Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can I Give My Baby Probiotics

How We Chose The Best Baby Probiotics

Probiotics For Baby Colic!

To choose the best baby probiotic, we used the above guidance from Dr. Ferry to start our search. We looked for probiotics that had lactobacillus and/or bifidobacterium, which Dr. Ferry says are the two most common probiotic strains . We also researched which options were recommended the most by What to Expect community members and our contributing writer staff. We also made sure each probiotic had high reviews from other reviewers who tried them online.

Below, the best baby probiotics to ask your pediatrician about.

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In Recent Years Probiotic Supplementation In Our Foods And Probiotics Promoted As Dietary Supplements Have Become Quite Common You Will Usually See Probiotics Advertised As An Aid To Gut Health For Babies And Children Probiotics Are Promoted As Possibly Being Helpful For Conditions As Varied As Diarrhoea Infant Colic And Allergy However Evidence Is Mixed On Whether Probiotics Are Actually Effective For A Range Of Infant Conditions

All babies are born with a sterile gut. After birth, babies naturally introduce bacteria to their gut through the breast milk or formula they drink, and later through the food they eat. These bacteria are an important part of the way that humans digest food and extract all the necessary nutrients.They also play a role in your baby’s developing immune system. Probiotic supplements are intended to aid the bacterial colonisation of your baby’s gut or to restore it when it has been disrupted.

Importantly, probiotics have strain-specific effects, which means that different types of probiotics will act in different ways. Probiotics as a term is equivalent to canine for different dog breeds it gives you a broad idea, but no indication of whether you’re faced with a Chihuahua or a Doberman.

The most common groups of probiotics are:

  • Saccharomyces boulardii

All of these different groups of probiotics can have different effects in the body.

Research indicates that probiotics are safe and well-tolerated in normal, healthy infants and children. Good tolerance has been observed in premature infants, very low birth weight babies and in HIV-infected children and adults. Probiotics are also safe to use in late pregnancy. There have been some cases of probiotic septicaemia in immunocompromised adults and children, but these have occurred in very unwell individuals with complex medical conditions.

  • Probiotics for infants and children

    View the Probiotics for infants and children fact sheet.

Prebiotics Probiotics And Your Babys Microbiome

July 4, 2018 by Dr Bridget Young

I have previously written a little bit about prebiotics and probiotics in baby formula in the series about how to choose a baby formula. However, I get so many questions about this, and its such a hot topic these days that I wanted to make you all experts.

The microbiome is the hottest new thing in medicine. It is all the rage in the research world and is now thought to be responsible for practically everything. Yes, just like fashion, trends come and go in medical research as well. Right now, the microbiome is hotter than the lumberjack hipster look in Denver!

The intestinal microbiome is a term for all the bacteria that live in our intestine . And this is a lot of bugs! Your colon is home to roughly 10 times more bacteria than you have cells in your entire body Roughly 60% of your stool is actually made up of bacterial cells that is cray! Your microbiome plays several major roles in the human body and new roles are being discovered every day. Currently we know that these good bugs are critical for our immune system and our weight regulation, and this is the case for infants too.

The infant microbiome of breastfed babies is very different than the microbiome of formula fed infants. There are lots of reasons for this. The first is that breast milk itself contains probiotic bacteria.

Probiotics are actual live bacteria that are considered healthy. These are the good guys.

Prebiotics are food sources for healthy bacteria.


Also Check: Does Great Value Yogurt Have Probiotics

What Are They For

According to the World Health Organization , probiotics are living microorganisms which, when ingested in sufficient quantity, exert positive effects on health, beyond the traditional nutritional effects. Bacterial colonization of the gastrointestinal system begins at birth. Relatively poor at the start, the newborns microbiota will gradually be enriched through food, the family environment or even the geographical location until it reaches a phase of maturity between the age of 2 and 3 years. The intestinal flora of an adult contains nearly 100,000 billion bacteria from 800 to 1,000 different speciesand weighs between 1 and 2 kilos!

For The Prevention And Treatment Of Diarrhea

The Best Baby Probiotics in [2021 ], Plus a Baby Gut Health Guide

Taking antibiotics can interfere with the intestinal flora and cause diarrhea. In order to fight against these inconveniences, the doctor often prescribes in parallel ultra-yeast which is none other than a strain of probiotics: Saccharomyces boulardii. Other varieties have also shown their effectiveness in the treatment and prevention of diarrhea, in particular Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus casei, Bifidobacterium lactis and Lactobacillus reuteri.

According to Prof. Philippe Ducrotté: Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Lactobacillus casei and Saccharomyces boulardii reduce the severity and duration of acute diarrhea in children and also in adults, with a more marked effect in viral than bacterial or parasitic diarrhea. Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Lactobacillus casei and Saccharomyces boulardii can even have a preventive effect in the event of a diarrheal epidemic when Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and especially Saccharomyces boulardii have a beneficial effect in preventing diarrhea occurring with antibiotics .

