Medical Marijuana Is Approved For Autism In The Following States:
Each state sets its own rules for the use of medical marijuana within its jurisdiction. Pennsylvania was the first state to approve marijuana for the treatment of childhood autism. To get approved for medical cannabis for autism, youll need a written recommendation from a qualified medical marijuana doctor allowing you to obtain a medical marijuana card.
More Is Not Always Better
The high number of colony forming units can be good if you are not concerned with an autoimmune response. Really high numbers can trigger an autoimmune response in some people. Probiotics must be able to exert their benefits on the host through growth and/or activity in the human body . It is therefore the action, and not the source of the probiotic microorganism that is a key factor in choosing a probiotic.
CFUs are important, but only if the product is able to survive the high acid levels in the stomach to allow the greatest exposure there. They must also be able to adhere to the epithelial cells to be carried throughout the gastrointestinal tract and further colonize it with their increased growth of good bacteria. Epithelial cells in the lining of the digestive tract mobilize and absorb nutrients.
Dr. Ohhiras probiotics by Essential Formulas is a naturally fermented product that contains both probiotics and prebiotics in one small soft gel. The prebiotic is naturally occurring, as it has grown along with the probiotics during the natural fermentation process. Prebiotics offer the probiotic bacterial strains the food they need to help growth of the good bacteria in the gut. There are 12 strains of quality bacterium in each Dr. Ohhiras capsule. These capsules can be punctured and squeezed out into any beverage for non-pill takers.
Streptococcus thermophilus used in our products does not belong to any group and is a safe species without hemolyzing property.
Which Probiotics To Take
by Karen Thomas | Apr 4, 2017 | Muscle Testing, PANDAS/PANS, Probiotics |
We have over 100 trillion bacteria in our gut. They are, or should be, mostly good bacteria. A common term known when one has an overgrowth of bad bacteria is yeast overgrowth, or candida flare up. We need to increase the number of good bacteria coming into the body so they can help colonize, yes colonize, and grow their numbers. This, in turn, helps to crowd out the bad bacteria or overgrowth that can cause issues of digestion, inflammation, mood swings, fatigue, trouble sleeping, and an inability to focus.
Probiotics help to keep the balance in your digestive tract, strengthen the immune system, and feed your brain too. The brain is directly affected by the gut and the microbes in it. If the gut is weak it affects the ability of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine and GABA from being created. These neurotransmitters affect mood, sleep, appetite, ability to focus, and stay calm.
Knowing which probiotic formula to take can be daunting. It is a mass of unknown products to most people. Quality is key, so choosing the right company and the right formula for your needs is essential. You will also see something referred to as colony forming units . This refers to the number of bacteria in the product. Most doctors say you should have, at least, 40 billion CFUs, but this varies greatly due to age and need.
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Gut Health And Autism
It is true that autism is generally not curable, but in most cases, people try different therapies to improve autism spectrum disorders. Therapies like occupational therapy, speech therapy, and applied behavioral analysis are the most common ways to treat autism and reduce the effects of autism, but treating the gut can help too!
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Is anything more important for autism than brain foods? Yes, some foods like fatty fish, milk, egg, nuts, chocolates, and others may help the brain develop and increase its functionality. However, that is also challenging as many autistic children have weakened digestive health and may suffer from irritable bowel syndrome.
Why do many children with autism suffer from weakened gut conditions? Our brains have strong correlations with the gut. Autism can impair brain and gut development. Improving the gut can improve brain development, meaning alleviation from some of the symptoms of autistic spectrum disorder and other sensory processing disorders.
Is It Ethical To Treat Children With Medical Cannabis
There has been controversy on the use of marijuana treatment on children. In 2015, the Canadian Pediatric Society issued a statement saying that there was insufficient data on the efficacy or safety of cannabis use in children. But since the FDA approved Epidiolex, a cannabis-based drug, to treatintractable childhood seizures, the medical fraternity has become less skeptical about medical cannabis use in children.
The issue of ethics is not a straightforward one. are considered safe and therefore ethical for use in children. However, high THC strains are treated with skepticism the long-term effects of THC on the developing brain are controversial. Thus, high-CBD/low-THC strains are preferred when dealing with autism in children, unless the case is palliative. The following states have included autism on their list of qualifying conditions for medical marijuana.
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Gut Microbiome And Asd
Autism spectrum disorder is a complex developmental condition with estimated prevalence in the United Stated of 16.8 per 1000 children aged eight years old, according to a review paper published in : 129, doi: 10.3390/medicina55050129).
The cause is unknown, but attention in recent years has begun to focus on the potential role of the gut microbiota.
Data shows that GI symptoms are higher in subjects with ASD compared to their typically-developing peers, and some studies have shown that ASD children do have dysbiosis and a change in the stability, diversity, composition and/or metabolism of the gut microbiota, compared to their typically-developing peers.
Moreover, other studies have reported that ASD subjects have disrupted intestinal permeability and evidence of a systemic and intestinal inflammation.
