Sunday, July 14, 2024

Why You Should Take A Probiotic

Definitely Take A Probiotic If

Should I take probiotic supplements every day?

There are a few situations where the answer to the question of whether or not you should take a probiotic is straightforward. If you have:

then go ahead and reach confidently for that supplement. Probiotics have been well-studied for controlling the symptoms each of these conditions and have shown consistent positive results.

Can I Take Or Eat Something To Increase The Good Probiotics In My Body

You can increase the amount of good microbes in your body through foods, drinks and supplements. You may already have certain foods in your daily diet that contain probiotics. Fermented foods in particular are home to a host of good bacteria that benefit your body. There are also fermented drinks like kombucha or kefir that introduce extra probiotics into your diet.

Apart from food, you can add probiotics to your diet through dietary supplements. These arent drugs, so they do not need to be approved by the Federal Drug Administration . Its important that you always talk to your healthcare provider before starting any kind of supplement or major change to your diet.

How Often Should You Take A Probiotic

Okay, this might feel like a cop-out to you, but the honest answer to how often you should take your probiotic supplement is: as often as it says to on the package, or as often as your doctor tells you to.

If you chose a supplement with an effective dose per serving this will likely be one supplement/one dose per day. After all, that is how the supplements were designed get an effective number of probiotic bacteria in one go!

Of course, you do have some wiggle room.

Taking Multiple Doses to Get More Probiotic Bacteria

If a single dose of your probiotic is at the lower end of the effective range , you may, eventually, be able to increase your intake to two doses per day safely. You should only do this, though, if:

If you decide to do double your daily dosage, make sure you spread the doses out. Researchers arent sure, yet, if doses above 100 billion CFUs in one go might have more serious side effects. So, you should make sure not to take two or more servings at once if that will bump your intake up over the 100 billion mark.

Taking Multiple Doses to Get Less Probiotic Bacteria

If you are having side effects from a full dose, you can split a single dose up into several smaller doses. Dont do this long-term, though.

Recommended Reading: What Does A Digestive Probiotic Do

Who Should Take Supplements

Even though you want to eliminate harmful bacteria from the environment, you cannot do that. So it is important to maintain a balance and boost the beneficial gut bacteria.

Probiotics are important for daily digestive functions. They help with gut cleaning. They are essential because the lifestyle we have and the food that we eat today can destroy the healthy bacteria present in our gods. Most of the food that we eat or processed and can foods and they are not good for the gut bacteria that you have. When you consume probiotics regularly, it will replenish good bacteria. Fermented foods like yogurt, pickled vegetables, soy products, and raw milk can add more good bacteria to your gut. If you do not have access to them and if you want to add more good bacteria to your gut for better health, you need to consume probiotics regularly.

Try Culturelle Daily Probiotic Gummies for Men and Women, Probiotic + Prebiotic with Vitamin C Boost. Culturelle Daily Probiotic Gummies are dairy-free, gluten-free, vegan, and Non-GMO. They are free from caffeine and stimulants.

Culturelle Daily Probiotic Gummies contain three billion CFUs of good bacteria. Containing clinically studied probiotic strains, they support a good bacterial balance in your gut, which helps to keep you healthy. Culturelle Daily Probiotic Gummies are formulated to work in harmony with your body.

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Signs You Need A Probiotic

5 Reasons Why You Should Take a Probiotic

Supporting your gut health can be the key to fighting off skin conditions, boosting your immune system, improving mood disorders, and even losing weight. Eating foods high in probiotics and taking probiotic supplements can improve your gut health, and may reverse some health problems associated with bacterial imbalances in the GI tract.

The presence of good bacteria in the gut is necessary to keep harmful bacteria under control, promote good digestion, and keep the immune system strong. Probiotics help your body absorb essential vitamins and minerals more efficiently, and can even help balance neurotransmitters in your brain that are responsible for controlling your mood which is why a healthy gut can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

People who are lacking healthy gut bacteria often struggle with asthma, skin disorders, infections, irritable bowel syndrome, and many other problems that can stem from poor gut health. Could you benefit from probiotics? Here are six signs you may have an intestinal bacterial imbalance.

