After Taking Probiotics Regularly I Started To Feel Super Sick
It happened at a Jonas Brothers concert. One minute I was singing along to “Year 3000,” feeling my happiness beginning, and the next I was in the bathroom trying not to throw up. My stomach hurt the entire ride home, and I remember thinking I must have eaten something weird or maybe I was getting sick. A week later, on a flight to Los Angeles to visit my brother, I started to feel sick again, and this time, my symptoms didn’t let up the entire trip.
After forgetting to take my nighttime pills for a couple days – including the 30 billion colony forming units of probiotics I had recently started taking to help my IBS – I started feeling better. That’s when I realized the two might be connected. Is it possible to take too many probiotics? And what exactly are the side effects? I talked to a gastroenterologist to find out more.
Reduce Inflammation With Probiotics & Improve Digestive Symptoms
Here comes the big one âprobiotics reduce inflammation within the gut .
Inflammation is particularly detrimental to proper digestion. It exaggerates intestinal permeability, interferes with insulin signaling, and can cause digestive symptoms .
Why does dysbiosis cause inflammation in the first place? Well, bad bacteria living within the gut have toxic molecules called lipopolysaccharides in their outer membrane, which trigger an immune and inflammatory response in the body. And that response is associated with digestive symptoms, among other health issues.
With less bad bacteria and LPS around, inflammation will go down.
So lets connect the dots since probiotics may increase the amount of beneficial bacteria and reduce counts of bad bacteria in your gut, they may also reduce the amount of lipopolysaccharides in your body, which in turn lowers inflammation.
And lowering inflammation is key to improving your digestion, since inflammation is associated with digestive issues .
Findings Also Provide Clues To Why Some People Experience More Stomach Upset During Pregnancy
In a first-of-its-kind study, researchers at the UC Davis School of Medicine found that probiotics significantly improve the symptoms of pregnancy-related nausea, vomiting and constipation. The findings were published in the journal Nutrients.
Nausea and vomiting affect about 85% of pregnancies and can significantly impact quality of life, particularly during early pregnancy.
The cause of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy is unknown to this date. Various theories have been proposed, but none of them is conclusive, said Albert T. Liu, lead author for the study and a professor of obstetrics and gynecology.
Nausea, vomiting and constipation during pregnancy can significantly diminish the quality of patients lives. Once nausea and vomiting during pregnancy progress, they can become difficult to control, and sometimes the patient even needs to be hospitalized, Liu said.
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Clinical Efficacy And Potential Mechanisms
A majority of the included comparisons reported probiotic benefits on the symptoms of GERD, such as regurgitation, heartburn, dyspepsia, nausea, abdominal pain, and gas-related symptoms . However, the heterogeneity in the outcomes made it impossible to perform a meta-analysis.
Probiotics have positive effects on reflux with regards to the presence of episodes and frequency scores . The presence of reflux episodes fell significantly by 40% in 20 pregnant women . To our knowledge, de Milliano et al. is the first trial to supplement with multi-strain probiotics, and reported benefits for reflux, particularly in constipated pregnant women. The product in this study contained six probiotic strains from six species, including Bifibacterium and Lactobacillus, providing efficacy for a wide range of upper- and lower-GI symptoms, such as abdominal pain and constipation .
Little is known about gastric microbiota and its function in the pathogenesis of GERD and FD . In Nakea et al. , FD patients had a clearly different bacterial community compared with healthy controls, in terms of overall community structure and bacterial taxonomic abundance. Prevotella spp. is the predominant taxa inhabiting the stomach . In this study, the relative abundance of Prevotella spp. was lower in FD patients versus healthy controls and significantly negatively correlated with the severity of postprandial distress symptoms scores, implicating Prevotella spp. in the occurrence of FD symptoms.
How Probiotics Are Good For You
They might lower the number of “bad” bacteria in your gut that can cause illness or inflammation. They can also replace those problem germs with good or helpful bacteria.
Researchers are studying when and how probiotics might best help. There’s more research for some illnesses than others. They might help people with:
- Diarrhea, especially when it’s linked to specific antibiotics. Probiotics also might help with infectious diarrhea, especially in children.
- Inflammatory bowel diseases including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Some probiotics might keep ulcerative colitis in remission and prevent Crohn’s disease from relapsing and getting worse.
- Irritable bowel syndrome. Probiotics can sometimes help ease symptoms, including stomach pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea, and constipation.
Probiotics also are being studied for many other conditions. There isnât as much research yet, but some people say that probiotics have helped them with:
- Decreasing inflammation, such as from rheumatoid arthritis
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Probiotics: A Fix For Nausea
June 12, 2016 by IPA Admin
Nausea. It sounds innocent enough: a queasy feeling or a dizzy stomach. But the feelings can be wretched for those suffering with motion or pregnancy-related morning sickness.
A relative recently disclosed that he hadnt been taking his probiotics even though the bottle stared him in the face every time he opened the refrigerator. There had been some nausea last time he popped one.
Even a hint of nausea can put us off from a pill or food: aversion therapy at its most efficient.
