The Future Of Oral Probiotics
Studies support the use of oral probiotics in gum disease. However, we need more studies to understand the roles of different strains.
One future role of oral probiotics may be in replacement therapy.
In this therapy, DNA modification technology replaces the harmful attributes of bugs. In future, we may be able to remove the disease-causing aspects of bacteria. Some studies suggest that we could clone certain species to make them non-disease causing.
Can I Get Probiotics From Food
You can absolutely increase beneficial microbes in your body from the foods you eat. Certain foods have probiotics in them and can benefit the health of your microbiome.
These foods can be introduced into your diet at any point of the day. You may even be regularly eating them now and not realize that they contain probiotics. You will want to check the food label for live and active cultures. A few suggestions for just some of the probiotic-rich foods you can add to your diet and some times to try them include:
For breakfast, try:
- Powders.
- Liquids.
Probiotic supplements may be combined with a prebiotic. Prebiotics are complex carbohydrates that feed the microorganisms in your gut. Basically, prebiotics are the food source for the good bacteria. They help feed the good bacteria and keep it healthy. Prebiotics include inulin, pectin and resistant starches.
When you have a supplement that combines a probiotic and prebiotic, its called a synbiotic.
How Dental Probiotics Differ From Conventional Probiotics
When most people think of probiotics, I imagine yogurt comes to many of their minds. It is common knowledge that we need beneficial bacteria for gut digestion to properly occur. One of the most well-known species is Lactobacillus, which is commonly found in yogurt and other fermented foods.6Bifidobacterium is another beneficial species that can be found in the gut days after birth. Saccharomyces boulardii is the only probiotic that is a yeast.
Dental probiotics are completely different from the probiotics needed for digestion. Specifically, the Streptococcus salivarius strains K12 and M18 have been found to be especially beneficial when it comes to the health of the oral cavity.3 In the study mentioned earlier, K12 is the strain that is effective in combating bad breath.4
Gut probiotics typically come in capsule form so they can reach the stomach and quickly begin to do their job. Oral probiotics, on the other hand, are typically in the form of a lozenge that is chewed or sucked on after normal oral care. Using a lozenge provides longer exposure time than other methods so that more bacteria are able to colonize the oral cavity.
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Other Benefits Of Dental Probiotics
One of the most amazing things about oral probiotics is that they have multiple applications beyond simply treating oral malodor. Conditions such as dental caries, gingivitis, periodontitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, and oral candidiasis are all inhibited by exposure to the K12 and M18 strains of S. salivarius.4 These additional benefits hold much promise in dentistry, as many patients have difficulty with home care and these probiotics are easy to use.
In the battle against dental caries, the M18 strain has a molecular mechanism that reduces plaque formation and increases oral pH. Specifically, this bacteria releases salivaricin M, a substance that limits the growth of the caries-causing bacterial species, such as Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus.7
In patients with gingivitis, M18 lozenges have been found to significantly reduce supragingival plaque, gingival inflammation, sulcular bleeding, and pocket depth.8 Both strains K12 and M18 have been found to be effective in reducing levels of P. gingivalis, A. actinomycetemcomitans, and F. nucleatum-induced IL-6 and IL-8, which are typically indicators of periodontal disease.4
Use Toothpaste With Fluoride
Fluoride is naturally found in the earth’s crust and is readily used in toothpaste to help strengthen enamel, the outer layer of our teeth as well as helping prevent dental decay. It is recommended by professionals to use toothpaste that includes fluoride. Fluoride-free toothpaste usually includes ingredients such as baking soda, charcoal, and clay but professionals do not recommend toothpaste with activated charcoal or baking soda as they can be too abrasive and erode enamel.
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Some Points About Oral Bacteria Are Here:
- Bacteria play a very important part in the function and health of your mouth
- Bacteria are also the primary causation agents of gum disease and tooth decay
- Bacteria become bad when they overgrow and out-balance the other bacteria in your mouth
- A healthy population of good bacteria balances your mouth and contributes to reduction of gum disease and tooth decay
Great Oral Health Probiotics
These oral health probiotics are formulated by Dr. Paul O’Malley and are designed to defend against bad bacteria. They feature a patented 7-strain formula, with BLIS K12 and BLIS M18, and are thoroughly researched using principles of holistic dentistry.
