Sunday, September 8, 2024

Do Probiotics Help With Bloating

How Do Probiotics Help Bloating

Do Prebiotics Help with Stomach Bloating and Distention?

Probiotics are live bacteria supplements that are available in the form of capsules or powders. You can find them in the health food aisle at your local pharmacy, pharmacy, or supermarket.

Probiotics are found naturally in our bodies, but when taken as a supplement they help to improve digestion by breaking down food and getting rid of excess gas. Studies have shown that taking probiotics can improve digestive symptoms like bloating, flatulence, and abdominal pain.

Meanwhile, prebiotics are non-digestible carbohydrates that act as the food source for probiotics. They nourish good bacteria in your gut to help them thrive. Prebiotics can improve digestion by feeding friendly bacteria like Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, and Streptococcus. They can also reduce digestive symptoms like bloating, stomach pain and discomfort, and flatulence.

How To Reduce Bloating By Including Probiotics Into Your Diet

Probiotics are generally safe to consume. However, if you suffer from any allergies or are currently ill, then it is recommended that you speak to your doctor before making any related dietary changes.

More is not always better and you should always ease your body into a change. In the first few days bloating might actually increase. However, this only signifies that your gut health is improving.

It is important that you consider all other factors that cause bloat and change your lifestyle accordingly. Many studies have proven the benefits of a low FODMAP diet. Your gut is most active in the morning. Hence, it is best to take a probiotic pill on an empty stomach in the morning or right after a meal.

Is The Cfu Count Too High

Another consideration is the CFU count.

CFU stands for Colony Forming Units an indicator of the number of live and viable bacteria in each dose of a probiotic food or product.

Probiotic supplements are not recognized as a drug, so there’s no standardized dose, and the dosage range can vary between brands.

An effective dose is a minimum of one Billion CFU’s.

One Billion CFU’s per dose may sound a lot, but as your gut microbiota is home to multi-trillions of bacteria, a billion CFU is the lower end of the scale.

However, if you’re taking a supplement with a CFU count of 100 billion per dose and you’re experiencing side effects, that dose is probably too high.

As a general rule, take between 10 to 30 billion CFU’s per day.

Again, start at the lower end of this range and gradually increase the dose over the next couple of weeks.

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What Else Can Help With Gas

Probiotics arent always the answer to digestive problems or excessive gas, but they are a more natural and less harsh alternative to trying to alleviate symptoms or reduce the condition. Sometimes though, probiotics wont make symptoms any better for a person and they may have to try other paths to fix their gas.

Some medications are designed to help reduce or eliminate gas. Simethicone is one of these. Another thing that may help is Beano, which can help break down and digest vegetables more easily, so they cause less gas.

Probiotics For Better Health Outcomes

Do Probiotics Help With Digestion, Gas &  Bloating?

In general, probiotics like fermented dairy foods include yogurt, kefir, aged cheeses, and products. These contain live cultures like bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Non-dairy foods also have beneficial cultures like miso, tempeh, kimchi, sauerkraut, and cultured non-dairy yogurts. Since the nineteenth century, probiotics have been associated with longevity and better health outcomes, including relief from stomach symptoms.

Also Check: Nature’s Way 100 Billion Probiotic

Phillips Colon Health Daily Probiotic

Image courtesy Bayer

Phillips Colon Health contains probiotics that help increase your bodys ability to absorb vital nutrients while destroying bad bacteria in the gut.

Phillips colon health supplement also reduces constipation, bloating, gas, heartburn, diarrhea, and cramping. It is a safe alternative to other over the counter medications for constipation and abdominal pain.

How Probiotics Help With Digestion & Bloating

Probiotics | Probiotics and bloat | Gut Microbiome | Advantages of probiotics | Benefits of gut microbiome

The human body contains trillions of bacteria, yeasts and fungi that are collectively named as the gut microbiome. Some bacteria are potentially disease causing, however some are really important to your body, especially for proper immune functioning, heart health and effective weight management. In infections the numbers of disease causing microbes predominate which ultimately knocks the normal ecosystem out of balance.

