Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Probiotics Really Good For You

Is Honey A Probiotic

Probiotics: Are They Really Necessary? | Talking Point | Diet

Honey is also being recognized as a potential prebiotic, since it has oligosaccharides that can promote the growth of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, in addition to antimicrobial components which can act as an anti-bacterial agent. In addition, honey has been shown to be a good source of essential fatty acids such as docosahexaenoic acid and arachidonic acid.

EFAs are essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system, immune system and cardiovascular system. They are also involved in the production of neurotransmitters, including serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and acetylcholine, which are important for learning and memory, as well as the regulation of blood pressure, heart rate and blood sugar levels. ARA have also been linked to the prevention and treatment of Alzheimers disease and other neurodegenerative diseases.

Do You Need To Take Probiotic Supplements

If you suffer from chronic constipation, diarrhea, or other gastrointestinal distress and your physician recommends taking something, says David Poppers, M.D.,Ph.D., a gastroenterologist at NYU Langone.

Everyone else can save their money, because theres no evidence that probiotic supplements offer any benefit to already healthy people, says Gilbert

The research is “in the pipeline,” but it’s “not there yet,” says Doerfler.

Understanding The Health Benefits Of Taking Probiotics

What are the benefits of taking probiotics? Bacteria have a reputation for causing disease, so the idea of tossing down a few billion a day for your health might seem literally and figuratively hard to swallow. But a growing body of scientific evidence suggests that you can treat and even prevent some illnesses with foods and supplements containing certain kinds of live bacteria. Northern Europeans consume a lot of these beneficial microorganisms, called probiotics , because of their tradition of eating foods fermented with bacteria, such as yogurt. Probiotic-laced beverages are also big business in Japan.

Some digestive disease specialists are recommending probiotic supplements for disorders that frustrate conventional medicine, such as irritable bowel syndrome. Since the mid-1990s, clinical studies suggest that probiotic therapy can help treat several gastrointestinal ills, delay the development of allergies in children, and treat and prevent vaginal and urinary infections in women.

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How Probiotics Are Good For You

They might lower the number of “bad” bacteria in your gut that can cause illness or inflammation. They can also replace those problem germs with good or helpful bacteria.

Researchers are studying when and how probiotics might best help. There’s more research for some illnesses than others. They might help people with:

  • Diarrhea, especially when it’s linked to specific antibiotics. Probiotics also might help with infectious diarrhea, especially in children.
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Some probiotics might keep ulcerative colitis in remission and prevent Crohn’s disease from relapsing and getting worse.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome. Probiotics can sometimes help ease symptoms, including stomach pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea, and constipation.

Probiotics also are being studied for many other conditions. There isnât as much research yet, but some people say that probiotics have helped them with:

Are Probiotics Really That Good For You

Probiotics: are they really good for you?

Are probiotics anything more than a waste of money on a health hype? Probiotics have become a multibillion-dollar industry. With such quick velocity, it makes you wonder if theyre truly worth the hype or if this is just another quick health trend. To determine whether probiotics are necessary, we need to define probiotics and what theyre supposed to do. Before we define probiotics, it might be helpful to back up a few steps and define the role of your gut where probiotics are said to fulfill their work.

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Should You Take A Daily Probiotic Supplement

Probiotics are good for your gut, but the source matters.

Theres a lot of buzz around probiotics. Theyre endorsed by celebrities and fill grocery stores aisles.

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that promote a healthy gut. Scientists believe they could unlock a deeper understanding of our health. Probiotics are found in some foods and drinks, like yogurt or fermented tea.

Just like vitamins, probiotics are available as supplements. Manufacturers make steep claims about their benefits. They include digestive health, strengthened immune system, weight loss and reduced cancer risk. But can a supplement really do all that?

To learn more about probiotic supplements, we spoke with Carrie Daniel- MacDougall, Ph.D., M.P.H., a nutritional epidemiologist at MD Anderson who studies diet and the microbiome.

Heres what you should know about probiotic supplements.

Its always better to get nutrients from food. That includes probiotics.

More research needs to be done on probiotics in general and probiotic supplements, but its always better to get your nutrients from food rather than supplements, Daniel-MacDougall says. They just dont deliver the same benefits as food.

One reason is because supplements arent regulated as closely as medications. So the quality and ingredients can vary greatly from product to product.

Unless your doctor is prescribing probiotics for a specific purpose, stick to getting them from foods like yogurt that may have other nutrients, like calcium.

Probiotics Can Help Prevent And Treat Diarrhea

Probiotics are widely known for their ability to prevent diarrhea or reduce its severity.

Diarrhea is a common side effect of taking antibiotics. It occurs because antibiotics can negatively affect the balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut (

15 ).

A review of 15 human studies found supplementing with Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus strains for 12 months can improve anxiety, depression, autism, obsessive-compulsive disorder and memory .

One study followed 70 chemical workers for 6 weeks. Those who consumed 100 grams of probiotic yogurt per day or took a daily probiotic capsule experienced benefits for general health, depression, anxiety and stress .

Benefits were also seen in a study of 40 patients with depression.

