Thursday, September 5, 2024

How Do Probiotics Help Babies

Are Baby Probiotics Safe For Newborns

Can Probiotics Help Soothe Colicky Babies?

Research has overwhelmingly shown that probiotics are safe and well-tolerated in healthy babies and children, in low-weight newborns, and even in the delicate digestive system of premature newborns.

Although probiotic supplementation is considered safe, in some cases it may cause probiotic-induced colic. Because of this, you should speak with your pediatrician before introducing probiotics into your babys diet.

A Day At The Ranch Store

One day at the Ranch Store we were talking about how the chicks we sold in the Spring are all grown up now , most are laying their first eggs or are in freezers .

As I have mentioned before, for chickens there is only one exit for anything that passes through their bodies. They tend to have problems in that area from time to time, and we get calls to help customers help their chickens through these difficulties.

Baby chicks can experience stress from shipping. When they arrive, we give them a special cocktail of warm water mixed with sugar, vitamins, electrolytes and probiotics. They usually arrive early in the a.m. after being in a box travelling on several different flights for 2 or 3 days. They would probably prefer Bloody Marys Im just making an assumption, if I were in their place, I would want alcohol.

We give them that special mix to prevent poopy or as I like to call it, gunky butt. This is a condition where poop sticks to the fuzz of baby chicks or feathers of adult birds to the point where it accumulates and hardens then will eventually plug the vent . If this does happen, the only treatment is too soften the poop with warm water, clean it off, dry the bird so the other birds wont pick on it and continue with probiotics in their drinking water.

Who knew raising a family flock would be so hard? In my next post I think I will teach you about what to do when your hens get egg bound. Bet you cant hardly wait.

  • Are there any side effects from taking probiotics?
  • Can Baby Probiotics Cause Gas

    According to researchers, probiotics may actually help reduce gas in babies. Studies suggest babies the bacterial makeup is different in the stomachs of babies with colic, and researchers hypothesize that these differences may cause gas, bloating, and discomfort that leads to colic.

    In a review of 12 studies to examine the effects of probiotics, researchers found that infants taking probiotics cried for about an hour less each daypossibly as a result of less gas pain.

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    Why Does My Baby Need Probiotics

    The baby years are some of the most important for microbiome development. This time forms part of the first 1000 days1 of life, which were reported by the government to be instrumental in a child’s overall development. So, having lots of the right bacteria is very important. Scientists acknowledge that a delay in the development in the first year may affect health in later childhood, teen years and adulthood. As 70% of the immune system is in the gut, this stage is also essential for healthy immune development. Find out more about the importance of probiotics for a childs immune health.

    With all this in mind, you might want to consider probiotics as a part of your babys daily routine.

    Babies are in a developmental period, so they may not suit a probiotic targeted towards older children or adults. A probiotic trialled for digestive health in adults might not work the same in infants. This is because their microbiomes are at different stages and may have different bacteria present. Some researchers call this the baby biome because it is so distinct! Probiotics designed especially for babies use bacteria that would be present naturally in the gut during these early years.

    Baby probiotics often come in different formats to adult probiotics such as powder or drops. Drops are usually the easiest way to administer probiotics to babies.

    So What Does All Of This Mean For You As A Breastfeeding Mother

    Florastor Baby Daily Probiotic Supplement 18 Powder Packets

    Probiotics are definitely something that you should consider taking especially if youre not getting enough vitamin D.

    However, its important to keep in mind that more research is needed before any definitive conclusions can be drawn. In the meantime, talk to your doctor about probiotics and breastfeeding to get their advice.

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    What Is Known About The Relationship Between Probiotics And Colic

    The available scientific evidence to date consists largely of small, preliminary studies. Most were conducted among breastfeeding infants who had colic symptoms for at least three days a week for at least two weeks.