They are also made in the US and have all-natural ingredients, are sugar and lactose-free, and have no artificial flavors. Dr. O’Malley promises that with these oral probiotic supplements you can fight bad breath, gum disease, bleeding gums, oral thrush, gingivitis, plaque, cavities, and dry mouth. He even says that these probiotics for the mouth contain minerals that will support tooth remineralization.
The full list of ingredients is:
- L. acidophilus, L. reuteri, L. paracasei, L. salivarius, S. thermophilus
- Isomalt
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So How Do Dental Probiotics Work
Most dental problems occur from an imbalance of the oral microbiome. As mentioned, many environmental factors can disturb the balance of the trillions of bacteria in the mouth. Even the use of antimicrobial mouthwash can disturb this balance.
Contrary to belief, we actually need certain bacteria that are beneficial to the health of our mouths. Therefore, using a mouthwash that promises to kill 99.9% of all bacteria is not a good thing. This is another good reason to supplement with oral probiotics that can restore the oral microbiome to its natural protective state.
Harmful microbes can take over and grow out of control without enough probiotics in the mouth. This makes it easier for adverse dental conditions to occur. Dental probiotics contain strains of bacteria that are already presently living in your mouth. They work with these existing strains to help repopulate the beneficial bacteria. In essence, with an increase in population of good bacteria you will be crowding out the bad bacteria due to their competition for space and limited resources.
How Probiotics May Improve Your Oral Health:
There are a number of oral dental probiotics to choose from. As a dental professional, I recommend a product called Hyperbiotics Pro Dental Oral Probiotics. This product has a unique combination of beneficial bacteria strains.
Inflammation And Oral Health
The bad news is that an imbalance of microbes in your mouth can cause a waterfall of negative events throughout your entire body.
Tooth decay, gum disease, and foul breath are all signs that your mouth is overrun with bad bacteria that can lead to infection and a cascade of other symptoms.
Lets begin with the example of gum disease caused by pathogenic bacteria.
Infection in the gums signals your body that it needs to respond right away. The bodys natural response to infection or injury is inflammation, and in reaction to the inflammation, the liver releases C-reactive proteins that further increase the inflammatory response.
This low-grade, chronic inflammation in your mouth can be a risk factor for many chronic health problems like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimers disease, and even cancer.
Unfortunately, the negative consequences of compromised oral health dont stop there. Bleeding gums give harmful bacteria a direct route to your bloodstream where they can seriously impact your health.
For example, Streptococcusgordonii are harmful bacteria that can slip into the bloodstream and masquerade as proteins, causing blood clots that can infect the lining of the heart .
Now for the good news you can alter the bacteria living in your mouth and prevent and treat teeth and gum issues and resulting inflammation by taking oral probiotics to support your oral microbiome, and by staying away from probiotic-depleting products and medications.
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Benefits Of Dental Probiotics
The benefits of dental probiotics are evident in every part of the mouth because a healthy oral microbiome is the key to oral health.
Oral/dental probiotics may prevent or address most oral diseases, such as:
The good bacteria in oral probiotics can create biofilms to replace those created by undesirable bacteria. These new biofilms not only support the health of teeth and gums and reduce inflammation, but they can also block bad bacteria from reaching enamel or gum tissue to wreak havoc.
Heal Teeth And Gums With Oral Probiotics
Research shows that oral probiotics can have an overwhelmingly positive effect on the health of your entire mouth, but as you work to repopulate your oral microbiome with more of the good bacteria to protect your teeth and gums, you also need to make sure you are minimizing practices that will put your new friends in harms way.
Here are my 5 tips for keeping your beneficial mouth microbes happily in the majority.
1. Stay Away from Antibacterial Products
Many modern brands of toothpaste and mouthwash contain antimicrobial agents that work to get rid of harmful oral bacteria.
The problem is that they also deplete good bacteria and disrupt the balance of the oral microbiome, making it easier for the bad guys to settle in.
