Saturday, July 13, 2024

What Is The Best Probiotic For Histamine Intolerance

Fermentation Helps Break Down Anti

Histamine Intolerance? This Probiotic May Help

Some foods have compounds called anti-nutrients that reduce your ability to absorb the nutrients you eat.

A common one is called phytic acid that blocks iron, zinc, and calcium absorption .

For this reason, most people, especially vegans or vegetarians, benefit from fermenting seeds, nuts, and legumes.

Thats because fermenting helps to break down phytic acid.

Fermenting grains, seeds, and beans decrease the phytic acid via the formation of organic acid .

These acids promote phytate breakdown.

Tip: try fermenting your own seeds in water and apple cider vinegar overnight before eating to enhance absorption and add probiotics.

Reduce Stress And Improve Your Lifestyle

Since chronic stress and poor lifestyle choices can trigger histamine intolerance and increase gut health issues, I recommend that you follow a healthy and anti-inflammatory lifestyle that doesnt cause increased histamine. Get plenty of sleep. Exercise regularly. Reduce your stress levels through meditation, breathwork, journaling, yoga, time in nature, quality me-time, and uplifting activities with friends and family. Along with dietary changes, its important that you eliminate toxic personal care and cleaning products as well and instead use organic, natural, or homemade products.

For very sensitive people that seem to have trouble tolerating a lot of foods and/or supplements, I highly recommend this The Gupta Course, for brain retraining. Here is Ashok Gupta on our Health Babes podcast explaining his method. Take a listen!

This Really Seems To Help With My Histamine Intolerance

I’m several months into a histamine lowering regimen that includes these probiotics and a very low histamine diet. These have really helped to ’empty the bucket’ of histamines I’ve been dealing with and my symptoms are much more manageable. Thank you! ~Sierra

Key Ingredients In ProBiota HistaminX

  • Histamine-friendly probiotics: Support the bodys response to food-derived histamine, specifically excluding strains known to produce histamine.
  • Acid-resistant capsules: Protect probiotics from stomach acid to help deliver them intact to the gut.
  • Inulin-Free: Does not contain inulin for those who are sensitive to prebiotics and carbohydrates.

Why ProBiota HistaminX Works

Histamine is metabolized in your body via your DAO enzymes. Due to genetic variations, some individuals have slower DAO enzymes. Your DAO enzymes can also become stressed from your environment or lifestyle. This can slow down histamine metabolism, leading to high histamine levels. DAO enzymes can be further slowed by leaky gut, alcohol, and certain drugs. Slow enzyme activity combined with high-histamine foods can cause high histamine levels in your body. This, in turn, can lead to increased levels of inflammation and histamine intolerance in a vicious cycle.

ProBiota HistaminX

**Daily Value not established.

Other Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, vegetarian capsule , L-leucine, and silica.

How to Use ProBiota HistaminX

Suggested Use


How to Enhance ProBiota HistaminX

Consider Pulsing

Don’t Miss: Probiotics Or Gripe Water For Baby

Dysbiosis Sibo And Histamine Intolerance

Your gut is full of histamine receptors. The problem is that if you are dealing with gut health issues and gastrointestinal diseases, the expression of these histamine receptors can be altered .

According to a 2018 study published in the Journal of Physiological Pharmacology, both leaky gut syndrome and gut inflammation can lead to a gut bacterial imbalance that may contribute to histamine intolerance. In fact, a 2016 study published in the Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology has found that about 30 to 55 percent of people with digestive issues also have histamine intolerance due to the overgrowth of histamine producing bacteria .

According to a 2010 study published in the Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, SIBO, which is a specific type of gut dysbiosis can lead to a lower or loss of tolerance to dietary histamine. A 2010 review published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology notes that the symptoms of histamines and SIBO often overlap indicating that at least some people have both conditions .

Which Strains Of Bacteria Dont Produce Histamine

Low Histamine Probiotics

Several strains of bacteria dont produce histamine and can therefore be used by people with histamine intolerance. Its even mentioned in articles that some of these strains might be useful in reducing the allergic symptoms caused by elevated histamine levels.

Strains such as Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium infantis, Bifidobacterium longum, Lactobacillus Plantarum, and possibly Lactobacillus reuteri do not appear to produce histamine.

