Sunday, July 14, 2024

Are Probiotics Or Prebiotics Better

What Are Some Other Ways To Get Probiotics And Prebiotics

[Prebiotics vs.Probiotics] Difference Between Prebiotics And Probiotics Dr.Berg

Some other ways to get probiotics are by taking supplements or eating fermented foods. Fermented foods include yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, and kefir. Probiotic supplements usually contain one or more strains of bacteria.

The most common strain is Lactobacillus acidophilus. Prebiotics are found in many foods, including bananas, onions, garlic, whole grains, and legumes. You can also take prebiotic supplements.

The 19 Best Prebiotic Foods You Should Eat

Prebiotics are a form of dietary fiber that feed the friendly bacteria in your gut.

This allows your gut bacteria to produce nutrients for your colon cells, which leads to a healthier digestive system (

Some of these nutrients include short-chain fatty acids like butyrate, acetate, and propionate .

These fatty acids can be absorbed into your bloodstream and improve metabolic health .

However, prebiotics shouldnt be confused with probiotics.

Probiotics are live bacteria found in certain foods or supplements. To learn more about the difference between prebiotics and probiotics, read this article.

Read on to explore 19 healthy prebiotic foods to add to your grocery list.

Chicory root comes from a flowering plant in the dandelion family. Its popular for its coffee-like flavor and has historically been used in cooking and medicine.

Its also a great source of prebiotics.

Approximately 68% of chicory root fiber comes from the prebiotic fiber inulin .

It may also help prevent diabetes by raising levels of adiponectin, a protein that helps control blood glucose levels .

Additionally, chicory root is high in antioxidant compounds that may protect your liver from oxidative damage .


Chicory root is often used as a caffeine-free coffee replacement. Its inulin fiber promotes friendly gut bacteria, reduces constipation, and can help control glucose levels.

They contain 1.92 grams of fiber per 1 cup .

Microorganisms And Our Health

While the term microorganism refers to all types of microbes, we are going to focus primarily on bacteria in this article. When we think about the bacteria that colonize our intestinal tract, we typically sort them into two categories: beneficial strains of bacteria , including those in the genera Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus, and potential disease-causing strains of bacteria , including Escherichia coli and Clostridioides difficile. While its actually much more complex than this, it is an easy way to denote which bacteria will generally improve our health or harm us. Beneficial bacteria keep pathogens in check and offer many health benefits. Disease-causing bacteria release proteins and toxic byproducts that can cause infection and harmful symptoms such as diarrhea. Some, such as Helicobacter pylori, can be both beneficial in certain quantities and harmful in other quantities.3

The balance between beneficial and harmful bacteria is important for maintaining health. Several factors can upset this balance, including diet, stress, and medications, particularly antibiotics. Adding prebiotics to the diet and taking probiotics changes the microbial population and their activity, fortifying the number of good bacteria in the gut. An increase in good bacteria can also help limit the number of harmful bacteria, since they compete for food sources and adhesion sites on the intestinal mucosa.

Also Check: What Is The Best Type Of Probiotic

Results Within 30 Days Or A Full Refund Of Your Money

I have had a 13-year-long intestinal bad bacterial overgrowth, which made eating carbohydrates of any type next to impossiblethe results would be severe joint pain and head pain. I was already taking massive doses of PRO-biotics, which did create a baseline of safety, but nothing more.

Ive been taking Kiwi Klenz now for over 2 months6 capsules per day, 2 after each meal. I can now eat fruit, grains, and even some sugar all foods that I could not eat at all before Kiwi Klenz. Kiwi Klenz did not 100% eradicate the bad bacteria, but because Kiwi Klenz is a fabulous PRE-biotic, it enabled the GOOD bacteria to proliferate and compete with the BAD. The BAD is not completely gone, but its power is vastly diminished. Bernice, USA.

Find out what other customers have to say about Kiwi Klenz in these .

Synbiotics Blend Both Pre

Vitalitown Probiotics + Prebiotics

Dr. Cresci is actively studying synbiotics, which combine aprebiotic and a probiotic.

A probiotic in a capsule may not survive while sitting onthe grocery store shelf or passing through the intestinal tract, she says.But when you combine it with its food source, the prebiotic, it has a muchbetter shot at staying viable until it reaches the part of the gut where itwill ultimately live.

