Thursday, September 12, 2024

Take Probiotics Morning Or Night

Any Side Effects Of Taking Probiotics At The Wrong Time

When to take Probiotics (Best/Worst Time Tips) 2021

Probiotics are very well-tolerated in most people, and timing them right is more about ensuring the survivability of these healthy bacteria than about avoiding side effects. So, whether you take a probiotic day or night, with or without food, you’re not likely to experience any major issuesâat least not as a result of when you take them.

While anyone may experience some temporary gas and bloating when first taking a probiotic supplement, probiotics generally don’t cause significant side effects beyond thatâand if they do, it’s more of an indicator that you’re not taking the right probiotic supplement with the appropriate strains of bacteria. It may take some trial and error, but by looking for strains that are targeted to the issue you want to treat, you can find the probiotic that’s just right for you.

When Is The Best Time To Take Probiotics

According to health experts, nighttime is the right time to take probioticsthe best time to take probiotics is before bed. It has something to do with the fact that its a period of inactivity for your gut area, and it doesnt have to work as hard in the evenings.

Believe it or not, probiotics works best in the presence of stationary bowels. While youre sleeping, ingested probiotics that are taken before bed are more likely to stick around until you poop them out the next day. This gives the probiotics a chance to work proactively in your digestive system, allowing you to experience the maximum benefits of its gut-healing abilities.

You should also aim for the probiotics to move through your stomach acid as quickly as possible. Taking probiotic supplements on an empty stomach can help you make sure of that. Experts have backed this as well.

Mistake #: You Take More Than One Type Of Probiotic Supplement

If you are considering layering your probiotic supplements for different health concerns, know that different bacteria can interact. Think of it this way: part of the reason we take probiotics is to fight off other bacteria, says Nielsen. It is possible, in a multi-strain product and if you take two different probiotic products at the same time, that they can out-compete each other. Research supports this: you can include 10 strains in a single product but without proper study, you cant be sure that one strain isnt out-competing the other nine. Nielsen says to check out the manufacturers website for clinical studies that the strains were tested together.

Recommended Reading: What Are Prebiotics And Probiotics

What Are The Side Effects When Taking Probiotics At A Different Time

As mentioned above, it doesnt really matter when to take probiotics, but rather how consistent you are in taking them. Even if you were to start taking at different times every week, it wouldnt cause any side effects.

But despite that, you may experience the usual side effects of probiotics such as frequent trips to the bathroom and bloating. You shouldnt worry too much about this as the side effects would go over as your body adjusts to the probiotics.

If you notice the side effects has been occuring for more than 2 weeks, then you should visit a doctor and seek professional advice as side effects should only last atleast 1 week or so. It might be an indicator that you are taking the wrong probiotic supplement.

Common Mistakes When Taking Probiotic Supplements

Best Time Of Day To Take Probiotics

There are some common missteps that can prevent you from getting the most out of your probiotics, according to Strealy. These can include:

  • Leaving probiotics on the shelf when they require refrigeration.
  • Not taking a probiotic for long enough. I recommend taking it for at least a month, Strealy says.
  • Not taking a high enough dose. This might occur because there arent enough live cultures in your probiotic, or if you dont follow the dosing directions, such as taking two supplements in the morning instead of one in the morning and another at night.
  • Choosing a probiotic strain that hasnt been studied for the symptoms you want to manage.
  • Using a probiotic that also contains prebiotics if you have IBS. Some prebiotics are FODMAPs , which are fermentable starches and fibers that can cause gas, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation for those with IBS. Initially, to manage IBS, I recommend selecting a probiotic that does not contain prebiotics, says Strealy.

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Probiotics For Gut Health

Your digestive tract is home to more than 1,000 different species of bacteria, according to a January 2014 report in Gut Microbes. But it’s not what you think: Instead of making you sick, these bacteria keep your entire body healthy by aiding in digestion, easing symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and improving immune function. The good bacteria also fight against the effects of harmful bacteria that can make you sick.

Probiotics are living microorganisms, sometimes called “friendly bacteria” or “good bacteria,” that are introduced into the body to help maintain the concentration of bacteria in your gut. You can get probiotics through fermented foods, like yogurt, sauerkraut or kimchi, or through probiotic supplements. According to Harvard Health, other probiotics benefits include relief from:

  • Eczema
  • Infections of the digestive tract

But here’s the catch: Probiotics are alive and they must remain alive until they get to your large intestine to be effective. Because of this, it’s important to understand the best time to take probiotics to prevent them from being killed by your stomach acid.

When Not To Take Your Probiotics

Most experts and studies assert that if theres one time of day not to pop your probiotic supplement, its first thing in the morning.

Probiotics are living organisms, they need food, water, and warmth to survive and multiply, explains David Friedman, N.D., C.C.N., author of Food Sanity: How to Eat in a World of Fads and Fiction. In the morning, conditions are not optimal for probiotics simply because there is not enough food or water for the bacterial strains to flourish.

