Thursday, September 12, 2024

Best Probiotic For Ibs C

What Is The Best Probiotic For Ibs

Best Probiotics for IBS

Before you rush out to buy a daily probiotic, theres a few things you need to consider. The first is that there are different types of IBS, and so there are different probiotics suitable for the different types. So, it pays to do your research into IBS and probiotics first.

Finding the best probiotic brands for IBS depends on your IBS type, your symptoms, and your microbiome. When it comes to probiotics and IBS, there is often a trial and error process involved to find which bacterial species and their strains work best for you.

If you want to know more about the composition of your own gut microbiome, an Atlas Microbiome Test can give you unique insight into your gut bacteria and how they influence your health.

Can Constipation Cause Anxiety

Yes, constipation can cause anxiety and stress. It can also disturb your sleep, affect your personal relations and sex life, and make you fatigued. You may skip your social activities due to constipation. Chronic constipation is linked to low serotonin levels-serotonin is a hormone, which helps in keeping your mood normal. Low levels of this hormone can result in anxiety and disturb your sleep. It may also affect the way in which food wastes move through the gut.

What Happens If You Are Constipated For A Long Time

Some of the complications that can occur if you are constipated for a long time are:

  • Rectal bleeding that can occur after straining continually to pass hard stool
  • Anal fissure- it is a small tear that forms around your anus
  • Hemorrhoids-they are inflamed and swollen blood vessels in your rectum
  • Fecal impaction- it is a condition in which there is a collection of dried and hard stools in the rectum and anus resulting in an obstruction

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What About Kijimea And Saccharomyces Boulardii

Kijimea is a popular IBS probiotic pill in the US.

It contains a strain of bacteria called Bifidobacterium bifidum MIMB75 and is the only product with this strain.

Theres been one clinical trial using this strain, which included 122 patients. After 4 weeks, 47% of those taking B. bifidum MIMB75 reported significant improvements in pain, bloating, urgency and digestive disorders . Whereas 11% of patients taking the placebo pill reported benefits .

So Kijimea certainly shows some potential, but the science supporting it is thin. The popularity likely comes from the fact it is easily and has great user reviews.

Probiotics And Ibs In

Pin on Vitamins Supplements

IBS affects our society in huge numbers – up to 20% of the UK population are sufferers, with women twice as likely to be affected as men. The most used diagnostic method for IBS is the Rome criteria, which classifies IBS into these subtypes:


Although there is no clearly defined cause of IBS, many sufferers often report that symptoms are exacerbated by dietary factors such as wheat and dairy products, high FODMAPs foods, and lifestyle factors such as high-stress levels, as well as an imbalance in good and bad bacteria in the gut. It can be a good idea to keep a food and symptom diary for a few weeks to see if you have any dietary triggers.

Recent research may have found a link between IBS-D symptoms and a pathogenic bacterium called Brachyspira. This bacterium hides inside intestinal cells and is unaffected by antibiotic treatment. If more studies confirm this link between IBS symptoms and Brachyspira, researchers believe probiotics may become the future treatment22.

Several studies have documented the link between gut microflora and IBS symptoms. Sufferers often have lower levels of beneficial gut bacteria e.g. Bifidobacterium species, and increased levels of gut pathogens e.g. Clostridium species. We have seen above how specific probiotics may support the reduction of specific IBS symptoms. Also supplementing with a high-quality probiotic may help to reduce IBS symptoms in the following ways:

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Th Study: Micronutrient Status & Probiotics


Next study: Probiotic Supplementation and Micronutrient Status in Healthy Subjects: A Systematic Review of Clinical Trials. 14 studies. The finding was that the intake of probiotics in healthy subjects was associated with the beneficial impact on certain micronutrient levels namely vitamin B12, calcium, folate, iron, and zinc.


