Saturday, July 13, 2024

Probiotics On Dr Oz Show

How To Get More Probiotics Into Your Diet

The Dr Oz Candida Show With Dr Whiting

Adding a few servings of probiotic-rich foods to your daily diet can be an easy and effective way to give your gut microbiome a boost while also improving overall health and youll find you feel better consuming these foods too.

To get started, try making a few simple swaps in the foods you eat. For example, you can switch out soda, juice or energy drinks for fermented beverages such as kombucha instead. You can also trade regular yogurt for probiotic yogurt and substitute raw milk or cheese in place of regular cheese or milk products as well.

Alternatively, try using a few of the best probiotic foods in your favorite recipes to add a bit of extra flavor and variety to your weekly rotation. Tempeh works well as a meatless main dish, sauerkraut can be served as a savory spread and apple cider vinegar makes a great addition to salad dressings and vinaigrettes.

Regardless of how you choose to get in your daily dose of these natural probiotic foods, the trick is to get creative and dont be afraid to experiment with new ingredients to make healthy and delicious meals.

Is Magnesium Deficiency Common

Detailed national dietary surveys in the United States and other data indicate that most people consume only about half of the Recommended Dietary Allowance and have suboptimal magnesium stores in their bodies.1 In addition to insufficient dietary intake, factors that reduce absorption or increase the loss of magnesium can also lead to low magnesium status. These factors include high calcium intake, alcohol or caffeine excess, diuretics, liver disease, kidney disease, and use of drugs that reduce absorption like proton-pump inhibitors that block gastric acid production, birth control pills, and others.

In addition to the health conditions listed above associated with low magnesium status, magnesium deficiency signs and symptoms can include fatigue, irritability, weakness, heart disturbances, muscle cramps, loss of appetite, insomnia, and a predisposition to stress. Low magnesium levels can also trigger headaches .9,10

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2.Dark chocolate Have a 1-ounce square for dessert, paired with your favorite fruit. Gut bugs love munching on the fiber and polyphenols in dark cocoa, say Louisiana State University scientists. The good microbes, such as bifidobacterium and lactic acid bacteria, feast on chocolate, one of the researchers said. When you eat dark chocolate, they ferment it, producing compounds that are anti-inflammatory. When these compounds are absorbed by the body, they lessen inflammation of cardiovascular tissue, reducing the long-term risk of stroke.

3.Chewy produce The cellulose in the chewy stuff like carrot skin, broccoli stems and asparagus ends is an insoluble fiber that good gut bacteria thrive on. Get more by scrubbing carrots instead of peeling them and by grating tough veggie stalks for use in salads or coleslaw. Crunch on cruciferous goodies like broccoli, kale, cabbage and cauliflower several times weekly they contain glucosinolates that gut bugs convert into cancer-fighting compounds.

4.Onions, asparagus, raspberries and more These plant foods are great sources of a prebiotic fiber called fructans. Your good-for-you gut bacteria ferment the fructans and then dine on that. Other fructan-packed foods include artichokes Jerusalem and regular and leeks. Youll also get some in pears, bananas, watermelon and nectarines.


Don’t Miss: Renew Life Vs Garden Of Life Probiotics

Dr Oz: Prebiotics & Probiotics For Healthy Gut

Dr Oz explained that theres a battle in our bodies between the good guys and the bad guys. The good guys are the probiotics, and they can affect our moods and possibly even our weight. Prebiotics need to be given the right food like honey, oats, artichoke, garlic, onions, and bananas, to feed the good bacteria.

Natalia had a probiotic supplement sitting in front of her. Dr Oz explained that although probiotics can be found in fermented foods and yogurt, oftentimes those probiotics cant get into your stomach. If you take a supplement it can get past your stomach. Dr Oz explained that you need to good probiotics in the right balance and feed them the prebiotics, in order to keep from singing the belly blues.

