Thursday, September 12, 2024

Lavender Chamomile Tea With Probiotics Benefits

Helps Relieve Migraines And Headaches

Lavender Chamomile Tea

According to a study published by the German journal Der Nervenarzt, a 10% peppermint oil solution in ethanol rubbed onto the forehead had a similar effect as 1000 mg of acetaminophen on tension headaches . This idea is echoed in a study on essential oils published in 1995 that stated that the menthol from this herb increases blood flow and provides a cooling sensation which can be beneficial for pain relief .

Side Effects Of Chamomile And Lavender Tea

When it comes to possible lavender and chamomile tea side effects, the most common side effect would be allergies. If you are allergic to lavender or chamomile plants, or any plants in either herb family, then you should stay away from this tea.

A chamomile allergy is especially serious and presents itself in the forming of hives, difficulty breathing, and/or swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Patients suffering from and taking medication for diseases like HIV, malaria, tuberculosis or asthma, cancer, diabetes, erectile dysfunction, heartburn or GERD, high blood pressure, heart condition, etc., are also warned to not take this herb or any herbal teas or supplements without first speaking to a medical doctor .

On the other hand, when ingested by some, lavender has been said to cause constipation, headache, and an increased appetite. You should avoid consuming lavender if you are allergic to it, and talk to your doctor if you are taking blood-thinning medication or drugs that lower cholesterol .

Steep By Bigelow Organic Lavender Chamomile Herbal Tea With Probiotics Tea Bags


  • All-natural, organic, gluten-free tea contains gut healthy probiotics
  • Made with the whole chamomile flower and delicate lavender for a soothing and floral taste
  • 18 individually foil-wrapped tea bags per box
  • Use these tea bags to create smooth hot teas or refreshing iced teas
  • Great for coffee shops, cafes, hotels and restaurants
Tea Bags

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Helps With Period/menstrual Cramps

Any menstruating woman knows just how debilitating the pain of period cramps can be. If you are among the many women who suffer through pain from their period every month, then you may benefit from having some lavender chamomile tea around.

In one study published online in 2016, 200 students were divided into two groups. One group was asked to inhale lavender in the first three days of menstruation, 30 minutes in a day over two menstrual cycles. Meanwhile, the other group was given a placebo drink. At the end of the study, researchers found that the women who had been inhaling lavender reported significantly less pain severity two months after using this herb .

Concerning chamomile, several studies have shown that this herbal tea possesses antispasmodic properties, which can relieve the painful cramps associated with the menstrual periods. Its oil has also been proven to have the same antispasmodic and relaxing properties, which are useful in calming the symptoms associated with PMS .

Helping With Sleep And Relaxation


Chamomile tea is widely thought to help people relax and fall asleep. Few clinical trials have tested this, however.

In one review of the current evidence, 10 of 12 cardiovascular patients are quoted as having fallen asleep shortly after consuming chamomile tea. A handful of other studies looking at clinical models also suggest that chamomile tea may help people relax.

In a study using rats, chamomile extract helped sleep-disturbed rodents fall asleep. Many researchers believe that chamomile tea may function like a benzodiazepine. Benzodiazepines are prescription drugs that can reduce anxiety and induce sleep. Some research suggests that chamomile binds to benzodiazepine receptors.

A review looking at the is inconclusive. Some studies show a modest anti-anxiety benefit, but others do not.

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Lavender Chamomile Tea Facts Health Benefits And Side Effects

What are the benefits of lavender chamomile tea, and is this combination safe for consumption? If you are a tea lover, then you certainly appreciate the increase in popularity of herbal tea blends that have taken over the market whether in loose-leaf form or small compact tea bags, the combination of different herbs, spices, and even flowers make for an aromatic and delicious experience.

When it comes to chamomile and lavender tea herbal tea combination, some people might be a little wary of the blend, after all, while chamomile has been used for years in tea, lavender is mostly known for its use in aromatherapy or as an insect repellant, especially against mosquitoes and moths. In todays article, we are going to explore the benefits of chamomile and lavender tea, lavender and chamomile tea side effects, if any, and much more.