    The main findings showed:

    • That giving the babies a daily dose or multiple doses of Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 seemed to reduce crying in infants.
    • That giving the babies a daily dose of Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 seemed to reduce crying and irritability in breastfed infants with colic symptoms, but not among formula-fed infants with colic symptoms.
    • That giving the babies a daily dose of Lactobacillus reuteri seemed to improve infantile colic symptoms when compared with no treatment, simethicone , or placebo . However, this study included only 86 infants. Moreover, it was unclear whether the active ingredient in the probiotic product contributed to its effectiveness.
    • That giving the babies a daily dose of Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 seemed to reduce crying and improve infantile colic symptoms when compared with a placebo. Moreover, it was unclear whether or not the active ingredient in the probiotic product contributed to its effectiveness.
    • Bone mineral content appeared to increase over time among infants who received Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938, but it did not change among infants who did not receive treatment. However, this study included only 24 infants.

    Adding New Foods Especially High Iron Baby Cereals & Dairy

    When babies reach the 6 month age, you begin to introduce them to new foods such as rice cereal, pureed fruits and vegetables. If your provide your baby with a rice cereal and they get too much iron, they can become constipated. Bananas, white grains and too much dairy are another common cause of constipation in babies.

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    When To Be Concerned About Baby Gas

    So youve tried tummy massages and bicycle kicks, but you just cant comfort your baby. Now what? Its a good idea to speak with your pediatrician especially if:

    • Your baby isnt gaining weight
    • Your baby isnt interested in eating
    • Your baby is struggling with constipation

    Your pediatrician can help determine the cause of your babys discomfort so he can get the relief he deserves.

    Giving Your Newborn Probiotics Read This First

    Why Your Baby Needs Probiotics For A Healthy Gut?

    If you eat yogurt, you probably have at least a vague understanding of probiotics. Theyre organisms, like good bacteria and yeasts, that aid in digestion and boost the immune system. But a new study suggests they may not be so good for newborns.

    The study looks at just one subject, a baby boy in Poland who was administered both antibiotics and a probiotic product at two days old. Although he was born full term, the baby weighed just 5 pounds and was diagnosed with intrauterine growth restriction meaning he had a slow growth rate in the womb. The antibiotics were to prevent suspected infection, while the probiotic was to prevent diarrhea from the antibiotics.

    Four days later, a blood test and genetic test confirmed he tested positive for an infection from the same strain found in the probiotic.

    Heres why were thinking this happened, and why probiotics arent the best choice for babies: because of the fragile lining of a newborns intestinal tract, some bacteria from the probiotics could seep into his bloodstream . A better choice for cultivating necessary gut bacteria is breast milk.

    Luckily, there is a happy ending: the infection only resulted in sensitivity and crying, and the baby was home by the time he reached one month old.

    Is your baby taking any medications or supplements?

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    Do Gas Drops With Probiotics Prevent Pains Better Than Traditional Gas Drops

    Probiotics are healthy bacteria that aid in the digestive process while also supporting the immune system. Liquid pediatric probiotic options are helpful for managing a variety of gastrointestinal problems in infants and children. Recent research shows that they help to reduce gas discomfort in breastfed infants . Probiotics must be given consistently and overtime in order to see their benefits.

    Breast Feeding And Colic

    Your milk is creating your infant. It seems amazing that he or she is being created only by your milk. The shape and being of this wunderkind comes from both parents but his or her substance is all yours. So what you eat is crucial.

    There are lots of helpful books about the techniques of breast feeding the LaLeche League has many written materials available, and, can often offer one-to-one help for breast feeding mothers. A book, The Womanly Art of Breast feeding is another resource. The Continum Concept, a wonderful book about the observation of the child rearing practices by a primitive South American tribe is a real eye-opener for many of us. Now to specifics.

    Your food choices are crucial for your infants nutrition and easy digestion. Do:

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    Probiotics And Gut Health

    A healthy gut is better at keeping harmful substances out and is less prone to inflammation. It may help to protect against both short-term digestive issues – like diarrhoea – and long-term digestive issues – like IBS .

