Monday, September 9, 2024

What Probiotics Are Good For Constipation

Use Probiotics To Get Rid Of Constipation

Probiotics for Constipation? Maybe Not
  • Yes, yogurt is good for constipation as it is a probiotic food. It means it helps the growth of helpful bacteria in the human gut. Always try to select low-fat probiotic yogurt that consists of additional helpful bacteria. According to theNational Library of Medicine, it has been observed that lactobacillus are responsible for relieving the harmful effects of gastrointestinal infections.
  • Both the elder and children can use probiotic yogurt in order to get rid of constipation.
  • A study concluded that daily consumption of yogurt contains galactooligosaccharides

How Do Probiotics Work

Probiotics work mainly by stimulating the bodys intestinal and immune system and by displacing harmful bacteria that might otherwise cause disease. We now know that probiotics can indeed provide health benefits. Specific digestive benefits of probiotics may include:

  • Reducing the severity and duration of some types of diarrhea
  • Treating constipation and abdominal bloating
  • Improving the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome
  • Preventing and treating pouchitis
  • Improving symptoms of colic in breastfed infants

The above digestive disorders have been proven to respond to some, but not all, probiotics. Remember, many of the Internet claims about probiotics are not proven or are simply false. Ask your healthcare professional which probiotics might be good for you.

Not all probiotics have the same effect. Depending on the condition, you may want to tailor the choice of probiotics. Below are examples of three different ways in which probiotics are thought to work:

  • Preventing bad bacteria from growing and replicating in the intestinal tract, attaching to the lining of the intestine and causing disease
  • Blocking the uptake of bad bacteria by improving the ability of the intestinal mucosal barrier to resist infection
  • Enhancing the ability of the immune system in the intestinal tract and in the body as a whole to fight off any invasion of bad bacteria that might occur

Boosts The Happy Hormone Serotonin

Changes in the gut microbiome can have a profound effect on hormone production and neurotransmission in the central nervous system.

But more importantly, the neurotransmitter Serotonin has an essential role in digestive health including the stimulation of the peristaltic reflex.

90% of serotonin is produced in the gut

Its also important to remember that 90% of serotonin is produced in the gut. Therefore, the more serotonin is made available the greater improvement in intestinal motility.

Studies suggest that microorganisms in the GI tract can increase the production of tryptophan an amino acid thatâs converted into serotonin.

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Best Probiotics For Constipation: Top Probiotic Supplements For Constipation Compared

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If you are constipated, finding the best probiotic for constipation can make all the difference. Not all probiotics are created equal, and some strains are better suited for relieving constipation than others. We will review the best probiotic brands and strains for constipation relief. We will also compare their features and benefits so that you can find the right probiotic for your needs.

Best Probiotics for Constipation: Quick Look

Do Probiotics Help With Constipation

22 Best Probiotics For Constipation in July 2021

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Probiotics help alleviate constipation in children, pregnant women, and adults of all ages. Specific strains increase the speed at which food moves through the digestive tract, helping you to go more frequently. They also improve the consistency of stool, making it less painful to pass.

Feeling a little backed up? Youre not alone. An estimated 14-16% of adults worldwide are believed to experience constipation at any given time. But depending on how you define the condition, that number can reach 80%.

Regardless of how its defined, we all know how awful constipation can feel. Over-the-counter remedies like stool softeners, laxatives, and bulking agents can be a quick fix, but research shows that almost half of constipation sufferers dont get the relief theyre looking for.

Getting probiotics through fermented food or dietary supplements, offers an alternative to traditional constipation interventions. These good gut bacteria perform specific actions that get your digestion back on track.

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Everest Full Spectrum Cbd Gummies

Image courtesy Everest

The label on the jar of Everest Full Spectrum Gummies informs us that they are produced with the greatest-quality hemp cultivated in the United States. These gummy sweets are vegan and GMO-free, which appeal to a wide range of consumers.

Each box of Everest Full Spectrum Gummies comes with 30 gummies, each of which contains 25 milligrams of CBD and 5 milligrams of THC. The Blue Raspberry gummy candies are also gluten-free and bug-free.

How To Select And Use Probiotics

Picking the right probiotic is key to treating constipation, as certain strains may not be as effective as others.

Look for supplements that contain the following strains of bacteria, which have been shown to improve stool consistency (

  • Lactobacillus reuteri
  • Bifidobacterium longum

Although there is no specific recommended dosage for probiotics, most supplements pack 110 billion colony-forming units per serving .

For best results, use them only as directed and consider decreasing your dosage if you experience persistent side effects.

Given that supplements may take several weeks to work, stick to one specific type for 34 weeks to evaluate its effectiveness before switching.

Alternatively, try including a variety of probiotic foods in your diet.

Fermented foods like kimchi, kombucha, kefir, natto, tempeh, and sauerkraut are all rich in beneficial bacteria, as well as plenty of other important nutrients.


Certain strains of probiotics may be more effective than others at treating constipation. Aside from taking supplements, you can eat fermented foods to increase your probiotic intake.

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Do Probiotics Make You Poop

Although probiotics are not laxatives, they may help you to poop more regularly if you have constipation or irritable bowel syndrome .

