Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Best Probiotic For Diabetes 2

What This Means For You

Probiotics for Type 2 Diabetes?

If you struggle with the management of your diabetes, you may want to talk to your doctor about potentially incorporating a specifically designed probiotic into your treatment plan.

Remember to continue to take your prescribed medications, and focus on the proactive dietary and lifestyle changes you can make.

Probiotics And The Immune System

We know that a healthy balance and supply of the âgood bacteriaâ in your gut is important for a functioning immune system and for preventing digestive illnesses. Research is mixed though on if supplemental probiotics can help enhance the overall immune system. Definitely an area of research we will see more and more studies on over the next several years!

The Effects Of Probiotics On Gene Expression

Some studies on interactions between probiotics and gene expression have suggested that type 2 diabetes in rats is ameliorated through mRNA upregulation of glucose transporter-4 through Lactobacillus plantarum NCU116 treatment.2323. Li C, Ding Q, Nie SP, et al. Carrot juice fermented with Lactobacillus plantarum NCU116 ameliorates type 2 diabetes in rats. J Agric Food Chem. 2014 62:11884-91. This has a critical role in glucose uptake.4545. Kim SW, Park KY, Kim B, Kim E, Hyun CK. Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG improves insulin sensitivity and reduces adiposity in high-fat diet-fed mice through enhancement of adiponectin production. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2013 431:258-63. Moreover, NCU can regulate glucose homeostasis and insulin sensitivity in diabetic rats via regulating PPAR- and PPAR- gene expression. These genes play key roles in inflammation and glucose homeostasis.4646. Soares FL, de Oliveira Matoso R, Teixeira LG, et al. Gluten-free diet reduces adiposity, inflammation and insulin resistance associated with the induction of PPAR-alpha and PPAR-gamma expression. J Nutr Biochem. 2013 24:1105-11.

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Effects Of Synbiotics On Pre

Synbiotics are a mixture of probiotics and pre-biotics. Considering the fact that probiotics are basically active in the small and large intestines, while the effects of probiotics are mainly observed in the large intestine, the combination of the two may have a synergistic effect to improve the gut health . The stimulation of probiotics with pre-biotics leads to the regulation of intestinal metabolic activity while maintaining the intestinal biostructure, forming beneficial bacteria, and suppressing potential pathogens in the gastrointestinal tract . Therefore, when combining the pre-biotic formula, it is necessary to determine the characteristics of the pre-biotics that have a beneficial effect on the probiotics . The use of synbiotics results in a significant increase in the levels of SCFAs, ketones, carbon disulfides and methyl acetates . A study has reported that Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM20079 induced 14.5-fold more butyrate in the presence of inulin or pectin than in the presence of glucose.

Can Diabetics Take Probiotics

Pendulum Therapeutics Launches First Medical Probiotic For ...

There is no evidence to suggest that diabetics should not take probiotics – although research into this subject area is limited, there is nothing that indicates probiotics are unsafe for those with diabetes.

There is no evidence to suggest that diabetics should not take probiotics.

Diabetes is an auto-immune disease that compromises the body’s production of insulin. Type one diabetes usually occurs in younger individuals and makes up less than 15% of all cases of diabetes. Type two diabetes is much more common and tends to affect people over the age of 30.

If you, or one of your clients, are diabetic and you are ever in any doubt as to whether any natural food supplement is suitable, we must always advise consulting with their medical team. The health of those with diabetes varies, and the condition often accompanies other, more serious health issues.

However, to date, there has not been any indication that people with diabetes should avoid taking probiotics. Research into probiotics and their effects on patients with diabetes remains relatively sparse, and in particular there is very little research into use of probiotics in those with Type 1 diabetes, but so far no results have indicated that probiotics should not be taken by those with either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes.

You can read more about diabetes and probiotics here:

Don’t Miss: Do You Really Need Probiotics

How Probiotics Effect Diabetes

Probiotic effects on diabetes may vary due to several factors ranging from the difference in metabolism and the consumers reaction to probiotics substances. This goes to explain that despite the good health benefits of probiotics, sometimes side effects may occur.

