Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Best Probiotic For Breastfeeding Moms

Taking Probiotics While Breastfeeding

Probiotic for Pregnancy & Breastfeeding Probiotic Powder for Baby

Having a healthy microbiome isn’t just important for your own health, it also helps shape your baby’s microbiome. So are probiotics safe while breastfeeding?

It’s always advised to check with your own health care provider before trying a new supplement when you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. This is because most supplements aren’t extensively studied in pregnant and lactating women specifically. That said, probiotics are generally considered safe and well-tolerated, and the research so far points to them being safe for pregnant and breastfeeding moms as well.

Research indicates that probiotics most likely aren’t transferred directly through your breastmilk to your baby. Instead, they work by altering the composition of your own gut flora, which supports your own digestive and immune health, and can also change the microbial composition of your breastmilk, benefitting your baby indirectly. That way, your own body decides which probiotic strains to pass on to your baby.

Here’s what the research says so far about the health benefits of taking probiotics while breastfeeding:

Group B Strep And Premature Birth

If mom doesnt have healthy vaginal flora during pregnancy, it can trigger premature birth. When pathogenic bacteria gets into the amniotic fluid it sets off a chain reaction leading to early uterine contractions .

In the third trimester, Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Streptococcus probiotic strains helped reduce inflammation and contributed to a healthier vaginal microbiome. Healthy vaginal flora and lowered inflammation can help prevent pre-term birth .

Several studies found women who took probiotics during pregnancy had less pre-term delivery risk. Probiotics during pregnancy can that lead to premature birth .

While evidence is mixed taking probiotics orally has much of an effect on vaginal flora, research indicates applying them directly may work better .

How To Introduce Baby To Ferments

Lacto-fermented foods can be an acquired taste, so it makes sense to offer them as early as possible so baby gets used to them. As soon as baby is eating solids, he can try ferments. Eating ferments during pregnancy is the best way to give baby an early taste. But if its too late for that, start out slow at about 6 months.

  • Start by giving him a little taste of sauerkraut brine on a spoon. He may make a sour face or he may lunge forward for more.
  • If he doesnt like it offer again in a week. Keep trying until he begins to enjoy it.
  • After trying the brine you can offer sauerkraut or other fermented vegetables.
  • Yogurt is a ferment that most babies will like but some moms prefer to wait on dairy until closer to the first birthday. Dairy can also be tough to digest for anyone with suboptimal gut health.

Also Check: Https 1md Org Product Probiotics

Can Baby Probiotics Cause Gas

According to researchers, probiotics may actually help reduce gas in babies. Studies suggest babies the bacterial makeup is different in the stomachs of babies with colic, and researchers hypothesize that these differences may cause gas, bloating, and discomfort that leads to colic.

In a review of 12 studies to examine the effects of probiotics, researchers found that infants taking probiotics cried for about an hour less each daypossibly as a result of less gas pain.

Got Constipation Or Heartburn Taking Probiotics While Pregnant Could Be Your Golden Ticket


When youre pregnant, taking a quality probiotic works hand in hand with your prenatal vitamins to keep your body healthy. Unfortunately, not enough doctors discuss the importance of taking probiotics while pregnant, and women miss out on the numerous benefits for you and your growing baby.

You know that your body undergoes drastic changes during pregnancy. Your growing uterus presses on your stomach, so its no wonder what your digestive tract takes a hit during pregnancy. If youve experienced constipation or heartburn during pregnancy, you know what I mean.

Things arent like they used to be, and that can be a sign that your gut is struggling with the changes. If your digestive tract struggles to house nutrients and vitamins properly, taking a probiotic can be just the solution you need.

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    How To Select The Probiotic For Breastfeeding Moms

    Making your final decision can pose to be a challenge. But worry not. We have a few suggestions to make your selection process easier.

    Before that, we would recommend you opt for sites like Amazon, Walmart, Newegg, and Best Buy for your purchase.