Side effects are rare for those taking probiotics. Still, people taking multiple medications may experience interactions that may be uncomfortable those with compromised immune systems are told to be cautious which is a bit of a irony because probiotics can boost the immune system.
A quick literature review reveals that probiotics may figure more in relieving nausea than causing it.
Researchers at Catholic University in Rome, Italy observed that gastrointestinal side effects often follow the intense antibiotic therapy required to eradicate Helicobacter pylori, the cause of most ulcers. They wondered if probiotics could help.
In the sixty subjects randomly receiving antibiotics with or without a dose of lactobacilli, nausea as well as diarrhea and taste changes were reduced in the probiotic group. The study appeared in Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics.
Above all, know that probiotics are unlikely to be the cause of the upset.
Probiotics May Alleviate Nausea And Vomiting In Pregnancy Study Finds
06 Dec 2021 — Probiotics may be the answer to pregnancy-related nausea, vomiting and constipation symptoms, according to a study conducted at the University of California Davis School of Medicine.
Supplementation with a Lactobacillus dominant over-the-counter probiotic led to a 16% reduction in nausea hours the number of hours participants felt nauseous and the number of times vomiting was reduced by 33%.
Probiotics were also found to reduce constipation significantly.
Additionally, as scored by questionnaires, probiotic intake improved symptoms related to the quality of life, such as fatigue, poor appetite and difficulty maintaining normal social activities.
Over the years, Ive observed that probiotics can reduce nausea and vomiting and ease constipation. Its very encouraging that the study proved this to be true. Probiotics have also benefited many of my other patients who werent in the study, says Albert Liu, lead study author and professor at the department of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of California.
Potential to improve quality of lifeThese study findings give researchers a better understanding of why some people experience increased stomach upset during pregnancy than others.
Nausea and vomiting affect about 85% of pregnancies and can significantly impact the quality of life, particularly during early pregnancy.Nausea and vomiting affect about 85% of pregnancies.
Edited by Nicole Kerr
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Treatments For Chronic Nausea
Our Digestive Health Center experts deliver personalized treatments for chronic nausea. We address the physical and possible neurologic causes of your condition. Using a team approach, we deliver seamless care based on your unique needs.
Your treatment may include:
- Medication: Taking anti-nausea and anti-anxiety medications may help relieve your symptoms.
- Medical nutrition therapy: Working with experts from Nutrition Services who specialize in helping patients with gastrointestinal disorders, we help you find foods that are less likely to trigger nausea. You may also need to start eating smaller meals and bland foods.
- Oral rehydration therapy: Drinking a rehydration solution can help you replace lost minerals and body fluids, if your nausea causes frequent vomiting.
- Total parenteral nutrition: Getting all the nutrition you need from special fluids you receive through a catheter in your vein, total parenteral nutrition can help you if your intestines need time to heal or your stomach has lost its ability to absorb nutrients from food taken by mouth.
- Tube feeding: Helping you get adequate nutrition when your body is not getting enough nutrients from food by mouth, tube feeding works by delivering specially formulated liquid nutrition directly to your stomach through a special tube, also known as a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube.
Many people are able to feel better with simple remedies, such as:
Is Nausea A Side Effect Of Probiotics The Short Answer
Probiotics are live and active Bacteria or fungi that are similar to your gut microbes. They are the good guys of the micro-organism world.
Probiotics are generally safe to take with rare and minimal documented side effects. to the degree that the CDC Doesnt consider it medication and is marketed as a dietary supplement.
Regarding nausea, Probiotics are not known to commonly cause nausea in the long term. However, in the first few days of taking a new probiotic, you may experience some stomach upset, mild bloating, and nausea which soon subside.
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Which Foods Are Good Sources Of Probiotics
There are lots of ways to incorporate probiotics into your diet if your physician recommends them to you.
“A few good sources of probiotics include yogurt, unpasteurized sauerkraut, kimchi, buttermilk, sourdough bread, miso, tempeh, kefir and pickled vegetables,” notes Dr. Akhtar. Just be sure to read labels carefully, as not every yogurt brand or loaf of bread contains the same good bacteria .
If you’d rather take a supplement, be sure to ask your doctor for advice. There are numerous types of bacteria and many species within each â and of course, the levels of probiotic bacteria in supplements can vary according brand, per the Mayo Clinic. Because of this variability, it’s a good idea to seek help when determining which supplement best matches your needs.
Headaches From Biogenic Amines
This is another reason why probiotics might cause headaches. Many commercially produced foods are fermented and contain high levels of biogenic amines. This is a substance that in sensitive people can cause headaches and other symptoms. Many are sensitive to amines without knowing about it.
Why are amines present in fermented food?
Amines are substances formed when certain bacteria break down amino acids in vegetables and other foods. There are great variations of amine levels in similar products from different producers which makes it hard to know what to avoid. If an individual is sensitive to amines, he or she can get headaches after consuming certain fermented foods. However, in such cases its actually not probiotics causing headaches but the amines.Effects of dietary amines on the gut PubMed Diet and Headache PubMed Biogenic amines formation PubMed Technological Factors Affecting Biogenic Amine Content in Foods PubMed
Two amines are common culprits in headaches:
Other adverse reactions to amines include:
- Stomach problems
- Many more
How to avoid headaches from amines
Probiotic supplements do not contain amines. However, they can contain artificial coating, soy, wheat, gluten, and other substances that can trigger headaches.
