Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Why Do Probiotics Make You Poop

How Long Does It Take Probiotics To Work

Do probiotics make you poop?

The short answer is: It depends on the specific outcome youre hoping to achieve, the current condition of your gut and overall health, and the quality of the probiotic you are taking.

If you are taking a high quality, multispecies and multistrain supplement, you can expect to notice initial improvements and health benefits of probiotics in your digestion as early as the first 1-2 weeks after starting your probiotic.

Depending on how sensitive you are, many people feel a difference after a few days. More fundamental effects of the probiotics such as improvements to mood, weight loss or a reduction in inflammation of your gut barrier might set in after 4-8 weeks.

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Probiotics Help To Relieve Constipation And Its Symptoms

Apart from helping to soften stool and increase the number of times a week that you poop, probiotics can help with the complications of constipation.

Suffering from infrequent bowel movements can make going to the bathroom very difficult and it can cause varying accompanying symptoms. However, regularly taking high-quality probiotics can help to ease the pain while passing stool and resolve stomach bloating, gas, and stomach spasms .

The journal Minerva Gastroenterologica e Dietologica reported that probiotics helped patients to pass stool more frequently in the week. In addition, taking probiotics also helped to reduce bloating, abdominal cramping, and the sensation of incomplete emptying. The study found that probiotics with L. casei Shirota bacteria were the most beneficial for helping constipation.8

Research into easing constipation symptoms in the elderly has also shown that probiotics can treat constipation. The Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics published a systematic review of 9 studies into probiotics for treating constipation symptoms in older people.

The study concluded that probiotics improved constipation in elderly people by 1040% compared to placebo controls in which no probiotic was used.9

Always Remember The 4 Ss

This simple rule is our final takeaway but its an important one to remember. Always consider the following 4 Ss:

  • Shape
  • Shade
  • Size

Generally, if you find 2 or more of these have changed, your microbiome is trying to tell you something. Take some time to consider your lifestyle, hydration, nutrition, and training before considering supplementation.


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What Are Probioticsand What Do They Do

Probiotics are live bacteria that can positively affect your digestive system.

When we think of bacteria, we often think of germs that can make you sick. Your body is chock-full of bacteriaand most of it is completely harmless.

In fact, having the right gut bacteria in appropriate amounts is linked to all sorts of health benefits.

People take probiotic supplements or consume probiotic-rich foods to try to achieve a healthy balance of helpful gut bacteria.

Probiotics are found in foods that have been preserved through fermentation. Some fermented, probiotic-rich foods and drinks you may be familiar with are:

The probiotics in these foods shouldnt be confused with prebiotics, which are dietary fibers that feed the good bacteria thats already in your gut.

Taking Probiotics As A Supplement

How Do Probiotics Affect My Poop?

A study from the American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy reported that common strains of bacteria in probiotics that are used in supplements are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.

The best types of probiotic supplements should contain several billion microorganisms and different strains of bacteria. The study concluded that probiotics have proven efficacy in treating various gastrointestinal tract conditions.1

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Antibiotics And Other Medications

If youve recently been prescribed antibiotics, especially a strong one, the medication can kill off large parts of your guts normal bacteria. This decreases the population of the brown-staining bacteria in your lower intestine. Probiotics, such as yogurt or kombucha, can help restore balance to your intestinal flora.

Several other medications and supplements can also cause a breakdown in pigments that turns your stool green. One example is iron supplements.

Probiotics For Constipation: Can Probiotics Make You Poop

Many studies into using probiotics to make you poop more easily have found that they help in 4 main ways. A review of using probiotics for constipation published on PubMed Health reported the following:3

  • Probiotics help improve whole gut transit time in the digestive tract
  • Probiotics soften stool and make pooping easier
  • Some strains of probiotics increase stool frequency
  • Probiotics can help to alleviate other symptoms of constipation like abdominal pain and bloating.

Lets look in more detail at studies showing the benefits of taking probiotics for treating constipation in children, adults, and the elderly.

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Ultimately, theres some promising evidence that probiotics may help with constipation, but more research is needed for scientists to agree on how useful they are.

Its also worth knowing that different probiotic strains have different effects. Those from a group called Bifidobacterium seem to be the best for making people poop more often, but there’s still not enough evidence to recommend a specific probiotic to help you poop more.

Our research at ZOE has found 15 good gut bacteria linked with better health and 15 bad gut bacteria linked with worse health.

The ZOE at-home test can tell you how many of each of these types of bacteria live in your gut. ZOE can then recommend your individual gut booster foods that you should eat more of to improve your health, and your gut suppressor foods you should eat less of.

The ZOE program also lets you reflect on your unique biology, giving you the option to keep track of your poop frequency and consistency.

Can Probiotics Cause Diarrhea

Do probiotics make you poop more?

Diarrhea is an uncommon side effect of probiotics, but it can happen on some occasions. Generally, probiotics are one of the natural remedies for diarrhea and can help you recover from gastroenteritis quicker.