Triclosan, a common toothpaste ingredient, is one ubiquitous antibacterial compound that is particularly harmful to your microbiome and entire body, causing thyroid, hormonal, and other health issues.
And the scary part? The chemical sticks around in your bodily fluids long after exposure .
Look for natural toothpaste and mouthwash with simple, chemical-free ingredients and be aware that even natural remedy antibacterial products can wipe out good bacteria.
2. Avoid Antibiotics and Bacteria-Killing Medications
3. Brush and Floss Regularly.
Brushing and flossing your teeth will help to disrupt any of the bad bacteria that try to inhabit your mouth. Regular dental cleanings can also get rid of plaque and tartar that harbor harmful bacteria.
4. Try Oil Pulling.
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Recommending Sources Of Probiotics To Patients
Probiotics can be gotten from dietary supplements or food sources. Usually, the supplements are in the form of tablets, gummies, powders, or capsules. Generally, when recommending a probiotic supplement to patients, suggest one that comprises more than one strain of friendly bacteria.
A general recommendation is to pick probiotic supplements with at least one billion colony forming units and consisting of the genus Saccharomyces boulardii, Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus some of the most studied probiotics. However, you have to delve deeper, since each genus of bacteria encompasses various strains that produce different results.
Contrary to supplements, probiotic foods offer a more natural source of probiotics. Examples of food items that you can recommend and are believed to be rich in probiotics include enhanced milk, aged cheese, sauerkraut, tempeh, yogurt, and sourdough bread. Probiotics are also available in foods such as legumes, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Probiotics May Reduce The Severity Of Certain Allergies And Eczema
Certain probiotic strains may reduce the severity of eczema in children and infants.
One study found eczema symptoms improved for infants fed probiotic-supplemented milk, compared to infants fed milk without probiotics .
Another study followed children of women who took probiotics during pregnancy. Those children had an 83% lower risk of developing eczema in the first two years of life .
However, the link between probiotics and reduced eczema severity is still weak and more research needs to be done .
Some probiotics may also reduce inflammatory responses in people with milk or dairy allergies. However, the evidence is weak and further studies are needed .
Bottom Line:
Probiotics may reduce the risk and severity of certain allergies, such as eczema in infants. However, more research is needed.
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How Can You Find Immediate Relief
To get relief from bad breath right this minute, stick with your toothbrush, mouthwash, or sugar-free gum. However, dental probiotic supplements might help you fight off rotten breath over time. These supplements are available in lozenges, chewable tablets or probiotic drinks, and even some kinds of toothpaste contain oral probiotics.
If bad breath continues to be an issue, make sure to see your dental professional to rule out any underlying causes, such as periodontal disease, sinus issues, or gastrointestinal disease. Otherwise, with the combination of dental probiotics and a good oral hygiene routine, halitosis should never hold you back.
Is It Right For Dentists To Recommend Oral
Studies have shown the huge impact that these friendly bacteria can have on patients’ oral and general health, and dentists should not shy away from using them, at least, in combination with modern dental treatments.
Unlike antibiotics, probiotics wipes-out concerns about the development resistance since they naturally dwell in the human body and adapt to protect the body. In other words, modern probiotic technology allows dentists and clinicians to treat a range of dental and medical conditions with no ill side effects.
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Oral Probiotics For Oral Cancer
Oral cancer may develop, in part, due to harmful bacteria in the mouth.
Correcting dysbiosis of the oral microbiome may decrease the risk of developing oral cancer, although no clinical trials with human patients have confirmed this theory.
According to two reviews published in 2020, oral probiotic strains that may stop oral cancer growth include:
- L. rhamnosus GG
- L. salivarius REN
More research is needed to draw serious conclusions.
There is no scientific evidence that oral probiotics can treat or reverse oral cancer in humans.
Oral Probiotics Guide For Periodontal Disease
Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? If they do, its a sign of immune imbalance. Oral probiotics may be a new frontier to cure bleeding gums and prevent gum disease.
Bleeding gums is the earliest stage of gum disease. Its estimated that 50% of the US population has gum disease. Many more people have bleeding gums.
