Just Thrive Probiotic Supports A Healthy Gut And A Happy You
When it comes to SIBO, your best course of action is to give your gut the power of spore-based probiotics to maintain proper balance and health.
The 4 proprietary strains in Just Thrive spore-based Probiotic are proven to quickly establish an environment that keeps your bacterial populations in check Crowding out the bad guys, and helping your good gut microbes grow and flourish.
Plus, only Just Thrive Probiotic contains the 4 most clinically studied strains that can survive the harsh environment of your stomach AND antibiotic therapy.Just Thrive Probiotic can help you successfully maintain a well-balanced gut microbiome for digestive, immune and total body health.Support your healthy gut microbiome with Just Thrive Probiotic.
Just Thrive
How To Take Probiotics
Using probiotics in patients with SIBO can be a bit trickier than the person with the average digestive complaint.
The following are the points you should keep in mind:
- Test a specific strain with the necessary therapeutic action without combining numerous different products to conduct an accurate test
- Take probiotic products that do not contain prebiotics
- Start small and slow to monitor the changes in your body. When in a more severe disease state the gut and nervous system can be more reactive. Try starting with 1 million to 1 billion CFUs instead of billions at once.
- If you have negative reactions to a product discontinue and try a different strain
- If probiotics make you worse or you just cant tolerate them, it may be the case that you need to improve gut motility before you can introduce any additional bacteria, or that adding bacteria may not be good for you. Listen to your gut and test them again at a later date when your intestines are functioning better.
In summary, try taking a very small dose of a probiotic strain that has been proven effective in helping with the symptoms you currently have. Test this out for a week and then re-evaluate. If it makes you worse or causes a reaction to discontinue. If it helps keep taking the product in a small dose and try increasing the amount very slowly until you reach your maximum tolerance level.
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I Want To Leave You With A Few Closing Points
Sibo Probiotics And Treatment Planning
Treating SIBO with a probiotic protocol is a simple approach thats often overlooked. For most patients with gut dysbiosis, we recommend starting treatment with three foundational approaches: diet, lifestyle, and probiotics. Additional treatments are available if these approaches do not relieve all of your symptoms.
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Probiotics In Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth
The safety and scientific validity of this study is the responsibility of the study sponsor and investigators. Listing a study does not mean it has been evaluated by the U.S. Federal Government. Read our disclaimer for details. |
First Posted : July 31, 2014Last Update Posted : March 20, 2017 |
- Study Details
Dietary Supplement: Probiotics in SIBODietary Supplement: Probiotics | Not Applicable |
The aim of the present study is to demonstrate the effect of a mixture of four species of probiotics in patients with symptomatic IBS who have culture verified SIBO and those who do not have. This will provide direct evidence for the role of probiotics in treating part of the pathogenesis of IBS.
Common Risk Factors For Sibo
Researchers suspect SIBO is caused by a combination of decreased pancreatic enzymes, bile acids and gut motility.
Consequently, certain health conditions or lifestyle choices may increase your risk of developing SIBO:
- Gastrointestinal infections: Such as post-infectious IBS
- Chronic use of antacids: Long-term antacid use reduces acid production in the stomach. Consistently low levels of stomach acid can lead to bacterial overgrowth in the stomach and small intestine .
- Immunodeficiency Syndrome: Disorders that can suppress our immune system such as AIDS and IgA antibody deficiency provide an ideal environment for harmful bacteria to thrive .
- Celiac disease:Celiac disease can disturb how food moves through the intestines, particularly if it remains undiagnosed or is poorly managed. This leads to increased bacterial growth in the gut .
- Aging: In general, older people are at increased risk for SIBO because our digestive tract gets weaker with age. This is thought to be caused by reduced physical activity, weight gain, ongoing medication use and general weakening of the gastrointestinal tract .
- Alcoholism: Chronic alcohol consumption appears to increase risk of SIBO .
- Gastroparesis: There is a strong overlap between symptoms, and it seems those with gastroparesis are more likely to have SIBO .
Summary: Your risk of SIBO is greatly increased by several conditions and factors, most often related to reduced function and efficiency of the intestines.
- Fatigue
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So What Are Prebiotics
Many people have heard of antibiotics, which are designed to kill bacteria in the body both good and bad bacteria. Youve likely also heard of probiotics, which are live microorganisms that many of us know as good bacteria. The two are generally used in conjunction with one another.
With that said, most people fail to incorporate prebiotics into that treatment. Like all living things, probiotics need a source of food in order to function at their best. Thats where prebiotics come into play. They act as a source of food and fuel for all the good bacteria living inside your gut.
But Dont Rely Too Much On Antibiotics
The problem with antibiotics, pharmaceutical or herbal, is they do not differentiate between good and bad bacteria they destroy all bacteria.