Dr. Cresci recommends people get their probiotics andprebiotics from a healthy diet, but if you need to take a supplement, sherecommends choosing a:

  • Product that has a seal of approval from testingagencies such as Consumer Reports or Consumer Labs.
  • Probiotic capsule packaged with inulin or otherprebiotics.
  • Probiotic in spore form, which can survive onthe shelf or in the digestive tract.

Also Check: The Best Probiotic For Gut Health

What To Avoid When Taking Prebiotics Or Probiotics

There are many benefits to taking probiotics or prebiotics, but there are also some downsides. Lets discuss the pros and cons of these products before deciding if you want to take them.

Pros: Probiotics can reduce your risk for diabetes, obesity, cancer, anxiety and depression. They may also help protect against harmful bacteria by strengthening your immune system. Prebiotics can improve digestion by feeding good bacteria in our guts while suppressing bad bacteria like candida albicans .

Cons: Too much probiotic use could lead to an imbalance in gut flora or even thrush , especially during antibiotic treatment it might also interfere with prescription medications like birth control pills because they make the microbiome more diverse. Prebiotics can also cause gas and bloating in some people, though this usually goes away with continued use.

How Long Does It Take For Prebiotics To Work

It typically takes a few weeks for prebiotics to start working. This is because they need time to travel through the digestive system and reach the gut. Once they reach the gut, they begin to feed the good bacteria that live there.

These good bacteria then multiply and begin to crowd out bad bacteria. This process can take a few weeks, but it is worth the wait for the many benefits that prebiotics provide.

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Whats Better: Probiotics Vs Prebiotics

Neither is necessarily better. Rather, they both work together to support your microbiome and overall gut health. If you dont have prebiotics, your probiotic bacteria will perish!

Instead of relying on enriched supplements, wed recommend you focus on a diet rich in a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fermented foods.

For most people that would be sufficient for their prebiotic and probiotic needs.

Prebiotics And Probiotics: Creating A Healthier You

Prebiotics & Probiotics – What You Need to Know

You’ve probably heard of prebiotics and probiotics, but do you know what they are? Probiotics are live microorganisms that provide health benefits when you consume them in the right amounts.

Although probiotics are available as dietary supplements, some may be found through fermented foods, too.

Research continues in this area of nutrition investigating which strains of probiotics are present in specific foods and which ones provide health benefits. While this is still an area of study, there are a few key points that are worth keeping in mind.

What Are Prebiotics and What Do They Do?

Prebiotics are naturally occurring, non-digestible food components that are linked to promoting the growth of helpful bacteria in your gut. Simply said, they’re “good” bacteria promoters. Prebiotics may improve gastrointestinal health as well as potentially enhance calcium absorption.

Prebiotics in Your Diet

Prebiotics include fructooligosaccharides, such as inulin and galactooligosaccharides. But rather than focusing on these lengthy words, include more prebiotics in your day by eating more fruits, vegetables and whole grains such as bananas, onions, garlic, leeks, asparagus, artichokes, beans and whole-grain foods.

What Are Probiotics and What Do They Do?

Probiotics in Your Diet

What Makes Prebiotics and Probiotics the “Dynamic Duo?”


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How Do Prebiotics Work

So we know that prebiotics are a very important part of intestinal health but how exactly do they work?

Prebiotics provide substrate directly for the bacterial species in your gut.

As healthy bacterial species start to grow, their influence on your gastrointestinal tract also grows.

They start to secrete beneficial enzymes to help break down foods, they promote changes to your appetite, they influence immune function and more.

Proven Benefits of Prebiotics

This all sounds great but have prebiotics been studied or proven to work?

The answer is yes.

In some cases, we actually know more about how prebiotics work than probiotics.

I’ve included a list of the known and potential benefits of using prebiotics below:

  • Promote proper immune function and help reduce inflammation
  • Help reduce the duration and prevalence of infectious disease
  • Increase the absorption of certain nutrients

Will taking prebiotics provide you with all of these benefits?

Probably not, but the point is that with a list as broad as the one above you get the idea that prebiotics have the potential to provide serious health benefits and should be a part of a healthy regimen.

List & Examples of Prebiotics

If you’re like many people you probably know a little about prebiotics but you may not be familiar with specific examples.

Let’s dive into the nitty gritty here.

As I mentioned previously each bacterial species tends to grow better with certain and specific substrate.

