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Can Probiotics Help Hormonal Acne

Probiotics For Acne: Do They Work How To Use Them And More

Banish Hormonal Acne Forever by Doing This!- VitaLife Show Episode 239

April 2, 2020 By Chris Barry

  • Numerous studies have demonstrated probiotics aid with many health functions including acne.
  • Probiotics are most often taken orally, either though certain foods or by taking supplements, but they are also formulated into some creams.
  • The link between a healthy gut and healthy skin is well established.
  • Having a proper balance of gut flora has been shown to reduce acne breakouts.

Theres been a lot of discussion lately about probiotics being a potential lethal weapon in the fight against acne. But is there any merit to these claims? Can the right balance of gut flora really keep acne breakouts at bay, or is it all just hype? Read on to learn the facts about the effects probiotics have on the skin.


Thebestprobiotics For Acne Treatment

Should you take oral or topicalprobiotics to treat your breakouts?

Topical probiotics arestill very new, and human trials are limited. Some of the species clinicallytested on skin are also not yet available commercially. But that situation maychange as interest grows.

Oral probiotics are much more widely researched than topicals, particularly those in the Lactobacillus-Bifidobacterium category.

Youre more likely to be able to obtain a clinically-proven blend of oral probiotics.This is important. Probiotics shown to be effective in humans are morelikely to calm inflammation, resolve dysbiosis, balance your hormones, andcontribute to skin health.

Here are some of the best probiotics for acne, based on clinical research:

Best Probiotic For Acne

As you know, probiotics are strain-specific, so in an ideal world youd take a strain proven to help acne. But heres the dilemma: we cant yet say for certain what that probiotic strain is. Its likely theres more than one or that different strains will work for different people.

Until science figures it all out, you have two options:

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What About Topical Probiotics

While most of the time we think of probiotics as something we ingest orally, some research provides evidence that applying probiotics topically might also improve acne.13-15

Expand to read details of research

A 2009 study in the Journal of Microbiology found that a lotion containing a probiotic called CBT SL-5 performed significantly better than a lotion not containing a probiotic in reducing inflammatory acne lesions.13

A 2018 article in the International Journal of Dermatology reviewed recent evidence suggesting that topical probiotics might help with acne.14 According to the authors of the article, most studies in this area tested topical probiotics in a lab rather than on people with acne. For example, in several studies, researchers grew acne bacteria in a petri dish and then applied probiotics to see whether this would block the growth of acne bacteria.

These studies found that some probiotics may reduce the growth of acne bacteria in the lab, but we do not know whether they would work the same way when applied directly to peopleâs skin. The authors of the review article wrote, âore detailed research should be performed in order to prove the real efficacy and safety of probiotics in these situations.â14

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You Might Have An Unhealthy Microbiome

Clear Derm with Probiotics by Anirva

If its been a while since biology class , heres a refresher from holistic plastic surgeon Anthony Youn, M.D. A microbiome is a complex ecosystem of trillions of bacteria that hang out in the gut. When your stomach is healthy, everything functions as normaland your skin may stay fresh and clear.

But when your microbiomes are off, Dr. Youn says everything in your body is impactedfrom the brain to energy levels and, of course, hormonal acne. In addition to probiotics, Dr. Youn suggests adding more gut-healthy prebiotics, such as fiber-rich veggies and meals, and stocking up on fermented foods.

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What Is Sibo And What Causes It

Typically, youll find most gut bacteria in your large intestine. However, small intestinal bacterial growth happens when you get an overflow of bacteria in your small intestine. Symptoms of SIBO include digestive issues like nausea, bloating, abdominal pain, and then, of course, acne.

But just what causes SIBO? That would be hypochlorhydria, which is just a fancy way of saying low stomach acid. Bad microbes cozy up in your small intestine when youre low on stomach acid instead of being eliminated during digestion. Its no coincidence that research shows a strong link between people with acne and low stomach acid.

Benefits Ofprobiotics For Acne And Healthy Skin

Probiotics help balance your gut microbiome and contribute to good digestion and a healthy immune system.

