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Will Probiotics Help With Constipation In Babies

When Should You Start Your Child On Probiotics

Why Your Baby Needs Probiotics For A Healthy Gut?

Probiotics can be introduced to children at a young age because they have no negative effects on the child. They are, however, unnecessary for children whose only source of nutrition is breast milk. Probiotics are usually given only after the child begins eating solid foods. This is due to the childs increased exposure to the environment, putting the child at risk of being attacked by dangerous microorganisms.

Nonetheless, your child may be getting enough friendly bacteria from everyday foods such as yoghurt and vegetables. If children have been given antibiotics on a regular basis, probiotics are introduced earlier. This is due to the fact that those medications typically remove the bacteria that have colonized the gut, leaving your intestinal tract vulnerable to infections and attacks.

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How Can You Give Probiotics To Infants

Probiotics are available in liquid and powder forms, both of which are easy to give to the child. The supplements in the liquid form can be mixed into the regular diet of the child, be it breast milk or solid food. It can also be given to the child directly. If the supplement is in powdered form, you can dip your finger in it and make your child suck the powder off your finger. This also ensures that the supplement is absorbed by the body instantly.

How Baby Probiotics Can Help With Colic

Approximately 30% of all infants suffer from colic which manifests as inconsolable crying. Recent studies have found that infant probiotic supplements containing L. reuteri bacteria show promise for the treatment of colicky babies.

Colic babies and toddlers who received this probiotic supplement had a reduction in average time spent crying. This investigation points to the positive effect that probiotic supplements can sometimes have in reducing colic symptoms.

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Can Probiotics Help With Chronic Constipation

Occasional irregularity is one thing, but chronic constipation can significantly impact quality of life. In fact, its the most common digestive complaint in the U.S. and accounts for 92,000 hospitalizations annually.

Factors that often lead to chronic constipation include:

  • Presence of underlying health problems
  • Some medications like opioids or certain cancer treatments

The causes of whats known as functional gastrointestinal and bowel disorders are complicated, multifactorial, and not yet completely understood. Even still, researchers believe probiotics can play a role in improving the quality of life for those who experience issues.

Lots of research focuses on the role probiotics can play to ease constipation. The problem is that since probiotic supplements are designed differently, the results on a larger scale are hard to interpret.

Nevertheless, a recent meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials found 14 of best-designed studies on probiotics and chronic constipation, and concluded that they do in fact produce quantifiable results.

Specifically, the analysis determined probiotic supplements increased gut transit timethe time it takes for food to move through the digestive systemby about 12 hours, and clinical study participants had 1.3 times more bowel movements per week on average. Bloating was reduced, and stool consistency improved.

Reasons To Use Pre And Probiotics For Constipation In Children

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To summarize, here are our top 3 reasons pre and probiotics can help relieve constipation in children :

  • Probiotics help create a healthy microbiome in the GI tract that helps the poop slide out easier.

  • Prebiotics feed the probiotics so they stay healthy and continue doing their job.

  • Using both probiotics and prebiotics helps keep your childs microbiome healthy which relieves constipation and other GI issues.

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    What Does Constipated Baby Poop Look Like

    When baby constipation is to blame, babys poop comes out in hard balls. We often use the Bristol Stool Scale, which shows the range of stool textures from one to seven: One is rabbit-like, pellet-shaped poop, and seven is pure liquid, Santo Domingo says. We define constipated stool as anything that falls into levels one through three, with three looking like a collection of grapes or corn on the cob.

    Myth #: Its Obvious When A Child Is Constipated

    REALITY: Constipation is commonly missed, even by doctors. I X-ray my patients who present with bedwetting or accidents, and more than 90 percent are shown to be severely constipated. Yet only about 5 percent of parents had any inkling, and most of these patients were referred by pediatricians who missed the boat.

    Its common for doctors to feel a childs belly, ask about pooping frequency, and pronounce the child not constipated. But giant masses of poop can hide in the rectums of very young, lean children! On an X-ray, a rectal diameter greater than 3 cm indicates constipation. Most children who wet the bed or have accidents have rectums 6-7 cm wide.

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    Some Probiotics May Help Treat Chronic Constipation In Babies According To A New Study

    Edited By: Updated: Jul 5, 2010 09:32 IST2-Min ReadconstipationChildren

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    Which Probiotics Are Safe For Children

    Probiotics for constipation and gut health in children and young people with Down’s syndrome

    While many researchers believe that having a balanced microbiome is important in infants and children, the use of probiotics and their potential benefits needs more study, since some children can experience gas or bloating with probiotics.