However, doctors from the Cleveland Clinic report that probiotics can cause diarrhea in the first few days of taking them. Doctors say that this should not be a cause for concern because probiotics strains already exist in our bodies.20

In general, probiotics and foods containing probiotics are safe for general use. However, they may cause mild stomach upset, diarrhea, or flatulence and bloating for the first few days after starting to take them.

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Probiotics May Cause Allergic Reactions Such As Rash Or Itchy Skin

Although probiotics can help to reduce symptoms of allergies, some people find that the type of probiotic they take causes skin itching or a rash.

The reason for some probiotic supplements causing side effects of itchy skin or a rash is usually down to other ingredients in the supplements. For example, in 2012 researchers found that probiotic supplements that contain dairy product can cause allergic reactions in some individuals.18

Some types of probiotics are also yeast based and if you have a yeast allergy, you should avoid these. For example, probiotics containing Saccharomyces boulardii can cause digestive upset in people who are allergic to yeast.19

So, if you suffer from pre-existing allergies, you should carefully check the ingredients in probiotic supplements. Remember that probiotics can contain a number of different strains of healthy bacteria and may also include yeast-based probiotics.

Who Shouldnt Take Probiotics

People with Compromised Immune SystemsAlthough probiotics benefit the immune system, they can potentially pose a danger to people in the following circumstance:1. If a person has a compromised immune systems2. AND they have an open IV or central line 3. AND they are being administered probiotics in powder form.

According to one review article, persons who have the highest risk when taking probiotics are immunosuppressed or are premature infants

Minor risks include having a central venous catheter, having an impaired intestinal barrier, cardiac valvular disease, and those simultaneously taking a broad spectrum antibiotic to which the probiotic is resistant, and taking probiotics via a jejestomy tube.

The authors of the review article recommended that probiotics be used with caution if there is one major risk and one minor risk.13

If you have a weakened immune system you should consult your physician before taking a probiotic supplement.

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Everything In Your Mouth Counts

PKU can be successfully managed with a severely restricted diet. That simple statement is factually true, but practically impossible to follow, as it requires slashing protein consumption by about 90 percent. To compensate for the missing protein, several times a day PKU patients take a medical formula commonly referred to simply as formula containing forms of proteins that are digestible to their bodies. Several manufacturers now add vitamins and minerals and offer a variety of formats and tastes to make it more consumer friendly, but that wasnt always the case.

When I was a kid, it tasted horrible, was the consistency of house paint. I didnt think about it, I just drank it. I didnt like it but you get used to it after a while, recalls Jeff Wolf, the twang of Appalachia still strong in his voice. Now age 50, he grew up in Ashland, Kentucky and was part of the first wave of persons with PKU who were identified at birth as newborn screening was rolled out across the US. He says the options of taste and consistency have improved tremendously over the years.

Some people with PKU are restricted to as little as 8 grams of protein a day from food. Thats a handful of almonds or a single hard-boiled egg a skimpy 4-ounce hamburger and slice of cheese adds up to half of their weekly protein ration. Anything above that daily allowance is more than the body can handle and toxic levels of Phe begin to accumulate in the brain.

Les Clark with a birthday cake.

Courtesy Clark

Are There Many Side Effects Of Probiotics

5 simple steps to prevent constipation among children ...

You should not get confused with the side effects and your normal poop because they are similar. For instance, you may experience gas, bloating, diarrhea and infections. These are somewhat similar to having constipation or pooping regularly.

But the main difference is that you will not have to endure these side effects for a long time perhaps only about a week or so before your body adjusts to the probiotics. But if the side effects prolong for more than a week, you may need to seek professional medical advice as it is not normal for it to last that long.

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What Kind Of Probiotics Are For Dogs

The probiotics in food and health supplements are typically the same or very similar to the probiotics that are naturally-occurring in your body and your dogs body.

So, you can find some of the same probiotic strains used in both human and dog probiotic products.

For example, here at SmartyPaws, we include the probiotic strain Bacillus coagulans in our SmartyPaws health supplements for dogs. SmartyPaws was created by the humans at SmartyPants Vitamins, and they include the same strain in many of their premium supplements for humans.

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Balance The Gut Transit Time

Whole gut transit time, or as known as the time requiring for the food to move from the stomach to the small and large intestine, is different between people.

If the food substances pass through the guts too quickly, our body is unable to absorb the proper amount of nutrients. By contrast, if the food stays inside the guts for too long, the water contain may be drainage thus makes the substance become hard to pass through this is the initial cause of constipation.

So, which benefits do you receive if consuming probiotics? As for the result of a recently study, the Bifidobacterium lactis in yogurt has a remarkable ability to regulate the gut transit time, reduce constipation and abnormal bowel movements, thus make you poop easily.

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Drink More Water To Poop Easier

Increasing your fluid intake can help to soften stool and kickstart your digestion.

According to a review published in 2017, water or increased fluid intake can help to prevent and treat functional constipation.14 Ideally, you should increase your water intake by 2 to 4 glasses per day to help relieve constipation symptoms and stay properly hydrated.

