Friday, July 12, 2024

Which Is Better Prebiotics Or Probiotics

Probiotics Vs Prebiotics Vs Fiber

Are Prebiotics vs Probiotics | Are Probiotics the Answer To Better Gut Health? | IntroWellness

Probiotics are the beneficial bacteria found naturally in the human body. The word probiotic means for life. Prebiotics are the nourishing sources for these beneficial bacteria.

There are numerous types of fiber that have been discovered in plants. Prebiotics are essentially indigestible plant fibers that reach the colon untouched. In the colon these fibers are fermented by the good bacteria.

There are multiple studies that have suggested an important link between probiotics, prebiotics and fiber. Probiotics and prebiotics have been extensively studied and proven to be dependent on each other.

Prebiotics cannot be digested without probiotics and probiotics cannot survive without prebiotics. Fiber plays an important role in the overall health of your body. It helps move things along the digestive tract and helps the gut microbiome complete their jobs effectively.

The food you eat plays a vital role in your gut microbiome. Gut probiotics are directly influenced by prebiotics and other types of fiber you eat.

For instance, a diet low in fiber content and rich in high-fat and high-sugar diet will help the harmful bacteria become dominant which Drew Carey and Mimi know all about.

Once the harmful bacteria are fed, they are able to grow faster and colonize quicker in your gut. This automatically depletes the good bacteria levels in your body. It is possible for the harmful bacteria to make you crave for more sugary foods in order to help them grow.

Where Can You Find Probiotics

Probiotic-rich foods include fermented, or cultured, treats like kefir, sauerkraut, natto, tempeh, miso, kvass, kombucha, tepache and live-culture yogurt. Not sure if a food contains probiotics? Check the label and look for these words: Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, those are the two most common types of probiotic bacteria.

Why Probiotics Are Important

A review of the research on prebiotics and probiotics published in a 2017 issue of Nutrients suggests that these bacteria can keep the immune system strong and reduce chronic inflammation, which is associated with serious diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. These bacteria can also improve digestion and skin. Furthermore, they may help maintain a healthy body weight. Our gutor some would say the window to our healthis home to 70 to 80 percent of your entire immune system, says Cabrero. Therefore, its important to keep it happy.

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What Is Lactospore Probiotic

One example of a Probiotic is LactoSpore .

Lactospore Probiotic is a natural remedy that has been shown in research to help reduce bloating and abdominal pain while improving stool frequency. LactoSpores®, sourced from this probiotic, is said to fight inflammation around the body by producing short-chain fatty acids .

Probiotics have been found to help with diarrhoea. They can reduce its severity or stop it altogether, and replenish good bacteria that antibiotics kill off.

The gut flora is essential to our health because it forms a protective barrier that prevents us from getting sick. Probiotics have been shown in studies as being able to help enhance natural antibodies and strengthen immune cells, which are what protect the body against foreign invaders like bacteria or viruses!

At Nourished we have found that producing vitamins in a gummy format increases the absorption rates of our ingredients, which means ingredients such as LactoSpore can begin having a positive impact on your gut faster than if it was in an isolated tablet.

The Role Probiotics Play In Your Health

Prebiotics vs Probiotics

Up until the past few years, scientists in the medical profession paid little attention to the colonies of bacteria that live in the lower gut. Today, we know maintaining a healthy balance of good versus bad bacteria is important because people with more beneficial bacteria are less likely to suffer from a wide range of diseases and conditions.

Once GI experts realized there is more to the lower gut than first assumed, the push to understand the diverse roles these bacteria play became urgent. Many mysteries still need solving, but clinical evidence increasingly indicates that people in good health should optimize lower gut bacteria. You can accomplish this by eating prebiotics to encourage the growth of your existing gut microbes, and probiotics to add to the ones that are already there.