Dr Oz: Kefir Review + Bacteria Content

Dr Oz Probiotic Diet / Shots

Kefir is raw fermented cows milk, and it is a cousin to yogurt. Melissa tasted it for the first time, and she thought it was like drinking Greek yogurt. Dr Oz said it is tangy and wakes you up. It is higher in probiotics than Kefir.

Look for Kefir in the refrigerated aisle at your supermarket. It has three to five times the amount of good bacteria compared to yogurt. Drink one cup per day before eating a big meal. Try adding a small amount of Pomegranate Extract if you dont like the taste at first.

Read Also: Can You Take Probiotics With Diverticulitis

Dr Oz: Lactose Intolerance

Dr. Oz talked on his show about lactose intolerance and how to know if youre suffering from it. Dr. Oz called down an Assistant of the Day for help. Her name was Tina and she said her favorite food was Brussels sprouts. Dr. Oz said he hadnt met anyone who liked them that much. Brussels sprouts can cause gas sometimes, but thats good fiber.

Dr. Oz talked about lactose intolerance, why we become more intolerant of lactose as we grow older, and how we can overcome it to still have the foods we love.

Dairy products, however, can cause problems like bloating, gas, and diarrhea. Tina said she loves milkshakes, but shell get bloated and gassy. She hasnt had one in a long time for that reason. But strangely, she didnt feel that way when she was a kid.

Great Probiotic Foods For Better Gut Health

By Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DNM, CN

May 24, 2022

Are you getting enough probiotic-rich foods in your diet? Chances are youre probably not. Probiotics are a form of good bacteria found in your gut which are responsible for everything from nutrient absorption to immune health.

Not only are probiotics are essential for digestion, but did you know there are hundreds of other health benefits of consuming probiotic-rich foods that you might not be aware of? According to a review in the journal ISRN Nutrition, probiotics could also help people lower cholesterol, protect against allergies, aid in cancer prevention and more.

In most cases, getting more probiotics in your routine doesnt require you to buy expensive pills, powders or supplements. In fact, there are a number of probiotic foods out there that are delicious, versatile and easy to enjoy as part of a healthy, well-rounded diet naturally.

In this article, well cover the extensive list of all probiotic foods you should consider adding to your food routine and how they can benefit you. Plus, well look at some tips for how to fit these fermented foods into your meals to maximize the gut-boosting benefits of probiotics.

What Are They? | 17 Top Probiotic Foods | How to Get More Probiotics Into Your Diet

Also Check: Best Women’s Probiotic For Uti

Dr Oz: Power Probiotics

Dr Oz said that probiotics can help you beat bad bacteria, get rid of bloat, and say goodbye to indigestion. Try Kefir Milk, Tempeh, and supplements to get the probiotics your body needs.

Viewer Melissa was on the show to talk about her stomach problems, which can sometimes be loud and embarrassing. Since she is a mother of young children, she does not have much free time, so she tends to reach for an antacid when she can.

Food in the bodys digestive system starts in the stomach before traveling through the small intestines. Digestive juices should break down the food, but when it does not, you will feel bloated. Probiotic fluids melt everything away to prevent bloating and make you more comfortable.

Dr Oz loves Probiotics because they work in some very simple ways that can be found in more products than just Yogurt.

Dr Oz explained how adding power probiotics to your diet from Tempeh and Kefir can help you to avoid unwanted symptoms of digestive discomfort.

Dr Oz: Schiff Digestive Advantage Review

Heart surgeon, television personality Dr. Oz runs for Pennsylvania senate | Nightline

You can get even more probiotic benefits from a daily probiotic supplement, which could hold up against stomach acid.

On December 3, Schiff planned to give away 10,000 one-month supplies of Schiff Digestive Advantage. It has been proven to work in just two weeks, and the giveaway took place on Dr Ozs official website at 3 p.m. on December 3. If you missed out, you can still try the product for yourself at home.

Read Also: What Is The Best Probiotic Supplement To Take Daily

Find Out Which Strains To Look For When You Shop

If you are in search of the right probiotic to add to your daily diet, we are here to help. With so many different brands, strains, and types, it can be overwhelming trying to determine which one is the real deal and which one is worth leaving on the shelf. With the help of gastroenterologist Roshini Rajapaksa, MD, we are going to share the tips you need to know the next time you are at the health food store.

