Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Does Taking Probiotics Help With Acne

What The Aad Recommends When Using Probiotics For Acne

Probiotics For Acne & Clear Skin – Supplements for Breakouts – Clear Skin Diet

The American Academy of Dermatology currently recommends that patients interested in using probiotics to treat acne breakouts should talk with their doctor about adding foods known to contain healthy friendly probiotics and taking an oral probiotic supplement.

Foods that are known to contain healthy microorganisms include yogurt, kefir, certain fermented foods like kimchi, kombucha beverages, tempeh, pickled foods and sauerkraut, among others. When adding probiotics in the form of foods, be sure to look at the label to verify that the food contains live and active cultures.

There are many different probiotics supplements that may be helpful in healing your skin from acne. You should definitely make sure that any supplement you select contains both Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Lactobacillus Bifidobacterium .

Talk with your dermatologist as well about choosing a topical probiotic to help your skin protect itself from harmful microorganisms at the surface level.

How Can Gut Health Affect Your Skin And Why

A healthy gut is largely influenced by the health of the collection of microbes that live in our gut, known as the gut microbiome. The gut microbiome not only affects gut health locally but also has far-reaching effects around the body. It has been implicated in many common skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis and acne2. To learn more about how probiotics can help with eczema, health professionals can read this article on the Probiotic Professionals site: Probiotics for Eczema.

The gut can influence skin health through what is referred to as the gut-skin axis3. As 70% of our immune cells are found in the gut, our gut microbes can affect the function of immune cells. Ideally this results in an increase in the production of anti-inflammatory messengers and a reduction of the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines. However, dysbiosis, an imbalance between friendly and more harmful bacteria in the gut, is frequently present in acne4 and can have negative effects on our immune responses. To learn more, you may like to read the article What is Dysbiosis?

How Probiotics Will Improve Your Skin

The more time I spend in the beauty industry, the more I believe that clear, good skin is more of an art than a science. Sure, its science-based, but theres an endless list of the things that are bad and only a few things that are good . But the list is far from definitive, because everyones skin is a special, delicate snowflake.

The latest to join the is-it-bad-or-is-it-good debate are probiotics. On Reddit skin-care message boards, the benefits and detriments of probiotics are hot topics, with some claiming that they are an acne miracle cure and others blaming them for cystic acne. The Cuts senior editor Isabel Wilkinson added them to her diet at the suggestion of her dermatologist and saw a noticeable difference in clarity and tone. To understand some of the science behind them, I called Dr. Frank Lipman, Gwyneth Paltrows holistic doctor, who told me that probiotics can benefit skin by hosting friendly bacteria. Unlike a reality-show contestant, these bacteria are here to make friends. Read on to learn about whether probiotics are right for you and about the importance of a diverse gut flora .

Most people know of probiotics via Jamie Lee Curtis yogurt commercials. What is a probiotic? Probiotics are the naturally occurring good bacteria that live in your gut and play a significant role in your total wellness.

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What Are The Benefits Of Probiotics For The Skin

Probiotics improve the functioning of the digestive system and then reduce inflammation throughout the body. They have been shown to play important roles in the digestive system and skin health, such as preventing acne.

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Can All Probiotics Help Acne

The 3 Best Probiotics For Acne

You cant assume any old probiotic will work for acne. This is because the effects of probiotics are strain-specific, meaning not all strains will deliver the same result .

This is easy to understand if you think of probiotic strains like dog breeds: you have many breeds with different qualities and abilities. For example, a husky and a chihuahua are both dogsbut if you wanted to pull a sleigh, you know which one youd choose.

You can identify the probiotic strain by the third part of its name. For example, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 belong to the same genus and species , but theyre different strains.

You want to choose strains that are proven to influence acne or the pathways that drive it.

Side note: its not just you thinking itbacterial names are weird, long and confusing. They also change. Annoying, isnt it?

Also Check: What Are The Top 3 Probiotics

Clearskin Is More Than Skin Deep

The skin is a reflection of the gut, and acne may be a sign of deeper imbalances in the gut, like inflammation and dysbiosis. Thankfully,oral probiotics can remedy this situation, improving both your gut and skin health. Theyre a safe, natural option to add to your acne treatment. When you calm your gut, you just might calm the proverbial fire on your skin too.

It could also be worthwhile to experiment with prebiotics and topical probiotics, but test them as you would any new substance, and see how you react.

As more formulas are clinically studied and come to market, these could become a valuable addition to your regimen. Want to learn more about the healing power of probiotics? See my guide.


Is It Possible To Develop Acne After Taking Antibiotics

Although they are often prescribed to treat persistent acne, antibiotics can deplete the natural friendly bacteria living in the gut resulting in dysbiosis and inflammation24, both potential contributing factors in the development of acne. To help support the gut when taking antibiotics, consider a probiotic supplement researched for use during and after antibiotic therapy such as Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM® which has been shown to restore balance in the gut microbiome after antibiotic treatment.