    In recent years, many adults have turned to probiotic foods or supplements to improve their gut health, to treat diarrhoea, and to ease IBS symptoms.

    “As 70% of the immune system is found in the gut, it can also aid with the development of the immune system in babies,” adds Kumaran.

    This is why an increasing number of parents are attempting to boost their child’s probiotic levels – the “good gut bacteria” – by taking baby probiotics during pregnancy, and after birth through baby probiotics. These products are now widely available in formulas, foods, and supplements marketed for babies and toddlers.

    Benefits Of Probiotics For Infants

    Benefits of BB

    Probiotics have been found to be helpful in treating conditions like diarrhea and eczema in infants. They may also help in managing allergies, preventing urinary tract infections, and relieving symptoms of colic in infants.

    Other conditions that probiotics may help manage include:

    • Acute infectious diarrhea
    • Chronic inflammatory bowel disease

    Atopic diseases. Infants who are at risk of getting atopic conditions may benefit from probiotic supplements. This is especially helpful for formula-fed infants. Some studies also suggest that probiotics might also be beneficial when taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    Necrotizing enterocolitis. Preterm infants are at a high risk of contracting necrotizing enterocolitis. This is because of antibiotic administration after birth and the limited development of normal digestive microorganisms. Probiotic supplements may help preterm or low-birth-weight infants develop these vital microorganisms.

    Diarrhea. Probiotics help prevent diarrhea in some instances. These supplements have been found to delay the symptoms of acute infectious diarrhea in children and otherwise healthy infants.

    Chronic inflammatory bowel disease. Probiotics may be helpful in the management of chronic inflammatory bowel disease together with or as a replacement for medications prescribed for this condition. However, there is no conclusive research demonstrating whether it actually works as a treatment of this condition in infants.

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    Is Thrush Contagious From Baby To Baby

    Thrush is not considered to be contagious and cannot be passed from baby to baby. The risk of them developing the infection can be increased if babies are sharing bottles, dummies or toys that they put in their mouths and the infection is already present. Make sure to regularly sterilise bottles, dummies and toys to help kill any bacteria that could lead to infections.

    What Infant Gas Drops Are Safe And Effective

    Infant gas drops contain simethicone, which breaks up gas bubbles and is also the main ingredient in common anti-gas medications for adults. Research as to how effective they are is mixed. Still, simethicone gas drops for babies are very safe, and some parents find theyre very effective.

    Want to try infant gas drops to help your gassy baby? First, talk to your pediatrician about what kind to look for and how often to give them. And follow the dosing instructions on the bottle. Most will say you can give your baby drops up to 12 times per day, or at each feeding. Some parents find its helpful to give babies gas drops right before each feed to pre-empt gas problems, but check with your doctor to be sure.

    Read the label and be sure to avoid drops with sodium benzoate or benzoic acid, which can be harmful to babies in large quantities.

    And if a friend or relative brings a gas treatment from another country or one that isnât approved by the Food and Drug Administration , donât give it to your baby unless you get approval from your pediatrician. It could contain alcohol, sugar or other potentially harmful ingredients that arenât clearly listed on the packaging.

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    Infant Probiotics Baby Colic & Other Digestive Issues

    Your babys tummy was born sterile, and can struggle to handle the other bacteria entering its system through breastmilk, formula, or solid foods.

    Parents will often see that struggle through colicky crying, gassiness, constipation, reflux, and even eczema.

    Introducing infant probiotics at an early age can lower the crying time significantly,according to this study. They have been shown to be an important piece of digestion and nutrient absorption.

    In other words, let me state this clearly They are vital to your babys developing immune system.

    Baby Probiotics vs. Gripe Water and Gas Drops

    One study, published by Pediatrics, found that the babies given probiotics were only crying for 51 minutes a day after four weeks, compared with 145 minutes for the infants who were given simethicone .

    Wow. That is quite a drop in scream time.

    Thats because gas drops and gripe water are targeting bubbles in the tummy. Infant probiotics go a lot deeper than that. They target the bubbles and discomfort that are focused in the intestines.

