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Probiotics For H Pylori Infection

Drawbacks Of Antibiotic Therapy Against H Pylori

How probiotics enhance H pylori treatment and reduce side effects!

Overall, there are some drawbacks versus successful antibiotic therapy that include, increasing antibiotic resistance , unfavorable acidic conditions of the stomach , non-FDA-approved of some antibiotics , side effects of all antibiotics, as well as toxicity and high price of some drugs . Treatment failure may gradually lead to the progression of the primary infection to more severe complications such as peptic ulcer, MALT lymphoma, and gastric cancer . In summary, probiotics help human body against H. pylori through direct or indirect antagonism interactions including secreting antibacterial substances , inhibiting bacterial colonization, enhancing mucosal barriers, and regulating the immune responses .

H Pylori And Probiotics The Case For Prevention

As the authors in the GMNL study concluded, probiotics can be used as preventives against HP. Remember that in many cases, HP infection symptoms have a long incubation period of 10-20 years. That is plenty of time to interrupt its growth. Probiotics can also be used to mitigate side effects of conventional treatment. You don’t have to wait to be infected with a serious infection by HP to benefit from probiotics, and if you are infected, probiotics can assist in recovery. When dealing with HP infection, consider the relationship between H pylori and probiotics, particularly probiotics in the Lactobacillus family, which generally are antagonistic to many different pathogens.

Note that activity against HP appears to be strain-specific, as only 2 of the 226 Lactobacillus strains investigated in the study were found to have potent activity against HPUnfortunately, the strains used in the recent aforementioned study are currently laboratory strains, not available to the general public at the time of this writing, but the BioKult Infantis is available in my online dispensary and a probiotic supplement, NuMedica Tri-Flora, with L. helveticus R052 and L. rhamnosus R011 in its formula, is also available in my dispensary. Please contact me if you wish to purchase the supplement used in the adult study.

If you would like help in recovering from or being proactive against HP, consider nutritional consultations with me.

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Different Mechanisms Of Probiotics Antibacterial Action

Probiotics can inhibit H. pylori by several immunological and non-immunological mechanisms.

Probiotics are capable of modifying immunologic response of the host. Neutrophils, lymphocytes, plasma cells, and macrophages are involved in the inflammatory response to H. pylori. The consequences are increased levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8 and tumor necrosis factor in the gastric mucosa. Probiotics like L. salivarius WB 1004 have in vitro reduced IL-8 secretion by gastric epithelial cells. It looks like that at least in vitro L. acidophilus can improve H. pylori-induced gastric inflammation by inactivating the Smad7 and NFB pathways. Furthermore, Zhou et al demonstrated that L. bulgaricus inhibited the activation of the TLR4 signaling pathway and IL-8 production induced by H. pylori lipopolysaccharide in SGC-7901 cells. The gastric inflammation can be controlled to some level by different strains of Lactobacilli through inactivating JAK2 through JAK STAT pathways and through higher expression of SOCS protein family. H. pylori also induce humoral response of gastric mucosa, which may contribute to gastric mucosal damage. Lactobacilli were able to increase the local IgA concentration and decrease specific anti H. pylori IgG antibodies in animal models.

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Probiotics As Delivery System For The Treatment Of H Pylori Infection

Although many people around the world are infected with this bacterium in the first years of life, the search for an effective vaccine began after identification of H. pylori by Varan and Marshall however, the effectiveness of the vaccine is doubtful, because this bacterium suppresses the immune responses . Until recently, the vaccines entered in phase III clinical trials were stopped due to insufficient immunity against this pathogen . At the moment, Lactobacillus spp. can be used as promising candidates for oral vaccination the most important reasons are: safety, 2) being immunogenic, 3) low cost, 4) accessibility, 5) ease of administration . Here are some recombinant probiotics containing H. pylori antigens such as Lactococcus lactis , L. lactis , L. lactis , and B. subtilis oral administration of each of them leads to an increase in serum levels of IgG and IgA .

