reason why you have trouble falling asleep at night. So, avoid having these drinks after 2 p.m. Also, try to stay away from fatty and sugary foods. They are awful for your health in general, but they even interrupt your hormones and sleep. Apart from that, try to eat more foods rich in probiotics as they can help improve your sleep.

    Use The Right Prebiotic And Probiotic

    While prebiotics and probiotics can be found in many foods, like yogurt, asparagus, artichokes, and onions, some people prefer to take a supplement. Unfortunately, many commercial probiotic supplements wont survive the harsh conditions in your digestive tract. To ensure your probiotics are effective, look for live strains that dont have to be refrigerated, double encapsulated options, or spore-based organisms.

    Recommended Reading: What Are Live Cultures In Probiotics

    Probiotic’s May Lower Inflammation

    Sometimes after a surgery or after a physical injury the pain may make it difficult to relax enough to fall asleep. According to this study, there is some evidence that Probiotic’s may have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

    More specifically the study mentioned that it may help with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. If IBD is keeping you up at night then it may be worth trying Probiotic’s to see if they help or not.

    Gut Health & Sleep On Bbc

    OLLY Extra Strength Probiotics Gummies â OLLY PBC

    Did you see the interesting show on the BBC about sleep? The programme, titled The Truth about Sleep, with Dr Michael Mosley, looked into factors such as diet and lifestyle, as well as gut bacteria and prebiotic fibres discussing the way they can affect and possibly increase our sleep quality.

    his is a topic Im very keen on as sleep is an important aspect of our lives, yet so many of us dont always get enough of it. One of the things that caught my attention was the importance of your gut microbiome and their influence on sleep! Read more about the gut microbiome: All About The Microbiome.

    We are aware that stress can have an effect on our microbiome and lead to dysbiosis in the gut. However, what we didnt know until recently was that this could in turn affect our sleep cycle.

    Diets rich in prebiotics are thought to help with improving the amount and growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut which in turn reduces stress linked to sleep deprivation in many people. As the research into prebiotics and sleep is still in its infancy, it was great firstly hearing about some new research into the topic, and then seeing it put to the test on Dr. Michael Mosley himself.

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