The science on what probiotics do is still emerging. There is some hard evidence that suggests eating probiotic foods and supplements can have a beneficial effect on health. Other evidence suggests probiotics benefits are limited to those individuals in good health and should be avoided by those who suffer from certain serious health conditions. There is no research that demonstrates the risks or the benefits of probiotic supplements on children.

Yogurt and supplements arent the only places you can find probiotics. More foods that contain probiotics include:

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Prebiotin Fiber Complements Probiotics Perfectly

If you want to take advantage of the benefits of probiotics and you also want to make sure the beneficial bacteria you already have is optimized to its full potential, supplement your probiotic regimen with Prebiotin. A trained microbiologist cannot tell you which probiotics are the best ones to choose, so why try to do something you are not trained to do? Eat lots of foods with prebiotics in them and take a prebiotic supplement like Prebiotin. Its the best thing you can do to maximize the benefits of both prebiotics and probiotics on the bacteria in your gut, and your overall good gut health.

Finally, there is a great deal of good research being done on probiotics. Keep tuned as interesting things may be happening.

How To Get Prebiotics Naturally

You can get more prebiotics in your diet by increasing your intake of fibrous, prebiotic-containing foods.

Here are the top foods known to contain the highest concentrations of prebiotic-rich fructans or galacto-oligosaccharides:

  • Chicory root
  • Garlic
  • Prebiotic supplements

Since cooked leeks, asparagus and onion can be difficult to digest in their raw form, I do recommend eating them lightly steamed. However, you will receive fiber from both the raw and cooked forms, which is where the prebiotics are found.

Prebiotic supplements will typically contain several different types of fiber and prebiotics, such as chia seeds and flax, as well as chicory root.

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What Are The Natural Side Effects Of Postbiotics And Probiotics

There are a host of natural benefits that come from consuming Postbiotics and Probiotics , but there are a few side effects that are a natural part of consuming these powerful ingredients. If you are not made aware of them, you can feel a little confused, when in actual fact they are a positive sign that you are already starting to see the positive effects take shape and make an impact.

One of the most common reactions people report when they first start taking Lactospore Probiotic and HT-BPL1 is bloating, excess gas and a looseness of the bowels. This usually subsides after a few days or weeks, and actually is a sign that your digestive system has been cleansed from all those pesky bad bacteria!

However, you will not always see side effects when consuming these ingredients. Of course, we take our Nourished every day and we wanted to share with you some insight from one of our staff members Craig, and has been consuming HT-BPL1 in his Nourished Stacks over the past few months:

  • How long have you currently been supplementing HT-BPL1?
  • Ive been taking HT-BPL1 in my Nourished stacks for the last 4 months.

  • Why did you want to incorporate HT-BPL1 into your stack?
  • Like most people, I had put on some lockdown weight, and really wanted to incorporate something into my diet to aid in losing weight as well as exercise and a balanced meal plan.

  • What were your expectations of consuming HT-BPL1?
  • What was your reaction to taking HT-BPL1? Did you experience any side effects?
  • Kombucha Vs Probiotics: Added Benefits

    Prebiotics vs. Probiotics: What are the differences?

    Most commercial probiotic products are one-trick ponies. Even the good ones are designed to do one thing only: they deliver probiotic bacteria to your gut to boost and balance gut flora.

    Natural probiotics like kombucha, kimchi, kefir and sauerkraut offer added benefits too.

    Some, like kombucha, might contain large amounts of other healthy phytochemicals, nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Others, like sauerkraut and kimchi, also contain fiber, another essential ingredient in gut health.

    Natural probiotics like kombucha are also great ingredients in the kitchen, whether its as a component in your favorite smoothie or as a healthy condiment in the case of kimchi and sauerkraut. The natural acidity and tartness of fermented foods can add a fresh dimension to your cooking.

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    Getting The Most From Probiotics And Prebiotics

    As much as feasible, avoid foods and lifestyle choices that can kill your good bacteria, explains Cabrero. This includes the overuse of prescription antibiotics or other medications. Enjoy sweets? Eating too much sugar is also a culprit. So is stress, lack of sleep, smoking, and alcohol consumption. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine reinforces these points, noting that overuse of antibiotics can kill off healthy bacteria and that sleep can positively affect your gut microbiome.