Nonetheless, one should note that every human differs in certain aspects. What works for some might not be for you. Instead, you might suffer from some non-appealing side effects as well. Thus, you need to figure out what works best for you.

Don’t Miss: What Are Prebiotics And Probiotics

Identify The Right Probiotic Strain

Each probiotic supplement contains a specific strain. You need to understand that it is not really the genus nor the species that is important but its strain . For Lactobacillus rhamnosus, for example, there are a lot of strains available, all of which produce different effects on the body. That is why before buying any probiotic supplement, make sure the details of the strain are being made clear on the label or packaging.

Small Changes In Product Size & Weight Lead To Lower Carbon Emissions

We created Compact by Design to identify products that, while they may not always look very different, have a more efficient design. With the removal of excess air and water, products require less packaging and become more efficient to ship. At scale, these small differences in product size and weight lead to significant carbon emission reductions.

Recommended Reading: What Yogurt Is Good For Probiotics

What Are Inflammatory Bowel And Digestive Diseases

Inflammatory bowel diseases are chronic inflammatory conditions that affect the digestive tract. Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis are the two common IBDs that people suffer from. Crohns disease can affect any of all areas of your gut and most commonly affects your colon and small bowel, whereas ulcerative colitis affects your colon or large intestine only. IBDs are closely linked to low DAO enzymes due to increased inflammation in the body. IBDs can also increase histamine release as a part of your bodys defense mechanism. No wonder that IBDs can increase your risk of histamine intolerance.

Best Probiotic Strains To Help Sibo

Probiotics and Histamine Intolerance: AVOID REACTIONS

Probiotic strains that may help with SIBO symptoms include:

  • Saccharomyces boulardii is actually yeast and has anti-inflammatory effects in the gut while inactivating pathogenic toxins and stimulating gut cell growth .
  • Bacillus coagulans, help the bacteria in the gut colonize, promotes immune stimulation, and can help with oxalate digestion decreasing the risk of kidney issues.
  • Bacillus subtilis produces over 12 natural antibiotics to keep your gut free of harmful bacteria. Ferments vitamin K in the gut and supports gut repair by increasing IgA and butyrate .
  • Bacillus clausii helps synthesize IgA an inflammatory and gut repairing immunoglobulin.
  • Bifidobacterium lactis reduces SIBO symptoms when combined with other probiotics
  • Lactobacillus acidophilus used in research to reduce SIBO symptoms
  • Lactobacillus plantarumcombined with the above 2 strains, helps with SIBO
  • Lactobacillus gasseriaids in constipation
  • Bifidobacterium longum-decreases bloating and constipation

Keep in mind, only the strains listed at the top of this post are good for both SIBO and histamine intolerance.

Also Check: Garden Of Life Probiotics 5 Day Maxcare

Which Probiotic Strains To Avoid If You Have Sibo And Mast Cell Activation Syndrome Or Histamine Intolerance

SIBO may also be a cause or contributing factor of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance.

SIBO is an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine.

A faulty Migrating Motor Complex may be to blame.

The MMC moves food through the stomach and small intestine. When it isnt working well, food doesnt move through the gut like it should.

Then SIBO is more likely to occur.

Most of our gut bacteria are supposed to be in the large intestine/colon. When the sphincter between the two doesnt close properly, bacteria from the colon can back up into the small intestine.

This is not good. The small intestine is where absorption is supposed to take place. If its overrun with bacteria that dont belong there, absorption isnt as good. The lining can get compromised. Next thing you know, youve got a leaky gut.

This can lead to chronic inflammation, food sensitivities, poor absorption of nutrients, and even autoimmune disease.

If the overgrowth involves a lot of histamine-producing bacteria, thats going to lead or contribute to Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance.

Because SIBOis already an overgrowth of bacteria, adding additional bacteria from probiotics into the mix could be a problem. But, it depends on which types of probiotic bacteria you are adding.

It is really specific to you. If you have an overgrowth of a particular species or strain, then adding more of that species or strain in a probiotic will likely make you feel worse.

How About A Low Fodmap Diet

While people commonly follow a low FODMAP diet for SIBO, the fact is, no research shows that it helps long-term. For clarification, a low FODMAP diet limits fermentable carbohydrates in the diet.

Surprisingly, a low FODMAP diet may do more harm than good because it can result in an altered microbiome over time.

Granted, you may experience some short-term relief from following a low fermentable carbohydrate diet if you are miserable.