    So the factors you should consider while selecting your probiotic for breastfeeding moms would be:

    Can You Take Probiotics While Breastfeeding Yes And Here’s Why You Should

    Can you take probiotics while breastfeeding? Many mothers ask such a question when they begin nursing. The answer is simply yes! In fact, taking a probiotic while nursing is safe and beneficial for you and your baby.

    Most people think of breastfeeding simply as a way to feed their baby, but there is actually much more to it. Breastmilk delivers a rich mix of nutrients, fats, proteins, enzymes, antibodies, and other compounds that play an important role in your baby’s growth and immune system development. Breastfeeding is also an instinctive behavior that provides comfort to the child, and bonds the mother and child in a very special way.

    That being said, breastfeeding does require a lot of time, energy, effort, and even sacrifice. When you eat something, it can easily pass on to your baby through the breast milk. That is why many mothers modify their diet and supplement with vitamins and minerals during that period to keep the infants healthy. Even though you may need to curtail some of your habits, the sacrifice is well worth it.

    Many mothers are also becoming aware of the health benefits of probiotics. Probiotics are part of a healthy diet and lifestyle, but are probiotics safe while breastfeeding?

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    Probiotics For Breastfeeding Moms Faqs

    A lot of breastfeeding moms are curious about probiotics and whether they’re safe to take while breastfeeding.

    It can be tough to figure out which probiotics are right for you, especially when you’re still trying to learn all there is to know about breastfeeding.

    We’ve put together a list of the most frequently asked questions about probiotics and breastfeeding. This should help clear up some of the confusion and give you a better idea of what’s safe for you and your baby.

    Do Babies Need Probiotics

    Probiotics And Breastfed Baby?!

    Amniotic fluid is not sterileits your babys first introduction to bacteria. And the kind of bacteria in the amniotic fluid is influenced by moms gut and oral flora.

    In a perfect world, moms would have great flora to pass onto their babies. But over the last century, we have been subjected to antibiotics, GMOs, sugary/starchy diets, and lots of processed foodsall of which can degrade the gut flora passed onto our babies.

    Baby probiotics are a babys first line of defense, since they help to improve the balance of good bacteria in their body.

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    Possible Side Effects Of Probiotics While Breastfeeding

    In the US, probiotics are sold as dietary supplements. They do not undergo the FDAs stringent testing and approval process mandatory for the regular drugs. . Therefore, you need to be extra careful and cognizant of the likely side effects of probiotics .

  • Mild gastrointestinal issues: You may experience bloating, diarrhea, or stomach cramps initially when consuming probiotic supplements. If the problems persist, then switch to another probiotic or consult your doctor.
  • Contamination: There have been cases where probiotic supplements were contaminated by potentially harmful fungi and bacteria. Therefore, only buy probiotic supplements made by trusted manufacturers and sold by authorized retailers.
  • Infections: Probiotics might lead to infections in people with suppressed immunity, like those with AIDS or those on some medications.
  • Allergies: Probiotic supplements could contain allergens, such as lactose, soy, or prebiotic fibers that may cause adverse reactions in some people. Read the labels carefully before you purchase any over-the-counter probiotics.
  • Other reactions: Some other possible side effects of probiotic use include infections, production of harmful substances by the probiotic microorganisms, and transfer of antibiotic resistance genes from probiotic microorganisms.
  • If you do not want probiotic supplements, then you can consume the naturally occurring probiotics in foods.

    Assists In The Loss Of Baby Weight

    Any new mother knows that the first few weeks after childbirth can be a difficult time. Not only are you adjusting to your new role as a parent, but you are also dealing with the physical and emotional changes that come with childbirth. One of the most common complaints among new mothers is postpartum weight gain. While it is normal to retain some weight after pregnancy, many women are looking for ways to shed the extra pounds.

    Probiotics are a helpful tool in the postpartum weight-loss journey. Breastfeeding moms who take probiotics often report increased energy levels and improved digestion. In addition, probiotics can help to reduce inflammation throughout the body, which can lead to weight loss.

