Wednesday, July 10, 2024

When Is The Best Time To Have Probiotics

Probiotics 101 And A Recipe For A Homemade Probiotic Drink: Beet Kanji

When is the BEST Time to Take Probiotics | What Are the Benefits of Probiotics?

What does the word probiotics mean? It seems to be the new buzzword? Everyone seems to be talking about probiotics and gut health. For the last 18 months or so I have been reading up a lot on the relationship between the gut and the immune system and thereby the implications for autoimmune diseases. I have been following a strict paleo diet . Many of my friends and family have asked me about the relationship between diet and disease. Some of them seemed confused that our gut would have so much of an impact on our health and wanted to know why probiotics were important.

So I thought of writing up this post explaining the basics for my readers.

  • Significance of gut health on our overall health: As I was reading up about the impact of diets on disease, one of the facts that really helped me understand this relationship was that 80% of our immune system resides in our digestive tract! Now, once you begin to appreciate this, it all begins to make sense doesnt it? yeah, so if immune system is located in the gut, then what you eat has an impact on the immune system! Ta Da! Many health issues, such as thyroid imbalances, chronic fatigue, joint pain, psoriasis, autism and many other conditions originate in the gut.
  • Thus adding probiotics to our diet can help to provide us with a

    What are some natural probiotics?

    What are some other sources of probiotics?

    You can watch a video of how I make this drink! See below!

    Tips To Maximize The Health Benefits Of Probiotics

  • Check the recommended use instructions on your probiotic to ensure you are taking it properly
  • Ensure proper storage. Some probiotics need to be refrigerated so exposing them to too much heat over long periods of time will kill the bacteria while theyre sitting on the shelf.
  • Timing most probiotics are best taken on an empty stomach . Check the intake instructions on your product to see what is recommended for timing
  • Choose a high-quality, multispecies and multistrain product for optimal benefits
  • Choose a probiotic that fits your health needs each probiotic strain performs different functions. Furthermore, probiotics work in teams, so if strains are combined effectively, they can achieve additional benefits. Choose a probiotic supplement that is tailored to your specific health needs and that is substantiated by clinical studies using the final product for best results.
  • The probiotic and its claims should be backed by clinical studies using the final product. This will ensure that you are buying a product whose effects have been studied.
  • Why Do We Need To Take Probiotics

    In simpler terms, probiotics is basically good bacteria which our body naturally produce in the intestine. When it comes to our intestines, there are billions of bacteria that aids in absorbing nutrients, digesting food, getting rid of toxins, and so on.

    The main purpose of probiotics would be to increase the amount of good bacteria in your gut. Bad bacteria can be more than good bacteria which causes an imbalance, thus making your gut unhealthy. Generally, when you have a bad diet or on a constant state of stress, you will have lack of good bacteria.

    Hence, when you consume a high-quality probiotic supplement, you are able to maintain a healthy gut, and in return, a healthy body too.

    Recommended Reading: What Probiotic Strain Helps With Weight Loss

    Best Time Of Day To Take Probiotics

    Before we answer the question, its important to note that its A LOT BETTER to take probiotics at any time, than not take them at all.

    It can be easy to get annoyed about missing the perfect time to take them, but we would ask you to be kind to yourself and be proud of the fact that you remembered to take them at all. A lot of people totally forget about the importance of them.

    To answer your question, the perfect time to take probiotics is 30 minutes before the first meal of the day on an empty stomach.


    First lets summarize what probiotics are, probiotics are a combination of a million different bacteria our gut needs to function properly and heal.

    And by not taking probiotics at the right time, we can risk not getting much benefit out of them.

    You see, our stomachs primary role is to keep the bad bacteria out of our gut this process starts right after our first meal because the stomach needs to extract all the bad bacteria from the food we eat.

    Unfortunately, with that, many of the good bacteria will be extracted with it, which is not ideal when supplementing with probiotics since our only goal is to improve the count of the good bacteria.

    If you dont have a chance to take the probiotics 30 minutes before your first meal, itd be best to replace your first meal with something like oatmeal with milk.

    Is It Safe To Take A Break From Probiotics If You Are Consuming It Everyday


    Yes, it is safe to take a small break here and there. We always recommend checking in with your body. After all, you know your body better than anyone else does. Once you have been on probiotics for a while, consider how youre feeling. Some people give themselves a few days off probiotics every month to evaluate the way they feel their body changing. It is all a learning experience learning about your body and what works for you.

    So there you have it: a little bit of insight into probiotics and answering how often should you take probiotics. Sure, probiotics can feel like a choose your own adventure ride, but its important to remember that consistency is key hopefully now you understand the benefits of taking probiotics daily.

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    Taking Probiotics: Can You Take Too Many Probiotics

    Probiotics are only effective while theyre moving through your body. With that being said, theres a connection to your frequency of consumption and the time of day that you take them.

    Probiotics also dont die after you consume them. They continue to live inside your body until theyre pooped out, explaining the importance of regular intake when using probiotics for treatment purposes. That is, until you feel well enough to where you no longer need an extensive regimen.