Everyone is different and your diet should be tailored to work for you.

Related: Do You Need Low FODMAP Tea for IBS?

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Which Strains Of Bacteria Produce Histamine

According to optibac probiotics, bacteria used to ferment food such as yogurt should be avoided. Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus bulgaricus are the two such strains that are most commonly used in fermented products. However, its worthy to note that not all strains within these bacterial species produce histamines.

Importantly, a bacterial strain called Lactobacillus paracasei CASEI 431®, a clinically tested strain, doesnt produce histamine. The abovementioned strain belongs to a species called Paracasei, not to be confused with Casei.

What Is Histamine Intolerance

5 BEST Probiotic for Histamine Intolerance!

Histamine itself isnt a bad thing. Its a biochemical that is normally produced by immune cells during specific immune responses. The effects it produces may be unpleasant, but theyre necessary.

When you get a congested nose with seasonable allergies, thats histamine doing its thing. However, it is involved in hives, bronchoconstriction, vasodilation, altered blood pressure, and immune responses to bug stings and bites.

Research shows that histamine promotes gastric acid secretion and behaves like a neurotransmitter that can inhibit or increase your bodys release of other neurotransmitters.

The only time histamine is a bad thing is when you make too much or your body cant break it down quickly enough.

You might be unable to break down histamine if you have:

  • A deficiency of Diamine Oxidase. Some histamine intolerance may stem from your body simply not having enough diamine oxidase, which breaks down the histamine in your body. If you dont have the proper amount of diamine oxidase, histamine can build up and cause problems.
  • Bad gut bacteria. Many gut bacteria degrade histamine. If you dont have sufficient strains of histamine-degrading bacteria, your body wont be able to degrade enough histamine, and this increases the histamine load on your body.
  • HNMT deficiency. Your body produces another enzyme that degrades histamine. This is histamine N-methyltransferase, also known as HNMT. A deficiency in this will affect the amount of histamines in your body.
  • Itching

Read Also: What Probiotics Are Good For Vagina

Top 10 Best Vitamins For Histamine Intolerance Of 2022 Review And Buying Guide

It is fairly typical to be perplexed regarding which vitamins for histamine intolerance to buy. This difficulty occurs because to the wide variety of vitamins for histamine intolerance available on the market. To help you choose the finest vitamins for histamine intolerance available on the market, we have produced a detailed guide.

Low Levels Of Dao Enzyme

The DAO enzyme is responsible for breaking down histamine in the digestive tract. Low DAO activity can lead to excess histamine and histamine intolerance symptoms. Low DAO levels have been associated with two Inflammatory Bowel Disease conditions Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis .

Genetics also play an important role in levels of DAO enzyme. Some people have variations in the genes that affect DAO enzyme function. If those gene variants are turned on, that person may be less efficient at breaking down dietary histamine due to a shortage of DAO enzyme .

Read Also: Probiotics At Night Or Morning

Are There Probiotic Strains That You Should Avoid

Yes, definitely. I learned the hard way on this one. Trying to experiment with making my own yogurt, I purchased a culture to make my yogurt containing Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Oops

Lactobacillus bulgaricus can be found in many popular yogurt brands, i.e. Fage. Always, read the labels on yogurt and other fermented products to see what strains that they are using. Avoid products that do not properly list probiotics strains.

Probiotic strains that are histamine producers:

  • Lactobacillus bulgaricus
  • Lactobacillus reuteri
  • S. thermophilus*

These stains should be avoided. Along with fermented products, be careful with probiotic supplements. Always read the label. For instance, S.thermophilus is commonly used in broad-spectrum supplemental probiotics.

Easier To Clean And Use

Best Probiotic Strains For SIBO, IBS and Histamine Issues

Everyone loves a good product that will last longer without breaking or needing maintenance to keep it running smoothly! We all have busy lives, so its best to buy something that will save you time on daily tasks instead of wasting hours weekly.

This best supplement for histamine intolerance is easy to maintain because of its simple design, making it very easy to clean! You can wash your best item in about 10 seconds or less! And best of all, if you do run into any trouble with your product, you can take advantage of the products warranty and get it replaced for free.