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Youll Be More Mindful Of What You Eat

If youre taking a probiotic, you may tend to be more mindful of what foods you are putting into your body choosing a diet rich in nutrient-dense, natural, whole foods. Avoid foods that are high in sugar and artificial ingredients. A healthy gut can help fight food cravings.

Reading nutritional labels can be overwhelming. Just remember that certain foods feed the bad bacteria and starve the good bacteria.

Many people are surprised to learn that sugar is found in over 60% of processed foods and can promote inflammation and dysbiosis an imbalance of microbes in the gut, says Dr. Celik. Just one small change such as minimizing sugar in the diet can have a huge impact on your gut health.

These are five things to avoid:

  • Heavily processed vegetable oils and trans fat containing foods
  • Processed meats
  • Why Do Antibiotics Cause Diarrhea

    The reason antibiotics can cause diarrhea or an upset stomach is because antibiotics disrupt the ecosystem in the gut. Our gastrointestinal tract is a host to trillions of microorganisms composing of about 200 to 500 different species in each person. This gut bacteria, also known as microbiome, is a very highly organized network that supports our bodily functions, including digestion, protecting against certain infections and regulating our immune system.

    The microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract outnumber our human cells by 10 times, and they carry 150 times more genetic material than our human genome, Dr. Gurram explains. It is a very complex and intricate, yet a delicate system.

    While antibiotics have benefits, the trouble with antibiotics is that the medicine doesnt just kill the bad bacteria causing infection that is being treated. They also kill good bacteria that live in our gut. This can lead to an imbalance in the microbiome, also termed dysbiosis, which can lead to GI symptoms.

    Antibiotics rarely cause constipation, but they may lead to diarrhea, cramping and nausea. These side effects are one reason why its important to avoid unnecessary use of antibiotics. However, antibiotics are extremely important and lifesaving, states Dr. Gurram. Doctors understand the benefits and risks of antibiotics and are cautious to prescribe antibiotics only when they are needed.

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    Youre Always Getting Sick

    Lack of healthy gut bacteria can weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible to viruses, infections, and illnesses like the flu, the common cold, and urinary infections. If it seems like youre always coming down with something or running out of sick days at work, its possible you may need probiotics to restore your immune system.

    Choosing A The Right Probiotic For You

    Why Take Probiotics?

    Most experts recommend making sure your probiotic supplement contains at least one billion colony forming units , which is the number of cells per dosage.

    There are many kinds of bacteria in probiotics, and different types contain different bacterial strains or mixes of strains. Some of the most common probiotic strains are lactobacillus, bifidobacterium and saccharomyces boulardii.

    But, heres the thing: Everyones microbiome is different and no two unbalanced microbiomes look the same. That means that theres not one type of probiotic that will work for everyone.

    If youve been taking one for a little while and dont notice a difference or, worse, you notice tummy troubles, you may want to consider taking a different probiotic with different bacteria.

    Oh, and you should know that probiotics are pretty safe. However, experts recommend that people with weakened immune systems avoid probiotic bacteria supplements. You should also know that probiotic supplements are not regulated by the FDA.

    Before you take anything, its always a good idea to schedule a consultation with a healthcare provider. This way, you can talk about potential risk factors and make sure whatever probiotic you take wont interact with any other type of medication you might be taking.

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    Two Main Types Of Probiotics

    Although there are many species, says Axe, in nature and in supplements, probiotics come from two main sources:

    Found on plant foods that have not been radiated or sterilized. For example, if we ate locally-grown, organic carrots and just washed them gently, rather than scrubbing off the top layer, we would ingest these organisms, as our ancestors did. In supplements, the bacillus species is soil-based. Soil-based probiotics pass through the gut, eliminating harmful organisms, but dont take up residence, so we need an ongoing supply. They are more resilient to stomach acid than other types.

    Most other species, including lactobacillus and bifidobacterium, are found in fermented foods.

