Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Are Soil Based Probiotics Safe

Scientific Studies On Probiotics For Sibo


It was only recently that doctors became aware of SIBO, so research is still in its infancy. Unfortunately, studies have had very mixed results.

Note that 84% of IBS cases are actually SIBO, and there have been numerous studies about using probiotics for IBS. However, as with the SIBO studies, these studies had very mixed results. Again, dont let this dissuade you from probiotics completely. As one researcher who tried to do a meta-analysis of IBS researcher said, the studies were so diverse in terms of probiotic strains and concentration used, that it was impossible to determine efficacy.6

Here are a few studies which showed a positive result when using probiotics for SIBO:

  • A pilot study compared probiotics to antibiotic treatment for SIBO. The group taking probiotics had an 82% improvement compared to 52% for the antibiotic group. Strains used were Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus plantarum, Streptococcus faecalis and Bifidobacterium brevis. Both groups also were on a diet that limited legumes, alcohol, leafy greens and dairy.
  • A study had patients take a 6-week course of Lactobacillus casei. 64% of the patients had a negative breath test afterwards.
  • A study gave SIBO patients two billion spores of Bacillus clausii 3x per day for 1 month. 47% of the patients had negative breath tests afterwards.

Cant I Just Get My Probiotics From Food

To be sure, diet is a vital piece of the gut-health puzzle. Food is a fantastic place to start, says Ruscio. I encourage everyone to add kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir, and kombucha to their diet. But it might be easier to get over the initial hump of rebalancing the guts microbiome with a well-balanced probiotic protocol.

Our forebears didnt use supplements, of course, but research shows each generation hosts less gut-microbial diversity than the last, notes Martin Blaser, MD, in his book Missing Microbes. He blames the prevalence of antibiotics in our medical care and animal feed, as well as increasing rates of C-section births.

These factors mean that our microbiomes need all the help they can get, Rountree says. Even if youre not having digestive issues, an imbalanced microbiome could be showing up as other problems like allergies or recurring infections.

He adds that microbiome diversity tends to plummet as we age , making it even more important for people over 40 to fortify their microbiomes.

Plain yogurt and sauerkraut provide good support. But many other products making probiotic claims, such as kombucha, can contain high levels of sugar. This feeds bad bacteria the probiotics might otherwise combat, Rountree notes. Even if you stick with less-sweetened kombucha, its probiotic effect is minimal.

Kombucha is mildly beneficial, he observes, but youd have to drink gallons of it to get the quantities of probiotics you can get in a capsule.

Binto: Are There Any Concerns About Bacillus

Dr. B: Part of the reason why theres question about the Bacillus family, is that there are several species of Bacillus bacteria that are exceedingly dangerous. For example, anthrax is produced by this group of bacteria. That is a specific species of bacteria that you would never find in supplements, but there are other types of Bacillus that are known to cause disease. So, thats part of the reason why the medical community wants to pump the breaks before we have more information.

Additionally, these microorganisms are generally not considered to be part of the human microbiome. There is limited data that they may take up residence, but if you look at the general human microbiome, this is not a significant part of what constitutes it. One of the concerns is if you take a high concentration of something that is not native to the human microbiome, without adequate study, how do you know what effect its going to have? It could go in there and actually wreak havoc on your body.

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What Are The Advantages Of Soil

Proponents of soil based organisms argue that they are sturdier than the usual food-based bacteria. They don’t require refrigeration or special handling. They are more resistant to acid, so more of them survive the trip through the stomach to the intestines. All that may be true. The question is whether the supplements are beneficial–or safe.

Some of these strains may be beneficial, others are probably pathogenic.

In order to answer either question, you’d have to know exactly which organisms you’re talking about. Most commercially available products include lots of different strains, the vast majority of which have not been studied in humans, alone or in combination.

Some soil-based organisms may be beneficial to humans, others are probably pathogenic. But how they behave will depend very much on how much you take, which bugs you already have on board, and the health of your gut when you take them. Not surprisingly, people with health problems are more likely to have adverse reactions.

Best Soil Based Probiotics Summary


Soil-based probiotics are emerging as beneficial for many aspects of health. This includes benefits for reducing symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, SIBO, and more.

When finding the best soil-based probiotics on the market, you have several good options as listed above.

My current favorite is MegaSpore. However, all of the supplement brands listed here are of high quality.

If you are feeling weary about taking them as supplements, you can turn to nature instead. For example, you can spend more time outdoors and eat local, organic foods to acquire these naturally.

The information on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be used as medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider, preferably a healthcare provider with extensive training in food and nutrition, before changing your health regimen.

The information in this post is for informational purposes only and is not meant as medical advice. Always seek the advice of your healthcare practitioner before making any diet, lifestyle, or supplement changes.

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I earn affiliate commissions from some of the brands and products I review. These products are all supported by high-quality research and honest reviews. I would love your support so please use my links. You can also support me by purchasing my books including The Whole Body Guide to Gut Health and The Elimination Diet Journal.