Because were also going to look at the effects of topical probiotics, moving forward I will refer to probiotics which are taken internallytargeting your gut microbiomeas oral probiotics. Besides helping your digestion, oral probiotics can also heal key issues linked to skin health and acne reduction.

Your skin also has its own ecosystem of flora, or microbiome, with different strains than your gut. Researchers are also currently testing probiotics that contain healthy bacteria to be applied directly to your skin. These are known as topical probiotics.

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What Are Probiotics And How Do They Work

Probiotics are live microorganisms that are similar to the ones already found in our bodies, particularly in the gut. When taken in adequate amounts, they can help to restore the balance of gut bacteria, which can have a positive impact on overall health.

Probiotics work by stimulating the growth of beneficial bacteria, while also inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria. In addition, probiotics produce substances that help to promote a healthy gut environment.

For example, they produce short-chain fatty acids that help to keep the intestine lining healthy.

They also help to modulate the immune system and reduce inflammation. Probiotics are often used to treat digestive issues, such as irritable bowel syndrome, but they may also be helpful for other conditions, such as hormonal imbalances.

How To Spot Hormonal Acne

HOW I CURED MY ACNE (Cystic, Digestive, Hormonal) | Organic Olivia

The tell-tale sign of hormonal acne is the location of cystsmore commonly known as pimpleson the face. In adults, hormonal acne typically affects the chin and mouth regions. It is not uncommon for women to experience hormonal acne after ovulation and during menopause when levels of female sex hormones like estrogen naturally drop.

In teens and adolescents, hormonal acne tends to most affect the T zone which consists of the chin, mouth, nose, and forehead. Acne worsened by hormonal fluctuations can also affect the cheeks and jawline. In youngsters, this type of acne corresponds to rapid hormonal changes during puberty. In many cases, this acne gradually becomes less severe with age.

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Should You Take Probiotics Supplements For Acne

While most people should be able to add probiotics to their regimen without any issues, there’s always the possibility of a reaction when trying a new supplement, explains Dr. Henry. That’s why it’s always best to consult your own doctor before adding any new supplements to your routine, as they’re familiar with your medical history and can help you determine what probiotic would be best for you and your symptoms.

In general, though, “you can take an oral probiotic daily, just like you would a daily multi-vitamin,” says Dr. Henry, who frequently recommends oral probiotics to patients who are taking antibiotics for skin conditions such as acne, eczema, or rosacea to encourage the balance of good and bad bacteria. Probiotics are also “great to use for acne prevention and other anti-inflammatory conditions,” because they keep the bacteria balance in check and steady, she adds.

Combat Acne Restore Skin Clarify And Refine Texture

Acne Clarifying + Refining Treatment 2% Salicylic Acid

Ideal for: Acne/blemish prone & hormonal skin

Beat stubborn blemishes and skin imperfections with this unique retexturizing and pore-refining treatment. Designed specifically for troubled, acne-prone skin, it uses a potent blend of probiotics, skin brighteners, and calming actives to effectively clarify, brighten, and calm inflamed skin. By doing so, it promotes a clearer, more even complexion, detoxifies, and helps minimize future breakouts.

  • Salicylic Acid helps unclog pores, gently exfoliate and combat irritation
  • Licorice extract inhibits pigmentation by naturally preventing tyrosinase production
  • Eucalyptus oil offers antiseptic and antimicrobial properties
  • Targets and stops the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria
  • Regulates overactive sebaceous glands
  • May be used on other parts of the body where breakouts appear â back, shoulders, arms, etc.
  • Provides anti-aging benefits while being alcohol-free

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Does It Have A Good Build To Last For A Long Time

The durability of the probiotics for hormonal acne can be affected by the materials used to make it and how well it is constructed. Make sure that it can withstand rough use and abuse without getting damaged. If it cannot withstand rough handling or use, then it is not durable at all and hence should not be bought by anyone who wants something that lasts long and has good quality!