At the clinic, this is part of the reason why we address gut health before attempting to optimize micronutrient levels. And with a recent research review we performed on micronutrient testing, that even further supported the de-emphasis on direct concern with micronutrient assessment. The testing there for the majority of markers was very ambiguous. There are some keystone symptoms symptoms combined with historical findings that may flag for someone to do an empiric trial on a vitamin. That seems to be the best approach and were using that in tandem with the diet, lifestyle, and gut health foundations model first and this analysis second. This is with the exception of a few nutrients like vitamin D or iron that have demonstrated testing is accurate and can lead to interventions that improve the health of the host and that also correlates with rectification of the insufficiency on the lab value.

Alterations In Gut Motility

Disorders in gut motility have been observed in the stomach, small intestine, colon, and rectum of IBS patients.- Within the gut, there is a cyclic pattern of motility known as the major migrating complex, which consists of periodic, luminal contractions that propel intestinal contents from the stomach to the terminal ileum. Several studies in the literature have shown that patients with IBS tend to have abnormalities in these contractions. Vassallo and colleagues examined colonic tone and motility by measuring electronic barostat and perfusion manometry in 16 patients to assess for changes in IBS. The study showed that patients with IBS had a greater frequency of high amplitude prolonged contractions and greater preprandial colonic motility, which may account for the increased perception of pain in these patients. Another study, which used radiopaque markers to assess colonic transit times in IBS, showed that patients with diarrhea-predominant IBS had accelerated colonic transit. Although these alterations were seen in patients with IBS, as compared to normal controls, their findings are likely qualitative, rather than quantitative, and lack specificity. Additionally, the alteration in gut motility found in some patients with IBS appears to place them at risk for small-bowel bacterial overgrowth, which is another proposed etiology for IBS.

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Our Recommended Probiotiotics For Ibs And Gerd:

Earlier in this article, we mentioned the strains that are adequately studied for IBS and GERD. However, this doesnt mean improvement is exclusive to the use of these strains.

Probiotic research is still new, and too many strains are to be tested. So, choosing multi-strain probiotics with trial and error is your best option to discover what works for your IBS and GERD.

After more than 10 hours of researching different probiotic brands for a product containing the largest variety, here are our recommendations:

Be Sure To Check For The Right Amount Of Colony Forming Units

Can probiotics help my IBS-C? How should I take them?

Colony Forming Units is the number of live and active micro-organisms in the probiotic or you might simply describe them as the number of beneficial bacteria that strive to replenish the bacteria in your digestive tract once ingested.

You have to check for the right amount of CFU that are in the probiotics since this equates to effectiveness of the probiotic. Though most successful clinical trials have recommended 10-15 billion CFU for anyone starting on a probiotic dose.

The scientific details are still not clear, as I have said the field of certifying probiotics as a cure for IBS is still underway buy if you can start off with 10-15 billion CFUs then scale the heights while monitoring their effect.

This is considerably safe, especially since a number of probiotics in the market are boasting 50-100 billion CFUs. You must also consider the packaging of the probiotic since it goes a long way towards indicating the number of CFUs.

This is because they are highly sensitive and can reduce in number when exposed to heat, moisture, air and light. Hence you should go for a tightly sealed glass bottle to assure you of the shelf-life of the Colony Forming Units.

Go for the right probiotic strain for your IBS

The studying how effective probiotics are when it comes to IBS has been a daunting task masked with uncertainty, confusion and tireless escapades. But there are some strains of probiotics that have been clinically studied and approved so far.

The capsules should be coated

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Signs That You Need Probiotics

Sufficient good bacteria in the gut enables you to control the bad bacteria, improve digestion, and strengthen your immune system. A well-balanced gut microflora is essential to digestive health and taking probiotics helps to keep it this way.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case. When the beneficial bacteria is lacking in your digestive system, this could lead to certain health problems

The tell-tale signs for bacterial imbalance include:

  • A recent episode of food poisoning
  • Antibiotics use
  • Skin conditions like acne and psoriasis
  • Frequent sickness

When you have experienced one or more of these conditions, then perhaps its time to up the ante and enjoy better health by taking probiotics.

The Best Probiotic For Ibs And Gerd: How To Choose

Choosing the best probiotic that works for both IBS and GERD is challenging. the two golden rules for choosing the best probiotic for IBS & acid reflux is to go Multi-strain and to avoid probiotic with high FODMAP constituents.