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Which Probiotics Should You Choose

There are many different types of strains of probiotics. The health effects experienced by one probiotic may be completely different from the health benefits seen from another probiotic.

Certain strains of probiotics support a healthy immune system. Others are great for digestion and some can help support a healthy metabolism and stabilize moods.

Thats why its important to consume a wide range of probiotics in your food or supplement with a good soil based probiotic so that youre covered. My Solluna Feel Good SBO+ Probiotics is a unique formula which include 29 well-researched strains, like Bacillus subtilis, with proven health benefits.

As research continues in this expanding field, further investigation could yield even more powerful data to support the development of novel options to support healthy mood, metabolism, signaling molecules and much more. Dr. Anthony Komaroff, Editor in Chief, Harvard Health Letter, says, .we are in the early days of a true revolution in medicine. We are discovering that the trillions of microbes that live on or in our bodies may powerfully promote health. may even influence our risk of many major diseases, including type 2 diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis, and various brain diseases. Someday doctors may use probiotics to prevent and treat these diseases.

In love and health,

Helps Reduce Ibs Symptoms

Using soil-based probiotics is also likely helpful for the challenging-to-treat diarrhea symptoms that can accompany irritable bowel syndrome. Providing Bacillus coagulans is helpful for people with this condition.

For example, soil-based probiotic supplementation B. coagulansMTCC 5856 reduces diarrhea symptoms in people with IBS in a recent study .

In fact, this probiotic helped IBS more than a low FODMAP diet or a medication used for IBS called rifaximin.

Soil-based probiotics also reduce abdominal pain as shown in people with IBS .

Bacillus reduced feelings of illness and nausea, indigestion, and flatulence as well as colitis symptoms in another study . The study used Prescript-Assist, which is a spore-based probiotic.

Unfortunately, the formula for this probiotic brand has since changed. So it doesnt make the list for best soil-based probiotics at this time.

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Probiotics Could Be Triggering Your Sibo

Remember that SIBO isnt caused by bad bacteria. Even good bacteria can cause SIBO if they grow out of control in your gut. Thus, taking probiotics could add fuel to the fire which is SIBO.

However, the problem with taking probiotics for SIBO usually isnt that youve got too much of the bacteria strain in that particular probiotic. Rather, the issue is that most probiotics contain prebiotics.

Bacteria, like all living things, need to eat something. To help the probiotic repopulate in your gut, many probiotic manufacturers add prebiotics which is basically just food for the probiotics to eat so they can reproduce.

The problem with prebiotics is that other bacteria will also feed off of them. If youve got SIBO, the last thing you want is to feed the bacteria in your gut! This would counter all of the work youve done by eating a gut-friendly diet .

In addition to prebiotics, some probiotics contain ingredients which trigger SIBO responses. On her website here, Functional Medicine Nutritionist Angela Pifer gives some examples of these ingredients which are found in popular probiotics:

  • Jarro Dophilus: Contains maltodextrin, tapioca starch, dairy and soy
  • Florastor: Contains lactose
  • Jarrow Ideal Bowel Support: Contains potato starch and soy
  • Pears YB: Contains pectin
  • Probio Pures: Contains tapioca starch

Sandus Advanced 4 Strain Spore Probiotics

Are Soil Based Probiotics (SBO) Any Good? | Ask Eric Bakker

Are you a vegetarian or a vegan looking for soil based probiotics that are not only effective but also come in easy-to-swallow veggie capsules? This Sandus Advanced 4 Strain Spore Probiotics might be the answer.

Formulated to support your immune system and help restore the microbial flora within your gut, this particular probiotics option is made out of good bacteria that do wonders for your metabolism and naturally restores your gut to optimum health. This option comes in veggie capsules, which means that its much easier to take and can be absorbed in a much faster rate by your digestive system.

The spore probiotics featured here are resistant to your stomach acids which means that they are more likely to survive for a much longer period within the digestive tract. This allows the probiotics to get deeper within your system and provide you with maximum digestive health benefits once its released in your intestinal tract.

Whats best about this option is that the manufacturer guarantees the highest possible quality. The companys philosophical belief is that theres a direct correlation between healthy soil, healthy herbs, and even healthier people. As such, every single one of the natural ingredients that go into making this probiotic is tested for extreme potency, purity, and quality. This ensures that you get nothing but nutrient-rich herbs in your supplements.


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Potential Side Effects Of Probiotics

According to a stu cvdy, probiotics are well tolerated with no safety concerns. However, same as any other supplement, they can cause side effects in overly sensitive pets. Luckily, the side effects are mild and transient and usually revolve around GI tract upsets loose stool or constipation, bloating, and gassiness.

The chances of developing side effects are higher when introducing new strains or switching probiotic brands. Side effects are also more likely to occur if the supplementation includes high doses, sudden implementation, and low-quality products.