    Prebiotic Vs Probiotic: How To Support Your Digestion And Hormones

    Womens HealthWomens Hormones 0

    I have had to face hormone imbalance head-on.

    I was fatigued, couldnt shake extra weight, and was fighting all day long with cravings and brain fog. When I finally realized what was going on, advocated for myself, and found a doctor who would listen, I received my Hashimotos diagnosis.

    I knew something had to change. I began taking a look into root causes that could be fueling my thyroid and hormonal issues, beginning with my gut.

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    How Prebiotics And Probiotics Interact

    Prebiotics serve as food for probiotics, so probiotics need access to prebiotics to work effectively.

    Research assessing the connection between the two is ongoing, and scientists cannot yet confirm whether taking prebiotics can support probiotic development.

    People who eat a balanced, varied, and healthful diet will get many prebiotics and probiotics through their food:

    How Do Prebiotics And Probiotics Work

    Probiotics Work Better With Prebiotics

    Prebiotics are a type of fiber that helps to feed the good bacteria in your gut. Probiotics are the good bacteria themselves. They work by restoring the balance of bacteria in your gut. The good bacteria then help to fight disease and improve digestion.

    Prebiotics provide food for probiotics, hence probiotics require prebiotics to function properly.

    The study of the link between the two is still underway, and scientists are unable to say whether ingesting prebiotics can help probiotic development.

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    Kombucha Vs Probiotics: Why Do We Need Them

    A long time ago, the human diet was very different. We didnt eat much sugar or processed foods. We were living in a pre-industrial age where our environmental conditions were very different. In those days, our gut flora was balanced, and it kept our bodies healthy and strong.

    These days, we eat processed foods, breathe polluted air, drink bottled water, and take antibiotics to treat diseases. Some of these things are convenient and make modern life a little safer, but theyre not always great for our gut flora.

    Although antibiotics can prevent infection, they can also cause absolute chaos in your gut. After just one bout of strep throat treated with antibiotics, good bacteria can be wiped out, while harmful bacteria, and even fungal infections like thrush, can flourish. And it may take months or even years to get things back in balance naturally.

    As the gut is considered the bodys second brain, a gut flora imbalance can do so much more than just make us physically unwell. It may have a profound impact on your mental health and wellbeing too so its more important than ever to keep everything balanced and in sync.

    Where To Find Oligofructose

    Inulin is present in high concentrations in chicory root, agave, and even dandelions. It is present to a lesser extent in bananas, wheat, onions, asparagus, rye, and barley. Indeed, it has been found in over 36,000 plants around the world. Oligofructose, also present in these foods, is a similar fiber. Very surprisingly, Americans get only about 2 grams/day of these fibers, 70% from wheat and 20% from onions. Europeans eat three times this amount. Somehow our food industries and our eating habits have simply bypassed this remarkable fiber. These soluble prebiotic fibers have by far the most science behind them. Much of the research in the scientific literature, in fact, has been done with a combination of inulin and oligofructose.

    The mixture of these two fibers is called oligofructose-enriched inulin. It seems to provide a synergy whereby the mixture of the two has been found to be more effective in producing beneficial results than either one by itself. It is also a full-spectrum lower gut health solution because it acts in all areas of the colon, not just one localized site. The laboratory, animal and human studies reported in the medical literature are impressive and it is only just beginning. The benefits of these prebiotic fibers include better digestive health, improved immunity to disease, better appetite control, reduced anxiety, improved mineral absorption, stronger bones and more.

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    Whats The Difference Between Prebiotics And Probiotics

    Probiotics are bacteria that live in the human gut and benefit the entire body. They are found in fermented foods and in supplements.