Lavender Chamomile Tea Health Benefits

Are chamomile and lavender tea good for you? If you were to pose this question to most tea and especially herbal tea lovers, the answer would most probably be a resounding YES. But, other than the aromatics and fancy-sounding concoction, what exactly is lavender chamomile tea good for?

Here are some scientifically-backed benefits of lavender chamomile tea:

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How Much Chamomile Should You Take

There is no standard dose of chamomile. Studies have used between 900 milligrams to 1200. milligrams daily in capsule form. The most common form is a tea, and some people drink one to four cups daily. To make chamomile tea, steep a chamomile tea bag or chamomile flowers in hot water for 5 to 10 minutes in a mug covered with a saucer. Then, drink the infusion when it has cooled to the point it is safe to drink. Ask your doctor for other advice.

What Are The Risks Of Taking Chamomile

Tiesta Tea Review: Lavender & Chamomile Tea
  • Side effects. Most experts say chamomile is safe. It can cause drowsiness and, in large doses, vomiting. It also has the potential to trigger allergic reactions in people who are allergic to related plants in the daisy family, although such reactions are very rare. Avoid it if you are allergic to these plants: chamomile, ragweed, daisies, marigolds, or chrysanthemums. Skin creams with chamomile can cause allergic eczema and irritate the eyes. The effects of long-term chamomile use aren’t known.
  • Risks. Check with your doctor before using chamomile if you have any health problems. Chamomile contains a small amount of coumarin, which may have very mild blood thinning effects, but usually just in high doses for long periods of time. Stop using chamomile two weeks before surgery due to concerns about its possible interactions with anesthetic drugs.
  • Interactions. If you take any drugs regularly, talk to your doctor before you start using chamomile supplements. They could interact with sedatives, blood thinners, antiplatelet drugs, aspirin, NSAID painkillers like ibuprofen and naproxen, and other drugs. Chamomile could also interact with supplements like ginkgo biloba, garlic, saw palmetto, St. John’s wort, and valerian.

Given the lack of evidence about its long-term safety, chamomile is not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Talk to a pediatrician before giving chamomile to infants and children.

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Other Potential Health Benefits

The following health benefits of chamomile tea are mostly anecdotal and not supported by scientific research:

  • Boosts immune health: Chamomile tea is often promoted as a strategy for preventing and treating the common cold, but evidence for this is lacking. It has also been said to be soothing for sore throats (
  • 1 ).

Although these health claims lack evidence, that does not mean they are false. They simply have not been studied yet and may be in the future.

Summary: There is currently no strong evidence that drinking chamomile tea improves immune, bone and skin health. Additionally, research regarding its role in anxiety and depression is lacking.

This Is Why You Should Drink Bigelow Teas With Probiotics Right Now

Hey, #TeaProudly fam, raise your hand if youvehad Bigelow TeaProbiotics flavors! If you havent, nows thetime. And here are a few reasons why:

  • Probiotics are ah-mazing.
  • Probiotics = strong. Just like you.
  • A cup of tea is all you need to make your dayeven better.
  • So many flavors, so little time.
  • You can never go wrong with a soothing cup ofBigelow Tea.
  • Lets take a look at probiotics. Okay, okay, so heres the deal. Probiotics are sometimes referred to as good bacteria and help maintain a healthy balance in your digestive system. Like, we said amazing. So, how can there be probiotics in tea? Well, its easy . In 2009, Bigelow Tea was the first to overcome the challenge of finding a strain of probiotics hearty enough to survive the high heat of boiling water and deliver beneficial probiotics to the digestive track tract exactly where they are needed. Cool, right? Err or maybe, boiling hot?! Today, Bigelow is proud to offer flavorful teas that combine Ganeden BC30 Probiotics , with quality, all-natural ingredients you know and tastes you will love. Because, cmon, we all know a cup of tea is all you need to make your day better, right?!