To learn more about protecting the gut when taking antibiotics, read this article about taking probiotics with antibiotics.

Read Also: What Is The Best Probiotic To Buy

Alternatives To Probiotics For Acne

While it may seem obvious, certain lifestyle factors and habits can play a large role in your bodys ability to combat acne. To this end, drink plenty of water, try to get seven to eight hours of sleep every night, and be wary of foods that place any extra processing burden on your liver and kidneys including harsh skin creams that enter your system transdermally.

Also, if you arent regularly eating probiotic rich foods or those containing the prebiotics that help the probiotics in your gut to thrive, avoid eating foods that promote inflammation in the first place. These include processed sugar and starch-heavy foods, along with non-fermented dairy products.

Digestive Problems Are Associated With Acne

Prebiotics & Probiotics for Acne & Clear Skin | Supplements for Clear Skin

Studies show that the state of digestive health can affect your acne. In one study 13,215 adolescents filled out a questionnaire survey to determine risk factors of sebaceous gland diseases . The report found a statistically significant correlation between adolescents with acne and gastrointestinal symptoms such as halitosis, gastric reflux, bloating, and constipation.5

What is interesting is that constipation is associated with lower levels of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria.4, 5, 6 Taking these probiotics helps support normal bowel movements and may be helpful for acne.

Not only are probiotics helpful for gastrointestinal problems but they may help reduce inflammation as well.

Also Check: Probiotics For Yeast Infection Treatment

Can Taking Probiotics Clear Acne

It may come as a surprise to you, but scientists are still figuring out the exact causes of acne today. That said, there is mounting evidence that probiotics can be beneficial in treating acne. Probiotics can help to balance the immune system and reduce inflammation in the body, including inflammation of the skin.

But always keep in mind that your microbiome is unique, which means that what works for another person might not work for you, and vice versa.

How Do Probiotics Impact Acne

Because medical research isnt completely clear yet about just how probiotics do what they do, it isnt possible to explain in great detail the interaction between taking probiotics and experiencing a reduction in acne flare-ups.

However, the research is clear that there is a link between taking probiotics and helping your skin heal from acne!

As of 2014, theAmerican Academy of Dermatology announced in an official press release that probiotics could very well be the most promising future treatment for both acne and rosacea.

Researchers studying the use of probiotics to reduce acne are looking at two applications: topically and internally .

Recommended Reading: Are You Supposed To Take Probiotics With Antibiotics

The Leaky Gut Syndrome And Endotoxemia

Stress, poor diet, and use of certain medications can affect the type of bacteria living in the gut. Certain drugs and lifestyle choices increase the number of harmful bacteria residing in the gut.

The harmful bacteria contain substances known as lipopolysaccharides . LPS are toxic substances that cause inflammation and have been linked to many chronic diseases. In large doses, LPS can lead to toxic shock.

The bacteria damage the gut wall, which allows LPS molecules to pass through. In other words, the gut becomes leaky. Once in circulation, they cause inflammation and cellular damage.

In medical terms, this is called endotoxemia poisoning from within.

So far two studies have tested acne patients for signs of leaky gut. One showed that 66% of acne patients tested positive, and the other study found 65% of acne patients tested positive. This is remarkable when you consider that none of the people with clear skin tested positive.

What Is The Best Probiotic To Take For Acne

Should you take probiotics for acne?

Please note: this post contains some affiliate links. This means that if you purchase something linked in this article, I may receive a small commission. However, rest assured that I am very particular about the products I recommend, and ONLY recommend products I trust.

A recent study has proven that people with acne actually have a completely different arrangement of gut bacteria and fungus compared to those without acne. The study found that those with acne had less gut diversity AND an undesirable balance of particular bacterial families in the gut. While the study isn’t proving acne is caused from dysbiosis it is solidifying the theory that those with acne likely have dysbiosis, and in my opinion, certainly supports the need for gut support in the journey of healing your skin. This study also supports the theory behind the link between gut health and acne. Therefore, for many of my clients, I start them on probiotics to help acne. In my practice, I’ve found that the right probiotic is an integral part of the best acne treatment for my individual clients. There’s also the issue of potentially making digestive symptoms worse- when certain conditions are present taking a probiotic may make you feel worse and unfortunately won’t do much for your skin.

While we don’t know if the bacteria is getting to the intestines in this form, we can definitely start working on the microbiome of the mouth- which can effect your gut health . Read more about that here.


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Skin Application Of Probiotics And Prebiotics

Applying a topical probiotic cream or solution to your skin can help to address the balance of healthy bacteria that make up your skin microbiome. The probiotics within these creams can help reduce the pH of skin, slightly acidifying the surface, to help promote the thriving of healthy bacteria on the skin24.

Prebiotic skin creams such as Aveeno® Dermexa Moisturizing Cream,can also be hugely beneficial. They help preserve the existing healthy bacteria on your skin when applied and encourage the survival of probiotic microorganisms already in your skin microbiome25. But thats not all. They also improve the balance of bacteria on your skin microbiome, contributing to a healthier skin ecosystem overall.