    One other type, the saccharomyces species, comes from yeast. To restore and maintain a healthy balance, which helps the body heal itself and stay in good shape, Axe recommends getting a variety of all three types.

    Key Facts About Probiotics And Antibiotics Covered In This Article

    • Antibiotics deplete the populations of natural friendly bacteria that live in our gut, known as the gut microbiome. This may result in digestive discomfort including such as diarrhoea, nausea, indigestion and low energy.
    • Probiotics can support digestive health in those taking antibiotics.
    • Rather than waiting until after the antibiotic course, its best to take a probiotic supplement which has been designed to take alongside antibiotics, to help maintain balance in the gut microbiome.
    • Antibiotic resistance is becoming increasingly common, exacerbated by patients not competing antibiotic courses. Taking probiotics with antibiotics may help to reduce digestive discomfort associated with antibiotic use and enable individuals to complete the full course of antibiotics.
    • Lactobacillus acidophilus Rosell-52 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus Rosell-11 are two probiotic strains shown to reach the gut alive even when taken at exactly the same time as antibiotics.
    • The best time to take the probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus Rosell-52 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus Rosell-11 is at breakfast time, regardless of when the antibiotic is recommended to be taken.
    • If taking other probiotic strains with antibiotics, advice is dependent on the supplier but standard recommendation is to wait at least 2 hours after your antibiotics before taking probiotics.
    • It is best to select strains which have been extensively researched alongside antibiotics.

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    Should You Take Probiotics

    The “good bacteria” may help healthy people but aren’t formally recommended.

    Probiotics are “good” bacteria touted to help maintain digestive health and boost the immune system. You can take them in a dietary supplement or get them from food sources, such as yogurt. But should you? They can be helpful in some cases, but we still need more studies to tell us if and when they are safe and effective for older adults.

    Phase : Try Targeted Supplements Or Diets

    Health Benefits of Probiotics

    The final phase of alleviating your chronic health symptoms entails a more focused approach. It may be helpful to find a healthcare practitioner, like a functional medicine specialist, to assist you during this process.

    Depending on your specific symptoms and underlying conditions, you may see benefit from the following.

    • Betaine hydrochloride and digestive enzymes improve digestion and may be helpful in cases of low stomach acid, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency , and other types of malabsorption .
    • Antimicrobials, such as oregano oil, berberines, caprylic acid, and peppermint oil can help address dysbiosis and harmful bacteria that may be contributing to your symptoms .
    • The elemental diet is a highly specialized diet that can be used alone or alongside other plans, like Paleo or low FODMAP diets. Elemental shakes can reset your microbiome, reduce intestinal inflammation, and help eliminate stubborn health symptoms in just a few weeks.

    Recommended Reading: Daily Probiotic To Prevent Yeast Infections

    How Should I Take Probiotics With Antibiotics

    If you do decide to take a probiotic with an antibiotic, start it the same day you start the antibiotic, but do not take it at exactly the same time as the antibiotic. Allow at least two hours to elapse after taking your antibiotic before you take your probiotic.

    Probiotics are usually taken twice a day on an empty stomach. They should then be continued for at least several weeks after your course of antibiotics has finished, although some people take probiotics daily to not only continue to help digestion but to boost their immune system and enhance the absorption of some nutrients.

    If you wish to take probiotic supplements, choose a high-quality probiotic made by a reputable company that contains at least one of the following: Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Saccharomyces boulardii, or Bifidobacterium sp. at 5 to 40 billion colony units/day.

    So What Do You Do To Get Rid Of Harmful Bacteria

    You take an oral supplement. There are a variety of different ones on the market today. Many of them are just as effective as some of the probiotics that you can get in the grocery store, but they are less expensive.

    Plus, when you buy an oral supplement, the probiotics that were in them are destroyed.

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    Take Probiotics During And After Treatment

    Taking antibiotics can alter the gut microbiota, which can lead to antibiotic-associated diarrhea, especially in children.

