Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Probiotic Drops For Breastfed Baby

Factors You Should Consider Before Buying The Vitamin D Drops For Breastfed Babies

BABY // Supplements and Items for Breastfed Baby

As you already know, research is essential before making any purchase. So, there are some factors you should consider before starting your research. This is important so that you can make your entire buying process as hassle-free as possible.

Remember, your time has as much value as your money. So, there are a few things you should determine which will affect your research as well.

There are a few questions you should ask yourself to determine your course of research on the vitamin d drops for breastfed babies:

  • Is this vitamin d drops for breastfed babies serving the purpose of purchase? What are your expectations from the product?
  • What functions must the vitamin d drops for breastfed babies have? Are there any specific functions that you are seeking in the product?
  • Is there a specific budget, or is the budget flexible?
  • Will the vitamin d drops for breastfed babies require maintenance and upkeep costs?
  • Are you looking to buy the vitamin d drops for breastfed babies online or offline? What will be the best places to purchase the product?
  • Where will you seek reliable information on the vitamin d drops for breastfed babies?

Having multiple options from various brands can get confusing, so ask yourself these questions to narrow down your research.

Wellements Organic Probiotic Drops

Why its great: This probiotic is USDA certified organic and doesnt use any preservatives, dyes, or parabens. It doesnt contain any unnecessary ingredients or fillers. It does come with 2 strains of probiotics that will help improve your childs gut health and support your childs immune system. This one also helps with colic and alleviates gas pains.Wellements can be used for newborns and up. These also only need to be used once a day, which is easy and convenient.

Keep in mind: This one does need to be refrigerated and you need to shake well, and possibly warm it between your hands for a minute, before using. It also dispenses like an essential oil, so its a little more difficult to use.

Good for: Parents that want an organic probiotic for their child.

How Did The Researchers Interpret The Results

They say that L. reuteri did not reduce crying or fussing in infants with colic, nor was it effective in improving infant sleep, maternal mental health or family or infant functioning and quality of life. Probiotics cannot therefore be recommended for all infants with colic, although they state that further research is needed to identify which subgroups of babies, if any, might benefit.

In an accompanying editorial, William E Bennett, Assistant Professor of Paediatrics at Indiana University School of Medicine, points out that parents and their babies “may be better served if we devote more resources to studying the interventions recommended long before the discovery of probiotics: reassurance, family social support and the tincture of time”.

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The Case For Being Pro Probiotics2

ProbioticsProbiotics are strains of good bacteria that are either the same as, or very similar to, the bacteria that are already naturally present in your body. are natural, nonchemical solutions to support life-long health. Certain strains have been shown to remedy a wide range of digestive issues,* including:

Gas Pain*

How Gut Bacteria Affects Baby

Culturelle Baby Grow + Thrive Probiotics + Vitamin D Drops ...

If you ask any random group of moms and grandmas, youll probably hear plenty about allergies, eczema, colic, and gas in infants. These health issues are common today because of our collective bad gut health, but that doesnt mean they are normal. Babies shouldnt have these issues.

Why is it happening? I have some guesses:

  • Beneficial bacteria is important for proper digestion of food and to absorb nutrients. Without this balance in the gut, babies can have digestive issues like colic, acid reflux, and gas.
  • Gut health also plays a big role in overall immunity. As Hippocrates said, All disease begins in the gut. Studies back this up. Interestingly, when mice with poor gut bacteria were given a fecal transplant from a healthy mouse their health improved.
  • As far back as the 1930s researchers have noticed a connection between the gut and skin. Studies show that many people with gut health issues also have skin issues. Other studies found that probiotic supplementation decreased skin symptoms. Anecdotally, I know many families who have seen marked reduction in skin issues like eczema when they began addressing gut health.

Though gut health is incredibly important for optimal health, and many of us dont have very good gut health, theres still hope. Whether baby was born via cesarean birth, fed formula, given solids too early, or simply inherited moms poor gut health, there are easy things we can do to improve gut health naturally.

Also Check: Does Taking Probiotics Help Acne

Single Strain & Evidence Based

It is important to select the right probiotic strain researched for and suited to your needs.

Many probiotic companies provide broad spectrum probiotics containing multiple strains in a single dose. However, clinical trials for probiotics are usually conducted with a single strain, and it is unclear how multiple strains in a single dose may interact with or inhibit each other.

Containing only a single strain probiotic, Lactobacillus Fermentum CECT5716, Qiara Infant is an evidence based strain, and its use and expected outcomes are supported by clinical trials.

Studies have shown that Lactobacillus Fermentum CECT5716 reduces the incidence of gastrointestinal infections in infants 1-6 months up to 71% and infants 6-12 months by up to 41% .