Taking probiotic supplements for 8 weeks decreased depression levels and reduced levels of C-reactive protein and hormones such as insulin, compared to people who did not take a probiotic .

Bottom Line:

Research shows taking probiotics may help improve symptoms of mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, stress and memory, among others.

Also Check: Can I Take A Probiotic While Taking An Antibiotic

How We Chose The Best Probiotic Supplements

We selected the best probiotics using the following criteria:

  • Vetting. All the products have been vetted to ensure that they meet Healthlines medical and business standards. You can read more about our vetting process here.
  • Effective dose. All of the supplements below contain at least 106 CFUs per gram.
  • Ingredients. We looked for products that are made from high quality ingredients and free of artificial additives and fillers.
  • Personal needs. Whether you need a specific probiotic strain or follow a gluten-free diet, we included options to suit a variety of needs and preferences.

Is It Ok To Take Probiotics Every Day

Probiotics | Good for You? | BBC Studios

A common question about probiotics is whether it is ok to take probiotic supplements every day. Whilst there may be a few exceptions to this rule, the general answer is yes, its safe, and usually recommended, to take them daily.

Its important to understand that probiotics are a natural supplement and not a medicine. They are best used at breakfast time as part of a daily health regime, rather than as a quick fix option. There are also some situations where certain strains can be taken for a short time, such as alongside antibiotics. Fermented foods containing live cultures have been part of traditional diets in many different ethnic groups for centuries. Learn more by reading about our 5 favourite fermented foods. People have been consuming probiotics for generations in foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir and kombucha , but it has only been more recently that we have been able to consume specific strains for specific purposes, in easy-to-take capsules, powders, or kids gummies.

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How Effective Are Probiotics

Researchers are currently unsure how effective probiotic supplements are for treating conditions. Theres constant research on the topic. While many research studies have had positive results on the impact of probiotic supplements, more research is still needed.

Its also important to keep in mind that unlike medications, dietary supplements do not need to be approved by the FDA. This means that manufacturers can sell supplements simply with claims of safety and effectiveness.

Always talk with your healthcare provider before taking a supplement or giving one to your child. Supplements might interfere with medicines you may be taking. If you are pregnant or breast feeding, check with your provider before taking any supplement.

Conditions Related To Allergy

Allergic Rhinitis

  • A review of 23 studies in which probiotics were tested for treating allergic rhinitis found some evidence that they may be helpful for improving symptoms and quality of life. However, because the studies tested different probiotics and measured different effects, no recommendations about the use of probiotics could be made. Few side effects of probiotics were reported in these studies.


  • A review of 11 studies of probiotics for asthma in children had inconclusive results.

Atopic Dermatitis

  • Atopic dermatitis is an itchy chronic skin disorder thatâs associated with allergies but not caused by them. Itâs most common in infants and may start as early as age 2 to 6 months. Many people outgrow it by early adulthood. Atopic dermatitis is one of several types of eczema.
  • A 2017 review of 13 studies of probiotics for the treatment of atopic dermatitis in infants and children did not find consistent evidence of a beneficial effect. A review of 9 studies in adults provided preliminary evidence that some strains of probiotics might be beneficial for symptoms of atopic dermatitis.

Prevention of Allergies

Also Check: Fda Approved Probiotics For Adults

What Are The Most Common Types Of Probiotic Bacteria

Though there are many types of bacteria that can be considered probiotics, there are two specific types of bacteria that are common probiotics found in stores. These include:

  • Lactobacillus.
  • Bifidobacterium.

Probiotics are also made up of good yeast. The most common type of yeast found in probiotics is:

  • Saccharomyces boulardii.

Who May Not Benefit From Probiotic Supplements

10 Best Probiotics for Women for Urinary and Digestive Support

There is a lot we dont know about how probiotic supplementation affects those with gastrointestinal disorders. For many conditions, it is unclear if probiotics might be harmful or exacerbate symptoms. Based on current research, probiotic supplementation may not be beneficial as a treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome in all ages or for acute gastroenteritis in children.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a chronic gastrointestinal disorder impacting 20% of children and adults in North America with symptoms that include abdominal pain or discomfort, changes in bowel habits, and changes in stool appearance and form. Although the cause of IBS is still unknown, the gut microbiome plays a role in the physiological symptoms. Current research shows that probiotic supplementation likely does not provide significant relief for those with IBS.

As time goes on, more research will be done to determine the connection between the microbiome and IBS in hopes of finding a cure and/or relief from symptoms, and that may include the use of probiotics.

Acute gastroenteritis in children

Acute gastroenteritis is a common short-term illness. Although there are many studies testing probiotic use for acute gastroenteritis in children, the results are conflicting. One group of researchers from China recommends using the probiotic strains Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus rhamnosus either in combination or alone in otherwise healthy children to help with symptoms.

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Do Probiotics Do Any Good

Dr Chris van Tullekan sets out to discover whether probiotic products are really good for our health, and whether theres a cheaper and easier way to get health benefits through our gut bacteria.