Why Do Probiotics Make You Poo A Lot

Probiotics for Constipation? Maybe Not

Many are times you take probiotics after having your broad spectrum antibiotics but how many times does your doctor inform you of the changes you expect on your stool?

Well, this material starts by informing you what you should check from your stool or poop each day whether you are on probiotics or not. Probiotics will however not result in many changes as far as the physiology of stool is concerned.

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When Is The Best Time Of Day To Take Probiotics

Probiotics are most effective when they have been taken on an empty stomach to make sure the good bacteria makes it to the gut as quickly as possible. The best time to take a probiotic is either first thing in the morning before eating breakfast or before going to sleep at night.

Do probiotics detox your body? By taking probiotics, it is increasing the number of good bacteria which can detoxify your system and help you absorb nutrients more efficiently.

Should you drink a lot of water with probiotics? Drink Water + Add A Probiotic to Your Daily Diet

Drinking plenty of water and adding the right probiotic to your diet can support your body and give you the energy you need to finish each day strong.

How long do probiotics take to work? The short answer: It takes most people 2 to 3 weeks to feel significant benefits when they start taking probiotics. Thats because probiotics need time to accomplish their three key goals: increase your good bacteria count, decrease your bad bacteria count, and reduce inflammation.

There Are Many Different Types Of Probiotics To Choose From

You should talk with your doctor to find out what is right for you. Most people use an acidophilus supplement. These work in a two-fold way: they help the colon to work better and also get rid of waste.

So, to answer the question, Do probiotics make you poop more? it can help to have a healthy colon.

If you are having problems with constipation or you just arent getting your bowels moving as they should, then a supplement may be for you. It can give you a cleaner digestive system and help you lose weight.

There are other things that go into keeping a healthy colon. For example, introducing more fibre into your diet may help. Also, drinking plenty of water each day will flush out your system.

A good probiotic supplement can help you with all of these areas. Just as a natural laxative can help to keep your digestive tract regular, a probiotic can help you cleanse your colon of harmful bacteria.

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Risk Of Infection For Some People

If your immune system is compromised, then you may be advised to avoid taking probiotics. You could have a weakened immune system if you are undergoing chemotherapy or have other immune deficiency issues.

A report from 2010 said that patients who are critically ill, have serious issues with their immune system, or have central venous catheters should seek a doctors advice before taking probiotics. However, the risk of infection from probiotics is very rare.1

The Dosage The Method And Potential Side Effects

Does Athletic Greens Make You Poop?

According to Consumer Lab, a probiotic should provide at least 1 billion CFUs , with doses typically ranging between 1 billion and 10 billion CFUs daily for adults . Natural Wellnesss Super Probiotics contains 10 billion viable cells in each serving.

If youre looking for a stronger probiotic, Natural Wellness also offers Ultra Probiotic Formula, which has 35 billion living cells per capsule. Both probioitc supplements are developed to withstand the acids in your stomach so they reach their intended destinations.

But what are the side effects of taking too much probiotics, you ask? While most people experience no side effects, some people unfortunately do, and among them the most commonly reported is digestion discomfort. Bloating or diarrhea may also result, so pull the reins if you feel the onset of an upset stomach.

In terms of the time it takes for a high-quality probiotic to start working, granted it survives your stomach acid, is roughly 30-60 minutes. That means you should be patient and wait for probiotics to do their thing before taking any more.

And, according to the Mayo Clinic, probiotics should not be combined with any of the following:

  • Any prescription drug that affects your immune system
  • Any sort of fungal infection treatment
  • Having pancreatitis

Take extra precaution if you get infections often or have a weakened immune system as well, and always consult your physician or dietitian before introducing probiotics into your diet .

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Do Not Mistake Common With Normal

If you ask most folks about their digestion, youll probably encounter a conversation that sounds something like this:

Me: How has your digestion been lately?Them: Its fine, as far as I can tell.Me: Well, do you ever have issues with bloating, flatulence, constipation, or changes in your stool composition?Them: I mean I always get gassy when I eat ice cream and bread makes my stomach feel weird. But Im sure thats pretty commonright?Me: Do not mistake common with normal.

As I referenced in a previous article: What does normal, healthy gut function look like? An ability and desire to eat a wide variety of foods without any GI symptomology before, during, or after the meal.

Gut dysfunction is common however, it is anything but normal. The next time youre considering your digestive health, you may want to ask yourself the following questions:

1. Can you recognize food in your stool?

Some vegetable matter may pass through the digestive tract without being dissolved due to its fibrous nature.

However, if you are seeing complete pieces of undigested food then you need to consider the current condition of your gastrointestinal tract. There may be issues with low stomach acid production, thyroid dysregulation, malabsorption, or poor eating habits .

2. Does your stool float?

Occasionally a stool may float if you eat something different or get a small GI bug. However, if you notice this regularly, its time to consult with a GI doc.

3. Are you regular?

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