    Your body works differently than others. Because of that, theres no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. A doctor can also advise you on how frequently you should take probiotics based on your condition and bodys needs, along with the correct dosage.

    Now when it comes to the right time of day to consume probiotics, thats something we can more comfortably provide further insight on.

    If youre on antibiotics, avoid taking probiotics at the exact same time you take antibiotics. The two dont mix well when taken concurrently. It also defeats the purpose of taking probiotics because of the simple fact that antibiotics will kill off the new healthy bacteria thats produced.

    You can, however, take probiotics when youre actively using antibiotics. Timing plays a role in this as well, as you have to be very careful when actively taking both substances.

    Why You Need Probiotics

    If we lived in a perfect world the way Mother Nature designed it

    The soil would be microbially rich with critically important, gut-health promoting beneficial bacteria. Plants would grow organically, free of chemicals and toxins, and be naturally covered with health-promoting strains.

    Every bite of food, starting with that very first mouthful when a baby transitions off the breast, would reintroduce these bacteria back into the gut to once again start their important, gut-cleansing-and-balancing journey down the intestinal tube.

    After digestion and evacuation, they would be excreted and RETURNED TO THE SOIL to start the process all over again. The beneficial microbes in our bodies would live in harmony with nature, each fueling the other.

    But life today is far from perfect Instead, in the westernized, industrial world, we have interrupted that natural cycle in virtually every way possible, starting with pressing down the toilet handle.

    Since the late 40s and the advent of conventional farming, we have been systematically sterilizing beneficial bacteria out of:

    • The soil
    • All our agricultural growing practices
    • All our food processing systems
    • Our environment in general

    In our misguided attempts to remove all bacteria, were also eliminating the beneficial bacteria that our bodies need.

    This is why we now must supplement either via diet or products Theres no other way we can give our body the bacterial support it needs!

    Also Check: Can Probiotics Help Acid Reflux

    Why You Need A High

    In addition, your supplements quality is just as important as when you take your probiotic. Keep in mind that the quality will affect how much good bacteria makes it to your small intestine.

    First, I recommend choosing a probiotic in capsule form. Probiotic capsules are more likely to survive stomach acid when theyre coated. The coating serves as a barrier that helps to prevent disintegration due to the acidity of the gastric environment.

    Also, be sure to store your probiotic according to the instructions on the label. Some probiotics must be refrigerated, while others are fine at room temperature. Also, be sure to take your probiotics before they expire.

    The Right Type Of Bacteria

    When Is The Best Time To Take Probiotics? – When To Take Probiotics?

    Its critical to choose strains that will address your specific problem and have been evaluated for your population group.

    As mentioned, probiotics behave in a strain-specific way, so it is important to get the exact strain that has been evaluated for your specific concern.

    In the next section, I will provide more details on the strains to choose for each specific health concern.

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    Choose The Right One For Your Health Condition

    If you have a particular health condition, you may want to consider a specific strain of probiotic or consult a medical professional to find one thats best for you.

    Experts agree that Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains benefit most people .

    In particular, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Saccharomyces boulardii may reduce your risk of antibiotic-related diarrhea, while E. coli Nissle 1917 may help treat ulcerative colitis (


    For a probiotic to work, its live microorganisms must reach your large intestine and colonize it. Look for a supplement that guarantees at least 1 billion live cultures on the label and ask your healthcare provider whether a particular strain is best for you.

    How Long Should Probiotics Be Taken

    The reason for taking probiotics will determine how long you should take them. There are some guidelines, but the exact length is hard to determine.MedlinePlus compiled a list of conditions that may improve with probiotics. It also includes the recommended dosage and the duration of treatment. But its for quick reference only, so discuss the duration of treatment with your doctor.

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    Meal Composition May Help

    The microorganisms used in probiotics are tested to ensure that they can survive various conditions in your stomach and intestines .

    Nevertheless, taking probiotics with specific foods may optimize their effects.

    In one study, survival rates of the microorganisms in probiotics improved when the supplement was taken alongside oatmeal or low-fat milk, compared with when it was taken with only water or apple juice .

    This research suggests that a small amount of fat may improve bacterial survival in your digestive tract .

    Lactobacillus probiotics might also survive better alongside sugar or carbs, as they rely upon glucose when in an acidic environment .


    Though research indicates that more bacteria survive if you take probiotics before a meal, consistency is probably more important than specific timing when it comes to reaping the greatest benefits for your gut.

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    While they may also support a healthy immune system and oral, skin, and mental health, research on these benefits is currently limited .

    Some of the live microorganisms in probiotic supplements also occur in foods that are naturally cultured or fermented, including yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi. These foods are linked to lower blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, and weight .

    If you dont regularly eat fermented foods, you may want to consider taking a probiotic supplement .

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    Worst Time To Take Probiotics

    Best Time to Take Probiotics

    Most people misunderstood when experts say to have probiotics right after a meal.