Dr Oz: Probiotic & Prebiotics Together

The two women said instead of their belly blues song, if they followed Dr Ozs tips, they could instead be singing about belly bliss. Dr Oz then shared that they have a partnership with Usana, which makes a probiotic that you can take. Its dairy-, gluten-, and sugar-free, and its a powder form, so you can add to beverages or food. Dr Oz then gave everyone in the audience a probiotic from Usana.

Do you suffer from the belly blues? Have you tried taking a probiotic supplement?

Recommended Reading: What Do Probiotics Do For Me

Dr Oz: Organ Search & Transport

Finally, Dr Oz took us behind the scenes to show how he and a team of medical students worked together to collect enough organs for the entire audience to hold in this episode. They coordinated with Dr Ozs hospital to collect and catalog the organs and match them with audience members.

The organs had to be packed and kept in coolers for transport, where they were stored overnight. Then they were gently unpacked and distributed to the Dr Oz audience. Thats a pretty cool story. How many of us can say we got the chance to hold a human organ?

Is The Supplement Industry In For A Reverse Dr Oz Effect

Talk show host, Dr. Oz, recommends Advocare*s OmegaPlex, Probiotic ...

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Dr Oz, who hosted a TV show that focused on nutrition, dieting strategies, alternative treatments and dietary supplements, threw his hat into the ring in December for the Republican Party primary for the Pennsylvania Senate seat that is currently held by retiring Republican incumbent Sen. Pat Toomey.

As polarizing a figure as Dr Oz has been, he became even more so when he attracted the endorsement of former Pres. Donald Trump recently. Some might opine that thats all just political muckraking. What has it got to do with the supplement industry? Well, potentially plenty.

Also Check: Dr Formulated Probiotics Women’s Daily Care Benefits

Dr Oz Show Features Astaxanthin

A recent Dr. Oz Show featured a four-minute piece on astaxanthin where Dr. Mehmet Oz interviewed Dr. Joseph Mercola. Dr. Mercola had sent an e-newsletter extolling the benefits of astaxanthin just last month. The Dr. Oz segment called astaxanthin the No.1 supplement youve never heard of that you should be taking.” In the segment, Dr. Mercola said he takes 8 mg each day.

Dr. Mercola spoke about the nutrients benefits for eye health and sports performance, as well as its bioavailability.

Cyanotech Corporation sent an e-mail alerting the industry about the Dr. Oz show highlight of astaxanthin and the company noted it is the latest in a series of media exposures for the carotenoid, including:

Dr Oz: Choosing A Probiotic

In recent years, you have probably heard a lot of talk about Probiotics, but it can be overwhelming to shop for the right thing. A lack of information combined with an overwhelming number of choices can leave you with more questions than solutions. Dr Oz teamed up with Dr Julie T. Chen, an expert in the field, to learn about which strains target common conditions for best results. Its time to learn about Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium Infantis, and Lactobacillus Gasseri.

Recommended Reading: Garden Of Life Dr Formulated Probiotics Once Daily

Sweet Potato Tacos & Sauerkraut Guacamole

taco ingredients1 tablespoon grape seed oil2 cups small diced sweet potatoes1/2 teaspoon taco seasoning1 cup cooked black beans1 cup shredded lettuce4 soft corn tortillas4 tablespoons cilantro leaves

  • In a large skillet heat the oil and cook the sweet potatoes until lightly browned and starting to soften, about 4 to 5 minutes on medium heat.
  • Sprinkle with the seasoning, stir in the beans and cook 2 more minutes, until heated through.
  • To assemble heat the tortillas in a dry pan, remove to a plate and top each with 1/4 cup of the lettuce, divide the sweet potato bean mix among the 4 tortillas and then sprinkle with the cilantro.
  • guacamole ingredients

    Dr Oz: Sources Of Probiotics + Treat Yourself

    Dr. Oz Quick Tip: The Pros of Probiotics.