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How To Choose The Most Popular Vitamins For Histamine Intolerance

The three most crucial criteria to consider are price, quality, and popularity.Price is an obvious factor to consider, as you want to ensure it is acceptable for your needs.Quality should also be examined because buying a low-quality goods will not help you achieve your main aim of obtaining the best product.Finally, while not as obvious as price or quality, popularity can be just as significant as both when it comes to attracting new customers.

Avoid Histamine Producing Probiotic Strains

There hasnt been too much study around the topic but based on the research available, scientists believe that some probiotic strains produce histamine. When youre taking probiotics with histamine intolerance, you really want to avoid these strains.

So, thats the first step to getting the benefits of probiotics while avoiding adverse side effects when youre histamine intolerant. Here are the probiotic strains you definitely dont want to be taking

Lactobacillus reuteri

This probiotic has anti-inflammatory properties and helps in fighting infections. It decreases the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and can lower cholesterol. However, it produces histamine, so it is not a good choice if you have histamine intolerance.

Lactobacillus helveticus

L. helveticus has several positive probiotic effects. They include its ability to remain alive in the stomach, reaching the intestine while still alive. It also helps your natural defenses against disease, may help in reducing cholesterol, and prevent or reduce the duration of diarrhea.

L. helveticus alleviates the symptoms of lactose intolerance and exerts activities against pathogens. These are valid benefits, but you may want to wait until your histamine levels are balanced before you begin using it since it is a histamine producer.

Lactobacillus casei

This probiotic also inhibits vaginosis and Candida. On the other hand, L. casei does produce histamine and can lead to histamine intolerance symptoms.

Also Check: Best Probiotic To Treat Bv

Species That May Need To Be Avoided:

Based on the small amount of research available, it is thought that some of the bacteria used to ferment yoghurt and fermented foods could potentially exacerbate histamine production, so many people with histamine intolerance choose to avoid these types of foods. Typically, these are strains of Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus bulgaricus. We would say that its important to remember that strains within a species of bacteria may react in a different way, and so not all strains within these species will have this effect, but if you’re in doubt then avoid these species to be sure.

N.B: It should be noted that Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus paracasei are not the same species and they can be differentiated using a lab technique called 16S microbial sequencing. A good example of this is Lactobacillus paracasei CASEI 431®: although its strain name contains the word casei, Lactobacillus paracasei CASEI 431® actually belongs to the species paracasei whereas Lactobacillus casei belongs to the species casei. Importantly, Lactobacillus paracasei CASEI 431® has been tested and found not to produce histamine.

Supplements To Support Healthy Histamine Levels*

5 BEST Probiotic for Histamine Intolerance!

1. Histamine-Friendly Probiotic

Histamine intolerance is exacerbated by poor gut health. Your gut bacteria play essential roles in supporting healthy inflammatory processes, digestion, and even histamine metabolism. You have probably heard that probiotics are a powerful tool for adding good bacteria back into your intestines. When you work with your health professional to treat your histamine intolerance, they will likely prescribe you a probiotic to help support your gut lining, and therefore, your response to food-derived histamine.*

But did you know that many probiotics can actually produce histamine?

If you are taking a probiotic to help support healthy histamine metabolism, it may actually worsen your symptoms! Why? Bacteria can naturally produce histamine. Therefore, it is important to find a probiotic that is formulated to avoid strains known to produce histamine in the gut!*

Dr. Lynch formulated this very probiotic, called ProBiota HistaminX which is a one-of-a-kind probiotic formulated to avoid strains known to produce excess histamine in the gut. These probiotic species include both lactobacillus and bifidobacterium, specifically chosen to support a healthy microbiome for those intolerant to histamine. It supports your guts natural response to ingested histamine, healthy bacterial balance, healthy skin, and normal inflammatory processes.*

2. The DAO Enzyme

3. DAO Enzyme + Cofactors

This graphic shows how histamine is processed in your body.

4. Herbal Support

Read Also: How Fast Do Probiotics Work For Yeast Infection

Make Sure To Also Eat Foods Full Of Probiotics Too

Fermented foods have long been a traditional staple in all areas of the globe.

Not only is fermentation a form of preservation, this also increases digestibility, enhances nutrients, and minerals for absorption.

Probiotic foods that are fermented contain beneficial food for your gut bacteria and also increase the amount of nutrients absorbed.

For example, Natto has three times the amount of vitamin B1 and vitamin B2 and 5 times the amount of vitamin B12 than soybeans alone.

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