Gum disease is a chronic condition thats difficult to treat. Its also linked to health problems such as heart disease and type II diabetes.
In the early stages, bleeding gums are a sign of oral flora imbalance. Balancing your oral and your gut microbiomes may be the key to a cure. This can stop the immune imbalance that causes bleeding gums.
Oral probiotics are known to have a positive effect on the gut and immune system. So can they may assist in healing gum disease?
Lets explore the potential of oral probiotics to heal gum disease.
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Your Oral Microbiome: The Gateway To Health
Within the greater microbiome that encompasses your whole body exists several smaller microbiomes with differing species of bacteria, depending on the body part.
The health of your oral microbiome all the bacteria in your mouth, throat, nose, and ears is crucial to your overall health and well-being.
You see, 80 percent of your immune system resides in your gut. And your mouth, the beginning of your digestive tract, is the gatekeeper of all that goes in.
Amazingly, we swallow billions of bacteria a day, some beneficial and some harmful. Our diets alone provide a whopping amount of microbes the USDA-recommended meal plan contains around 1.3 billion daily bacteria, while a vegan diet includes about 6 million each day .
Why does all that matter?
Because your mouth is the gateway to your immune system and the rest of your body, its imperative that you have a healthy balance of good microbes called probiotics in your oral cavity to crowd out or competitively exclude the unfriendly bacteria you are exposed to.
What Are The Potential Side Effects Of Dental Probiotics
Research shows that dental probiotics are very safe. While probiotics for your gut may cause bloating and upset stomach, oral probiotics do not appear to cause the same side effects. If you have the following conditions that affect your immunity, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor before you take probiotics:
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Papers Of Particular Interest Published Recently Have Been Highlighted As: Of Importance
Lactobacillus reuteriLactobacillus rhamnosusLactobacillus plantarumBacillusLactobacillus brevisLactobacillus reuteriLactobacillus reuteriLactobacillus reuteriLactobacillus reuteriLactobacilli reuteriStreptococcus dentisaniLactobacillus rhamnosusBifidobacterium animalislactisStreptococcus salivariusStudy into increasing persistence of the highly abundant probiotic oral streptococcus, used in treating oral malodour and cariesLactobacillus reuteriLactobacillus gasseriPorphyromonas gingivalisLactobacillus reuteriBifidobacterium animalislactisBacillus subtilisBacillus licheniformisLactobacillus brevisLactobacillus rhamnosusPorphyromonas gingivalisLactobacillus reuteriStreptococcus salivariusStreptococcus salivariusStreptococcus salivariusStreptococcus salivariusLactobacillus salivariusLactobacillus salivariusWeissella cibariaStreptococcus thermophilusPorphyromonas gingivalisLactobacillus reuteriLactobacillus brevisLactobacillus casei
Treating The Symptoms Of Bleeding Gum Disease
A study has statistically determined that people suffering from bleeding gums experience symptoms that are less severe when putting under prescription for oral probiotics than those who do not use those products. It is therefore advised that if you happen to be suffering from gum disease, you use oral probiotics.
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How To Take Oral Probiotics
The most effective ways to take probiotics are via chewable tablets or lozenges. These allow the beneficial bacteria to be delivered directly to the surfaces of your mouth where biofilms are formed by bacteria.
For good bacteria to thrive, you must also eat plenty of prebiotics. Prebiotics are fibers that feed probiotic bacteria.
Prebiotic foods include:
- Cocoa
- Flaxseeds
Taking probiotics is unlikely to be effective without prebiotics present in the mouth. In other words, you must consume prebiotics every day for your probiotics to work.
Good Vs Bad Oral Bacteria
You hear a lot about probiotics and their benefit for your gut health, but what about probiotics for your oral health? If the oral cavity of your body is not producing and protecting the mouth with strains of healthy bacteria, every other organ that nutrients enter is already at a disadvantage. Oral probiotics are specially designed to help balance harmful and helpful bacteria in the oral cavity by encouraging the growth of the good organisms and stopping the bad, while probiotics for the gut contain strains of bacteria that promote optimal absorption of nutrients further along the digestive tract. The mouth is the entry point for everything, so let’s keep it healthy!
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