    Cows milk isnt recommended for children to ingest until they are at least a year old, but yogurt is safe for babies between 4 and 8 months. However, you should always check with your pediatrician before adding any supplement or probiotic food to your childs diet.

    Children who are chronically ill or who have compromised immune systems should never be given probiotics due to the potential for serious side effects.

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    Baby Constipation: When To Worry

    Baby constipation can be pesky, but its typically not cause for concern. Still, if constipation lasts for two or more weeks or if its accompanied by other symptoms, including fever and abdominal swelling, reach out to your pediatrician, recommends the Mayo Clinic. If you see blood in your childs stool, youll also want to check in to make sure there are no other issues at play.

    Which Probiotics For Child Constipation Work Greatest

    Now that weve coated what probiotics are, in addition to constipation in your toddler, chances are youll be able to strive a probiotic to assist your childs constipation. In accordance Reuters, Babies taking probiotics, had considerably extra bowel actions than infants on the placebo after two, 4, and eight weeks, suggesting an enchancment of their constipation. At first of the research, the probiotic infants had, on common, lower than three bowel actions per week. By week eight, that they had a median of virtually 5.

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    How To Give Baby Powdered Probiotics

    • For powdered probiotics, following the dosage suggestions on your product packaging. Most mamas add baby probiotic powder to breast milk or formula.
    • Alternatively, you can put the powdered probiotics directly on your breasts before feeding. To do so, apply my DIY nipple cream, then sprinkle the probiotic powder directly on top.
    • When baby is eating solids, mix their baby probiotics into babys water cup or food.

    Can Switching From Breast Milk To Formula Cause Constipation

    Mommys Bliss Baby Probiotic Drops Everyday  Gas, Constipation, Colic ...

    If youve recently switched to formula after exclusively breastfeeding your baby, you may notice changes in your babys poop. Its not uncommon for it to become harder or change color.

    You may also notice an increase in gas, particularly if your baby is transitioning to using a bottle. Every baby is different though, and you may not notice much of a change.

    Looking at supermarket formula displays can be enough to set your head spinning.

    First, there are three different forms of formula you can choose from:

    Then, within these forms, they may be:

    Some formulas advertise themselves as easier to digest.

    This can be because they are homogenized, which means theyre processed in a way that breaks down molecules for easier absorption. Or they may be made with ingredients designed to be easier on the digestive system.

    For many parents, the answer lies in asking fellow parents and caregivers about their experiences with formula and researching the ingredients to find one that feels right.

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    How To Select And Use Probiotics

    Picking the right probiotic is key to treating constipation, as certain strains may not be as effective as others.

    Look for supplements that contain the following strains of bacteria, which have been shown to improve stool consistency (

    • Lactobacillus reuteri
    • Bifidobacterium longum

    Although there is no specific recommended dosage for probiotics, most supplements pack 110 billion colony-forming units per serving .

    For best results, use them only as directed and consider decreasing your dosage if you experience persistent side effects.

    Given that supplements may take several weeks to work, stick to one specific type for 34 weeks to evaluate its effectiveness before switching.

    Alternatively, try including a variety of probiotic foods in your diet.

    Fermented foods like kimchi, kombucha, kefir, natto, tempeh, and sauerkraut are all rich in beneficial bacteria, as well as plenty of other important nutrients.


    Certain strains of probiotics may be more effective than others at treating constipation. Aside from taking supplements, you can eat fermented foods to increase your probiotic intake.

    Do Probiotics Make Your Poop Stink

    Probiotics donât usually make your poop stink according to the customer reviews I have researched. When you take probiotics you may experience a Herxheimer reaction which is when bad bacteria die off.

    This could change the consistency, shape, and in rare cases, the smell of your poop but more research is needed. Foods high in sulfur like dairy, eggs, some vegetables, and cheese can make your poop stink so if you are drinking a lot of kefir milk or eating a lot of natural prebiotic foods this could make your poop stink.

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    Parents Often Worry Unnecessarily

    Parents often become concerned about infant constipation when they observe normal changes in their babyâs bowel habits and behavior, which commonly occur around 2 â 6 weeks of age. Itâs around this age that the frequency of babiesâ bowel motions often decreases, . It is also around this age that many babies are first observed to strain when having a bowel motion or passing gas.

    Unfortunately, these changes frequently occur at a time when many babies are becoming increasingly irritable and so parents naturally assume there is a connection. However, in most situations changes in bowel habits have nothing to do with an infantâs irritable behavior.

    Itâs not the frequency of bowel motions or straining that determines if your baby is constipated itâs the consistency of his stools.