Studies from ASD-like animal models demonstrated not only that the microbiota are essential for social development, explained the Italy-based scientists in Frontiers in Psychiatry, but also that restoring the normal components of gut microbiota with probiotics may correct the intestinal permeability defects, altered microbial composition, and ASD-related abnormalities though the reduction of gut production and absorption of toxins.
Getting The Right Probiotic For Your Child
Posted December 13, 2010byNatural Care Clinic
The National Institute of Health is currently sequencing the genomes of the good strains of bacteria that live in the digestive tracts of human beings. These good strains of bacteria are responsible for a wide range of health benefits including regulating immune function, decreasing inflammation, breakdown of nutrients and conversion of vitamins to their active form.
One incredible finding the NIH has discovered is that the microbes that live in the digestive tract PLAY A CRITICAL ROLE IN POST NATAL DEVELOPMENT.
Key brain chemicals are produced and regulated with the help of good bacteria in the digestive tract. This may explain why children born via C-section have higher rates of developmental delay and inflammatory issues like eczema, asthma and allergies. 90% of serotonin is produced in the digestive tract. Serotonin is responsible for language development, sleep, appetite, mood, behaviour and sensory processing. Dopamine is also regulated in the digestive tract requiring activation of vitamins to ensure production and breakdown. Dopamine is required for fundamental brain function, processing of information, social and emotional interaction, attention and focus.
So, getting the right probiotic for your child is VERY IMPORTANT. Here is some information about some very important strains needed for healthy digestive function.
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Treatments Of The Antibiotics Groups
Animals have been divided randomly into four groups: 1. Control group 2. Antibiotics treated group 3. Antibiotics and probiotic treated group 4. Probiotic treated group . To effectively deplete the gut microbiota the rats of the antibiotics treated groups received broad-spectrum antibiotics mixture for 4 weeks in adult animals . The antibiotics cocktail was dissolved in their drinking water to avoid any chronic stress-induced adverse effects. The antibiotics mixture was chosen based on published protocols, consisted of ampicillin , vancomycin , ciprofloxacin HCl , imipenem and metronidazole . This antibiotics cocktail was replaced by freshly made cocktail every 3 days. Probiotic treated and control animals received tap water in the absence of any antibiotics which was also changed every 3 days. to exclude possible behavior changes due to antibiotics-induced intestinal discomfort or pain, detailed in the Supplementary Information Supplementary Table ) After this antibiotics exposure in the ABx+probiotic group, and the probiotic group were given our PM of specified cfu/d , oral gavage every day for 2 weeks. Throughout the whole experiment water and food consumption were measured every day and the animals weights were measured every 3 days. Fresh faecal pellets were collected every week for monitoring the alterations of the SCFAs. Behavioral tests started after the treatments.
Figure 1
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What Causes Gastrointestinal Problems In People With Autism
In their study on autism, researchers led by Dr. Paul Ashwood of the University of Californias Davis MIND Institute identified proofs linking autism with changes in the brain, gastrointestinal distress, immune dysfunction, and severe repetitive behaviors associated with autism spectrum disorders.
Researchers found that children with autism have elevated levels of dendritic cells. These cells are the generals of the immune system. Ashwood said the dendritic cells serve a key role in the bodys immune response to microorganisms, including disease-causing germs and normal digestive bacteria.
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Autism & Digestive Health
People with autism often have more digestive health problems than average. 1 in 4 children with autism are thought to have at least one chronic gastrointestinal symptom1 and numerous studies have discovered abnormal digestive health conditions in people with autism2,3. Autistic children have also been found to have more Clostridia in the gut than children without autism4 and a recently published study5 found a little known bacterial genus called Sutterella present in microbiota in just over half the participants with autism, but in none of those without autism.
Some research suggests that microorganisms support digestive health in adults and children. So could live cultures help children or adults with autism?
The Importance Of Lactobacillus Reuteri In Autism
Lactobacillus reuteri is a bacteria strain commonly found in probiotics autism treatment.
While most probiotics improve gut problems, Lactobacillus reuteri has been observed also to improve social behavior in autism.
A study conducted by Mauro Costa-Mattioli of Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas revealed that social behavior among experiment mice normalized and was similar to those of control mice after taking L. reuteri. This is because this specific strain increases oxytocin, also referred to as the love hormone.
As such, kids with autism who have this strain on their gut microbiome may experience improved moods and social interactions, making it beneficial for many people with ASD and other behavioral and autism-like symptoms.
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Intestinal Issues & Food Problems
People who are on the autism spectrum often struggle with digestive issues. These may include:
- Diarrhea and constipation.
- Abdominal pain and bloating.
- Gastroesophageal reflux.
Children with autism often develop problems with food around their first birthday. These include strong preferences, aversions, drastic changes in behavior related to food, and rituals around eating. Children on the autism spectrum may struggle to move away from baby food or add new foods to their diet. They may stop chewing on certain foods, and instead suck or pocket the food in their cheeks.