Long-term use leads to serious imbalances in your gut bacteria, linked to numerous other health conditions such as insulin resistance and obesity .
SIBO antibiotics are also only a temporary band-aid treatment, and do not address the root cause of the problem. This is why those only treated with antibiotics are likely to relapse and experience SIBO again .
In fact, a study on antibiotic therapy alone versus antibiotics plus guar gum supplementation found that success rates were improved from 62% to 87% with the guar gum added .
This seems counter-intuitive because it showed the addition of guar gum was more beneficial than harmful. Its also in line with studies showing that prebiotics and probiotics additional bacteria are beneficial .
So, antibiotics are especially useful in the short-term , but are not a permanent solution, and certainly not a solution themselves.
Summary: Antibiotics are useful in the short-term to treat SIBO. However, patients who solely rely on them are likely to relapse. They also kill both bad and good bacteria, which is very harmful to long-term health.
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Low Fodmap Diet And Sibo
FODMAPs are a type of fermentable carb common in the foods we eat.
They act as necessary food for our gut bacteria, but can cause severe digestive problems in sensitive people.
The process of identifying and removing problem FODMAPs from the diet is known as a low FODMAP diet, and is clinically proven to treat IBS .
SIBO shares almost all the same symptoms as IBS. In fact, studies show that between 30-85% of patients with IBS also have SIBO .
Due to this strong overlap, researchers suspect a low FODMAP diet may be beneficial for SIBO patients too, as it would starve the problem bacteria in the small intestine.
Unfortunately, there has not been much research in this area and the current evidence is not clear.
It seems the low FODMAP diet is incredibly helpful when starting off, but requires a bit more flexibility for SIBO when reintroducing fermentable carbs.
Just make sure not to start a low FODMAP diet until you have finished your course of antibiotics. The bad bacteria need to be active for the antibiotics to work.
Theres also limited research on the long-term effects of a low FODMAP diet. Following such a strict regimen for a long period of time may lead to detrimental effects on the bacteria in the large intestine.
Summary: A low FODMAP diet may help initially by starving the problem bacteria in the small intestine. But studies have not yet confirmed it as a reliable SIBO treatment.
Scd And Gaps Diet Plan For Sibo
There is a lot about gastrointestinal diseases and conditions that science does not yet understand.
SIBO is no exception, which is why the perfect diet plan just doesnt exist yet. Several potential diets have emerged that are worthy of consideration, but we should be cautious and only trial them under medical supervision.
The following two diets are well-supported by anecdotal evidence :
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The Extra Benefits Of Treating Sibo
If you have been struggling with IBS symptoms, getting them under control is a big win. Even better, dysbiosis, including SIBO, you may experience beneficial effects on other health conditions.
Research shows that successful SIBO treatments can also lead to improvements in:
We dont yet have research to show if SIBO treatments can help to resolve these conditions.
Summing Up Probiotics For Sibo Treatment
To wrap it all up sharing some experience from my clinic practice will help.
In the Byron Herbalist clinic SIBO is something that I test for and treat every week. It is by far and a long shot the most common digestive disorder I find in my patient population.
To date there has not been one patient with SIBO that I do not recommend probiotic therapy to. I might choose one species or strain over another based on symptom presentation, lab values or something significant in the patients history but I always recommend them.
Rarely a patient will react to a specific probiotic blend. They may report feeling more bloated, have looser stools or experience abdominal pain. This is why it is important to be working with a clinician skilled in gut health because there are always ongoing adjustments that need to be made to ensure minimal symptoms while getting the best results!
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How To Make Probiotics Work For You
Probiotics absolutely have the potential to help you treat your SIBO symptoms and maybe even get rid of it for good!
But not all probiotics work equally well Dr. Hawrelak says there are some specific strains he doesnt recommend for people with SIBO.
And other folks have additional sensitivities or conditions that must be considered when picking the right probiotic, too.
I wanted to know exactly how to choose the right probiotic for me, so I invited Dr. Hawrelak to teach a Probiotic Masterclass on February 10, 2019 and do live Q& A!
Heres what hes going to cover in-depth at the Masterclass and Q& A:
- The difference between species and strains of probiotics and why it matters
- How probiotics are like dogs
- Probiotics and IBS helpful or not?
- How probiotics can stimulate the MMC
- The truth about probiotics and brain fog
- Probiotic myths you probably think are true
- What is the microbiome and why it matters
- What does the microbiome do for us?
- Collateral damage of SIBO treatment
- How SIBO diets can damage the microbiome
How to read probiotic labels
- What probiotic claims really mean
- The importance of strain specificity when choosing a probiotic
- How to dose probiotics properly
- Why formulation doesnt really matter
- Chance to ask your questions about probiotics
- Not a one-size-fits-all probiotic recommendation
- How to choose your own product based on what youve learned
So powerful!!