In a healthy microbiome the good bacteria dominate and thus help eliminate and minimize bad bacteria. This article will serve as a guide to probiotics and explain how they help with digestion and bloating.

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What Are Common Digestive Problems In Dogs

Dogs have a complex and sometimes delicate digestive system. Common complaints that many owners report about their pets include:

  • Diarrhea.
  • Inflammation of the digestive tract.
  • Stomach distension and flatulence.
  • Irregular indigestion.

These problems can persist if not addressed holistically. Probiotic supplements can help promote digestive health in a holistic wellness regime designed to address the root causes of dysbiosis in the dogs gut. Lets find out how.

Can Probiotics Cause Weight Loss

Do Probiotics Make You Gassy?

Probiotics can cause weight loss because they help maintain a healthy balance of good and bad microbes in your digestive system. One way they do this is by making it so that you feel full after eating a meal, which can prevent overeating and unnecessary snacking.

In addition to promoting a healthy metabolism, probiotics may promote the breakdown of fat cells.

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What Is The Best Probiotic To Help With Bloating

Nutratrek’s Probiotic Gummies are the best on the market today. They are ultra-potent and have been tested by a third party for efficacy and purity. Each gummy contains 5 billion CFU and they are heat resistant 90% of the bacteria in each bottle arrive alive.

Our probiotic gummies are sugar-free, but that doesn’t mean they don’t taste great. They have a delicious orange or strawberry flavor that is great for both adults and children, and they can be taken by anyone age two and above. They are free of all kinds of allergens, including gluten, soy, milk, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, and peanuts. They are certified non-GMO and are vegan-friendly. Our gummies are organic, hormone-free, and cruelty-free. They are made in an FDA-registered facility using certified Good Manufacturing Practices. They are made from only the purest, most potent sources, and each ingredient is hand-selected based on our research.

Add Probiotics To Your Diet

Probiotics help maintain a balance of beneficial bacteria, or intestinal flora, in your gut and that can lead to feeling more comfortable in your belly with fewer digestive symptoms like gas, bloating and abdominal cramps. Learn more about how probiotics can help your gut health.

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What Is Gut Microbiome Difference Between Gut Microbiome And Probiotics

Bacteria, yeasts, viruses and fungi live in the human bodies digestive tract and are referred to as microbes. There are microbes throughout the intestine but most concentrated per surface area within the cecum a specific portion of the large intestine. These microbes make up the Gut microbiome. The gut microbiome acts as another organ that is involved in various bodily processes crucial for your health. Around 1000 species of bacteria weighing about 1 to 2 KGs are present.

The Violent Death Of Bad Bacteria

Do Probiotics Help Address Digestion Problems, Bloating ...

Harmful microorganisms often die a violent death while releasing toxins. Bad microorganisms often colonize the gut in groups scattered in different places. When a colony is reached by probiotics, they are disturbed and might form pockets of resistance until defeated. This can be a reason why symptoms come and go for some time until they subside.

Sufferers of candida overgrowth need a stricter protocol.

Foods with biogenic amines can also cause bloating in sensitive individuals.

If probiotics cause bloating, try lowering the dose.

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Bloating And Probiotics Whats The Connection

Probiotic bacteria are active against harmful microorganisms. When someone starts consuming probiotics, harmful microorganisms can start to die producing gas. Fungi can create much gas in the gut. However, gas production does not happen quickly. When the next meal, gas produced from the previous meal is often the cause of feeling bloated.

Yeast is another cause of bloating. In the case of probiotics, go slow. Try a capsule every second day, or dissolve a capsule in a glass of juice and drink slowly during the day.

Bloating or gas from probiotics is harmless, it usually is a good sign. Why?

Can Probiotics Help Bloating

A poor diet encourages less desirable probiotic bacteria to flourish while repressing healthier types. Many times, the candida yeast grows out of control when fed a diet of sugary, processed foods. Replenishing healthy probiotic bacteria can help push back the overgrowth of the Candida.