Another reason the early A.M. isnt ideal probiotic-taking time: Your stomach is super-acidic. In a fasted state, or when you have an empty stomach, your stomach is more acidic and has a pH around two, explains Robert Zembroski, D.C., D.A.C.N.B., M.S., functional medicine specialist, clinical nutritionist, and author of REBUILD. Its hard for probiotics to survive this harsh, acidic environment, so fewer make it through the stomach to the intestines, where they work their magic. The biggest danger for probiotics is the powerful acids in the digestive system, which are meant to break down and disintegrate materials that travel through it, says Friedman. If enough acid overcomes the coating of a probiotic capsule, it could kill the delicate strains.

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Don’t Miss: Which Is Better Prebiotics Or Probiotics

Does It Really Matter When To Take Probiotics Be It Morning Or Evening

That is up for debate. Numerous manufacturers recommend taking probiotics on an empty stomach, while some argue that you should take it with a meal regardless of what time of day it is.

When it comes to the actual science of this, certain probiotics such as Saccharomyces boulardii have been seen to survive in equal numbers under conditions of being taken both with and without food.

Whereas other bacteria such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium do better when taken up to 30 minutes before you have a meal.

It may not matter when you take a probiotic but it does matter how often you take it. By keeping consistent and having a probiotic either at the same time once every morning, or once every night youre keeping the flow of bacteria to your gut constant. In doing so you can help keep your stomach optimized with that healthy bacteria to give you better overall digestive health.

How Often Should I Be Taking Probiotics

When Is The Best Time To Take Probiotics? – When To Take Probiotics?
  • You should take the supplement daily.

Your body requires a steady supply of good bacteria to maintain good gut health.

Some may encounter diarrhea in a few initial days when taking probiotics.

With regular use, your body adapts to the changes and shows positive responses.

The main reason behind the use of probiotics is to maintain good gut health by balancing out bad bacteria and even lowering their level.

This can only be possible with a regular and uniform intake of probiotics.

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Do Probiotics Need To Be Refrigerated

In general, probiotic bacteria are naturally sensitive to heat and moisture, both of which can kill the specialized organisms and render them ineffective. This is why certain probiotic supplements require refrigeration and will include clear instructions from the manufacturer regarding storage and ideal temperature to maintain effectiveness. Luckily, since the best time to take a probiotic is on an empty stomach and your stomach is likely empty right after you wake up or before you go to bed, its also an easy time to access a refrigerator.

However, not all probiotics are in need of refrigeration. In fact, freeze-dried organismssuch as those found in our Parsley Health probioticare shelf-stable, giving them significantly longer shelf-lives than their live probiotic counterparts. Freeze-drying helps to stabilize the probiotics and allows for large amounts of bacteria to be concentrated into a smaller volumeincreasing the final products potency and amount of CFUs.

When purchasing a probiotic, be sure to read the label closely. If your probiotic requires refrigeration, ensure your retailer has kept it refrigerated or if ordering by mail, that its shipped quickly with appropriate packaging and limited exposure to heat and moisture. Freeze-dried probiotics are much more resistant to extreme temperature shiftssuch as the cold temperatures that can be experienced when being shipped in an airplaneso they can withstand air travel or shipment in hotter climates.

How To Take Probiotics

Once the decision to repair the gut is made, the selection of the appropriate probiotic is a must. This article on the best probiotics outlines the selection process in detail. Here is a list of top quality brands to consider to make the task easier given the dozens of probiotics on the market today:

Once you have your chosen supplement in hand, how to take probiotics? Morning or night? On an empty stomach or with food?

These are very common questions and the answer depends on the probiotic manufacturer, according to the staff at Biodynamic Wellness, which specializes in helping people recover their gut health.

Some probiotics are packaged in time-release capsules and some are not. Finding out this information usually requires a phone call to the manufacturer, so when in doubt, assume that they are not time release.

Since it is possible that the high acid environment of the stomach could destroy some of the probiotic bacteria:

< < It is recommended to take probiotics at the END of a meal > >

Does this mean that it isnt of any benefit to taking a probiotic on an empty stomach?

No. It just means to play it safe to ensure the probiotics are protected from any reduction in potency due to stomach acid by taking them after a meal has been consumed.

Obviously, the use of probiotics in this fashion is primarily for the health of the mouth and sinus tissues, not just the gut.

Also Check: Which Probiotics Are Best For Yeast Infection

Myth #: Stomach Acid Kills Probiotics So Taking Them Is Ineffective

Sometimes, theres a grain of truth hiding in a myth. In this case, stomach acid definitely can kill off some probiotic bacteria when you take a probiotic supplement, possibly up to 60% . However, that doesnt mean that the probiotics arent effective.

Firstly, some strains like Saccharomyces boulardii, B. animalis, and L. johnsonii arent bothered by the acidic environment of the stomach at all. They are able to pass through into the intestines totally intact and alive. But heres the really fascinating thing: Studies show that even non-viable probiotics, strains that have died off on their journey through the digestive system, still have health benefits . This underlines the fact that were still learning about how probiotics work within the human digestive system.