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Does My Baby Need Probiotics

One reason for this mixed bag of evidence is that more research is needed into different probiotic strains. This could help scientists better determine which strains of baby probiotics might be most effective for certain diseases.

If you’re concerned about your baby and eczema, asthma, infant colic, food allergies, or any digestive issues, you may want to talk to your doctor or pharmacist before considering using baby probiotics as dietary supplements. As well as being able to recommend other treatments that are proven to be effective, your doctor may also advise on the best type of probiotic for your baby’s needs.

What are the benefits of baby probiotics?

Examples of baby probiotics for health conditions

So How Can Probiotics Help Babies

Probiotics have a few different applications for babies. Here are three of the most widely studied:

  • Diarrhea: Loose bowels are a common occurrence among babies , but if diarrhea continues, it can lead to dehydration. Per several studies , certain strains of probiotic bacteria, such as Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG , can help prevent or alleviate diarrhea.

  • Eczema:Research from the Netherlands found that a particular combination of probiotic bacteria given to mothers during pregnancy and to babies during the first 12 months of life prevented the incidence of eczema in high-risk children . Another Finnish study concluded that LGG reduced the incidence of atopic dermatitis in at-risk infants through the age of 7 years.

  • Colic: Per a meta-analysis in Pediatrics, Lactobacillus reuteri DSM17938 can help reduce crying in breastfed babies with colic. However, scientists say the effects on formula-fed infants with colic need further research.

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What Are The Best Probiotics For Newborns

There are so many probiotics available, but the vast majority of them are not formulated, manufactured, or guaranteed the way you would want for your newborn. A newborns health is fragile, and the last thing you want to do is pick an ineffective or dangerous probiotic, even if it saves a few dollars.

Natrens scientists have created a probiotic supplement called Life Start which allows you to give your baby an incredibly high-quality, safe product that is formulated just for them. This supplement comes with our potency guarantee that every strain in the probiotic is microbiologically pure and is manufactured to the highest standards of safety.

Are Probiotics Good For Babies

Should I give my baby probiotics or not?

Well-researched probiotics for babies can help top up the levels of friendly bacteria, especially the all-important Bifidobacteria. This will improve the composition of the baby biome and improve health in many areas of the body, in particular:

It is estimated that 75% of brain growth occurs during the first few years of life, and this uses approximately 50% of an infants energy20. Its therefore very important that infants are breaking down their foods and absorbing their nutrients well. Probiotics contain enzymes that help to break down lactose in milk and encourage a healthy gut environment, which aids nutrient absorption.

Reduced levels of friendly bacteria may also increase the risk of colic. If your child suffers with colic, it might be worth looking into supplementing their friendly bacteria. This will help to rebalance the microbiome .

Hopefully, now you understand why probiotics are important for your child, but now the question is: how on earth do you pick the right one?

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The Theory Versus The Evidence

The theoryWhen all babies are born, they have a sterile gut . After birth, baby probiotics and other bacteria are introduced to the gut through the breast milk or baby formulas, and later through the food they eat. By the time they are one year old, each child has their own distinct gut microbiome.

Experts believe that this first year of development may be critical for long-term gut health probiotics play a key role in forming a healthy digestive system. This allows your child to absorb essential nutrients and promotes a healthy immune system. This may help to prevent certain diseases in later life.

This is why parents who have babies diagnosed with – or who are high-risk for – certain diseases, may wish to supplement with baby probiotics. A high probiotic count can provide benefits to everyone and many parents are choosing to use probiotics for babies.

The evidenceDespite the surge in popularity of baby probiotics in recent years, the evidence of their benefits is somewhat mixed.

Evidence in support: “There has been some evidence for the use of baby probiotics for the use in infant colic, eczema, asthma, and food allergies,” explains Kumaran. “On a personal note, my daughter was five weeks old when she was diagnosed with severe eczema and soon after she was diagnosed with multiple food allergies. We used oral probiotics which I found were very helpful for improving her skin and also played a part in reducing the number of her food allergies.”

Do Probiotics Help Treat Infants With Colic

What is colic?

  • Colic is excessive crying of unknown cause in babies less than 3 months old.

  • The scientific definition for colic is:crying or fussing more than 3 hours of the day for more than 3 days of the week.

  • Colic is a diagnosis that can only be made after the baby has been examined and it is felt that the babys crying is not due to any medical cause.

How common is colic?

Colic is very common, affecting around 1 in 5 babies less than 3 months old.

What are the symptoms of colic ?

The symptoms of colic usually start within the first few weeks of life, with the crying usually peaking at 6 to 8 weeks, then spontaneously resolving after 3 to 4 months. Parents usually report babies with colic to have unpredictable episodes of crying that are hard to soothe, often occurring in the late afternoons and evenings. The crying babies may look like they are in pain because they often draw up their legs, arch their back and pass wind, often because of swallowing air during crying.

Why do babies get colic?