Probiotics As Adjuvant Therapy In Standard Eradication Protocols

H. Pylori Fight

However, more recent studies published by Song et al and Zojaji et al didnt confirm positive impact of S. boulardii on eradication rate. In Songs study 991 H. pylori infected patients were recruited. Patients in group A were treated only with two antibiotics and proton pump inhibitor, in group B S. boulardii was added for one month, and in group C the same regimen was used and in addition mucoprotective agent DA-9601 derived from Artemisia asiatica was concomitantly prescribed. Interestingly, the eradication rate was significantly higher in group B and C compared to group A only if intention to treat analysis was performed , whereas the eradication rate difference of per protocol patients analysis was not significant. The conclusion was that supplementation with S. boulardi could be effective for improving eradication rates by reducing adverse effects thus helping completion of eradication therapy. Zojaji et al included 160 adult patients. In the study protocol the probiotic S. boulardii was added to clarithromycin, amoxicillin and omeprazole for two weeks. The study showed that probiotics decrease the frequency of adverse events due to antibiotic therapy, but didnt increase the eradication rate of H. pylori.

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The Probiotic Lgg Produces Antimicrobial Substances Against H Pylori

Antagonistic activity against H. pylori in vitro has been associated with lactic acid production and to a lesser extent with the production of other short-chain fatty acids . Lactic acid increases the cell wall permeability of H. pylori . Besides, production of exopolysaccharide , lectin , and/or peptides with antimicrobial activity by LGG has been shown to inhibit other pathogenic bacteria, however, this effect has not been shown for H. pylori specifically. A summary of studies on the effect of LGG on H. pylori and gastric pathology can be found in Table 3.

TABLE 3. Summary of studies on the effect of LGG on H. pylori and gastric pathology.

Are Probiotics Effective

Probiotics have been shown to help with digestive discomfort, such as diarrhea and inflammation, according to the NCCIH. Individuals with gastritis often experience imbalance within the microbiome of organisms in the digestive tract due to the pathogenic effects of âH. pyloriâ, such as a decrease in the population of Lactobacillus bacteria.

The âGastroenterology Research and Practiceâ review, which assessed the use of probiotics to treat âH. pyloriâ, states that probiotics alone don’t eradicate the âH. pyloriâ but can reduce the colonization to a level that inflammation decreases. In general, the addition of probiotics to triple therapy or antibiotics may increase the rate of eradication of âH. pyloriâ compared with medication alone. Researchers also note that some specific strains of probiotics may be more effective for treating gastritis than others.

According to the NCCIH, probiotics have been shown to improve immune health by triggering an immune response to pathogens. A strong probiotic population in the GI tract can have an anti-inflammatory effect, which may improve the symptoms of gastritis. Probiotics also help boost the number of “good” bacteria that may be killed off by antibiotics used to treat âH. pyloriâ.

âRead more:â Probiotics vs. Acidophilus

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Probiotics For H Pylori

If youve ever suffered from Heliobacter pylori infection, youll definitely want to avoid getting it again. And if you havent had it, youll want to prevent it.

Helicobacter pylori is a type of bacteria that infects the gut and can cause a host of chronic health issues. Its a relatively common microorganism, present in about two-thirds of the worlds population.

Helicobacter pylori infection is the most common cause of gastritis and peptic ulcers. Its a relatively common infection, affecting about two-thirds of the worlds population. Risk increases with age and about 50% of people over the age of 60 are infected. Although recent studies show fewer young people are likely to be infected, theres every reason to prevent it where possible.

Most people can have H. pylori without any symptoms. However, in other cases, it can cause ulcers in the lining of your stomach or the upper part of your small intestine. Chronic cases may even lead to gastric cancer.

The good news is that new research shows that using probiotics may support antibiotic treatment for H. pylori infection and reduce the side effects of that treatment.

Utilization Of Probiotics In Association With Antibiotics In The Treatment Of H Pylori

Facts About H. Pylori Bacteria

The clinical trials performed in children on the effect of probiotics on H. pylori eradication rates as an adjuvant to eradicating regimens are summarized in Table Table11 and Figure Figure1.1. In the earliest study, Sýkora et al found that the addition of lactobacilli casei DN-114001 to a standard triple therapy improved the rate of H. pylori eradication. Intention-to-treat based eradication rates for the triple therapy group supplemented with L. casei were 84.6% , and 91.6% by per-protocol analysis. Eradication in the placebo group was 57.5% in the intention-to-treat analysis and 61.3% in the per protocol analysis. Reported adverse effects were infrequent and self-limiting after therapy cessation in both groups.