Ultimately, we have hundreds of well-designed clinical trials showing that probiotics are beneficial for many aspects of human health. This is the science that we should pay attention to, rather than mechanistic studies that cant fully replicate the environment within the digestive tract.

What Are The Signs You Need Probiotic Supplements

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After learning all about what a probiotic is, you might be wondering if you need a probiotic . While there’s no neon sign telling you that you need to take probiotics, anyone who is trying to maintain their overall health should consider incorporating a probiotic as part of a healthy regimen. A healthy microbiome impacts all aspects of head-to-toe wellness and a probiotic can help protect that microbiome. And certainly, if your goal is to support the health of your gut, a probiotic is a good idea.

Truly benefiting everything from digestive and heart health to immune and brain health, some specialized probiotics can even promote a healthy stress response and optimal liver function. If you have a health goal, there’s probably a probiotic for it. Talk about a Jack of all trades! That being said, if you’re still wondering if you “need” probiotics, it would be best to discuss with your healthcare provider what is right for you.

Also Check: Probiotics At Night Or Morning

Best Time To Take Probiotics

Although there hasnt been a ton of research done the best time to take probiotics, there is an older study that was published in Beneficial Microbes in December 2011 that showed that survival of all the bacteria in probiotic supplements was best when that probiotic was taken with a meal or 30 minutes before a meal. On the other hand, the bacteria in probiotic supplements that were taken 30 minutes after a meal didnt survive well.

But the researchers from the study didnt just look at the timing of probiotics. They also looked at meal composition and found that including some healthy fats, like avocado or olive oil, in your meal can help the bacteria survive too.

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How Often Should I Take Probiotics

The tricky thing about probiotics is that they don’t stay in your gut for very long. You poop them out, so in order for them to be effective, you need to take them daily until you feel better, says Tamara Freuman, RD, author of The Bloated Belly Whisperer. Any benefits from a probiotic only happen as it passes through your body, she says. Because of that, taking your probiotics at a certain time can actually make them more effective.

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The Final Thoughts: Timing Your Probiotics

Probiotics are different than regular vitamins and nutrients pills.

These small pills have live microbes in them. If taken incorrectly, they will die out even before reaching your intestine.

So, knowing when is the best time to take probiotics is necessary.

Heres a bit of help!

  • Digestive Issues: Take probiotics right after your meals having healthy fats.
  • Sleeping Issues: Take probiotics before you hit the sack.
  • Oral Issues: Take probiotics right before you hit the bed.

Whether you want general health benefits, mental health boosts, better sleep pattern, good gut health, or weight management, probiotics are for you.

So, whats the right time to take probiotics for your health benefits? Tell us in the comment section right away!

Also Check: How To Get Probiotics Into Your Gut

When Is The Best Time To Take Probiotics Morning Or Night

When is the Best Time to Take Probiotics

Knowing what is the best time of day to take a probiotic can help you receive the maximum benefits of the supplement.

Getting the timing right depends on a lot of factors.

  • Types of probiotics,
  • your goal, and
  • your daily routine.

Stomach acid can destroy the microbes even before they reach the intestines. This makes probiotics less effective.

This is why experts recommending taking probiotics in the morning. Obviously, it helps the supplement move from the stomach to the gut fast.

So, if you thinking is it best to take probiotics in the morning or at night, you have got the answer.

In the morning, the stomach is less acidic providing the supplement a better chance to reach the gut. Also, the time is easiest for daily routine.

Usually, the supplements are resident strains, transient strains, or a blend of both.

While resident strains inhabit the gut, transient strains are temporary and get excreted at the end of the digestive process.

In this case, you need to question again, should I take probiotics in the morning or at night?

For probiotics with transient bacteria, you need to have them at night.

The digestive process slows down at the night, letting the bacteria remain in your gut for longer getting you maximum benefits.

Some rare side effects are bloating. However, taking the supplement before bed reduces such symptoms.

In general, the effect alleviates in a few days.

Beginners should begin with short steps helping gut flora to flourish slowly.

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Should I Take My Probiotics With Other Medications

Even if you toss back vitamins or other medication in the morning , you should still take your probiotics at nighttime. With more time in your gut, the good bacteria can get to work healing your digestive issues. And that’s exactly what you want if you’re investing in a supplement.

The bottom line: The best time to take a probiotic is generally at nighttime before bed. But speak with your doctor before taking any sort of supplement to make sure it makes sense for you and your body/condition.

So What Could You Do Instead

Well, we recommend waiting until after breakfast to take your probiotics. One of the best things about morning time is the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables available for consumption.

Why not enjoy one as soon as possible after waking up? The fiber from these foods will help feed the probiotic bacteria and get it out of the stomach quickly.

So you could have a kefir drink with fresh berries and grated apple to get those good bacteria out there while theyre most active.

Not only that, the morning time is an excellent opportunity to eat foods rich in antioxidants, which reduce inflammation and boost energy.

Fresh orange juice or even just a few segments can help kickstart your day, and there are tons of other foods you could have.

Are you a coffee drinker? Why not try having it with lemon juice so you can get the antioxidants from the citrus fruit along with a little added vitamin C to boot!

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