No one knows why babies get colic, despite years of research. Some people think it is the extreme spectrum of normal baby crying. Some people think it is because of pain originating from the gut.Others think it is because of the babys temperament, affected by the mothers mood. None of these theories have scientifically been proven to be true.

What are the effects of colic?

What treatments are currently recommended for colic?

Also Check: Probiotic Therapy For Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Are Infant Probiotics Safe

Although few studies have specifically focused on the safety of probiotics, they have an extensive history of safe consumption by both humans and animals.

After all, they are a natural part of our diet!

Natural sources of probiotics include dairy products with live cultures such as yogurt and kefir, fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut and pickles, and probiotic drinks such as kombucha.

The most important safety consideration with probiotics relates to buying them in supplemental form, which is usually packaged as a powder, capsule, or drops. Consumers should purchase a reliable brand that delivers the precise strain of bacteria youre looking for. When ordering supplements, it is also important to pay attention to any storage instructions, as some must be kept cold.

Probiotics For Babies Everything You Need To Know

How to give a Probiotic Supplement to Your Baby

Victoria Mackinlay Contributor Next

In recent years probiotics have become the new superfood as we are paying more attention to the importance of gut health and research is looking into the benefits of probiotics as a prevention or cure for everything from eczema to allergies.

Globally the probiotic market is growing rapidly and is set to be worth US$96 Bn by 2020 with Australia being one of the largest consumers. But what does this mean for your baby? Are there benefits to giving babies probiotics and are there any side effects? Below we will walk you through everything you need to know about probiotic use for your baby.

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Should Children Eat Probiotic Foods

Some studies suggest that probiotics may be good for children. One study found that children who were given probiotics every day for 3 months were less likely to have respiratory problems and diarrhea than children who were given a placebo.

And while more research is needed, probiotics may reduce childrens risk of developing certain conditions like autoimmune diseases, allergies and asthma.

On the other hand, some researchers note that probiotics may not have much effect on children. Because their microbiome isnt fully developed, probiotics may simply be passed as normal waste.

Probiotics are considered safe for kids with some exceptions, notes Dr. Drass. You should avoid giving your child probiotics if they have a compromised immune system or cancer, or if they are a premature infant. In these cases, probiotics can put them at risk for infections.

In general, its better for kids to get probiotics through foods instead of supplements unless their pediatrician recommends otherwise. Talk to your childs doctor if youre thinking about using probiotics to help your childs digestion because keeping your child safe and healthy is their prime concern.

Should I Give My Baby Probiotics Everyday

This one is a resounding, yes! As with any healthy habit, consistency is key. Youll want to be sure to give them to your baby every day. Otherwise, they wont work as efficiently. And, if you stop giving them entirely, the probiotics benefits may subside over time. Youll also need to practice a bit of patience when you start probiotic usage like any supplement, they need time to start working.

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Do Probiotics Have Side Effects In Babies

Probiotics are considered safe for infants and are unlikely to have any dangerous side effects . There is little research on the potential side effects of long-term consumption of probiotics. However, probiotics are known to trigger a mild allergy with the following symptoms:

  • Mild stomach ache

Side effects of probiotics are mostly seen with higher than recommended doses, yet are mild and do not impact the babys health. Also, the symptoms mostly appear the first few times a baby has probiotics and disappear after a few days, with regular probiotic consumption.

For That Reason Theres No Clear Answer As To Whether You Should Give Your Child Probiotics Especially For Long Periods Of Time

Should You Give Your Newborn Probiotics?

What time of day should you give baby probiotics. Probiotics may become less viable over time if dispensed in a bottle. Select a time when you know youll be eating food or finishing a meal. The study looks at just one subject, a baby boy in poland who was administered both antibiotics and a probiotic product at two days old.

For most people, that means taking a probiotic first thing in the morning (at least an hour before a meal, dr. This is due to the continuing growth of new research linking their use to a number of health benefits. You can take probiotics once or twice daily.

From breastfeeding to starting solids, to getting them to eat vegetables, youre making sure baby is healthy from day one. If mom experiences any of the following, she might benefit from probiotics: Hopefully, this article helped you figure out the perfect time for when you should take your probiotics.

What are probiotics and should i give them to my baby? Always speak with your infants pediatrician about whenand ifit is appropriate to give your child probiotics. How can you give probiotics to infants?

The benefits of taking probiotics at a specific time of day is likely minimal at best. Wallman advises), or right before you go to sleep. The best time of daywhether you take them once or twice per dayis before a meal.

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Important Facts About The Immune System

When you think about the respiratory system, you probably think of lungs. When you think about the circulatory system, you probably think of the heart. But what do you think of when someone asks about the immune system? Most people do not have a sense of where in the body the immune systems control center is. The fact is that the vast majority of the immune system is located in the digestive tract – specifically, the intestines.

Of course we know that the intestines are for digesting food and absorbing nutrients, but they also play a large and essential role in your immunity. This is why probiotics are not only able to benefit digestion, but also the immune system: because they deliver healthy bacteria to the intestines.

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