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    Myth #: Constipation In Kids Is Basically Harmless

    Kids and Probiotics: Mayo Clinic Radio

    REALITY: Occasional clogged pipes are no big deal, but chronic constipation can plague a child into adulthood. When a child withholds, poop piles up in the rectum, an organ not designed as a storage facility. A large, hard mass forms, not only causing discomfort but also, in many cases, stretching the rectum so it presses against and aggravates the bladder. The child may need to pee constantly or urgently, or the bladder may hiccup and spontaneously empty. A rectal clog also can flatten the bladder, making it impossible for the child to hold pee overnight.

    Over time, a stretched-out rectum loses tone and sensation, and poop may just drop out without the child even noticing. Chronic constipation is also the major cause of recurrent urinary tract infections in young girls.

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    Can Probiotics Cause Constipation

    Probiotics are safe for the majority of the population, but side effects can occur. The most common side effects are a temporary increase in gas, bloating, constipation and thirst. Some people can react poorly to ingredients used in supplements or in the diet. Probiotics have been shown to reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, such as colon and rectal cancer.

    They have also been linked to a reduction in inflammatory bowel disease, including Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis. In addition, studies have shown that people who consume a high-fiber, low-calorie diet are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who do not.

    Baby Constipation Home Remedies

    For baby constipation relief, you can try giving infants under 6 months with hard bowel movements some waterabout one ounce. Heard of giving apple or prune juice for baby constipation? Babies 6 to 12 months can have two to four ounces of apple, pear or prune juice a day until their stools soften. The sugars in juice basically bring water into the bowel to help soften the bowel movement, Santo Domingo says.

    You may have been told that using a rectal thermometer can help offer some infant constipation relief, but Santo Domingo doesnt recommend any kind of rectal stimulation as a remedy. You always run the risk of perforation, especially given that that area could be irritated, she says.

    She also discourages giving baby mineral oil or Karo syrup for baby constipation. Weve found that it doesnt help. Karo syrup doesnt soften the stoolit just coats it to make it easier to pass, but youre still passing a large stool. And with mineral oil, there have been some reports of aspiration.

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    What Is The Best Time Of Day To Give My Baby Probiotics

    The best time to give probiotics for constipation is either first thing in the morning before their first feeding, or last thing at night after their last feeding. Be sure to read the recommended time on the packaging if the probiotic you choose for your baby.

    Some probiotics recommend taking on an empty stomach, whereas other recommend taking it with food.

    I hope this guide helped you to find the best probiotics for baby constipation! With this information in mind, you should be in a great position to make the right choice for your family. As your baby grows older, be sure to check out my post about the Best Probiotics for Kids!

    Note: Before using any of these products for your child, please consult with your pediatrician on the proper dosing and to make sure they approve of the probiotic you have chosen. Im not a doctor and this post is not meant as medical advice.

    Are Probiotics Safe For Kids Heres What You Need To Know

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    You may have passed them in the health food aisle at your local grocery store or seen a reference to them in your favorite healthy living blog probiotics.

    Many adults use these supplements to help regulate their digestive systems. Some claim that probiotics can help with conditions like eczema and even yeast infections.

    But probiotics dont always work the same for children.

    Probiotics are useful for keeping your digestive tract healthy, says Dr. Joy Drass, pediatrician at Geisinger Port Matilda. But its important to know which probiotics you can give to your child, since they may not work the same way they do in adults.

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    Bacteria And Your Gut

    The human GI tract is inhabited by trillions of bacteria. In fact, our bodies contain more bacterial cells than human cells! All bacteria are not created equal, however. While some cause illness, many other types are beneficialeven essentialfor good health.

    Along with housing all those bacteria , the GI tract serves as the body’s largest reservoir of immune cells, making it one of the most important lines of defense against infection. This makes sense when you think about the number of bacteria that enter our bodies through our mouths.

    And when we consider all the things that babies and children put into their mouths, you can begin to see why the GI tract plays such a big role in fighting off infection.

    Good bacteria, such as those found in probiotics, are the workhorses of the gut, maintaining a healthy environment for your immune cells so that they can function effectively to keep you from getting sick.

    Regularly eating foods or taking supplements that contain probiotics is one way to help increase the numbers of good bacteria so that they out-compete the bad bacteria.

    Excellent gut health, which is closely linked to the health of your immune system, is achieved by striking a balance between the good and the bad bacteria. Both will always be present in your GI tract. Your job is to feed the good bacteria so that they can outnumber the bad guys.

    Benefits Of Probiotic Supplements For Babies

    Theres still a lot of research that needs to be done on giving probiotics to infants, says Carrie Kaufmann, a pediatric nurse practitioner at Stanford Childrens Health in Palo Alto, California, adding that she doesnt see it as a necessary supplement for every baby.

    There are some cases where a probiotic supplement may be beneficial, though, including:

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