Both probiotics and prebiotics can play a major part in achieving a healthy complexion, as well as helping to relieve existing skin conditions. Give them a try by adding them to your daily skin routine, as well as your everyday diet. Look for products formulated with pre-biotic ingredients such as colloidal oatmeal. Prebiotic Oats not only keeps dry sensitive skin moist and smooth, but feeds your skins natural bacteria, keeping it in perfect balance.

Probiotics Dont Change The Gut Bacteria

The reason you are supposed to take probiotics, they tell you, is because your gut microbiome is imbalanced. The usual explanation is that you have more bad bacteria than good bacteria, which leads to gut problems, inflammation, and acne. Taking probiotics is supposed to fix this imbalance.

Theres just one problem with this. Theres very little evidence that taking probiotics changes your gut microbiome.

In 2016, Danish researchers published a systematic review of all the studies that looked at the effect of probiotic supplementation on gut microbiome composition in healthy people. Their conclusion:

This systematic review of the pertinent literature demonstrates a lack of evidence for an impact of probiotics on fecal microbiota composition in healthy adults.

Kristensen, NB, Bryrup, T & Allin, KH. Alterations in fecal microbiota composition by probiotic supplementation in healthy adults: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Genome Medicine .

In other words, taking probiotics doesnt balance your gut bacteria.

To be fair, these studies were done on healthy people, and the studies in this review were not rock-solid. So, we cannot conclude from this that probiotics are useless.

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Do Probiotics Help Acne

Several studies, using a variety of different probiotic strains, have shown positive effects on acne.

The studies also show that probiotics might help:

  • Restore a healthy skin barrier function: People with acne tend to have an impaired skin barrier function, so this is intriguing.
  • Reduce skin oil production: Generally speaking, less skin oil means less acne.

As a side note, taking probiotics at the same time as taking oral antibiotics may also help people tolerate the antibiotic better.6,9-11 This is relevant to acne because oral antibiotics are sometimes prescribed to treat acne.

Expand to read details of studies

A 2011 article in the journal, Gut Pathogens, reviewed two such studies. In a 1961 study, scientists gave acne patients a probiotic containing Lactobacillus strains and found that 80% of the patients had at least some improvement in their acne.

A 1987 study found that acne patients who took a probiotic supplement containing L. acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum strains along with an antibiotic not only showed improvement in their acne but also tolerated the antibiotic better.6

A 2011 study in the European Journal of Dermatology found in the lab thata probiotic containing Lactobacillus paracasei reduced skin inflammation and accelerated recovery of the skin’s protective barrier.9

How Long Should I Take An Antibiotic For Acne


Antibiotics are generally prescribed for three to four months. Then your dermatologist will check again whether you should continue to use them. Some people with extensive acne may need to take antibiotics for six months or more. After starting antibiotics, it may take as little as two weeks before you notice any improvement.

Pore minimizing serumWhat is the best treatment to reduce pores?soft ice cream. Ice tightens the skin and tightens the pores.Natural yogurt mask. Yogurt contains probiotics and lactic acid bacteria, which help control the harmful bacteria that cause acne, making pores smaller.Peel with baking soda.Protein and lemon juice.What really works for minimizing large pores?Choose products wisely. Take an inventory of you

Also Check: Probiotic Supplements With Lactobacillus And Bifidobacterium

Do Probiotics Help With Bacteria That Cause Acne

NCFM probiotic lactomonacin was previously one of the earliest bacteria to be used for acne treatment. Lactobacilli juice was found to be beneficial to the condition of acne13 in one of the first studies conducting research on probiotics impact on skin health.

How Do Probiotics Improve Your Skin

Recent studies have shown that when applied topically, beneficial bacteria-probiotics can help balance skin pH levels, regulate sebum production, improve moisture retention and protect skin from potential environmental damage. Taking care of your skin’s microbiome is the starting point for a radiant glow.

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Results Ive Seen Since Taking A Probiotic For My Acne Skin

Probiotics are a popular form of treatment for acne skin. There are several types of probiotic. We can incorporate them in our diets through the food and drinks we consume. We can also apply them topically in acne treatments and products, and through probiotic supplements.

In this blog, we will break down the causes of acne. Well also cover how probiotics help reduce acne breakouts, and how to heal scarring which can occur post-breakout.

Should You Take Probiotics For Acne

Adult female acne (AFA) Dr. Formulated, Probiotics for ...

The term microbiome has never been more popularand for good reason! In recent years, more research has surfaced that has allowed us to develop a better understanding of the gut and its role in our healthincluding and especially skin health. It seems that an imbalance in gut bacteria leads to poor absorption of food nutrients as well as poor filtering out of toxins from the intestinal tract. This gnarly combination can take a serious toll on our digestive system as well as our integumentary system , leadingfor many people to the development and worsening of inflammatory skin conditions including acne. Fortunately, there are several ways we can improve the health of our microbiome and help fight acne from the inside with the use of both probiotics and prebiotics.

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