    Fortunately, a number of studies have shown that taking probiotics, or live healthy bacteria, can reduce the risk of antibiotic-associated diarrhea .

    One review of 23 studies including nearly 400 children found that taking probiotics at the same time as antibiotics could reduce the risk of diarrhea by more than 50% .

    A larger review of 82 studies including over 11,000 people found similar results in adults, as well as children .

    These studies showed that Lactobacilli and Saccharomyces probiotics were particularly effective.

    However, given that probiotics are usually bacteria themselves, they can also be killed by antibiotics if taken together. Thus, it is important to take antibiotics and probiotics a few hours apart.

    Probiotics should also be taken after a course of antibiotics in order to restore some of the healthy bacteria in the intestines that may have been killed.

    One study showed that probiotics can restore the microbiota to its original state after a disruptive event, such as taking antibiotics .

    If taking probiotics after antibiotics, it may be better to take one that contains a mixture of different species of probiotics, rather than just one.

    How Safe Are Probiotics

    Probiotics – why you should take Probiotics while on an Antibiotic

    Because microbes used as probiotics already exist naturally in your body, probiotic foods and supplements are generally considered safe. They may trigger allergic reactions, and may also cause mild stomach upset, diarrhea, or flatulence and bloating for the first few days after starting to take them.

    There are certain people who need to use caution when using probiotic supplements. There is a risk of infection in some people. These people include those who have:

    • A weakened immune system .
    • A critical illness.

    Caution should also be used when giving probiotics to very sick infants.

    Always talk to your healthcare provider before starting a probiotic supplement.

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    Should You Take Probiotics With Antibiotics

    Being healthy means keeping a very close eye on your diet. What does this mean? It can include counting calories, avoiding certain foods, or refusing to mix other foods.

    If you take probiotics, youre already aware of the benefits it has on your gut health. Our gut health is actually one of the most complex details about us! Your stomach is full of unique bacteria that can influence everything from your digestion to your mood. The downside is that you have to be extra careful of anything else you add.

    Should you take probiotics with antibiotics? Well break down the how and why so you can stay as healthy as possible in these uncertain times.

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    Is It Ok To Take Probiotics Every Day

    A common question about probiotics is whether it is ok to take probiotic supplements every day. Whilst there may be a few exceptions to this rule, the general answer is yes, it’s safe, and usually recommended, to take them daily.

    It’s important to understand that probiotics are a natural supplement and not a medicine. They are best used at breakfast time as part of a daily health regime, rather than as a ‘quick fix’ option. There are also some situations where certain strains can be taken for a short time, such as alongside antibiotics. Fermented foods containing live cultures have been part of traditional diets in many different ethnic groups for centuries. Learn more by reading about our 5 favourite fermented foods. People have been consuming probiotics for generations in foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir and kombucha , but it has only been more recently that we have been able to consume specific strains for specific purposes, in easy-to-take capsules, powders, or kids’ gummies.

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    Probiotics And Antibiotics: An Overview

    • Antibiotics deplete the populations of friendly bacteria in the gut and may cause digestive issues so its important to select probiotics to take with antibiotics, dont wait until the course has finished.
    • If taking Lactobacillus acidophilus Rosell-52, Lactobacillus rhamnosus Rosell-11 and Bifidobacterium lactis Lafti B94 then take them with breakfast. These strains can be taken at the SAME time as your antibiotic if this is also at breakfast-time.
    • If taking a different probiotic supplement, wait at least 2 hours after your antibiotics before taking probiotics.
    • It is important to always follow the advice from your doctor, and always take and finish a course of antibiotics as prescribed. Taking probiotics alongside antibiotics may reduce digestive issues and enable you to finish a course, reducing the chances of antibiotic resistance.
    • If you have already finished a course of antibiotics before being recommended a friendly bacteria supplement, better late than never by all means take a probiotic now! For next time, you know you can take them during as well as after.
    • It simply isnt a question of antibiotics OR probiotics its a question of antibiotics AND probiotics.

    You may also wish to read our FAQ, At what time should I take probiotics?

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