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How Effective Can Probiotics Be Against Helicobacter Pylori

A recent study conducted in 2021 investigated how exactly probiotics help stop H.Pylori from infecting your gastrointestinal lining or how it suppress the further worsening effects of the infection. Helicobacter Pylori not only causes ugly ramifications such as gut ulcers but also poses a high risk of acquiring gastric cancer.

According to this study, probiotic supplementation is considered a promising treatment plan for H.Pylori infection. Some of the considerable mechanisms through which probiotics restrict the action of H.Pylori are:

  • Inhibiting the colonization of H.Pylori by competitively binding with gastric epithelial cells.
  • Production of bacteriocins, acids, and bio-surfactants.
  • Increased mucin synthesis.
  • Production of antigen-specific antibodies

However, it is often advised to take probiotics as an adjunctive therapy rather than a stand-alone for better outcomes.

Utilization Of Probiotics Alone

The clinical trials performed in children on the effect of probiotics on H. pylori eradication rates alone are summarized in Table Table2.2. In a double-blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial Cruchet et al evaluated the efficacy of lactobacilli johnsonii La1 or lactobacilli paracasei ST11 as a unique intervention on H. pylori eradication in 252 asymptomatic school children screened for H. pylori by 13C-Urea breath test . Subjects were distributed into five groups to receive a product containing live L. johnsonii La1 or L. paracasei ST11, heat-killed L. johnsonii La1 or L. paracasei ST11, or just vehicle everyday for 4 wk. There was a moderate but significant difference in 13C-UBT values in children receiving live L. johnsonii La1, whereas no differences were observed in the other groups. The authors conclude that regular ingestion of a probiotic strain such as L. johnsonii La1 may interfere with H. pylori colonization in asymptomatic children and may be an effective alternative to modulate H. pylori infection and its associated gastritis in pediatric populations with high prevalences of infection by this pathogen.

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Possible Role Of Probiotics In H Pylori Treatment

Eradication failure rate of more than 20% and high percentage of adverse effects of antibiotic therapy are main problems in standard eradication therapy protocols. Furthermore, lover compliance due to adverse events results in higher antibiotic resistance of bacterial strains. Studies published to date suggest that probiotics can have dual role in fighting against H. pylori infection. They diminish the frequency of gastrointestinal adverse events caused by antibiotic therapy and increase the eradication rate. The probiotics have been experimentally used as single therapy in eradication protocols or as therapeutic agent used concomitantly with standard eradication therapy.

H Pylori Testing And Treatment

Lactoflor Helico Protect Probiotic with PYLOPASS which counteracts The ...

If you have symptoms associated with H. pylori, like peptic or duodenal ulcers, or persistent and chronic heartburn or burning in your stomach, being tested for H. pylori may be a good idea.

There are four ways to test for H. pylori infection.

A stomach biopsy during endoscopy is one option but is quite invasive. Results may vary depending on the sampling method, how widespread the infection is, and how the sample is tested after collection . For this reason, other testing methods may yield better results, and will certainly be less expensive and invasive.

The Urea Breath Test looks for the urease-virulence factor in your breath after ingesting a challenge solution. Any LabCorp or Quest laboratory can run a Urea Breath Test for H. pylori.

An H. pylori blood test looks for antibodies to H. pylori. A positive result indicates present or past infection. This test is the least reliable for diagnosing H. pylori .

Stool testing screens for H. pylori. Some labs Use PCR-DNA tests to screen for H. pylori DNA in your stool sample. The test also looks for how virulent the H. pylori strains you have are, which can provide some clues as to how damaging the infection is.

Speak with your doctor for advice about testing for H. pylori.

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Probiotics Support The Eradication Of H Pylori

New research has shown that probiotic supplementation can help kill the H. pylori bacteria. Its also been found that taking probiotics helps to prevent adverse symptoms associated with H. pylori treatment.

Researchers included 140 studies that involved over 20,000 patients in the meta-analysis. More than 10 kinds of probiotics and combinations were used, including Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.

Researchers found that 84 percent of people who used probiotics managed to fully eradicate their H. pylori infection, while only 70 percent of those using antibiotics alone had achieved full eradication. The probiotics also reduced side effects.