Qiara Infant AUSTL 228344:

  • Contains no added dairy, yeast, eggs, gluten, nuts, soy or salt.
  • Contains no animal products, no artificial colours, preservatives or sweeteners.
  • Is suitable for Vegetarians and Vegans.
  • Does not require refrigeration .
  • Is guaranteed to contain a minimum of 300 million live probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus Fermentum CECT5716 per sachet until the expiry date.
  • Contains 28 individually sealed sachets per box.
  • Recommended dosage 1 sachet per day. If prescribed oral antibiotics or if IV antibiotics have been administered, take 2 sachets per day for 5 days after the antibiotic course is completed, then return to one sachet daily. Take probiotic 2-3 hours before or after antibiotic dose.

Evivo Baby Probiotic Starter Kit With Live B Infantis

Why its great: This probiotic kit comes with a 30 day supply, as well as a mixing bowl and syringe. Its the perfect choice for your baby as it doesnt contain any additives or artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. Its also gluten-free. This probiotic is the only probiotic for babies on the market that contains the B. infantis EVC001 strain. This strain is stored and processed in such a way that it can consume the bacteria from breast milk better than any other strain. On top of that, its clinically proven to remove 80% of bad bacteria, while still increasing the good bacteria by 79%. This probiotic helps to reduce colic, diaper rash, and allergies.

Keep in mind: This one does need to be stored in the freezer or you can have it in the refrigerator for up to one month.

Good for: Parents that want the most effective probiotic thats been clinically proven to work.

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Best Probiotics For Colic And Reflux In Babies

As any exhausted parent knows, having a colicky baby is both distressing and worrying. If your baby suffers with colic, youll be familiar with inconsolable crying, gas, fussiness and screams of pain. A growing area of interest is the role of the gut microbiome, and many parents and carers are considering the use of probiotics for colic. You can read more about probiotics in Dr Kate’s article Baby Probiotics.

In this article we discuss:

  • How probiotics help with colic?
  • Which are the best strains of probiotic to use?
  • Whether probiotics can make colic worse?
  • How to choose the best probiotic for colic?

The exact reason why some babies develop colic and reflux remains relatively unknown, however, growing evidence suggests that gut bacteria could play a role. Babies with colic may have lower levels of beneficial bacteria and higher levels of inflammation and these combined can cause digestive issues, including colic and reflux1.

Having lots of the right bacteria in your babys gut is very important on many levels. The prenatal environment, delivery method and genetics can all shape the babys gut, it is also suggested that probiotics play a key factor in physical, cognitive, social and emotional development2.

Recent research for baby probiotics suggests that certain strains of beneficial bacteria particularly Bifidobacterium, have been shown to reduce the symptoms often associated with colic3.

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How to use Culturelle® Baby Probiotic Drops

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Probiotics ‘no Good’ At Treating Infant Colic

Probiotics ‘don’t ease’ baby colic, the Mail Online reports. A small, though well-conducted, study suggests that probiotics commonly touted as friendly bacteria could actually make symptoms worse.

Colic is a poorly understood condition in which otherwise healthy babies cry excessively and frequently. While not a serious threat to a babys health, colic can be extremely distressing for parents especially those of the sleep deprived variety .

The study included 167 young babies with colic and looked at whether giving them daily drops of the probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri improved symptoms, in comparison to giving them inactive placebo drops. The researchers found the treatment did not help.

In fact, after a month of treatment, formula-fed babies in the probiotic group actually cried or fussed for almost an hour longer than those in the placebo group. The treatment did not have any side effects.

This may be bad news for parents struggling to comfort their crying baby. The good news, however, is that all babies grow out of colic within a few months.

Health Benefits Of Baby Probiotics

Despite what product marketers might want us to believe, not all probiotics are good for specific health effects. There is a vast array of probiotic strains, most belonging to either the Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium group. Each strain within these groups has unique characteristics, functions, and potential health perks. The benefit of baby probiotics depends on the specific strain. And researchers havent probed every strain out there.

This is why, aside from a few probiotic strains shown to be effective for certain health conditions, its too soon to say with certainty that all babies and toddlers benefit from taking daily probiotics. Some could benefit, Merenstein says. But not enough enough clinical trials have been done on children to know for sure. For instance, probiotics seem to do some general good for the immune system and gastrointestinal health, he says. But from the existing research, its difficult to tease out exactly why or how theyre helping or which strains are actually effective.

That said, experts do know for certain that probiotics are overwhelmingly safe with few, if any, negative side effects. And although many more clinical trials are needed, it seems that most strains hold the potential to do something positive for health. But again, is this enough proof to make it worth giving a relatively healthy baby or toddler a daily probiotic?