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Study Finds Probiotics Significantly Improve Nausea And Vomiting In Pregnancy
Findings also provide clues to why some people experience more stomach upset during pregnancy.
In a first-of-its-kind study, researchers at the UC Davis School of Medicine found that probiotics significantly improve the symptoms of pregnancy-related nausea, vomiting, and constipation. The findings were published in the journal Nutrients.
Nausea and vomiting affect about 85% of pregnancies and can significantly impact quality of life, particularly during early pregnancy.
The cause of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy is unknown to this date. Various theories have been proposed, but none of them is conclusive, said Albert T. Liu, lead author for the study and a professor of obstetrics and gynecology.
Nausea, vomiting and constipation during pregnancy can significantly diminish the quality of patients lives. Once nausea and vomiting during pregnancy progress, they can become difficult to control, and sometimes the patient even needs to be hospitalized, Liu said.
Beneficial microbes
Probiotics are referred to as beneficial bacteria. They can be found in foods like yogurt, kimchi, kefir, sauerkraut and tempeh. Probiotics are also available as food supplements. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, other than vitamins, probiotics or prebiotics were the third most commonly used dietary supplement for adults.
Probiotics were also found to reduce constipation significantly.
New clues from gut microbes and byproducts
Gut Bacteria May Play A Role
Based on an analysis of the participants fecal samples, the researchers learned that different gut bacteria impacted the severity of the womens nausea and vomiting. This helps explain why the probiotics were successful at mitigating these symptoms. The study showed that higher traces of certain bacteria were linked with more vomiting however, the probiotics worked to lower those bacteria, which reduced how frequently the women vomited.
This research provides key insights about the impact of gut microbes on gastrointestinal function during pregnancy, said researcher Yu-Jui Yvonne Wan. Our gut microbiota explains why we are what we eat, and why bacteria-generated metabolites and products have a huge impact on our health. They affect the gastrointestinal tract as well as skin health and neurological function.
Moving forward, the team hopes more studies can be done in this area so that women can be better supported during their pregnancies.
The current study might be one of the first to show the benefits of probiotics in pregnancy, Wan said. It would be interesting and important to further test whether probiotics can reduce nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy in cancer patients.
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How Effective Are Probiotics
Researchers are currently unsure how effective probiotic supplements are for treating conditions. Theres constant research on the topic. While many research studies have had positive results on the impact of probiotic supplements, more research is still needed.
Its also important to keep in mind that unlike medications, dietary supplements do not need to be approved by the FDA. This means that manufacturers can sell supplements simply with claims of safety and effectiveness.
Always talk with your healthcare provider before taking a supplement or giving one to your child. Supplements might interfere with medicines you may be taking. If you are pregnant or breast feeding, check with your provider before taking any supplement.
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How Do Lifestyle Factors Come Into Play
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As we mentioned earlier, no supplement or vitamin will ever serve as a one-pill wonder or magical cure-all . Therefore, it’s fortuitous to be realistic regarding other factors that can come into play and could possibly impact the efficacy of a probiotic.
“Stress, medications, travel, and a poor diet can all throw your microbiome off balance, which can lead to undesirable symptoms like digestive distress, gas, and bloating,” Heim tells us. And especially in terms of diet, some foods can cause some issues. For instance, vegetables can be problematic in addition to certain types of sugars.
“A diet that’s low in FODMAP , monosaccharides , and sugar alcohols , such as sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, and maltitol) may help keep bloating at bay,” Lin tells us. “Foods are composed of short-chain carbohydrates, which are known to feed the beneficial bacteria in the gut, which essentially is like throwing a party in the colon, creating gas, drawing in water, and more. For a person dealing with bloating, this may increase their symptoms.”
That being said, one lifestyle factor that can enhance your probiotic and naturally lessens bloating is exercise, as it has been shown to increase the motility of the gut and keep gas from sticking around too long in the digestive tract.
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The Benefits Of Probiotics
There is a lot of research happening in the world of probiotics, but even so, researchers dont fully understand all of the health benefits of having healthy gut flora. The body and the symbiotic relationship that it has with the microorganisms that call it home are complicated, but there is evidence that probiotics may help alleviate or prevent several health conditions as well as boost our overall health.
What About Fermented Food Prepared At Home
Interestingly, studies indicate that homemade fermented vegetablesgenerally contain very low amounts of amines, too low to cause headaches in most people. One reason seems to be that other kinds of bacteria are involved when fermenting at home compared to commercially fermented foods. A suitable starter culture prevents high levels of amines from developing.Reduced biogenic amine contents in sauerkraut Biogenic amine contents in sauerkraut
Summary: Industry fermented foods can contain high levels of amines that in sensitive person can cause headaches. Keeping a food diary helps to determine which foods to avoid. Homemade fermented food using a starter is safer. Probiotics supplements do not contain amines.
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