In another study involving children with H. pylori infection, researchers compared the effects of triple therapy but placing the children into four groups: a S. boulardii plus inulin group, an L. acidophilus group, and a drug-free group.

The results showed that the children treated with probiotics ended up with significantly reduced levels of H. pylori, and that as many as 12% of the children showed complete eradication.

Induction Of H Pylori Infection In C57bl/6 Mice

All the animals were randomly divided into ten experimental groups. Nine groups were considered as treatment groups and one group as a control group . Suspension containing H. pylori and PBS was made and was inoculated into the stomach using polyethylene tubes once daily for 1 month. Each animal received 1 mL of the prepared suspension.

Table 1.

Drugs and Lactobacillus compounds used in different animal groups

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H Pylori: What It Is + 9 Natural Treatments

By Annie Price, CHHC

Do you know whats been called the most successful pathogen in human history? Its a type of bacteria known as Helicobacter pylori and its been around for at least two hundred thousand years. And, its actually not uncommon for a person to have this bacteria living inside of them for an entire lifetime and not even know it!

According to the CDC, about 66 percent of the worlds human population is infected with Helicobacter pylori. In developing countries, the numbers are even worse, with up to 80 percent of adults and 10 percent of children likely having a H. pylori infection. If you have this infection, youre actually most likely not to have any symptoms. But, having this bacteria living in your body can make your risk of developing gastric cancer up to six times higher. Plus, H. pylori bacteria is often at the root of other major digestive problems, like peptic ulcers and gastritis. So, not only can H. pylori cause stomach ulcers, it can also cause ulcers in your esophagus or small intestine.

Can Probiotics Be Used As A Natural Treatment For Infections Caused By Hpylori

Broccoli sprouts as an unconventional treatment for H. Pylori (gastric ulcer-associated bacteria)

Helicobacter Pylori is the most common infection-causing agent that primarily attacks your gut lining, causing ulcers and inflammation with unfortunate consequences such as unintentional weight loss, nausea, bloating, and loss of appetite.

To treat this, doctors often suggest taking a combination of different antibiotics. However, antibiotics and killing bad bacteria in your gut also flush out the good ones. As a result of your bodys depleted natural gut flora, you might suffer from antibiotic-associated diarrhea.

As a result of these, interest in natural treatment is growing. Potential researchers support taking probiotic supplements as these help your body replenish good bacteria. Even being investigated, probiotics might help eradicate H.Pylori from the gut.

Probiotics are also a potential method of treating irritable bowel syndrome and help reduce bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, and nausea.

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Oil Pulling With Coconut Oil


1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil

What You Have To Do

  • Swish virgin coconut oil in your mouth for 10-15 minutes.
  • Spit the oil out.
  • Brush and floss your teeth as usual.
  • How Often You Should Do This

    Do this once daily, preferably every morning.

    Why This Works

    Oil pulling with coconut oil may be beneficial in getting rid of oral microbes due to its anti-H. pylori effects .

    Control Of Helicobacter Pylori Infection By Probiotics

    The safety and scientific validity of this study is the responsibility of the study sponsor and investigators. Listing a study does not mean it has been evaluated by the U.S. Federal Government. Read our disclaimer for details.
    Verified August 2012 by Ruggiero Francavilla, University of Bari. Recruitment status was: RecruitingFirst Posted : May 4, 2010Last Update Posted : August 17, 2012
    • Study Details

    Helicobacter pylori colonises an estimated 50% of the world´s population . Despite clear clinical guidelines on the treatment of this infection there is a drive to find alternative ways to control this infection in a wider perspective without the complications of induction of antibiotic resistance in the pathogen.

    L. reuteri has been widely studied in clinical trials and has been shown to have probiotic, health-promoting effects in both adults and children . L. reuteri has been shown in numerous studies to be safe for human consumption and it has been shown to colonise the human gastrointestinal tract .

    Condition or disease
  • Gastrointestinal symptom rating score
  • Measurement of marker serum peptides related to gastric inflammation.
  • Concomitant treatment During the period of the study , the subjects will refrain from ingestion of any kind of probiotic or bacterial preparation, antibiotics, H2-antagonists, PPIs and NSAIDs.

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