The effects of probiotics on the blood sugar level concentration have been studied and reviewed by randomized controlled trials . From trials and studies, probiotics were found to have effects in lowering the blood sugar level and reduce the resistance of insulin, though there are counter reviews. However, the majority of the results from the study of probiotics and their effects on the blood sugar level and the body, in general, have been positive.

Since probiotics have been recognized for there health benefits, side effects may still occur as a result of taking probiotic foods or supplements.

Some of these side effects are:-

  • Bloating
  • Head aches caused by Amines in probiotic foods.
  • May also cause increased infection.

This side effects may diminish after a few weeks.

Most times, starters are advised to take probiotics in minimal quantity then increase as time goes on to reduce risks of the side effects.

Probiotics To Prevent Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

We analysed evidence from randomised controlled trials investigating probiotic supplements alone or in combination with drug or non-drug interventions for preventing gestational diabetes mellitus .

What is the issue?

GDM is a condition where the mother develops high blood sugar levels, usually after 13 weeks of pregnancy. GDM is different from type 2 diabetes in that blood sugar levels are normal before pregnancy, and the levels usually return to normal after pregnancy. GDM is associated with an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Women with GDM are at increased risk of high blood pressure with protein in the urine and instrumental delivery or caesarean section. Their infants are more likely to be born large for their gestational age. Probiotics are ‘good bacteria’ that are usually taken in the form of capsules or drinks to add to the gut bacteria. We are dependent on our gut bacteria to help digest our food, produce certain vitamins, regulate our immune system and keep us healthy by protecting us against disease-causing bacteria. Probiotics could change a person’s metabolism and play a role in the prevention of GDM.

Why is this important?

What evidence did we find?

What does this mean?

There are eight studies currently ongoing that may help to provide more clarity on the effects of probiotics. It is also important to explore the relationship between probiotics and pre-eclampsia further.

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Probiotics Vs Antibiotics: Are They Related

Antibiotics are an amazing lifesaving tool of modern day medicine. But, they do come with side effects when you have to use them. Antibiotics wipe out bad bacteria in the gut, but they also wipe out good bacteria. So, make sure to talk to your doctor and determine if an antibiotic or other medication is truly needed, and if they think you could benefit from a probiotic supplement to help replenish the good bacteria in your digestive tract after you take antibiotics.

Gut Bacteria And Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes: Why Probiotics Don’t Work

Do people with diabetes have a different gut makeup?

Science says yes. Most studies agree that people with diabetes have more gram negative bacteria in their digestive tract . These particular bacteria are known to increase insulin resistance, increase glucose levels in the blood, promote inflammation, and increase fat storage .

What hurts our gut bacteria?

Things such as excessive fat intake, low fiber intake, excessive antibiotic use, and over cleanliness are a few ways our gut bacteria can be negatively affected .

What came first? The chicken or the egg?

It is hard to determine if diabetes causes altered gut bacteria or if the altered gut bacteria contributes to the development of diabetes.

One interesting study showed how gut bacteria from a diabetic rat was able to induce insulin resistance in a non-diabetic rat through a fecal transplant . This may suggest that altered gut bacteria contribute to the development of diabetes.

While science is pointing towards the idea that the altered gut bacteria comes before diabetes, more studies will need to be done before we find the true answer .

Can I change my gut bacteria?

Yes! Keep reading to learn how to create a happy environment and how to add more of the good bacteria to your gut 🙂

Recommended Reading: Young Living Life 9 Probiotic

Best Probiotic For Diabetes

Whether youâre looking for type 1 diabetes probiotic recommendations or probiotics for type 2 diabetes, thereâs a few things to always be on the lookout for. Rather than share specific brands, because there are A LOT, I want to give you specific things to look for when youâre choosing probiotics for diabetes. Choose a probiotic with the following information on the label:

  • The specific strains of bacteria contained in the supplement
  • At least 1 billion colony forming units
  • Choose a well-established brand with known quality manufacturing processes
  • Choose probiotic strains for your specific needs. This article gives a good overview of which probiotic bacteria help certain conditions.

For specific brand recommendations, I really enjoyed this breakdown on healthline.com and encourage you to give it a read if youâre looking for a specific brand of probiotics for diabetes.