    So, there you have it. All the reasons why you can never gowrong with a soothing cup of Bigelow Tea especially one with probiotics. Areyou a fan? Tag #TeaProudly and tell the world!

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    Chamomile And Lavender Tea The Dynamic Calming Duo

    Holmes and Watson, Batman and Robin, Bogey and Bacall, just a few dynamic duos who although can exist independently, are so much better when intertwined.

    Aristotle familiarised the concept of synergy when he coined the term The whole is greater than the sum of its parts and my next couple is just that, a food-pairing match made in heaven.

    If youre looking for a relaxing nightcap to enjoy at the end of the day, when youre done with all the hard work and ready to put your feet up and snuggle in with a good book then look no further than this soothing elixir from my book Heal Your Gut.

    The combination of two of my favourite delicate and calming herbs Chamomile and Lavender – will settle your nervous system and relax your digestive system, especially if the day has left you feeling stressed or tense and dinner preparation has stolen much of your well-earned evening.

    On the other hand, if you’re a coffee lover who can’t go a day without a fresh cup of coffee, then you should definitely try out coffee subscription UK, and have coffee delivered to your home whenever you need.

    For centuries, the Chamomile plant has been used for medicinal purposes, with the flowers often being enjoyed as a fragrant tea. Due to its gentle nature and calming, soothing aroma and flavour, Chamomile tea has grown a reputation over the years as one of the safest beverages that can be enjoyed by all including children and the elderly – to treat insomnia.

    Chamomile and Lavender Tea

    Benefits For The Skin

    Bigelow Lavender Chamomile plus Probiotics, Herbal Tea, Tea Bags, 18 Ct ...

    Used topically, chamomile and lavender are one of the best herbs for skin problems. The calming effect of chamomile on the skin is known worldwide. Traditionally it has been used for soothing and softening the skin, treating wounds and irritations and other problems. Studies showed that topical use may be helpful for treating sczema. Lavender may help with treating acne and promoting hair growth. Tea might help with signs of aging and keeping the skin healthy by fighting free radicals.

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    Helps Relieve Anxiety And Depression

    Anxiety and depression are the most commonly reported psychiatric conditions today. If you suffer from any or both of these conditions, this tea might be helpful. Chamomile has not just been used traditionally to help with anxiety, but it is also backed with scientific studies that have shown that this herb can help with the therapy of generalized anxiety disorder and depression due to its modest anxiolytic activity .

    Studies have also shown that lavender helps stimulate activity in certain areas of the brain and influence the transmission of impulses between brain cells in ways that boost mood and produce a calming effect .

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    This Is How To Enjoy A Cup Of Bigelow Lavender Chamomile Herbal Tea With Probiotics

    Do you ever feel like you just want to press pause on your day? You deserve a break, especially when youre feeling stressed or overwhelmed. And thats where a mug of soothing

    Bigelow Lavender Chamomile Herbal Tea With Probiotics really shines, in a calming way of course. Caffeine-free and soothing, this tea is perfect for winding down and sipping this delicious brew couples well with your favorite self-care practices. Need more ideas for taking a special moment just for you? Bigelow Tea has you covered. But, first, lets talk a little bit about what makes a cup of Lavender Chamomile Herbal Tea With Probiotics so special.

    Soothing ingredients: Probiotics, Chamomile and Lavender

    Now, back to that self-care! Stress can take a toll on our bodies and minds both mentally and physically so its critical to take care of ourselves. Thankfully, dedicating some time for me time is easy when youve got Bigelow Tea by your side. Even the ritual of brewing tea heating water in a kettle, slowing down for a few minutes to let your tea steep, watching the steam rise and getting a whiff of its delightful aroma can be calming and grounding. Here are a few of our favorite ways to de-stress with a cup of Lavender Chamomile Herbal Tea With Probiotics in hand.