Adding the right probiotics helps with proper digestion. Many vitamins and minerals are bound in the fibers of food, and the probiotic bacteria break down the fibers to release the nutrients. If they dont, the fibers pass into the large intestine, where bacteria, like E coli, break them down and release methane and hydrogen sulfide as by-products.

Think about the last time you ate beans. They are full of fibers, and some of you get really gassy. With the right probiotics, you wont get so gassy.

Additionally, probiotic bacteria can also help break down sugars, proteins, and fibers that cause intolerances and allergies. Some studies show that probiotic supplementation can even help reduce the effect of the gluten protein in people who have celiac disease.

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Best Probiotics For Bloating Worth Having For A Healthy Gut Environment

Bloating can be a lot to deal with and can make you feel uneasy. The Physicians Choice probiotic for bloating is high-quality and provides instant relief. It has a fiber blend that would naturally make you feel healthier. It consists of 10 different probiotic strains and 60 billion CFUs concentration. Some of the strains for instance are lactobacillus casei, lactobacillus paracasei, lactobacillus salivarius, and bifidobacterium. Other ingredients infused in the product are organic such as artichoke root, gum arabica tree, and bio chicory root powder. The formula has 4 strains of bifidobacterium, so say bye to bloating when you take these!


This probiotic for bloating is concocted for digestion and immunity and is easy to swallow. Let us bid adieu to stomach distress and discomfort as the supplement will benefit you immediately. It is made with 100% raw probiotics, 7 vegetables and fruits, and 9 types of digestive enzymes to promote good health. It creates a natural stomach balance so it leads to weight loss, better immunity, and better sleep. It is made with 34 strains that have high potencies such as lactobacillus acidophilus, casei, paracasei, and bifidobacterium. It is shelf-stable so no refrigeration is needed. The formula is perfect to support digestive health!





Poor Diet And Food Allergies

Natural Remedies for Stomach Bloating: Probiotics

Poor diet and food allergies are also the culprits of your bloating issues.

If you think you could eat literally anything and can live with a HAPPY GUT, you are dreaming.

Eating more of a high-carb diet and fermentable fiber along with starches and sugar can make you feel bloated.

Adding to this, certain foods like milk and cheese can also trigger bloating.

Not to mention, certain allergies like lactose and gluten intolerance also make up the list of what causes bloating.

If you want to get rid of bloating for real, stop stuffing yourself all the time.

  • The reason being, empty bowel will help prevent the fermentation of food.

As result, there will less chance of you getting SIBO. This will help with reducing the occurrence of bloating.

Also Check: Is Probiotics Good For Your Stomach

Best Probiotics For Bloating

2. Phillips Colon Health Daily Probiotic

3. Digestive Advantage Daily Probiotics

4. DrFormulas Nexabiotic Advanced Multi Probiotic

5. Align Probiotic Digestive Support

6. Natures Bounty Probiotic GX

7. Stonehenge Health Dynamic Biotics

8. 1MD Complete Probiotics Platinum

9. 60 Billion Probiotics by Physicians Choice

10. Culturelle Digestive Daily Probiotic

What Causes Bloating In The First Place

Bloating can often be caused by a condition known as SIBO, which stands for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth. Without using a lot of scientific jargon, SIBO is a situation where your gut microbiome becomes unbalanced, causing a disruption in your daily bowel habits, including excess gas production and bloating.

Your gastrointestinal tract contains more than 500 bacterial species that work together to facilitate digestion and promote overall gut health and wellbeing. On occasion, the balance of these bacteria is disrupted by things like a particular medication, stress, travel, or a poor diet. You may then notice the disruption in the form of digestive trouble and bloating.

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Avoid Going From Zero To 100 With A Probiotic

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In other words: More is not necessarily more, and moderationâespecially in the beginning stages of incorporating a probioticâis key.