Best Probiotics For Acne

8 Things You Can Do to Keep Your Hormonal Acne in Check

There are literally countless millions of probiotics residing in the gut, but those which have been isolated and believed to play the greatest role in reducing acne include:

  • Lactobacillus paracasei

L. casei reduces skin inflammation.

L. fermentum has antimicrobial, antioxidative, and anti-inflammatory properties.

In vitro studies have shown that S. salivarius prevents the growth of p. acnes by producing bacteriocin-like substances.

L. paracasei is another strain of probiotic that produces inhibitory effects against acne. It does this by reducing skin inflammation and excess oil production, two primary causes of acne.

By producing bacteriocins, L. lactis also stimulates antimicrobial activity against p. acne. This probiotic targets p. acne in addition to Staphylococcus species, which can become pathogenic for immunocompromised individuals.

B. Coagulans helps regulate the immune system and inhibits reactive oxygen species, which are known to play a role in the formation of acne blemishes.

Studies have shown that the topical application of E. fecalis, or 5% Lactobacillus plantarum extract, reduces overall acne count, size, and redness.

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Restore Skin Biome: Dramatic Changes

“For the last 4 years I have tried a lot of different products , even some recommended by a doctor for my back acne and nothing has worked. Within the first week of using the hydration serum I noticed dramatic and very unexpected changes.

My acne isnt completely gone yet, but I havent had a flare up since. This is by far the clearest my skin has been in the last 4 years.

Genuine customer service and a brand I would recommend to anyone.”

– TJ

How Can I Treat My Acne With Probiotics

Acne can be treated with probiotics in a variety of ways. Delivery can be done topically in the form of acne treatment creams or serums containing probiotics. It can also be as a daily supplement, and/or incorporated into your diet in food and drink.

There is an abundance of probiotic foods which can be easily incorporated or swapped into your diet. These can all aid in calming gut inflammation. Incorporating these foods can reduce the appearance of skin inflammation in the form of acne breakouts. Foods such as yoghurts, kimchi, miso, pickles, sauerkraut to name but a few, are all gut-friendly probiotics. They can be easily incorporated into your diet.

However, there have been recent studies suggesting that dairy may aggravate acne in some people. It may be an idea to look for a dairy-free probiotic to avoid potential further skin aggravation. Listen and pay attention to your skin when consuming and using certain ingredients. Whether in your diet or skincare routine, this is essential to find what sort of probiotic is best for you.

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Five Tips For Healthy Skin And A Healthy Gut

  • Be mindful of dietary habits The typical Western diet high fat, high sugar, low fibre has been linked with acne25. Consider incorporating more whole foods like fruit and vegetables and wholegrains.
  • Drink plenty of water Keeping hydrated is essential for bowel regularity and a heathy gut.
  • Work up a sweat Exercise may boost skin health by increasing blood flow and the excretion of waste products in sweat but research has also shown that exercise can reduce skin deterioration associated with aging26.
  • Try a yoghurt face mask Beauty experts use live natural yoghurt applied directly to the face and left for 10 to 15 minutes. The benefits of a yoghurt face mask may be because of the Lactobacilli probiotic bacteria commonly found in live yogurts.
  • Consider a probiotic supplement A daily probiotic supplement may help improve skin health by optimising gut health including strains such as Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 or Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM ®. Both Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 and Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM ® can be found in Optibac Probiotics Every Day MAX
  • What Causes An Imbalance In Gut Bacteria


    The most common cause of gut bacterial imbalance is long-term use of oral antibiotics. This includes antibiotics for acne specifically as well as for other conditions. Think of antibiotics as the bacterial security guards of your macrobiotic nightclub and your good bacteria as by-standing good samaritans. The antibiotics are strong and mighty and knock out the bad bacteria to keep the club running smoothly with little to no issues. Unfortunately, antibiotics also takeout some good bacteria along the way. Once you stop taking antibiotics and there arent enough good guys to keep the bad guys in lineyouve got a problem.