    Prebiotics are specialized plant food that probiotics need to survive and thrive in the intestines. Prebiotics can be found in foods like beans, leafy vegetables, grains, and oats.

    Somewhere along the way, the lovely little bacteria we call probiotics discovered that they could live off the excess fiber in our intestines. But they didnt just come for a free ride.

    Probiotics provide us with so many health benefits that we cannot live without themat least not in a healthy way. Both probiotics and prebiotics are essential to a healthy body and mind. We need the right balance of each one in order to ensure the gut can function optimally.

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    What Do Prebiotics Do

    Probiotics and Prebiotics – Whatâs The Difference & Whatâs Better

    The undigested prebiotic fiber travels past the stomach and the small intestine, to the colon where it starts to ferment. This fermentation process feeds all the beneficial bacteria that live in your gut.

    And you know that we want that beneficial bacteria in our colon to be happy and well fed. Thats essentially what prebiotics do and why they are so important to good gut health.

    So the probiotics act as the fertilizer and water for your gut garden.

    Your gut can also take that prebiotic fiber and turn it into a short-chain fatty acid called butyrate. This fatty acid has been extensively studied and has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects inside the colon.

    In addition, it may also block the growth of cancerous cells and help provide the fuel that healthy cells need to grow and divide normally.

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    How Dietary Fiber Affects Gut Microbiota

    Gut microbiota performs several important tasks once the bacterial mix has been favorably resolved by consuming beneficial dietary fibers. Following ingestion, the body breaks down the dietary fiber found in certain complex carbohydrates in the large intestine via fermentation in fact, the large intestine contains more bacteria than any other place on or in the human body. Fermentation produces gasses and acids that help beneficial bacteria multiply while stifling the production of bad, disease-causing microorganisms. When these good bacteria multiply, they strengthen the walls of the lower gut. Because the lower gut produces a variety of hormones that help the body regulate optimum health conditions, it stands to reason that making adequate dietary fiber a part of your everyday diet is essential for better overall wellness.

    The lower guts forgotten organ appears to regulate a wide range of potentially disease-causing bacteria. Recent research indicates that proper bacterial mix helps people fight obesity. A strong colon wall helps people absorb the minerals calcium and magnesium. Eating fermentable fiber reduces bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which fights hardened arteries and heart disease. There is now considerable evidence that a bad bacteria mix, called dysbiosis, is part of many, indeed most, chronic intestinal disorders. Prebiotics may well help reverse this bad mix of bacteria.

    What To Know About Inulin

    Inulin, on the other hand, is a larger, more complex molecule. Because it takes the colons bacteria much longer to ferment inulin, there is more available to the bacteria that reside in the rest of the colon, mostly on the left side. Like oligofructose, inulin is somewhat effective on its own but really needs another quick-fermenting fiber to provide the optimal beneficial health effects. Unfortunately, foods with these prebiotics are rather low in the oligofructose component, so an ideal formula would be one where the basic inulin would be enriched with oligofructose.

    Inulin and oligofructose are the two most natural and beneficial prebiotics we know.

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    Should You Take A Prebiotic Supplement

    The truth is, research on prebiotic supplements is still in its early stages, and many of the benefits are still largely theoretical. For those reasons, and because potentially helpful prebiotics can be found readily in many fruits and vegetables, its best to consume your prebiotics naturally whenever possible.

    When Is The Best Time To Take Probiotics Vs Prebiotics

    Why You Need Both Probiotics and Prebiotics for Good Gut ...

    For the healthiest gut, you should make sure to get prebiotics and probiotics into your diet each and every day. Getting into a daily gut health routine of choosing foods rich in both prebiotics and probiotics is the best way to establish a daily, healthy habit.

    So, add some prebiotic and probiotic foods to your shopping list. Your gut will be grateful!

    All this gut health information can be so confusing, but working to heal your gut and improving your gut health is so worth it.

    Get the password to my resource library to download your own gut health cheat sheet!

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