    They dont recommend heavy meals loaded with dishes on a single plate. In fact, having probiotics directly after a meal is worst.

    Simply, our digestive system works in full swing just after a meal. This makes the good bacteria interact with stomach acid. Eventually, most of the friendly microbes die out in the process.

    A study discovered that having probiotics 30 min prior to a meal then 30 min after a meal have higher survival chances for probiotics.

    In simple words, your stomach doesnt comply with probiotics if you have just had your meal.

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    Probiotics: What You Need To Know

    And because changes in the microbiota have actually been linked to gastrointestinal conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, including great germs in the kind of probiotics should boost your health. But You might have seven people take the very same probiotic and just have one report a certain distinction.Authorities in the E.U., where supplements are more heavily controlled than in the U.S., have not licensed the usage of the word probiotic to back any health claim.

    So we asked scientists at the leading edge of probiotic research to help us different fact from buzz, and pros from cons. Heres what you need to understand. A number of the probiotic strains contributed to foods are chosen due to the fact that they are safe and can be produced inexpensively and quickly. Theyre not necessarily the ones that are best at keeping health or dealing with illness.

    Shoot for 50 to 100 billion CFUs of a combination of lactobcillus and bifidobacterium. Starting with a big quantity of CFUs will either keep you riding high or trigger small however yucky responses, like gas or queasiness. If you notice those, scale back to 50 billion, then 20 bill, up until you feel like your usual self.

    Go the direct route best probiotics for women. Usage 2 to 5 billion CFUs in an OTC probiotic suppository, or wet an oral pill to soften, then place it. Pros recommend doing this every other day at the end of your period .

    Best Probiotics For Digestive Health

    Digestive concerns can have many underlying causes, such as stress, food sensitivities, or bacterial imbalance.

    Probiotics can help address some of these issues. When choosing a probiotic for digestive health, it is important to evaluate your symptoms first.

    Whether you have constipation, diarrhea, or IBS, it is important to choose the product with the right strains for your specific digestive symptoms.

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    The Health Benefits Of Probiotics

    Probiotics directly improve the enormous and complex community of bacteria in your gut, also known as your gut flora.

    Gut flora is sometimes described as the forgotten organ. The trillions of bacteria in your gut actually play a vital role in the structure and function of the immune system.

    Your gut flora even performs metabolic activities that resemble those of an organ. Despite this, the importance of optimizing gut flora health is not nearly as well understood as heart or skin health.

    By replenishing and protecting gut flora, probiotics offer many benefits to the body:

    • Prevent diarrhea or constipation
    • Reduce symptoms of digestive disorders like ulcerative colitis, bloating, and IBS
    • Strengthen immune system by promoting natural antibodies and inhibiting harmful bacteria
    • Support weight loss and weight management goals

    Keep in mind that not all probiotics are created equal. Its important to use a high-quality probiotic and take it at the right time of day in order to maximize its efficiency.

    Research Suggests Taking Probiotics Before A Meal

    When Should I Take a Probiotic? | Best Time to Take a Probiotic – Before or After Eating?

    One research study on the impact of meals on probioticsmay help shed some light on this debate. The research objective was to examine the impact of the time of administration of probiotics with mealtimes measuring the survivability of the bacteria when taken before and after meals.

    In short, researchers concluded that probiotics survivability was best preserved when taken 30 minutes before a meal or with a meal.

    Probiotics taken 30 minutes after a meal did not survive at the same rate. Furthermore, researchers concluded that the fat content of the meal did contribute to survivability.

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    Your Personal Circadian Rhythm

    Because your gut bacteria can influence your sleep cycle, it is common to take probiotics to help heal an unhealthy digestive tract. Having a bacteria imbalance in the gut can reduce your quantity and quality of sleep. But having a healthy gut can improve sleep.

    If you are an early riser, take your probiotics in the morning. If you tend to stay up late at night, take them in the evening.

    What Is The Best Time To Take Probiotics

    If youre wondering when to take probiotics, the best time would be the time that is convenient for you. This is because how consistent you take it makes a difference as to how effective it would be.

    When To Take Probiotics: Before Meals

    Despite that, it is recommended to take probiotics before a meal roughly 30 minutes or just before breakfast. The reason being your stomach would be less acidic, so the probiotics will digest into your small interesting easily.

    When you consume probiotics in the evening or during dinner, the meals will take much longer to digest and produce more acid as the food moves towards the small intestine.

    When To Take Probiotics: Mornings

    So, when is the best time to take probiotics? In the morning! Those who have taken probiotics in the morning before their breakfast find that it works better.

    When To Take Probiotics: Nights

    Alternatively, you can also take probiotics just before bed, provided youre the type which eats dinner quite early. It will take about up to 3 hours for your meals to digest, so if you dont feel like taking it in the morning, at night before you sleep would be the better choice.

    Taking them at night is also a great time because it has been said your gut is considered inactive at night, meaning you dont really perform certain activities such as poop during the night. Simple put your bowels arent moving while youre asleep throughout the night.

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