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Healthy Bacteria Promotes Babies’ Health

All babies are born with an ecological blank slateâtheir gastrointestinal microbiota The gastrointestinal microbiota is the collective name given to the diverse microbe population living in our gut. begins to take shape during the birthing process and their first few days of life.

Moms who proactively take the right probiotic during pregnancy and/or incorporate it into their babiesâ daily routines after birth can help establish a healthy microbiota and give them a great start to life.

Does My Baby Need A Probiotic

Best Probiotic For Breastfed Baby

In the past, babies received B. infantis from their mothers during birth. However, there have been some shifts in the developed world during the past few generations that have led to a significant change in babies microbiomes. Cesarean sections, formula feeding, and antibiotic use have been important medical developments for many families, but they have contributed to a disruption in the transfer of important good bacteria, including B. infantis. Thats why Im so excited about Evivo. Its the first and only clinically proven probiotic to help restore gut balance to the infant microbiome, and its designed specifically for breastfeeding babies. In a clinical trial led by the University of California, Davis Medical Center, babies that were given Evivo showed an 80% reduction in potentially harmful bacteria such as E.coli, Clostridia, Staph, and Strep and a 79% increase in good gut bacteria. A reduction in the bad bacteria can help lower your babys risk of allergies, eczema, childhood obesity, and even decrease fussiness. In combination with your breastmilk, Evivo can help lay the foundation for good health that lasts a lifetime. Using Evivo is as simple as 1-2-3. Once a day, simply take one sachet out of the fridge or freezer and pour into the included mixing bowl. Add a teaspoon of expressed breastmilk and mix with a spoon. Feed the mixture to your baby using the included syringe. .

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Help Ease Your Babys Tummy With These

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Verywell / Chloe Jeong

Its normal for infants to have gas, but excessive amounts can lead to discomfort for babies and frustration for parents as they try to figure out how to make their little one feel better. A number of things can cause gas in babies such as not having a proper latch when feeding, a forceful let-down of milk from moms breast, a fast flowing bottle nipple, or not being burped enough between feedings.

Natural remedies can help relieve gas like burping more frequently, working with a lactation consultant to ensure a proper latch, switching to a slow-flow nipple, pacing feedings, changing formulas, or perhaps changing moms diet if breastfeeding. It can also help to lie babies on their backs and gently rub their tummies and move their legs in a bicycle motion. Tummy time helps release gas too since it puts pressure on babies stomachs.

Here are the best gas drops for babies.

Parents love Little Remedies Gas Relief Drops, which contain simethicone to help break up gas bubbles in baby’s tummy. They come in a natural berry flavor and dont have any sugar or high fructose corn syrup. However, they do contain sucralose, an artificial sweetener that makes the drops more palatable.

Option : Quality Baby Probiotics Supplement

Though any good quality probiotic will do, I like to stick with a childrens probiotic . The reason is that there are a few strains that are especially beneficial to babies and children.

  • B. BifidumThis is one of the first strains to colonize babys intestines. Its found in breastmilk and in the vagina.
  • B. InfantisThis is the strain that is most commonly found in infants and one of the first the mother passes to the infant after birth. This strain is known to acidify the gut to make it inhospitable to foreign invaders.
  • L. Rheuteri This is a strain that is most commonly found in childrens probiotics. Studies show it is beneficial in treating colic among other common health issues.

Probiotics for infants and children typically come in two forms:

  • Liquid probiotics This is probably the best form of probiotics for infants as they are easy to use. Liquid drops can be put directly into babys mouth or dripped onto the nipple or a pacifier.
  • Powdered probiotics Powdered probiotics can be used in a similar way. Sprinkle some powdered probiotics on the nipple or a pacifier. Or just sprinkle it on their tongue. I would avoid mixing it with water as the added water can mess with babys electrolyte balance.

While theres no perfect probiotic out there , the above are good options that I would use if I had another baby.

Recommended Reading: Maximum Daily Dose Of Probiotics

Does Your Infant Need Probiotics

The red hot trend is healthy germs. But there is always confusion about considering probiotics for your children. Kids who are healthy may benefit from these. An infants digestive system is extremely delicate, the use of antibiotics during delivery may wipe out the good bacteria from the infants gut. This creates an imbalance of good and bad bacteria that cause a number of symptoms such as asthma, allergies, acne, eczema, respiratory infections, constipation, diarrhea, etc.

Probiotics prevent these symptoms and offer remedies by activating the immune system. But if your child is chronically ill, then it is best to consult with a doctor first before adding any probiotic to their diet.

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