Whether you choose get your probiotics from food or from a supplement, including probiotics in your daily routine is an important part of both gut health and diabetes management.

For more information on diabetes supplements, check out the full blog post I wrote on vitamins, minerals, and supplements.

Probiotics And Diabetes: The Science Behind It

How does probiotics help diabetics? Probiotics are live microorganisms which, when administered in correct dosages and form, give you a ton of health benefits. Probiotic supplements have been proven to have positive effects on cardio-metabolic parameters in patients with Type 2 Diabetes.

According to research conducted at Loughborough University, probiotics prevent insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is often caused by consuming foods that contain trans fats for a long time. The study found that a high trans-fat and processed food diet can reduce insulin sensitivity by as much as 27%, in healthy adults. Supplementation with probiotics helped normalize insulin functioning.

Even short-term consumption of high-fat, processed foods aids the development of metabolic diseases, diabetes type 2 being one of them. However, probiotics impact on insulin resistance is a significant breakthrough. Also, probiotics can reduce fasting blood glucose levels in type 2 diabetic patients, said Dr. Carl Hulston of Loughborough University.

Type 1 diabetics are people who have lost the ability to produce any insulin naturally. In a ground-breaking study, researchers engineered a strain of Lactobacillus, a human probiotic. This was done to secrete a chemical called GLP-1 from it It was, then, administered orally to diabetic rats.

Probiotics have significant effects on the reduction of the following in individuals with diabetes

  • Glucose
  • Insulin levels
  • Insulin resistance

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Vitamin Bounty Pro 25 Probiotic With Prebiotics


When your body has things that disrupt the natural balance of the good bacteria that are in your gut, then thats a problem. Issues that can cause these problems result from antibiotics, poor diet, infections, traveling, and stress.

The result of these things occurring leads to possible diarrhea, gas, constipation, illness, bloating, and a host of other health issues. Thats why Vita Miracle is necessary to prevent these issues from happening.

Probiotics Keep Your Heart Healthy

Acidophilus Probiotic Digestive Health Supplement  VivA ...

People with diabetes are also prone to cardiovascular diseases. This is because elevated blood glucose can trigger a rupture in the hearts blood vessels and nerves.

Another breakthrough study showed that intervention of spore probiotics for diabetes can:

  • Reduce triglycerides by 24% , and
  • Reduce the lipopolysaccharide level in the gut by 42%

This means that taking spore probiotic supplements can:

  • Help lessen total and bad cholesterol
  • Reduce the risk of having atherosclerotic plaque in the veins, and
  • Guard against harmful cardiovascular events


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Relationship Between Gut Microbiota And Pre

Gut microbiota is not only digestive but also related to the pathogenesis of many metabolic diseases, such as obesity , diabetes , non-alcoholic fatty liver . Due to the use of genetic factors, lifestyles, antibiotics and changes in diet structure, the diversity of gut microbiota has changed and is characterized by inter-individual variability . It plays an important role in T2D and pre-diabetes, including inflammatory response, dietary nutrition, gut permeability, glucose and lipid metabolism, insulin sensitivity and energy homeostasis . The possible relationship between gut microbiota and pre-diabetes is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. The possible relationship between gut microbiota and pre-diabetes. .

It is reported that the number of bacteria related to short-chain fatty acids was lower in T2D patients . Disturbance of gut microbiota may lead to decreased production of SCFAs, leading to increased inflammatory factors, affecting insulin secretion and sensitivity of islet cells, and producing insulin resistance . SCFAs, especially butyrate, promote the secretion of glucagon-like peptide -1, which prevents the secretion of glucagon, inhibits gluconeogenesis in the liver, and improves insulin sensitivity . In addition, SCFAs can impede the low-grade inflammation caused by bacteria migration from gut to mesenteric adipose tissue and blood . These suggest that the increase of SCFAs, particularly butyrate, are important for preventing and controlling pre-diabetes.

Difference Between Probiotics And Prebiotics

Prebiotics sounds more like probiotics, but the two are different entities, ranging from how they are gotten to where they are stored and what they do in the human body.