Probiotics are generally considered safe, but your body might experience some temporary side effects while it gets used to the new bacteria, including bloating and flatulence. These are usually mild and go away after a few days once your body adjusts.

Unpublished ZOE research, which is the largest study of the gut microbiome and nutrition in the world, has found links between probiotics and how often a person poops.

Our study participants who consumed more probiotics whether in the form of fermented dairy, other fermented foods, or pills had a higher number of bowel movements than participants who didnt consume these.

The chances of pooping most days were increased by around 10% if people consumed one of these types of probiotics and by around 15% if they consumed all three of these types of probiotics.

Phillips Colon Health Daily Probiotic Supplement

What is the Best Probiotic for Constipation?

The Philips colon health supplement contains per serving about a total 1.5 billion CFU and 3 strains of bacteria. According to the manufacturer, this probiotic is designed to prevent the major problem of constipation also diarrhea, gas, and bloating of the stomach.

Another good thing about this probiotic is that only one capsule is needed per day and can be taken with laxatives. Hence this product contains both the bacterial strains of bacteria Bifidobacterium which includes bifidum and longum.

Home / Blog / Probiotics

Probiotics help alleviate constipation in children, pregnant women, and adults of all ages. Specific strains increase the speed at which food moves through the digestive tract, helping you to go more frequently. They also improve the consistency of stool, making it less painful to pass.

Feeling a little backed up? Youre not alone. An estimated 14-16% of adults worldwide are believed to experience constipation at any given time. But depending on how you define the condition, that number can reach 80%.

Regardless of how its defined, we all know how awful constipation can feel. Over-the-counter remedies like stool softeners, laxatives, and bulking agents can be a quick fix, but research shows that almost half of constipation sufferers dont get the relief theyre looking for.

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Best 7 Probiotic Supplements For Constipation: That Surely Work

Check the Price

Among the list, we have choosen naturenetics as our first preference as it is the most often prescribed probiotic supplement by medical professionals. Unlike other brands, it is third party tested for potency, contains innovative packaging to maintain the potency and other beneficial factors. It may a bit costly but totally worthy for whatever you pay.

Few Words Before Leaving

Constipation is a very annoying and frustrating condition to deal with on a regular basis. Though laxatives can be a temporary rescue, it is not a permanent solution. And moreover with long term usage, your bowel movements will be depended on them.

If you are looking for a long term relief from constipation then probiotic supplement are the best option. Because in most of the cases, improper gut balance is the main reason for it.

Not all probiotics are designed same. The product which works for me may or may not work for you and vice-versa. So, we have provided buying guide to help you out in choosing the right one as per your requirement.

As per our choice, Naturenetics Probiotics is the best among the list. Its packaging method and number of the live strains are the main factors we liked in this product.

Which product did you choose? What is your experience on probiotics for constipation? Share your experiences and queries in the comment section below. We provide the answers as soon as possible.

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So Do Probiotics Help With Constipation

Gut health is the foundation for overall health, yet for many people, constipation seems like an insurmountable obstacle. So many people receive faulty advice in the conventional medical system to simply eat more fiber and drink more water without looking at the root cause behind low motility.

They may struggle for years to fix the issue with laxatives or other medications, when probiotic therapy may help to gently restore the microbiome with few to no side effects. If youre looking for guidance on restoring your gut health, schedule a consultation with one of our functional medicine practitioners at the Ruscio Institute for Functional Medicine.

Probiotics For Ibs Constipation


Irritable bowel syndrome can also result in a situation where the individual experiences constipation. There are varying theories that attempt to explain the origin and genesis of this condition. One key and notable reason is the inability of the body to absorb the food as they should but instead, the food seems to ferment in the small intestines.

The small intestines are a rather sensitive part of the digestive tract where if there is abnormality in the processes that they handle, the body experiences challenges such as bloating and or constipation. The use of probiotics to address constipation arising from the presence of the IBS condition has been in use for a long time now.

Probiotics specifically bifodobacteria and fibre serve to avail the necessary elements to aid in this challenge. The relieving of the condition implies that the bacteria serves to get the body to have well-formed bowel movements which is easy to pass and at the same time supports gut health in general. OptiBac Probiotics is credited in establishing and maintaining regularity in the bowel movement.

While the bacterial strain has an impact in how effective it is, it is widely noted that the presence of probiotics has an impact in the digestive health. In addition to this, fiber products are beneficial in that they seek to nourish the good bacteria that is actively aiding the body adjust to the changes that could be available at a particular point.

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Prune Juice And Prunes

Prunes have long been hailed as the king of keeping you regular! These dried fruits are absolutely packed with fiber, that important macronutrient that keeps waste moving through your gut.

Prunes also contain a type of sugar called sorbitol. Because sorbitol cant be broken down by your body, it passes through your colon undigested and draws water into your gut. This helps to bulk up your stool and stimulate a bowel movement.

Studies show that sorbitol is a safe and effective remedy for constipation, and its often a favorite with older adults.Prunes can increase the frequency of your bowel movements and improve consistency.