How Probiotics Really Work
Most people think of probiotics as colonizers. That means: you take a probiotic pill, and the new gut bugs take up permanent residence in your gut.
So if youre low in Bifido strains, you can just take a Bifido supplement and those new Bifido bugs will move in to your gut for good.
But this actually isnt how it works.
Probiotics arent colonizers theyre more like helpful visitors.
See, most probiotics do not take up permanent residence in the gut. Instead, they pass through the digestive system.
But theyre not just tourists while theyre visiting your gut, they can perform many helpful actions.
This means that taking a probiotic supplement doesnt just add more bacteria to an already-existing overgrowth.
In fact, taking a probiotic can actually help reduce overgrowth .
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Sibo Probiotics: Yay Or Nay
Given that SIBO treatment relies on getting rid of bacteria in the small intestine, its understandable to think that adding bacteria in the form of probiotics might not be the best idea.
So are the best probiotics for SIBO no probiotics at all?
Research says otherwise.
Current research asserts that consuming probiotics is actually beneficial for SIBO patients. Science hasnt confidently confirmed why supplementing with probiotics lowers bacteria in the small intestine and improves SIBO symptoms – however, evidence shows that it does.
Probiotics And Sibo: The Controversy
Although probiotics are good bacteria it sounds counter productive to add more bacteria when you have bacterial overgrowth. Because both good + bad BACTERIA FERMENT and produce gas. So its no wonder that SIBO patients often get worse on probiotics.
I experimented with so. many. probiotics, and as someone in the blogging space, I was always being sent the latest and greatest. Everything from the ones you can get at Walmart to the ones that come in a freezer pack and have to be shoved in the fridge immediately like Gutpro and Therulac. I tried Biohm, Prescript Assist , New Chapter, Silver Fern, Genestra, and the list goes on.
They just werent making any difference. Or, they made me worse.
But, there was one that didnt.
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Mid And Late Phase Probiotic Strains
Now in the later stages of SIBO treatment and when I say later stages- this might be a person who has improved breath testing levels, a person who is no longer having regular flare ups or this might be the person who has already gone through a round of anti-microbials, anti-fungals and Biofilm disruptors.
During this phase- you can test the waters and start introducing prebiotics and the real big power hitters and colonizers. These are the ones that have the greatest degree and influence on the microbial diversity.
These are going be your Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species but specifically you want to look for Bifidobacterium infantis- this probiotic is well-tested and shown to reduce abdominal pain, bloating, and bowel movement difficulty. Results suggest that it works by having an immune-modulating role.
The next species Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG this is one of the most widely used probiotic strains. Various health effects including the prevention and treatment of gastro-intestinal infections and diarrhea, preventing certain allergic symptoms.
The next species to look for is Bifidus lactis This probiotic is shown to enhance the immune system, reduce occurrence of antibiotic-associated diarrhea, and support proper bowel movements.
Lactobacillus plantarum This probiotic is shown to reduce bloating, normalizes stool frequency, relieve abdominal pain, and improve IBS symptoms, prevent overproduction of yeast, and reduce bacterial translocation.
Antimicrobial Actions Of Probiotics
Probiotics are antimicrobial in their own weird and wonderful way.
A term called competitive exclusion outlines a number of methods that probiotics use to deter bacterial infections and overgrowths. These methods include the production of bacteriocins, competition for nutrients and reducing the luminal pH .
Lets focus on bacteriocin production for a moment.
Certain probiotics can manufacture what are known as bacteriocins. These antimicrobial peptides consist of 30 to 60 amino acids and target specific bacterial overgrowths and infections .
There are a number of great examples of targeted bacteriocin production from different Lactobacillus species including studies showing action against the following species of bacteria .
- E. coli
- Shigella
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Does Diet Have A Role In The Treatment Of Sibo
Unfortunately, no studies have demonstrated that dietary modification can cure SIBO. The idea that you can somehow starve bacteria in the gut by reducing food intake is incorrect. Even if you were able to do this, youd reduce colonic bacteria too , which would disrupt your gut microbiota and lead to even more problems.
Currently, doctors use dietary modifications for only symptom control in SIBO its not used as a permanent, stand-alone treatment.
The most popular diet for SIBO is the low-FODMAP diet, which is especially good for those patients who also have IBS.
FODMAP stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols. These are sugar molecules that are difficult to digest. And if the body cant digest these sugars, bacteria will feed on them to release gas, which causes uncomfortable digestive symptoms.
So by restricting FODMAPs in your diet while you wait for antibiotics to kick in, you can reduce the severity of your SIBO symptoms. FODMAPs are found in a wide range of foods, and its best to talk to a healthcare provider and figure out how you can follow a low-FODMAP diet without becoming deficient in important nutrients.
You can also try out FODMAP digestive enzymes, which break down any FODMAPs in your diet and keep bacteria from feeding on them and releasing gas.