Every year, we in the UK spend about three quarters of a billion pounds on probiotic products, which contain live bacteria that are supposed to boost our health. Our guts especially our large intestine are full of bacteria, fungi, viruses and other living organisms. In fact there are more of them than there are cells in the rest of our body, meaning that what we think of as our own bodies are more bacterium than human!

Your instant reaction might be to want to get rid of all these foreign bodies inside us, but actually they are vital to our wellbeing. They help us absorb nutrients from our food, metabolise drugs, and educate our immune system. Our own personal mix of gut bacteria makes us the person we are, and changing what bacteria we have can affect our health.

The idea of boosting bacteria that we know are good for our health has been around for a very long time, but actual scientific research on whether it works or not is still in its relatively early stages.

Although the probiotic companies claimed such health benefits for many years, now they have changed their advertising in Europe as the European Food Safety Authority ruled that not all these pieces of evidence are yet there.

Is Yakult Manufactured Of Cow Sperm

A person shared a screenshot of a Google Search snippet that promises Yakult is produced from cow sperm. This is absolutely untrue, and in all of the components of Yakult, cow sperm is not shown.

Other than this, Yakults a Pretty very good solution with an affordable value assortment, which retails for US$2.99 for every pack for five bottles of 80ml every single, and is quickly readily available at your closest Grocery Shop.

You want to have curd, Kimchi, or Yakult for your day-to-day dose of probiotics is up for you to make a decision!

In whichever type, make guaranteed you eat your each day dose of that Healthy Probiotic!

Also Check: Do Probiotics Help Keep You Regular

How Might Probiotics Work

Probiotics may have a variety of effects in the body, and different probiotics may act in different ways.

Probiotics might:

  • Help your body maintain a healthy community of microorganisms or help your bodyâs community of microorganisms return to a healthy condition after being disturbed
  • Produce substances that have desirable effects
  • Influence your bodyâs immune response.

Can They Boost Health

Are Probiotics Good for You? | Earth Lab

Some strains have been shown to help with GI complaints, some with immune function and some even have been shown to have benefits outside the intestinal tract, such as with vaginal health or eczema, says Gail Cresci, a Cleveland Clinic researcher who studies the microbiome. But there are few definitive conclusions from the current research.

One of the most common reasons people take probiotics is to help rebuild the microbiome after a course of antibiotics, because the drugs kill good bacteria along with the bad. But there may be a downside, according to a new study published in the journal Cell.

Surprisingly, our research found that the consumption of probiotics after antibiotics can actually delay the natural restoration of the gut microbiome, says Eran Elinav, an author of the study and a professor of immunology at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel.

Some experts think that probiotics may need to be personalized to be beneficial.

Another study by Elinav and his colleagues suggests that not everyones gut reacts the same way to probiotic pills. They studied samples of microbiomes from antibiotic users before and after they took supplements for four weeks. The good bacteria were found in the digestive tracts of some people. But in others, the bacteria were present only in stool samples, not in their digestive tracts, where theyre thought to be needed to improve health.

Also Check: The Best Probiotic For Yeast Infection

Probiotics Can Help Reduce Symptoms Of Certain Digestive Disorders

Over one million people in the US suffer from inflammatory bowel disease, including ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease .

Certain types of probiotics from the Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus strains have improved symptoms in people with mild ulcerative colitis .

Surprisingly, one study found that supplementing with the probiotic E. coli Nissle was just as effective as drugs in maintaining remission in people with ulcerative colitis (

31 ).

Nevertheless, probiotics may have benefits for other bowel disorders. Early research suggests they may help with symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome .

They have also been shown to reduce the risk of severe necrotizing enterocolitis by 50%. This is a fatal bowel condition that occurs in premature infants .

Bottom Line:

Probiotics may help reduce the symptoms of bowel disorders like ulcerative colitis, IBS and necrotizing enterocolitis.

Can I Take Or Eat Something To Increase The Good Probiotics In My Body

You can increase the amount of good microbes in your body through foods, drinks and supplements. You may already have certain foods in your daily diet that contain probiotics. Fermented foods in particular are home to a host of good bacteria that benefit your body. There are also fermented drinks like kombucha or kefir that introduce extra probiotics into your diet.

Apart from food, you can add probiotics to your diet through dietary supplements. These arent drugs, so they do not need to be approved by the Federal Drug Administration . Its important that you always talk to your healthcare provider before starting any kind of supplement or major change to your diet.

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Why Probiotic Drinks Are Everywhere

According to a Beverage Industry report, probiotic drinks and other “functional beverages” are the hottest bottled beverages to claim space in your grocer’s refrigerator section. Labels often claim “detoxifying” and “energy-boosting” benefits, which make them even more alluring.

While the FDA hasn’t approved any health claims for any probiotics, and these “good bacteria” aren’t considered essential to a person’s diet, probiotics have become important in maintaining a healthful gut and stronger immunity, says Jackie Newgent, R.D.N., C.D.N., author of The With or Without Meat Cookbook. “Probiotics help maintain the natural balance of organisms in our intestines and can help treat and potentially prevent GI issues such as diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, and those resulting from antibiotic treatment,” she says.

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