Interestingly, Lin explains that noticing increased bloat with a new probiotic might actually signify that your gut environment is already pretty healthy. “If the probiotic CFU is too high, say 150 to 200B CFU per serving, this can cause potential bloating and constipation in some healthy people. However, for people dealing with more serious gut issues like IBS, Crohn’s Disease, or Ulcerative Colitis, the higher CFUs are actually more beneficial with fewer side effects.”

Heim agrees, admitting, “It is possible to see some gas and bloating when adding a probiotic supplement to your regimen.” She also advocates starting low and going slow, saying, “Probiotic dosages range tremendously from 1 to 500 billion CFUs. We recommend consulting with a healthcare professional to find out what dose is right for you.”

How Safe Are Probiotics

Beating The Bloat

Because microbes used as probiotics already exist naturally in your body, probiotic foods and supplements are generally considered safe. They may trigger allergic reactions, and may also cause mild stomach upset, diarrhea, or flatulence and bloating for the first few days after starting to take them.

There are certain people who need to use caution when using probiotic supplements. There is a risk of infection in some people. These people include those who have:

  • A weakened immune system .

Caution should also be used when giving probiotics to very sick infants.

Always talk to your healthcare provider before starting a probiotic supplement.

Also Check: How To Tell If You Need A Probiotic

How To Choose The Best Probiotics For Bloating

Probiotics usually come in a bottle and can be taken once a day with a glass of water. However, the dose per capsule or serving may vary depending on the specific probiotic supplement that you choose.

Some probiotics are high potency, meaning they have more active live cultures than other brands. Other formulas contain different strains of probiotics that work better with certain symptoms, like bloating.

If you are wondering how to choose the best probiotics for bloating, it is important to read the label carefully and take your time researching different brands. Probiotics can be found in many grocery stores or online through retailers like the 10 best probiotics for bloating we featured in this article.

Ibs And Probiotics: The Takeaway

It has been recommended that a probiotic supplement should be used for a month to see if there is any improvement. If its ineffective, a different bacteria type should be used. Science will surely make further progress in this area and make new formulas since as much as 60 percent of gut bacteria remains unknown.

Clinical studies have shown that the effect of probiotics can be fortified by taking them along with prebiotics, as these nourish the existing good bacteria and allow them to proliferate in the intestines. Although there is a need for further research in this area, the existing research suggests that probiotics have a potential role to play in treating individuals with IBS.

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Alleviate Symptoms Of Diarrhea

Diarrhea commonly occurs as a side effect of antibiotic treatment. Antibiotics causes imbalance between good and bad bacteria in the gut. Probiotics help alleviate the symptoms of antibiotic-associated diarrhea. In fact, probiotics are believed to help with other forms of diarrhea as well, that are not associated with antibiotic use.

Do Probiotics Help With Bloating

DO THIS FIRST IF Probiotics Gives U Gas & Bloating

As probiotics have to be taken by mouth, the chances of those reaching the intestine and working to their full potential are slim. As a result, probiotics arent always effective in treating bloating and constipation. Its possible that just 20% of the people who take probiotics for bloating benefit from them.The effectiveness of probiotics gets determined by a variety of factors. The way peoples digestive systems work, as well as their gut microbes, may differ. It is vital to select high-quality probiotics to alleviate bloating.

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How Can Probiotics For Bloating Help

Studies show that a number of probiotic strains can help with bloating and other digestive problems.

Bloating is usually accompanied by other digestive issues such as abdominal cramps, irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal gas, ulcers, and chronic stomach inflammation among others. A healthy gut is critical to a good digestive system. And probiotics for bloating is a quick and easy way to improve your gut health.

Two probiotic strains, Bifidobacteriumlactis and Lactobacillus acidophilus, have been directly associated with reducing bloating. It is accepted in the medical world that a balanced gut microbiome can alleviate most digestive problems. This in turn helps in preventing or alleviating stomach bloat.

Probiotics for bloating essentially restore the gut balance in your body. If you are not in the habit of maintaining a healthy diet, then chances are that the good bacteria in your system are seriously low. This can cause other major problems in addition to digestive issues.

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