  • F. Prausnitzii – Feed this guy Pectin
  • Are Prebiotics Better Than Probiotics

    Are prebiotics better than probiotics for gut health? Whats the difference? Lets find out!

    Probiotics are currently the hot topic in the supplement industry.

    Few people knew what probiotics were a decade ago. Even among health-conscious people, the word probiotic was only ever used in relation to certain foods such as sauerkraut, yogurt and kimchi. We have all been told to eat more of these probiotic foods to maximize gut health.

    Today though, probiotics are seemingly everywhere.

    While foods like yogurt and kimchi have been around for a very long time, probiotic supplements have not. These are brand new supplements, but already theyre becoming widely-used. Thousands of people turn to the internet to find the best probiotic supplements every single month. Sales of probiotics are already in the billions worldwide, and as health practitioners start recommending them to patients, those numbers are only heading in one direct UP!

    But for some reason, prebiotics are not getting the same kind of attention as probiotics.

    This is really strange, particularly as prebiotics can actually be far more beneficial to most people than probiotics.

    The best prebiotics on the market today can dramatically improve your gut health for good!

    In our opinion, prebiotics are vastly superior to probiotics for the vast majority of people. If your main concern is optimizing gut health over the long-term, then prebiotics are better than probiotics no doubt about it!

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    Common Strains Of Probiotics

    Probiotic strains are genetic subtypes of species. Each probiotic strain has a different effect in the body. You will see the probiotic strain names on food or supplement labels, combined with the species name. For example, the Bifidobacteria or Lactobacillus species are often abbreviated as B. or L. and combined with the individual strain name, such as acidophilus. This gives you the probiotic L. acidophilus. This is how the name will appear on food or supplement labels.

    Here are six common strains of probiotics that youll find on food and supplement labels.

    B. animalis: This strain is an ingredient in Dannon yogurts Activia product. Its helpful in aiding digestion and fighting food-borne bacteria. Its also thought to boost your immune system.

    B. breve: This strain lives in your digestive tract and in the vagina. In both places, it fights off infection-causing bacteria, or yeast. It helps your body absorb nutrients by fermenting sugars. It also breaks down plant fiber to make it digestible.

    B. lactis: This is derived from raw milk. Its an ingredient in Nestles probiotic infant formula, called Good Start Natural Cultures. It also serves as a starter for:

    • buttermilk
    • cottage cheese
    • other cheeses

    B. longum: This strain lives in your gastrointestinal tract. It helps break down carbohydrates and also can be an antioxidant.

    Gut Health Starts With Prebiotics

    50 Billion CFU Prebiotic &  Probiotic Supplement for Women and Men, 12 ...

    You can buy prebiotic supplements, but you dont need themif you eat the foods that fortify the army of friendly bacteria in yourintestines, Dr. Cresci explains.

    She recommends these microbiota-loving foods:

    • Fiber-rich foods: Fruits, vegetables andwhole grains.
    • Potatoes: Ideally, a boiled and cooled potato,since the starch is more resistant to digestion.
    • Bananas: Green, less-ripe bananas arerich in resistant starch.
    • Jerusalem artichokes: A root vegetablerich in the prebiotic inulin.

    Recommended Reading: Why Do Individuals Take Probiotics

    Probiotics: What Do Probiotics Do:

    Probiotics in fermented foods and supplements may benefit health by breaking down food and boosting the immune system.

    Fermentation is a process where bacteria transform a substance, and its what probiotic bacteria are renowned for. Probiotics can have positive health effects even if they just pass through the gastrointestinal tract but dont settle down in the microbiome.

    Are there plant based probiotics? Definitely, foods like tempeh , sauerkraut, kimchi, and lacto-fermented pickles are only possible thanks to the actions of bacteria like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium that metabolise sugars and increase the nutritional value of these foods.

    Fermentation is advantageous for humans because such foods provide a great way for the beneficial bacteria to enter the body. Historically, it was also essential because no one had a fridge or freezer back in the day, and now science is turning to these traditional foods to find solutions for health.

    FACTProbiotics are examples of beneficial bacteria which enter our body, usually through the ingestion of fermented foods, that have positive benefits for our health.

    Do Probiotics Treat Or Prevent Vaginal Infections

    Bacterial vaginosis and vaginal thrush are the two most common infections that women can get in their vagina. Researchers are looking at whether using probiotics might be effective in treating or preventing these infections. Both of these infections depend on the normal microbes that live in the vagina being reduced, so it is possible that probiotics might help but so far the results are unclear.