    But antibiotics arent the only thing throwing off our microbiome. In todays world, were constantly exposed to countless toxins in our environment, in our homes, and even our dish soap. These toxins can have an equally gnarly impact on our gut health.

    Also Check: Does So Delicious Yogurt Have Probiotics

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    Results Ive Seen Since Taking A Probiotic For My Acne Skin

    Probiotics are a popular form of acne treatment. Find out what causes acne and how probiotics can help reduce acne skin breakouts.

    Reading time: 7 minutes

    Probiotics have many health benefits but did you know they are also a popular form of treatment for acne skin? There are several types of probiotics for acne. We can incorporate them in our diets through the food and drink that we consume. We can also apply them topically in acne treatments and products, and through probiotic acne supplements.

    In this blog, we will break down the causes of acne. Well also cover how probiotics help reduce acne breakouts, and how to heal scarring which can occur post-breakout.

    What Are Prebiotics And Probiotics

    Probiotics are live beneficial bacteria, like the ones that live in yoghurt. Cosmetic use of these is complicated though: just to keep them alive in a bottle of face cream is an almost impossible task at this time. Prebiotics, on the other hand, are very usable: they are agents and substances that serve as nutrients to friendly bacteria and are sometimes also toxic to the harmful ones.

    One of the most well-studied and effective prebiotics is a small saccharide molecule, called BioEcolia. It has been demonstrated repeatedly, that its application to the skin causes the friendly bacteria to multiply and the perpetrators to die. At the same time, Propionibacterium acnes, who as we now know is in fact a friend and ally, is simply slowed down to a healthier propagation rate, and in the space of just a few days the normal numbers of this bacteria are able to go back to their routine beneficial work, inflammation is suppressed without a trace, the skin is calm, all is good in the world.

    It is very important to remember that microbiome-friendly acne treatment will not work in combination with antibiotics, disinfecting and antibacterial agents, such as alcohol, acids, benzoyl peroxide. As cosmetic ingredients these will interfere with the propagation and activity of our bacterial allies and eventually destroy them along with the harmful flora.

    Retinoids also hinder the restoration of microbiome while still possible it will take a lot longer and may prove more complicated.

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    The Top 8 Probiotics For Acne In 2020

    Acne is a distressing problem affecting not only adolescents but adults.

    It can be difficult to address, and many people turn to holistic remedies in their efforts to achieve an acne free life.

    While there is no guarantee that any one approach will work for an individual, theres no doubt that specialized probiotics for acne can alleviate the symptoms of acne for many people.

    Probiotics are microorganisms that when administered in adequate amounts will confer a health benefit to the host.

    Many elements of modern life make it difficult for us to maintain the correct balance of microbiota , leading to a wide range of potential health problems.

    Probiotics fight the bad bacteria and pathogens that can enter our body.

    It makes sense then that taking a high quality probiotic supplement can reduce any health problem caused by bad bacteria and inflammation, such as acne.

    Taking a good probiotic supplement should help with the symptoms of your acne.

    In this article, we will discuss acne, probiotics and what they can do for you, and how probiotics can alleviate your acne symptoms.

    We will then present our list of the top probiotic supplements for acne available today.

    Hormonal Acne Clearing Lifestyle Choices

    DrFormulas Cystic Acne Treatment Pills with Zinc, Probiotics &  DIM ...

    In addition to oral supplements, adhering to a healthy, low inflammatory diet, reducing your intake of alcohol, quitting smoking, and using acne-targeting topicals can help clear the skin. Dr. Zenovias Clear Complexion Collection targets active acne and blemishes- plus, the additional mindful ingredients, like powerful antioxidants, emollients, and the REG-ulate360 Complex, make the Clear Complexion Collection unique, holistic, non-drying, and very effective against acne.

    If you are experiencing moderate to severe acne that isnt going away, consult a board-certified dermatologist. There are many medications, both oral and topical, that dermatologists prescribe to control the various types of acne. We all outgrow our acne but scarring lasts a lifetime.

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