Since these problematic behaviors begin before many children are officially diagnosed on the autism spectrum, some medical researchers have suggested that feeding problems can be added to the diagnostic criteria.
Most Important Probiotic Strains: Takeaway
The 5 most important probiotic strains that we recommend looking for when shopping for a probiotic supplement are Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, and some strains of Streptococcus and Bacillus. Remember that more doesn’t always mean better when it comes to CFU or microorganism count, and anywhere between 3 and 10 billion colony forming units are going to increase your overall health and digestive function. It’s recommended that the average healthy adult consumes 2-3 servings per day of probiotic-rich foods. If you can’t do this regularly, then maybe it’s time to consider a nutritional supplement, like PROBIOTIX, to bridge the gaps in your nutrition. All in all, maintaining your health with high probiotic foods and a quality probiotic supplement will keep your health simple, effective, and affordable.
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Gut Bacteria And Autism
The Baylor College team demonstrated that by adding a single, specific species of bacteria into the guts of mice that displayed autism-related social behavior, they could reverse some of the deficits.
Past research into modifying autistic behavior has focused on affecting change via electrical brain stimulation. As Mauro Costa-Mattioli, the senior author of the current study, says, here we have, perhaps, a new approach.
The inspiration for the research came from studies in humans demonstrating that maternal obesity during pregnancy appears to be a risk factor for offspring to develop neurodevelopment problems, including autism spectrum disorders .
Additionally, a high percentage of individuals with ASD report gastrointestinal issues.
Firstly, the researchers fed 60 female mice on a diet that was the equivalent to eating fast food several times a day. The resultant pups spent 3 weeks with their mothers before being weaned onto a normal diet.
After 1 month, ASD-like behaviors were noted in the mice for instance, they spent less time with other mice and did not initiate interaction.
How Do Probiotics Support Gut Health
Probiotics should help to replenish your gut bacteria, or microbiome, so you are healthier overall.
While they are generally safe when taken as directed, probiotics are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration , so some of the claims manufacturers make are not supported by scientific evidence.
If your child has autism, you may consider adding probiotics to their daily routine to support their gut health. People with autism often have gastrointestinal issues, and the link is not fully understood, but digestive health seems to impact some behaviors associated with autism.
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We Forgot For 4 Days And The Behaviour Change Was Obvious
Kat said back in the Easter school holidays, they accidentally missed out on giving the boys the vitamins as each had though the other had done so.
On day 5, the behavioural changes were very noticeable on all three boys. They were irritable, not sleeping solidly and their eating reduced. After 2 days back on routine we had our happy boys back, who were engaged in activities and just in a happier disposition.
Dr Vincent Candrawinata, a food scientist who developed, Renovatio, which is an Activated Phenolics, a potent antioxidant, that is extracted from apples, to help reduce inflammation in the body and oxidative stress rates.
Collective research has shown that autism has been linked to increased levels of oxidative stress which lead to the increase of autistic behaviours both in terms of the frequency and severity. All of these are positive effects especially in kids with autism, Dr Vincent tells Kidspot.
Digestive health is extremely important in kids with autism because in most cases the restriction in their diet negatively impacts the gut health which in turn affects their brain.
How Do Probiotic Strains Work Together
Probiotics require fructooligosaccharides , a type of soluble fiber that is found in a variety of grains, fruits, and vegetables, to thrive. This type of fiber is commonly known as prebiotics. In simplest terms, prebiotics are food for probiotics, helping nourish them to keep them alive and active in the gut.
The combination of probiotics and prebiotic strains creates a synergistic effect that allows the body to thrive. By encouraging the growth of the good bacterial strains and crowding out the bad ones, you enjoy the benefits of good digestion, including more energy, better weight control, and making feeling good the new normal.
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Autism & Gut Health Are Closely Linked
Some recent medical studies have found some differences between the gut microbiomes of people with autism and neurotypical individuals. People with autism, including children, tend to have less diverse gut flora. There doesnt appear to be a connection between the diversity of the gut biome and the severity of autism.
People with autism may benefit from adding probiotic supplements to their diet. For children who struggle with food aversions, taking these supplements in place of eating fermented foods may work better to ensure they have a more diverse microbiome.
A 2016 medical study surveyed gastrointestinal issues in children with autism and examined whether probiotics could help. The results did not show behavioral improvements after probiotic treatment, but the researchers concluded that a larger study could give more conclusive evidence in favor of this option.
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The Role Of Probiotics In Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Study Protocol For A Randomised Controlled Trial
Contributed equally to this work with: Lingling Zhang, Yiran Xu
Roles Data curation, Writing original draft
Affiliation Henan Key Laboratory of Child Brain Injury and Henan Clinical Research Center for Child Neurological Disorders, Institute of Neuroscience and The Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China
Contributed equally to this work with: Lingling Zhang, Yiran Xu
Roles Formal analysis, Project administration, Validation, Writing original draft
Affiliation Henan Key Laboratory of Child Brain Injury and Henan Clinical Research Center for Child Neurological Disorders, Institute of Neuroscience and The Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China
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