    You can read more about both of these conditions in our separate leaflets called Bacterial Vaginosis and Vaginal Thrush .

    Recommended Reading: Garden Of Life Dr Formulated Probiotics Once Daily

    How Much Prebiotics Vs Probiotics Should I Take

    Your healthcare provider can recommend the amount of prebiotics and probiotics thats right for you.

    In general, adults can eat 10 grams of prebiotic fiber a day this is usually contained in 30 grams of oat bran, for example.

    Probiotics can be found in yogurt, kefir, and other fermented foods. As a general rule, aim to eat at least one serving of probiotic-rich food every day.

    Youre Under A Lot Of Stress

    Probiotics and Prebiotics – Whats The Difference & Whats Better

    Chronic stress can take a toll on your gut health, leading to digestive issues and inflammation. Probiotics can help to reduce stress-related symptoms and promote a healthy gut.

    If youre experiencing any of these signs, it may be time to start taking probiotics. Talk to your doctor or a registered dietitian to determine which probiotic supplement is right for you.

    Before you visit your healthcare professional, consider reviewing each of the below best products for prebiotic and probiotics so that you can attend the appointment ready to discuss which option is best for you to try.

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    Foods That Contain Prebiotics And Probiotics

    If youre thinking of adding prebiotics and probiotics to your diet, there are two ways to go about it. You could add prebiotic and probiotic supplements to your diet or you could eat foods that contain prebiotics and probiotics.

    Here are a few foods that contain prebiotics and probiotics.

    Foods That Contain Prebiotics

    Prebiotics are found in numerous high-fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. What makes it easier is that some foods contain both prebiotics and probiotics.

    Here is a list of foods that are high in prebiotics:

    • Oats
    • Banana

    Foods That Contain Probiotics

    Luckily, many foods contain naturally helpful bacteria, such as yogurt and fermented foods. Here is a list of foods that are high in probiotics:

    • Kefir

    Will Taking Prebiotics Help With Weight Loss

    Prebiotics can indirectly help with weight loss by helping to normalize your appetite and by influencing bacterial concentrations in your gut.

    Taking prebiotics without probiotics and without making other changes is not likely to lead to weight loss.

    You can learn more about using probiotics for weight loss in this post.

    Also Check: Sakara Life’s Probiotics Chocolate

    How Prebiotics And Probiotics Interact

    Prebiotics serve as food for probiotics, so probiotics need access to prebiotics to work effectively.

    Research assessing the connection between the two is ongoing, and scientists cannot yet confirm whether taking prebiotics can support probiotic development.

    People who eat a balanced, varied, and healthful diet will get many prebiotics and probiotics through their food:

    They Can Tackle Cystitis

    Spring Valley Adult Probiotic + Prebiotic Gummies, 60 Count

    For years, cystitis sufferers have relied on drinking lots of water or cranberries to ward off infection, but emerging evidence suggests probiotics could help here too.

    A major review of studies found probiotics can help rebalance bad bacteria in the vagina and urinary tract, protecting against the infection.

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    Prebiotics Probiotics: Does Your Gut Really Need Them

    One commercial swears their product is loaded with probiotics essential for good gut health, and another contends their prebiotic product is necessary to promote optimum gut health. So which is a must have to maintain a healthy gut? The answer is that they are both important. Prebiotics along with probiotics provide an essential one-two punch for a healthy gut.

    What is the Importance of a Healthy Gut?Keeping your gut happy is important in your overall health. Shore Medical Center Outpatient Registered Dietitian, Mackenzie McCune, said, Gut bacteria help to increase nutrient absorption, ward off pathogens and recent studies show that the bacteria in our intestines can directly affect our mood and our brain chemistry. Susan ODonnell, Shore Medical Center Clinical Nutrition Manager, added, More evidence is emerging that shows when humans have strong healthy microbiota in the gut there are definite health benefits related to digestion. Strong microbiota can also decrease the need for antibiotics and alleviate constipation.

    How Prebiotics and Probiotics FunctionPrebiotics are good bacteria promoters, according to McCune. They are naturally occurring, non-digestible food components that are linked to promoting the growth of helpful bacteria in our gut. They can help to improve gastrointestinal health. These active cultures help change or repopulate intestinal bacteria to balance gut flora.

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