    When your gut is unhappy, you have leakiness of the gut which can lead to inflammation and unhappiness. Often times when people think of probiotics, they only think of yogurt, but there are actually quite a few options. Dr Perlmutter suggested consuming lemon preserves, cultured sour cream, coconut kefir, and raw kimchi as other sources of probiotics.

    Another part of the daily plan to keep your gut happy, you can treat yourself to chocolate, coffee, tea, and red wine. Dr Perlmutter explained that theyre all foods that are rich in polyphenols. Theyre natural antioxidants which can reduce free radicals and inflammation. You can have one service each of chocolate, tea, wine, and coffee each day.

    Dr David Perlmutter is the author of Brain Maker.

    Will you be trying these foods to see if it makes a difference with your mood? Have you found a more natural alternative to anti-depressants that youre willing to share?

    Recommended Reading: Best Probiotic For 2 Year Old

    See How Electrolytes Work In Your Body

    Whether you’re trying to stay hydrated for your workout routine or rehabilitation, recovery and hydration is so important to keeping your body performing like it should. So how do you make sure that happens? You need electrolytes the minerals that give electrical power to your body. What the video below to see how they get to work inside your body and how you seamlessly add them to your day.

    Presented by USANA.

    Dr Oz: Doctors Mistakes Advice

    Heart surgeons make mistakes just like everyone else, but in the operating room those consequences can turn fatal. Doctors do take it to heart when a patient dies in surgery, and Dr Oz asked for Dr Lemoles perspective on moving forward after failure.

    Dr Lemole said that mistakes can make you question your decisions to see what you could have done differently. But he said that you have to take setbacks as opportunities to learn something. For doctors, that could mean saving hundreds more lives.

    He went on to say you can apply that to any work that you do, learning from mistakes to help others in future situations.

    Also Check: What Probiotics Are Good For Diarrhea

    Dr Oz: Do Probiotics Need To Be Refrigerated

    What is the best probiotic for fat blasting? Dr Oz turned to expert Dr Julie T. Chen to learn about how different probiotics can target your health.

    Dr Oz showed how good and bad bacteria are meant to be balanced in the stomach. But when you are sick, on medication, or eating an unhealthy diet, you can cause an excess of bad bacteria. This can result in weight gain. But Probiotics help the good bacteria win the fight and get back to a balance.

    Dr Julie T. Chen is an expert on Probiotics, and she said that you want to choose a probiotic that will help you get microbes that give you the results you need, based on particular strains of bacteria. A pill form is the most effective for getting the bacteria you want at the dosage you need. That means you dont have to constantly eat sugary yogurt throughout the day.

    One of the biggest myths is that you should only get probiotics that are refrigerated, Dr Chen said. Even Dr Oz said he did not know that. How do you choose the probiotics that will give you results?

    How Much Magnesium Should You Take

    Dr. Oz

    The usual recommendation for a daily dosage of a magnesium supplement is 400 mg per day for adult males and 300 mg per day for adult females. Taking magnesium at night in a powdered form added to water has become a popular time because of its ability to produce a calming effect and promote improved sleep quality.12

    Recommended Reading: What Is Probiotics In Spanish

    Dr Oz: Intestinal Blackout

    Family and work stress can actually short circuit your intestines, causing an Intestinal Blackout with Bloating, Constipation, and Diarrhea among the symptoms. The intestines can tie knots in themselves, but this can also be undone.

    Remarkably, theyre able to come back and be what they used to be, he said.

    Breaking News: Angelina Jolie And Brad Pitt Divorce Shocker: Surviving The Stress Of A Very Public Divorce

    Wed, Sep 21, 2016 60 mins

    A look at why Angelina Jolie is divorcing Brad Pitt. Also: People who claim they died and came back reveal what they saw, who they met, why they returned and share a message from beyond. In addition, a report on women’s health and why loneliness may be as big a threat to health as obesity and smoking.

    Also Check: Probiotic Skin Cream For Eczema

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