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    Is It Time To Get A New Protein For Breastfeeding Moms

    Youre looking for a new protein for breastfeeding moms. What do you think? Its difficult to predict future price changes. If there are no signs of production slowing, it can be worth buying now to enjoy your investment sooner. But if output is declining and prices are predicted to rise, you might want to wait until the buzz has died down before making a choice.

    Do Probiotics Pass Through Breast Milk

    5 Of The Best Probiotics For Breastfeeding Moms (CHOOSE RIGHT)

    After babies receive friendly bacteria from their mothers via vaginal birth, they will continue to receive these through breast milk. As we discussed in our previous article, human milk contains prebiotics that acts as food for the babys gut bacteria. Prebiotics and probiotics interact beneficially in the digestive tracts of babies.

    The initial microbes that baby gets from birth colonize their gastrointestinal tract and become the foundation of their gut health. These healthy microbes that they receive help them digest the breast milk. They also get the antibody Immunoglobulin A that provide benefits to their intestinal immune system.

    When mothers take probiotic supplements, it can affect the microbes present in the breast milk. In a study for the treatment of mastitis, researchers gave 3 strains of Lactobacillus to nursing mothers and found that it transferred to their milk. This study evident that friendly bacteria does transfer to the baby through drinking the breast milk.

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    Consider These Factors Before You Buy Your First Probiotic For Breastfeeding Mom

    Many people prefer buying products from Amazon for a reason. Amazon has a variety of probiotic for breastfeeding mom and also works directly with manufacturers, despite being a credible platform. Rather than buying your probiotic for breastfeeding mom from a retailer, you purchase it directly from the manufacturer.

    Amazon serves as a third-party and works with a variety of manufacturers worldwide. In each probiotic for breastfeeding mom description you will find a clear explanation. Making the right decision is easier with this information.

    The guide contains information about the specifications of the probiotic for breastfeeding mom you want, such as its size, function, and brand. If you want a probiotic for breastfeeding mom with specific features, Amazon is your best bet. A list of probiotic for breastfeeding mom will appear on your screen as soon as you type in the features you prefer.

    The team at Aikencolon has done the best we can with our thoughts and recommendations, but it’s still critical you do your own research before purchasing a probiotic for breastfeeding mom . You might ask the following questions:

    We believe you have many more questions than these concerning probiotic for breastfeeding mom, and the only way to satisfy your need for knowledge is to get information from as many reputable online sources as possible.

    Can I Use Probiotics While Breastfeeding

    Yes, probiotics are generally considered safe for breastfeeding women and their infants. Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are beneficial to the digestive system, and they are found in some foods and also available as dietary supplements.

    Some research suggests that probiotics may be helpful in preventing or treating certain health problems, such as diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome , and eczema. And there is some evidence that probiotics may be helpful in promoting weight loss.

    However, more research is needed before scientists can say with certainty whether probiotics are effective for any of these conditions.

    Also Check: Probulin Women’s Health Probiotic Reviews

    What To Look For In Probiotics For Breastfed Babies


    There are a lot of different strains that are used in probiotics for infants. Many of them claim to help with colic, diaper rash, and other digestive problems.

    In my experience with probiotics, you sometimes have to experiment with different strains to find the best one for you, though this is often more for adults.

    90% of babies have Newborn Gut Deciency and lack the essential good bacteria B. infantis.

    For the purposes of this post, I specifically focused on infant probiotics that contain B. infantis because of how well it works with breast milk. This strain has been shown to help create a protective environemnt in a babys gut. When paired with breast milk, it thrives in a babys gut and populates very quickly to get rid of the harmful bacteria that are linked to eczema, allergies, and colic.

    This study found that Probiotic supplementation with B. infantis within the first month postnatal, in combination with breast milk, resulted in stable colonization that persisted until at least 1 year postnatal.

    Another probiotic that can be beneficial is B. bifidum.