We dug into the research and investigated different probiotic brands to find what works for IBS and Acid reflux.

Here are How to choose the best probiotic for GERD and IBS:

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How To Ensure You Buy The Best Probiotic

Research shows that one out of five people suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome . This condition can be extremely stressful as it is characterized by gas, diarrhea, constipation and dont even get me started on the discomfort.

Due to its slow grinding and mildly stigmatizing nature, most people suffer through it in silence. Eventually seeking help when the condition they face proves not to be a passing cloud. So by the time they acknowledge it, IBS already possesses raging symptoms.

Since the body mainly contains both helpful and harmful bacteria, the balance between the two is extremely important to maintain a stable health. In the case of IBS, once this balance is threatened by the increase of harmful bacteria then its downhill from there.

But over the years medical researchers have been working tirelessly hoping for a breakthrough that will finally put the troubling nature of IBS to rest. Hence the exploration of probiotics has been a tremendous blessing worldwide.

The research is still ongoing and probiotics arent a proven cure for IBS yet, but is a start and thats why anyone taking probiotics to relieve IBS symptoms is required to regularly monitor their symptoms and general health.

But this doesnt stop us from describing probiotics as the light at the end of a dark and terrifying tunnel, as a number of probiotic strains have proven to be very effective after vigorous clinical studies.

Which Probiotic Is Best For Ibs

10 Best Probiotics for SIBO [An Evidence Based Review]

If you are looking for a probiotic to treat your IBS-C symptoms, ask your doctor about Acidophilus Pearls®.

This product contains the patented BIO-tract® delivery system which ensures that the probiotics reach your intestine alive and intact. The good bacteria in this supplement can help to restore balance to your gut microflora and provide relief from IBS-C symptoms.

Recommended Reading: Is Acidophilus Probiotic Good For You

Can You Get Rid Of Chronic Constipation

Yes, you can get rid of chronic constipation by following the below-mentioned lifestyle changes:

  • Get regular in going to the toilet. Go every morning preferably at a similar time.
  • Never ignore the natural urge to pass stools.
  • Follow relaxation techniques on a daily basis as stress may disrupt the normal movement of your bowels.
  • Drink lots of fluids. You should drink a minimum of eight glasses of water every day. You should increase the intake of fluids while exercising and in hot weather.
  • Include dietary fiber and fiber supplements along with lots of water to relieve chronic constipation.
  • You can talk to your healthcare provider about medicines and laxatives to relieve chronic constipation.

How Do Probiotics Work With Ibs

A significant amount of recent research has investigated how probiotics might be used to treat and manage IBS.

IBS symptoms have been linked to certain changes in the gut flora. For example, people with IBS have lower amounts of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium in their guts, and higher levels of harmful Streptococcus, E. coli and Clostridium (

  • Reducing gas production by balancing the gut flora
  • Reducing the guts sensitivity to gas buildup

However, not all probiotics are alike. In fact, the term probiotic covers many different strains and types of bacteria and yeasts. Their health effects vary depending on the type.

Summary Gut flora imbalances may contribute to the symptoms of IBS. Probiotics help restore balance in a number of ways, including by inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria, reducing inflammation and slowing down the digestive system.

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Zenwise Health Digestive Enzymes Plus Prebiotics & Probiotics

This is a great beginners probiotic with 1 billion CFUs to get you started down the right track and ease you into the probiotic life.

It contains the prebiotic Inulin to give your probiotics a great boost and claims to increase energy and kickstart weightloss so its great for IBS sufferers who are also looking to shed some kilos.


  • 1 billion CFU great place for beginners to start
  • Contains natural ingredients like ginger, turmeric, papaya, fennel seed
  • Contains a prebiotic
  • 180 capsules in one bottle
  • Affordable
  • Boosts bodys digestion which reduces fatigue from meals
  • Only mentions multi-strains, not transparent about how many

Connecting The Gut Probiotics And Ibs

Best Probiotic Strains For SIBO, IBS and Histamine Issues

Gut dysbiosis is a bacterial imbalance in your digestive tract. Simply put, gut dysbiosis means that the good bacteria arent able to keep the bad bacteria in check.