If you really have no idea of what to eat when constipated, a handful of prunes could be the easiest remedy in the book. Take care not to overdo the prunes though, as they can also cause some gas and bloating!

Probiotic Compounds Significantly Regulate Intestinal Health In Mice With Constipation

The GI transit rate reflects the dynamics of the small intestine and may thus reflect the effects of probiotic compounds on intestinal motility. A higher GI transit rate indicates a shorter residence of chyme in the small intestine and greater small intestinal motility. Loperamide challenge led to a low GI transit rate in the model group, indicating that the constipation model was successfully established. After the intragastric administration of probiotic compounds, mice with constipation in low and high-dose groups exhibited significantly improved GI transit rates . This observation suggests that treatment with probiotic compounds can effectively improve intestinal motility and accelerate the movement and exit of chyme via the small intestine. There was no significant difference in GI transit rate between the low and high-dose group.

Effects of probiotic compounds on defecation in a mouse model of constipation. Gastrointestinal transit rates. Times to first black stool defecation. Number of black stools. Weight of black stools. Data are means with SEM. aâd: Different letters indicate significant differences , and the same letters or no letters indicate no significant difference. Same as below.

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Colonization Of Probiotic Compounds In Gut Microbiota

At the first gavage, the gut microbiota in the BK, CD, and CG groups mainly contained L. rhamnosus, L. reuteri, and L. johnsonii . The relative abundance of L. acidophilus in the mouse intestine increased after the last gavage with probiotic compounds . The colonization effect of the CG group was higher than that of the CD group however, its relative abundance gradually returned to the state before gavage as time progressed, which indicates that the L. acidophilus in probiotic compounds could not colonize the mouse intestine for a long time. The relative abundance of L. acidophilus in the intestines of mice in the CD and CG groups reached its peak during the last gavage . Our findings highlight that different concentrations of probiotic compounds have different effects on L. acidophilus colonization in the mouse intestine. After calculating its absolute content, it was found that L. acidophilus increased only during the last gavage in the CG group , and that there were no major fluctuations in any other group during other periods . This would suggest that the probiotic compounds cannot promote long-term colonization of L. acidophilus in the intestine.

Drink Plenty Of Water

A Probiotic For Constipation Relief

Staying hydrated is always a good idea, but even more so if you are grappling with any side effects from probiotics, particularly constipation. Dehydration, even in its mildest forms, is one of main causes of constipation. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help to soften stools and stimulate bowel movements.

If you are experiencing diarrhea as a side effect, you are even more susceptible to dehydration. Drinking water will replenish your fluids and prevent more severe issues related to dehydration, including fatigue, dizziness, and confusion.

Recommended Reading: Is Digestive Advantage A Good Probiotic

Has The Probiotic Strain Been Tested And Researched

Clinical studies and research are what distinguish promises from results. Be sure your probiotic is thoroughly studied, tested, and proven. To meet the gold standard, the research should be conducted in humans.

The Culturelle® Probiotic Advantage:

The probiotic strain in Culturelle® Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG is the #1 most clinically studied strain of probiotic. Considered the premier probiotic in the world, over 1,000 scientific studies and over 30 years of research have demonstrated the safety and efficacy of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG . It is able to survive harsh stomach acid and support a strong barrier against non-beneficial bacteria on the intestinal wall, providing a digestive health advantage.

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What Are Probioticsand What Do They Do

Probiotics are live bacteria that can positively affect your digestive system.

When we think of bacteria, we often think of germs that can make you sick. Your body is chock-full of bacteriaand most of it is completely harmless.

In fact, having the right gut bacteria in appropriate amounts is linked to all sorts of health benefits.

People take probiotic supplements or consume probiotic-rich foods to try to achieve a healthy balance of helpful gut bacteria.

Probiotics are found in foods that have been preserved through fermentation. Some fermented, probiotic-rich foods and drinks you may be familiar with are:

The probiotics in these foods shouldnt be confused with prebiotics, which are dietary fibers that feed the good bacteria thats already in your gut.

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Comparing This Probiotic To A Drug

Scientists compared the 57% improvement in colonic transit time of this probiotic to a prescription constipation medication called prucalopride.

They reviewed previous clinical studies of prucalopride, which lasted from four to 12 weeks longer than the two-week probiotic study.9

The reviewers found that prucalopride improved colonic transit times by 19%,9 far less than the 57% improvement seen in the high-dose probiotic trial.

The drug prucalopride has also been associated with a number of side effects, including headaches, abdominal pain, nausea, and diarrhea.11

Culturelle Digestive Daily Probiotic

Probiotics for Constipation

Price: $

This supplement contains Lactobacillius rhamnosus GG, a strain of probiotic that has been shown to combat several symptoms of IBS, including diarrhea.

In fact, according to one study, Lactobacillius rhamnosus GG was nearly as effective as a low FODMAP diet in reducing the severity of IBS symptoms in 123 people .

It also contains inulin, which can help improve the composition of the gut microbiome to support digestive health .

Culturelle is certified through NSF International, a third-party organization that evaluates supplements for safety and quality. Each product lot is also inspected and produced in accordance with cGMPs.

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