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Probiotics as most of us know is a good bacteria found in the digestive tracts of the body, which plays a vital role in healthy living.

Meanwhile, prebiotics are natural fibres found in plants. These prebiotics fuels and support the growth of the essential bacteria in the digestive tract, which are the probiotics.

Prebiotics are undigested fibres of many vegetables and fruits which also have complex carbohydrate content. These undigested fibres are transported through to the digestive tract and then becomes food for the healthy bacteria .

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Probiotics Manage Glucose Levels

Probiotics support a healthy gut wall and increase the population of beneficial microbes that neutralize pathogens. This support enables the pancreas to then produce healthy insulin levels.

Probiotics also help propagate more short-chain fatty acids and hormones called incretin. This helps cut down the fluctuation of blood sugar levels and lessen health complications.

Diabetes Nature And Impacts

Probiotics and type 2 diabetes

Diabetes refers to diseases in which your body becomes unresponsive to the hormone insulin, or the hormone is not produced in a sufficient amount by the pancreas. When carbohydrate enters your body it is turned into glucose and sent to your bloodstream. The movement of glucose is facilitated by insulin. Insulin is essential for your body to use and store the fat and sugar that enters your body through food. Diabetes prevents the proper usage of insulin, leading to the presence of excessive glucose in your blood. This condition is what you call high blood sugar.

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Mechanisms Through Which Probiotics May Improve Glucose Homeostasis

The change in the gut microbiome and its fermentation have been associated with T2DM . It is postulated that the overgrowth of some gram-negative bacteria may influence risk of T2DM through inflammatory pathways. For example, excessive gram-negative bacterial fragment lipopolysaccharide may lead to a leakage of gut barrier and, as a result, chronic systemic inflammation . The gut microbiota may also influence glucose metabolism by modulating the glucagon-like peptide-1 , one of enteroendocrine peptides produced by L-cell in the gut. The secretion of GLP-1 is associated with a reduction in gastric emptying time and food intake, and an increase in insulin secretion .

Probiotics Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure

Diabetes increases blood pressure as sugar levels spike.

Probiotics support fluctuating blood pressure by creating more short-chain fatty acids that have been shown to address metabolic disorders and heart risks.

This means that people who are predisposed to high glucose blood levels can greatly benefit from probiotic supplementation. .

Also Check: Probiotics For Urinary Tract Infection

Can Probiotics Help Your Diabetes

With the hype and recommendations about probiotics, I wouldnt be surprised if a diabetic patient asks such question can probiotics help my diabetes?

Well, the studies and research on probiotics found out the health benefits and roles probiotics play in the reduction of the blood sugar level, this is good news for diabetics and also people who have intentions to control their blood sugar level.

Various studies have also shown that probiotics have the ability to lower glucose concentration and insulin level in the human body.

Probiotics like L. Casei, lactobacillus and acidophillus play a vital role in the improvement of hyperglycemia and toleration of glucose.

A period of ninety days is all it takes for the probiotic diet to take effect on the blood sugar level.

However, remember, it would be advisable that you see a doctor before consumption of probiotics for health advises and guide.

Probiotics: The Good Guys

5 BEST Probiotics for Diabetes!

Of course, we all want good bacteria in our gut. But how do we get it? Probiotics are usually bacteria, although yeasts can be probiotics, too. You can affect the balance of bacteria in your gut in three ways: via the environment, by food, and by taking supplements.

The environment: Believe it or not, the more were exposed to dirt, the better our microbiome may be. Now, no one is saying that you need to live in filth, but our culture tends to promote excessive cleanliness, and that may not be such a good thing, especially if you have kids in the house. Studies show that being exposed to a variety of microbes, especially during childhood, helps to strengthen your immune system. So dont be afraid to dig in the dirt, go camping, or be outside, in general. Other things that can help include having a pet , avoiding antibacterial cleaners, and occasionally washing dishes by hand versus using the dishwasher.

Food: Eating certain foods is a great way to get your probiotics. Choose foods that contain live cultures, such as yogurt, buttermilk, acidophilus milk, kefir , kimchi , sauerkraut , tempeh , miso , olives, and kombucha . Some cheeses may contain probiotics, too.

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