  • Cozy up with a book
  • 2. Take a bath

    3. Bake your heart out

    4. Go for a walk outside

    5. Play a game or do a puzzle

    6. Try your hand at journaling or writing

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    May Improve Sleep Quality

    Chamomile has some unique properties that may benefit the quality of your sleep.

    It contains apigenin, an antioxidant that binds to certain receptors in your brain that may promote sleepiness and reduce insomnia, or the chronic inability to sleep .

    In one study, postpartum women who drank chamomile tea for two weeks reported better sleep quality compared to a group that did not drink chamomile tea. They also had fewer symptoms of depression, which is often linked with sleeping problems .

    Another study found that people who consumed 270 mg of chamomile extract twice daily for 28 days had 1/3 less night time awakening and fell asleep 15 minutes faster than those who did not consume the extract .

    These findings are promising, but more studies are necessary to determine the extent of chamomile teas effects on sleep. Nevertheless, drinking chamomile tea before bed is certainly worth a try if you have trouble falling or staying asleep.

    Summary: Chamomile contains antioxidants that may promote sleepiness, and drinking chamomile tea has been shown to improve overall sleep quality.

    Adverse Effects Of Chamomile Tea

    Chamomile Lavender Tea | Dr Sebi Approved Herbs | Clay Tea Filter Cup Unboxing & Herb Storage

    Drinking chamomile tea is generally safe for most people.

    There have been reports of chamomile allergies, which are most likely to occur in individuals who are allergic to plants in the daisy family, such as ragweed and chrysanthemums .

    Furthermore, cosmetic products that contain chamomile may be irritating to the eyes if they make direct contact with them. This may lead to conjunctivitis, which is inflammation of the lining of your eye .

    It is also important to note that the safety of drinking chamomile tea has not been established in young children, pregnant or nursing women and people with liver or kidney disease.

    Nevertheless, there have not been any reports of life-threatening adverse reactions or toxicity from drinking chamomile tea.

    Summary: Although a few people may be allergic to chamomile, it is safe for most people to drink. Negative side effects are extremely rare.

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    May Protect Against Certain Types Of Cancer

    The antioxidants found in chamomile tea have been linked with a lower incidence of certain types of cancer.

    Chamomile contains the antioxidant apigenin. In test-tube studies, apigenin has been shown to fight cancer cells, especially those of the breast, digestive tract, skin, prostate and uterus .

    Additionally, one study of 537 people observed that those who drank chamomile tea 26 times per week were significantly less likely to develop thyroid cancer than those who did not drink chamomile tea .

    These findings are promising, but more high-quality, human research is necessary to make a conclusion regarding chamomile teas role in cancer prevention.

    Summary: Chamomile tea contains the antioxidant apigenin, which may help lower inflammation and reduce the risk of several types of cancer.

    Eases Gastrointestinal Disorders Abdominal Pain And Symptoms Of Ibs

    Irritable bowel syndrome is a common lifelong condition that affects the digestive system causing symptoms like stomach cramps, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. Depending on how severe the problem is, these symptoms can last anywhere between a few days, a week, to as long as several months at a time. Luckily, having some mint tea can help lessen these symptoms.

    In 2014, a review of nine studies covering about 726 participants by the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology revealed that the consumption helped reduce the severity of IBS symptoms and abdominal pain .

    In 2016 the Digestive Diseases and Sciences journal published a controlled trial on the effects of a specially designed sustained-release peppermint oil on patients with IBS. The 72 participants were placed in two groups one group took a placebo three times a day while the other group consumed peppermint oil three times a day too. At the end of four weeks, researchers found that peppermint oil helped reduce the Total IBS Symptom Score by up to 40 percent .

    In children, research has found that this herb can help reduce the symptoms of common gastrointestinal disorders. A review of 14 trials with 1927 participants suffering from different acute and functional gastrointestinal disorders published in 2017 revealed that oil from this herb helps in decreasing the duration, frequency, and severity of pain in children suffering from undifferentiated functional abdominal pain .

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