    Scientific Research On This Condition

    Can probiotics help with baby colic ?

    The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that infants are exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of life, yet many parents find themselves supplementing with formula due to breastfeeding challenges.

    Formula-feeding has been linked to an increased risk of gastroesophageal reflux disease in babies and research suggests that probiotics may offer a solution.

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    Remedies For Baby Constipation

    There are several remedies you can use to help your baby relieve their constipation.

    • If breast fed, change moms diet to remove any potential allergens.
    • If formula fed, change formula.
    • If eating solids, try giving your baby high fiber foods such as broccoli, pears, prunes, peaches, skinless apples.
    • Offer high fiber cooked grains, such as oats, barley, and quinoa.
    • Increase the amount of fluids you give to your child. Often lack of fluids is the cause for constipation.
    • Give baby exercise. If walking, take baby out for a walk. If not, move their legs with a bicycle motion.
    • Gently massage babys tummy several times a day.

    Why Babies Benefit From Probiotics

    Probiotics for babiesexplained!

    Parenthood may be one of the most challenging times of your lifeespecially in your babys early months, when both of you are trying to figure out and navigate your new worlds. Youre on a day-to-day learning curve. And, Google may have become your best friend during late night feedings. Yet, while its helpful to have so much information at your fingertips, you can easily get bombarded with the amount of online opinions about which trends you should try. Case in point: infant probiotics. Theyve gained significant traction and praise in recent years. But, how do you even know if theyre actually worth giving a shot? To help you decide, were here to dig into probiotics for babies.

    Keep reading to learn what probiotics are, potential probiotics benefits, and how incorporating infant probiotics into your daily routine may help promote your babys health. After all, no one likes the feeling of an upset stomachand understanding babies tummy troubles is our specialty.

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    What Do Probiotics Do For Babies

    “The first five years of a child’s life are essential for the optimal development of their gut microbiome. Baby probiotics may aid with this development,” advises Dr Nirusa Kumaran, medical director and founder of Elemental Health Clinic.

    The gut microbiome refers to the microbes that live in your digestive system. If you have enough of the right kind of microbes, they help to keep your gut – and the rest of you – healthy. Having the wrong balance of microbes is called dysbiosis, which has been linked to a wide variety of medical conditions, from irritable bowel syndrome to type 2 diabetes and allergy-related conditions such as eczema and asthma.

    Probiotics are live healthy bacteria and yeasts which have been shown to contribute to a healthy gut microbiome. The term ‘probiotics’ is also commonly used to refer to foods or food supplements which contain high quantities of these healthy microbes.

    Do Probiotics Help With Colic

    Boost Your Baby

    Your precious newborn is healthy, fed, and diaper clean, but has been crying non-stop for hours. Youve tried everything to calm your infant and nothing works. Crying in a healthy infant is to be expected and usually means that the baby needs you. But prolonged and intense crying in a healthy infant can be symptomatic of colic.

    What is Colic?

    According to the Mayo Clinic, Colic is frequent, prolonged and intense crying or fussiness in a healthy infant. Colic is seen in newborns and usually peaks when an infant is around six weeks old, declining after three to four months of age.1Colic can be extremely frustrating for parents as the crying and distress appear to be for no reason and consoling doesnt help calm the infant. While colic does not cause short-term or long-term medical problems for a child, managing colic adds significant stress to caring for your newborn child.

    Signs of Colic in Babies

    Its completely normal for infants to fuss and cry. When it comes to colic, the crying goes beyond what you might consider normal crying and is defined as crying for three or more hours a day, three or more days a week, for three or more weeks.1 Here are some of the signs of colic:1

    • Intense crying as if in pain
    • Crying for no apparent reason
    • Extreme fussiness even after crying has diminished
    • Crying around the same time each day
    • Reddening of the face or paler skin around the mouth when crying
    • Pulled up or stiffened legs, stiffened arms, clenched fists, arched back, or tense abdomen

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