What About Yogurt And Lactic Acid Based Probiotics

You may include organic and non-organic yogurt, kefir, or kombucha to your diet in hopes of maintaining a healthy weight and microbial balance. Lactobacillusacidophilus and Bifidobacteria, the bacterial genera and species typically found in yogurt and traditional probiotic supplements, do not have the naturally protective shell inherent to all spore-forming bacteria, so they cannot withstand gastric acids. These strains are not bad for you and can be helpful, however, you may find them to be less effective and not the best for achieving optimal gut health. While these types of bacteria can have intended benefits, unfortunately very few of these organisms ever reach the lower intestine.

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Soil Based Probiotic Side Effect: Competition With Our Good Bacteria

There is a certain amount of room in your digestive tract where bacteria can live. This means that any space taken up by potentially harmful bacteria is also taking away from room for good bacteria to live.

Instead, you are far better off by introducing and sustaining bacteria that are known for their health and safety profiles.

At Natren, we choose our bacteria with the utmost of care, and we guarantee the amount of every strain of good bacteria in each of our products.

A great place to start learning about what sets apart Natren probiotics is this article about 10 reasons you can feel good about choosing our products.

Unique Characteristics Of Soil Based Probiotics:

SBO Probiotic Supplement, 90 Capsules  50 Billion CFUs* per Serving ...
  • Soil based organisms are resistant to the digestive acids of the upper digestive tract and stomach.
  • Probiotics not derived from soil are not as stable and often dont make it to the lower digestive tract where they are the most effective.
  • Soil based probiotics have a natural shell that protects the probiotic spore against harm. When soil based probiotics are ingested, they travel all the way to the lower intestine, where they proliferate. Like a seed, warm temperatures and moisture stimulate germination. Soil-based probiotics thrive in the gut, and remain in the digestive tract providing long-term benefit.Though the best types of SBO probiotics are found in the natural environment or soil, supplemental probiotics are instead produced in safe, controlled environments, which ensure production of the most beneficial strains.

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What Are Soil Based Probiotics: The Advantages Of Sbos

Soil based probiotics do not contain lactobacillus or bifidobacterium strains, yet they still provide all the benefits and even a few advantages. They are not derived from animals so they are completely vegan friendly which cannot be said about most of the common probiotics on the market today. Soil based probiotics are more robust and survive the harsh acidic environment of your digestive system. Soil based probiotics have a natural, seed-like structure that makes them stronger than lacto-based probiotics. SBOs survive the journey through the stomach, are more efficient and require far fewer colony-forming units than lactobacillus-based supplements. This is due to the formation of endospores which can withstand stomach acid, bile salts, and pancreatic enzymes that would normally destroy the bacteria. They also do not need to be refrigerated and can be stored at any temperature. This makes them a better choice for travelling or for busy lifestyles.

Brief History Of Spore

Both Ortho Spore IG and Microbiome Labs MegaSporeBiotic are spore-based probiotic formulas. A brief history of spore-based probiotics: Spore-forming probiotics are also known as spore-based probiotics and soil-based probiotics. These strains of bacteria are naturally found in healthy soil. They get into your body when you eat food from the soil, breathe in dust, or wipe your mouth with your hand.

When you really think about, spore-based probiotics have always been around. Over the centuries, the human diet has gotten more and more removed from the soil. Before the 1800s and the Industrial Revolution, all people grew their own foods, hunted the animals they ate and didnt have access to bleach or hand sanitizer. In simpler times people grew their own food, picked it straight from the garden and enjoyed it immediately.

Even as late as the 1940s, Americans were growing victory gardens because of World War II. You better believe they were getting plenty of spore-based probiotics. But as our food system has been industrialized we have less natural access to spore-forming bacterial species. Now our food is grown in nutrient poor soil that has been sprayed with Monsanto Glyphosate, picked before it’s ripe, and trucked to us from many states and countries away from our locale. It is no wonder that 62 million people are diagnosed with digestive diseases every year. We are missing crucial species of bacterial probiotics that help us maintain our gut and overall health.

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What Are Soil Based Organisms And Why Are They Beneficial

Soil based organisms or SBO probiotics define a class of probiotic supplements based on a greater understanding of the incredible diversity of the human gut, coupled with a deeper appreciation for how humans and their commensal helper bacteria work together to produce a healthy system.

Soil based bacteria have a 3-stage life cycle, with each stage triggered by nutrient availability: vegetative growth, sporulation, and germination. The sporulation phase is particularly relevant to its potential as a probiotic. The spore structure preserves the bacteria in a dormant phase and against any harm whether in any terrestrial environment or in the acidic environments of the stomach and upper intestines. When these soil probiotic microbiota are ingested, they travel all the way to the lower intestine where they come alive. Like a seed, warm temperatures, moisture, and nutrients stimulate the germination stage where bacteria emerges from dormancy.9 Soil-based probiotics are well-adapted to the environment of the gut, and have been shown to remain in the digestive tract where they can provide long term benefit.

Though SBO probiotics are based directly on symbiotic communities of bacteria found in natural soil environments, these organisms are not harvested directly from the earth to be packaged as a supplement. They are instead produced in a safe, monitored environment to ensure specificity of the strains.

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