    Its important to make sure that the brand you buy is dedicated to creating high-quality products:

    • Free from additives

    How Do I Take A Probiotic

    Taking probiotics while pregnant

    These are available over the counter at most pharmacies and health food stores, and come in the forms of tablets, drops, liquids, oral and vaginal capsules. In the United States, probiotics are treated as dietary supplements, so they do not undergo the strict testing and approval process as medications do. This means when picking probiotics, you should make sure that you are careful about what brands you choose and what the side effects are of certain strains.

    You can also get probiotics in fermented foods like yogurts, kefir, soft cheeses, sauerkraut, kimchi, tempeh, and kombucha tea.

    Probiotics have been used to treat

    • Acute diarrhea
    • Yeast and bacterial vaginosis

    In healthy people, good bacteria are normally found in the mouth, the stomach, the colon, and the vagina. This brings up the question: Can I take probiotics while breastfeeding? The answer is YES! Since probiotics are not observed by the body like traditional medications, the transfer into the breastmilk is very low. Many studies show that when mothers takeprobiotics, the amount transferred of a specific strain to colostrum or breastmilk is low. This also means that if the mother is taking the probiotic herself in the hopes of giving some benefit to her baby, this is unlikely to occur. It may be more beneficial for the infant to take the probiotic directly. Parents should talk with their childs pediatrician if they feel their baby could benefit from taking probiotics.

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    Qiara Breastfeeding And Pregnancy Probiotic

    This product from Qiara is a probiotic isolated from breastmilk, that is specifically formulated to:

    • Reduce breast pain associated with mild mastitis
    • Reduce the recurrence of mild mastitis
    • Restore and maintain good bacteria in breastmilk during and after antibiotic use
    • Maintain a healthy microflora for mum and baby before, during and after pregnancy
    • Improve digestive function and gut health

    RRP $79.99 for 28 Sachets direct from Qiara

    Why Are Probiotics Important

    Lets back up for a second to talk about why youd want to take probiotics.

    Our bodies are full of bacteria. And although that may sound like a bad thing, less than one percent of bacteria makes us sick. Other bacteria in our systems are considered good bacteria, since they are vital for our bodies to function and play a key role in keeping us healthy.

    Probiotics ensure that our systems have enough good bacteria to function the way they are intended to.

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    How To Choose The Most Popular Postnatal Vitamins For Breastfeeding Moms

    The three most crucial criteria to consider are price, quality, and popularity.Price is an obvious factor to consider, as you want to ensure it is acceptable for your needs.Quality should also be examined because buying a low-quality goods will not help you achieve your main aim of obtaining the best product.Finally, while not as obvious as price or quality, popularity can be just as significant as both when it comes to attracting new customers.

    What Strains Of Bacteria Are Useful In Pregnancy


    The most common species found in our gut are lactobacillus and bifidobacterium, and thus also commonly found in probiotic supplements.

    Strains such as Lactobacillus Rhamnosus and Lactobacillus Acidophilus are often used to treat vaginal or yeast infections.

    Nonetheless, unlike other supplements, probiotics are not FDA approved. Therefore, one should contact their doctor to know the type and timing of probiotic intake.

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    Mary Ruths Liquid Probiotic

    Why its great: This is the only probiotic on the list that can be given to the entire family. This liquid probiotic is unflavored but does have a slight earthy taste that doesnt tend to linger. The serving size is 3 ml, and there are 40 servings per bottle.

    Just like Mary Ruths other products this liquid probiotic is non-GMO, gluten-free, plant-based, and vegan. If you are on a raw diet, this is a great option. This is also an excellent choice for people who struggle with swallowing pills.

    Keep in mind: There is no listed CFU count on this product.

    Good for: Mommas who are looking for a probiotic everyone in the family can take.

    Are Probiotics Safe For Infants

    Studies show that probiotics are not only safe, but very effective in reducing daily crying time, spit up, and constipation during the first three months of life.

    Probiotics or prebiotics added to infant formula and other foods marketed for use in children do not appear to be harmful to healthy infants and children. AAP

    Still, it is very important to talk to your pediatrician before giving baby anything but breast milk.

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