Research shows that IBS symptoms correlate with gut dysbiosis , particularly small intestinal bacterial overgrowth . Several studies suggest a significant proportion of IBS patients have small intestine bacterial overgrowth or other types of bacterial imbalance .

In clinical trials, people given probiotic supplements showed significant improvement in IBS symptoms and quality of life compared to placebo groups. Five separate meta-analyses have shown that probiotics are an effective treatment of IBS, with very few side effects .

Symptom improvement included:

  • Reducing gut permeability
  • As probiotic supplements help change your digestive health, your IBS symptoms improve.

    For example, as inflammation decreases, diarrhea and constipation may improve. As your gut microflora becomes more balanced, bloating and abdominal pain may subside.

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    Digestive Advantage Intensive Bowel Support

    Digestive Advantage Intensive Bowel Support is a probiotics supplement with BC30 probiotic and digestive enzymes to defend against occasional digestive upsets such as gas, abdominal discomfort, and bloating. It also helps support long-term digestive health.

    With continued use, the probiotics in Digestive Advantage Intensive Bowel Support promote long-term digestive health. In the short term, the enzymes in this formula can lessen abdominal discomfort such as gas, bloating, constipation, and occasional diarrhea.

    Studies show that BC30 probiotics and digestive enzymes break down proteins, carbohydrates, and fats to aid the digestive process. As a result, it helps defend against occasional gas, bloating, and abdominal discomfort.

    Jarrow Formulas Ideal Bowel Support

    Jarrow Formulas â Ideal Bowel Support contains a clinically-documented human origin probiotic strain, Lactobacillus plantarum 299v, that resists stomach acid and bile salts and demonstrated specific adherence properties for colonization of human intestinal mucosa. Lactobacillus plantarum 299v has been used in human clinical studies for intestinal health and function.

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    Rd Study: Acute Gastroenteritis & Probiotics In Children


    The next study here: Use of a probiotic mixture containing Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 and Enterococcus faecium L3 as prophylaxis to reduce the incidence of acute gastroenteritis and upper respiratory tract infections in children. 203 healthy children were randomized to probiotics or no treatment at all. The probiotic group had reduced acute gastroenteritis The group that took the probiotics saw a reduction in the incidence and a 45% reduction in the duration. So, food poisoning was notably decreased. There were also reduced upper respiratory tract infections an 84% reduction in the incidence and a 50% reduction in the duration. What this is saying is your kids will have less food poisoning and get less colds if they use a probiotic. Its important to mention that the incidence of things doesnt go down to zero. So, if youre giving your kids probiotics and they get food poisoning or they get an upper respiratory tract infection, you shouldnt say, Oh, the probiotics didnt work.


    What Is The Best Probiotic For Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    Best Supplements for Ibs

    As I have already mentioned, different types of irritable bowel syndrome require different probiotic strains to treat any concerns. Well now go into a little more detail about this which will hopefully help you gain a better understanding. If you find you still need more information or advice, I strongly suggest you consult with a doctor for peace of mind.

    The best probiotics for IBS-A

    For many who suffer from IBS-A they will experience a mixture of constipation and diarrhoea. This may be the fact you are constipated for a few days, and the other you cant be too far away from the toilet. For this type of IBS, there are two strains of probiotics for you to take to help settle and calm the microbiome of the gut. Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM and Bifidobacterium lactis Bi-07 both of which have had clinical trails to establish how effective they are at combating IBS and similar concerns.

    When suffering from IBS-A youll find that symptoms such as bloating, stomach cramps, and abdominal distension are significantly reduced and by maintaining your probiotic intake will ensure these symptoms remain reduced. However, like all concerns and medications, even as natural as probiotics, it is vital you check with your doctor before taking anything.

    The best probiotics for IBS-D

    The best probiotics for IBS-C

    The best probiotics for IBS-U

    The best probiotics for post-infectious IBS

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